Chapter 1:
"IT"S MY BIRTHRIGHT RIGHT!" Loki yelled at his father
"YOUR BIRTHRIGHT WAS TO DIE! As a child" Odin yelled to Loki's silent form
Even from a distance he could feel the anger radientaning off of his youngest son.
"It is because of Frigga you are not sentenced to death, and you will never see her again. You will remain the rest of your days in the dungeon."
With a nod to the guards, they began to pull away a shocked face Loki. Odin wanted desperately to help his son, but the good of Asgard came first, his son had to be punished. As Loki began to turn away from his father and allow the guards to take him away a scream filled the great halls. One by one figures appeared in the hall.
"THOR! What is the meaning of this?!"
"I do not know father but I intend to find out"
"Loki-"Frigga began
"It is not I no matter what you think mother"
All of a sudden the Great Hall was covered in Ice, covering every inch and floor.
"What in the-"
Several screams entwined filled the room, bouncing off the walls until finally a blinding light made everyone turn away. Once the heat of the light and the chill of the frost disappeared in its place were six children laying motionless on the ground. For a moment there was nothing but silence as everyone watched the children's skin change, from a dark blue with interact swirls to pale flesh.
"Guards! Take these children to the healing rooms now!" Frigga's voice commanded
The children were taken away as still no one voiced what was on everyone's mind.
"Who are these children?"