Cooking with Leopardstar!

Episode Two: Willowshine's Advice

Stonefur gestured at the she-cat with his paw. He was holding his Catphone 5, scrolling through their cooking show's Facepaw page. His face was lit up by not only the screen's light but also the joy he got from reading the words on the screen.

Leopardstar padded over to her cameracat. She titled her head and read the screen for herself. She stood up straight, her fur bristling.

"Leopardstar?" Stonefur looked up at her.

"They... they..." Big orbs of salty tears formed at the corners of her amber eyes.


"They... THEY LOVE US!" The golden anthro cat leapt into the air, her paws waving happily. "Hurry up! We have phonecalls to make!"

5 phonecalls later...

Leopardstar shifted around in her red plastic chair. She gazed into the angry eyes of her fellow RiverClanner, Willowshine.

"Thank you for coming on my show," Leopardstar held out her paw across the table.

Willowshine rolled her eyes and sat back in her chair leaving Leopardstar without a paw to shake. "It's a pleasure to be here," the medicine cat meowed sarcastically.

"Er, yes, well," the golden tabby chef drew back her paw. She wiped the sweat off on her apron, but with the camera rolling and Willowshine's discontempt, her whole body took on a slick sweat. "I don't suppose you want to tell us what's the matter?"

Willowshine tossed her silver braid behind her shoulders. "Well! You asked Jayfeather to be your special guest, but that fox-heart declined, so the onlyyy available medicine cat was me. I'm alwaaayys second pick!"

Leopardstar flattened her ears against her head embarrassedly. "Yes, I asked Jayfeather, but then I asked Littlecloud, Kestrelflight, and even Cinderheart. You were the only one home alone for the holidays..."

"Ugh!" The silver cat threw her paws up in the air in a fury.

The mottled she-cat glanced at Stonefur. The blue-gray tom only shrugged in return.

"Whatever," Willowshine huffed. "Why am I here?"

"Today our viewers would like to know how to cure a burn," Leopardstar tapped her claws nervously on the shiny surface of the table.

"What kind of burn?" Willowshine's tail twitched irritably. "There's fire burns, steam burns, stove-top burns, dis burns, ice burns, oil burns..."

"Well..." Leopardstar looked at her tail which was scorched in the first episode. "Let's start with fire buns. I mean burns,"



"Use water; it douses the flame." Willowshine mewed plainly.

"How about steam burns?"

"How about get your paws away from the steam?"

Leopardstar cocked a brow and glanced at the camera from the corners of her amber eyes.

Clearing her throat, the tabby tried to explain herself. "No, no, Willowshine. You're confused. What I meant was-"

"No! You're confused," the other she-cat growled.

"Break," Stonefur called out, powering down the camera. "Three minutes."

"Finally!" Willowshine stood up. The fuming medicine cat padded over to the freezer. "Tell me when the break's over." She stepped into the frigid container and closed the door.

Stonefur shook his head and walked over to Leopardstar as their guest locked herself in the freezer.

"I knew we should have invited Mothflight!" Leopardstar wailed, throwing her paws in the air dramatically.

Stonefur shook his head. "I'm sure we can get Willowshine to cooperate."

"It doesn't matter," Leopardstar wiped her forehead with a paw. "Hardly anyone watches us."

"This is only our second episode, and we have a lot of really good reviews."

"Only ninety actual views, Stonefur. This could very well be our last episode!" She wailed.

"Shut up," a muffled voice meowed from the freezer.

Stonefur sighed, closing his blue eyes in hope to see a solution in the darkness. His eyes burst open. He pulled out his Catphone5. "Let's go to Facepaw and see what our viewers think."

"Again?" She muttered. She knew she had many wonderful reviews. Tigerstar had offered her a chance for more power once, and because she always wants more she took it. More views. Without them Clanwide TV might kick her off the network. "Willowshine's going to ruin us."

Stonefur flipped through the pages on his phone's internet. "Aha!" He held out his phone to Leopardstar.

The distraught anthro took the phone. She narrowed her eyes as she reread the comments. She smiled and was reminded of how people did watch her show. She wasn't a complete failure.

Her reviews were so nice! "Can't wait for a new episode!" Three of them said. "So cute! Don't cry, Leopardstar! You're great!" And a few others said that she and Stonefur were in a ship. That was confusing because she was a RiverClanner and didn't need a ship or boat.

"Break's over in thirty seconds," Stonefur reminded her.

The she-cat went over to the freezer. She opened the door and a frozen Willowshine fell out and crashed onto the floor.


A/N: Oh my StarClan. Sorry for the wait! It's over three months. Willowshine's body split in half when she fell by the way... Suggestions for recipes or guests?