FYI: This collection won't be finished this month.

Super Smash Horror Stories

Story 2 of 8- The Nightmare Star

It was a murky night in Bowser's Kingdom, as usual. Minions were training for the next attack on Princess Peach's castle, but Lord Bowser himself was training for a more...personal reason.

"Keep going, Papa! You can do it!" Bowser Jr. cheered as his father, King 'Bowser' Koopa, continued to smash the false Marios in preparation for the upcoming Halloween Smash Tourney. "Yeah, YEAH! Only 250 left to go!"

"Son...can we please stop for a bit? A 1000-Mario Smash is probably gonna just tire me out..." Bowser then nearly collapsed, before Bowser Jr. helped him back up.

"No way, Pops! Mario's probably gonna win if you quit now! I've heard he's been training to his very limits..."


"Yeah, really! So get your tail back in there!"

"Son...there's no way I'll beat Mario. I've never, ever beaten him before...what makes you think I'll ever beat him?" Bowser then wandered away, outside of the castle, for some time alone.

"Dad! Don't be that way! You'll get him soon!" But Bowser refused to listen, and closed the door behind him as he looked up to the sky.

"...Every time, it'll always be the same...sometimes, I wish..." A shooting star came by, falling towards Bowser's Castle. "I wish I could beat Mario...and maybe take over the Mushroom Kingdom." Just as Bowser finished, however...the star crash-landed right next to him! "GAH! What the hell?! A shooting star landed on my castle...that NEVER happened before..." Bowser cautiously approached the star, fearing it may burn the flesh off his body from the heat it produced. However...when he touched it...

"GAH!" The star leapt up, frightened from its slumber. "Wh-where am I? Must've dozed off..." However, before the star could fly back to outer space, Bowser picked it up by the tip, and gazed at it.

"Hey, this is one of those wishing stars...isn't it?" Bowser wondered.

"Yes...well, sort of. Ya' see, I'm a Nightmare Star. I only grant the most demonic wishes. One heroic wish, and BLAMMO! Your chance is gone, and I take over with my OWN wish."

"Oh, really? Well, lucky for you, I'm an evil tyrant. Gimme a wish, and I'd ask for ultimate power!"

"As you wish, Bowser." The Nightmare Star then spiraled and swerved into the sky, before slamming down and absorbing into the Koopa King's body. "Now then, ultimate power, was it? Very well then...HERE YOU GO!" Bowser's body was electrified with an enormous quantity of energy, giving him a new, more demonic look. He grew about a foot taller. His arms and feet became much more muscular, and his eyes shifted to a fiery blue shade. For the final touch, his shell spikes became much sharper and venomous.

"WHOA...I feel...amazing!" Bowser said, astonished. "I can smell the pure demonic power welling within me...smells like barbecue, honestly. But that doesn't matter. What matters is...I've got ULTIMATE POWER!" Bowser then punched straight through the castle wall, startling all of his minions.

"Dad, what HAPPENED to you?! You look...AWESOME!" Bowser Jr. was amazed by his father's new power. "Where did you get all this...power?!"

"I guess your training worked, am I right?" Bowser lied, to please his son.

"Wow, we should train more often!"

"Um...I don't think we need to...Anyway, I gotta go."

"Go where, dad?"

"To finally marry my lovely Princess Peach, and to give that pesky plumber what-for." And with that, Bowser walked out of the castle, to do what he intended.

"So, Bowser..." The Nightmare Star asked, "Where do I find this 'lovely Princess Peach'?"

"Uh...isn't it obvious, 'supreme mastermind'? She's probably IN HER CASTLE! Sheesh, for a god of infinite power, you'd think he'd think once in a while..."

"Oh...probably shoulda thought about that. Anyway, off to Peach's Castle!" The dynamic duo then went towards Peach's Castle, to accomplish their goals.

Meanwhile, back at Bowser's Castle...

