The Doctor opened the TARDIS doors with a flourish and set his trainer-clad foot on the fine sand in the sizzling afternoon sun. Rose followed him suit after seeing the incredibly blue sky and feeling the rush of warm air that greeted her.

"Welcome to one of Earth's richest countries when it comes to history and culture!" ,the Doctor exclaimed, grinning from ear to ear.

After a long chat in the TARDIS library the other evening he had found out that Rose, much to his disappointment had never heard of the many cultural wonders that countries in Africa or the Middle East could offer. Her reasoning as for why had been very conclusive of course, with conflict in many regions rearing their ugly head time and time again. Still he was one never turning down any opportunity for education and therefore had decided to make use of his time machine and bring her back to the high point of Persia with traders bringing wealth back to their home from all over the world.

"This, Rose, is Isfahan! It's one of the biggest cities in the country and certainly one on the most interesting ones. We should go and see the market later on, they've got goods from all over the world since Europeans and Asians trading with each other by land will have to travel through the city. There are at least two hundred caravans passing through here every day."

She couldn't help but marvel at the bustling activity in the narrow streets between buildings with beautiful ornaments all over their façade. People dressed in gowns in all colours and decorated with intricate patterns were weaving though the throng of people to get from one market stall to the next. Some of the were haggling loudly with each other until they shook hands, laughed good naturedly and passed money and goods from one to the next.

The Doctor continued his rambling explanations about the city, the culture and different well known people. He seemed very impressed by their scientific advances, especially the ones in medicine. Even though Rose had really no idea what he meant by all those ground breaking discoveries she could tell they made a difference to the people. After she had accompanied the Doctor to several medieval European countries she had been repulsed by the conditions in which most people lived. Here everything seemed in order, the streets were clean and the people seemed healthy enough considering the time in which the lived.

They visited several markets where Rose got souvenirs for her mother and were even allowed inside a mosque during prayer. Everyone seemed very open toward the newcomers and they had to turn down at least three offer for tea after they had already enjoyed a delicious meal of couscous cooked with all sorts of spices and little pieces of lamb strewn into it.

Just as the sun began to set and Rose was starting to hope for a little rest in the TARDIS the Doctor asked her to visit one last place in the city.

When they arrived at the "hospital" which he called Madrassa Rose was in awe. This was definitely better than anything the NHS could offer. The Doctor seemed to notice her awe-struck expression and winked at her.

"You could call it a fortress of modern science and progress! Actually it was built by a sultan but it isn't run by him. Ibn Sina is what one could call the headmaster of the university. He is a universally educated man but he's best known for his seemingly magical healing of an epidemic in the city. "

"Really? What did he do? I bet it was something alien and weird if you look into it!", Rose started teasing.

The Doctor only rolled his eyes:" You seem to have a very prejudiced opinion of me. I know that he really just discovered that rats aren't really the best and healthiest pets to have at home but I still want to meet him and see how he gets on."

"And out thought your name was just for show!", Rose giggled. "Oi, I'll have you know that I studied under medicine under about twelve universally famous doctors and I was top of the class in alien health and healing on Gallifrey!" All of a sudden his eyes started sort of glazing over and he seemed very distant. Just as Rose started to lift her hand to put it comfortingly on his shoulder he blinked and the moment was gone. His usually so impeccable façade of pure glee and a nearly maniac energy was broken for just a tiny second yet it was enough for Rose to see the damage that would never really be gone.

Now it was his turn to look confused. She hadn't noticed that he'd offered her his hand right after he had snapped out of his musing. He was wriggling it impatiently by her side. As she took it they looked at each other. His gaze was tender and his eyes soft. A silent exchange of thankfulness and a promise they knew Rose would never be able to keep took place between them.

"Time to move on!", the Doctor exclaimed gleefully. With renewed enthusiasm they both started walking up to the huge portal isolating the ones in need of healing from the ones hoping to never have to rely on skills of Ibn Sina.