"Glad to see my training finally helped put him into shape." Bowser Jr. said to himself triumphantly. However, behind him, seven minions were headed for him.

They were the Koopalings.

"Say, Junior...think you could help me get into Smash?" Larry asked.

"Ha! Like you'd be any good!" Junior replied.

"We wouldn't be any good, huh? Well, what about this letter?" Roy asked. "It says, 'Roy, welcome to the Smashlands!"

"What?! Why'd you get an invitation and not me?!" Lemmy yelled angrily. The Koopalings then broke into a 7-Man Smash, each fighting over who would be in Smash. They fought and fought, until Junior couldn't take it anymore.

"OKAY, STOP!" Junior yelled. "If it'll make you guys STOP FIGHTING, I'll train all of you, okay?"

"Sounds great!" The Koopalings said in unison.

"The things I do for these people..."

"Okay, so take one last left, and we should be there." Bowser directed. "Although I'm still not sure why you're controlling my body. Doesn't really make much sense..."

"Hey, do you want the power, or not?" The Nightmare Star replied, which made Bowser shut his trap before things got worse. However, the trap-shutting didn't last long, as the demonic duo had finally reached their destination. "At last, we're here! Now, how should we enter? I'm thinking...break the wall down."

"Good plan." Bowser replied, and they prepared their attack.

Meanwhile, inside of the castle, the Toads, who were the loyal mushroom servants of Princess Peach, were preparing a party for Halloween.

"Gee, Toadsworth...are you sure it's okay to throw a party while Peach is away?" Toad asked.

"Relax, my boy." Toadsworth replied. "There's no way this'll go wrong. Trust me." However, as soon as Toadsworth had reassured the fellow Toad...

"BOOM!" Bowser burst through the wall, scaring Toadsworth half to death.

"GOOD LORD!" Toadsworth yelled in surprise. "Wh-what're you doing here, Bowser? And when did you get so...freakishly large?"

"I've been training with my son. Anyway, I'M HERE FOR MY PRINCESS! So hand her over...or I'll use my powers for a more devilish cause than slaughtering a wall...

"BWAHAHAHA!" A Toad burst out laughing, and couldn't seem to stop.

"What's so funny, you RUNT?!" Bowser bellowed at the chortling Toad.

"'s just...the in another castle! GAHAHAHAHA!" This remark caused Bowser to turn red in anger, and he picked up Toad, clenching him as tightly as possible.

"First off, that wasn't clever. Secondly...WHERE IS SHE?!"

"If I may chip in," Toadsworth said, "She's not in another castle...More like another location."

"WHAT?!" Bowser's fist tightened even more, so much so that the Toad he was holding's head popped right off.

"She's out in Acorn Plains with Mario."

"Typical." Bowser said, bored with the situation at this point. "Come on Nightmare Star, let's go." And with that, they were off.

"Wait...The Nightmare Star?!" Toadsworth shouted in fear. "Oh boy... Something wretched shall come his way..."

"You know, Princess..." Mario said, sitting next to Peach on a hill. "I've been meaning to ask you this for a long time..."

"Oh? What is it, Mario?" Peach replied, interested.

" see...I've always admired you. You make me feel as if I had infinite lives, that there are almost no cares in the world...That being said...Princess Toadstool Peach...will you marry me?" Mario then held out a diamond ring, with a tear dripping from his eye.

"Oh, Mario...I'd be honored!" Peach replied, but just as she was about to take the ring...

"I wouldn't do that, my lovely." A grizzly, inhuman voice spouted. Mario and Peach then turned around, when they saw the humongous Bowser-Star Fusion.

"Bowser...What-a the HELL happened to you?! You look...repulsive!"

"What happened? WHAT HAPPENED?! GWAHAHAHAAAA! I got a bit of star power, that's what happened!"

The Nightmare Star then added in, "Yes...and with this lovely princess...I shall marry her and RULE the kingdom!"

"What was that? Some sort of Demon Star?" Mario asked. "Eh, doesn't matter. As the story always goes, you're destined to lose, Bowser!" He was about to punch Bowser, when suddenly...

"WHAT?!" The Nightmare Star flew out of Bowser, emitting a shockwave that knocked Mario back. "YOU DIDN'T TELL ME YOU ALWAYS LOSE!" He yelled, slapping the back-to-normal Bowser in the face.

"Well, I, uh..." Bowser was at a loss for words.

"SERIOUSLY! If you've NEVER won, WHAT'S THE POINT of helping you now?! This plumber's probably fought off evil beings of infinite power multiple times before!"

"Um..about 5 times, actually..." Mario chipped in.

"Enough with this pathetic villain...Time for a more...divine approach." The Nightmare Star shimmered and spiraled high into the sky, before flying straight into Princess Peach, possessing her.

"DAMN IT, BOWSER! I could've married the princess if YOU hadn't come along!" Mario yelled.

"We'll settle this later...for now...I think we should run."


"That's why." Bowser pointed at the now possessed Peach. Her dress turned pitch-black, and her face turned a pale white. Her crown became jagged, and her gloves filled with a tremendous amount of power.

"You've got a point there. Bowser." Mario replied, before the two ran off, to prevent their death.

"RUN ALL YOU WANT, YOU'LL DIE SOONER OR LATER!" The Nightmare Peach declared, and she flew after the unlikely team.

"So, what's the plan, pudgy?" Bowser asked.

"You want MY plan?" Mario asked.


"How about hiding off in your castle? It'll keep us safe for long enough..."

"Um, yeah...about that... I sorta broke through my castle wall earlier... trying out my powers and whatnot..."

"You IDIOT! Now where'll we go?!"

"I don't know! Warn the Toads! They're supposed to be guardians, right?!"

"Yeah...but they're PEACH's guardians! If they see Peach possessed, they'll still obey her every whim!"

"Good Point. So, what now?" Bowser asked. However, his question would soon be answered.

"What now?!" The Nightmare Star replied. "WHAT NOW?! You're gonna become my slaves, that's 'what now'! HAHAHAHAHA!" The Nightmare Star then stretched its magical boundaries into Mario, possessing him at the same time as Peach.

"Mario, NO! Never thought I'd say that..."

"Don't worry, Bowser...he won't be gone for long..." The Nightmare Star then continued to possess things, and took control of Bowser!"

"No! You can't control me! I'll only fight back!"

"That's the thing, Bowser...the only thing different between then and that now...You're my corpse-puppet!" The Nightmare Star then reached it magical grasp into Bowser's head, and destroyed his brain, leaving him as a corpse puppet. "At last...the main trio is under my control...The rest of the Kingdom shall be a cinch!"

And that it was...Using the main 3's now lifeless bodies, not only was The Nightmare Star able to fool Peach and Bowser's armies into becoming his slaves, but everyone else within the land as well...That included Luigi, Daisy, even Toadsworth...all parts of The Nightmare Star's unstoppable army. Nobody could stop the Nightmare Star. And this overtaking was definite proof of that.

"At last, the mine!" The Nightmare Star declared gleefully. "Ain't that right, my loyal minions?"

"Yes, Lord Star." The minions all replied, with a dead, lifeless tone.

"And you all know damn well why nobody messes with the Nightmare Star, right, my loyal minions?"

"Yes, Lord Star."

"And you won't respond to anyone, anywhere, ANYHOW, unless it's with those 3 words, right, my loyal minions?!"

"Yes, Lord Star."

"Excellent, EXCELLENT! Now that this kingdom has been taken over, it's time to shift into my next phase...GWAHAHAHA!"

The End?

This is not the last you'll see of the Nightmare Star. You'll see him in another tale, away and far.

Not just Halloween, this fanfic's based, but horror in general shall be faced.

If you want a hint for the next horror carol, its name, in fact, is Rip Van Barrel.