I don't think I need to say much at this point. Tonight is the night that everything happens, you're officially caught up. Now, you might be saying, we already know how it ends. And yeah, you do. Well, sort of. You know part of it. But there's still some things left that are important. The sex, obviously, which happens to be my favorite part. I'm a pervert, of course it is. But it's not just sex…well, I won't spoil it. Let's just continue where we left off.
The walk back home was quiet. It had to be almost three in the morning, we were the only ones out. We climbed through my window, I sat on my bed while Grimmjow nearly collapsed into my desk chair. We both had grim expressions, eyes hazy from drugs and alcohol. Despite that, I felt pretty sober. This situation was just too serious to feel fucked up. Well, I still felt fucked up, just in a different way. What had Grimmjow and I done? The guy's like my brother, so then why do I feel…different? Brothers don't kiss. Brothers don't have sex with other people together. Brothers don't fuck each other, or do whatever the hell we did. Neither do friends. So then what are we now? Especially since he likes me…
"Are you sure about this? I mean…it's a lot, Ichigo." Grimmjow says, and I can hear the hesitancy. He's probably thinking if he tells me, I'll hate him or something. I really don't know how I'll feel at the end of this. I'm already so confused…which is why I have to know everything.
"Just tell me. I remember us kissing…" I trailed off, nearly blushing at the memory. I had actually been checking Grimmjow out while he fucked Yoruichi. And he knew it, too, yet he didn't say anything. Then when we finally did kiss…I…Shit, I came just from kissing him? Does that mean I like him? Ugh! I'm making it more complicated for myself!
"Yeah..well, shit started happening immediately after that. I don't know how you always pick the perfect time to black out." Grimmjow sighed, running a hand through his messed up hair. He looked uncomfortable, but I was too. This was pretty awkward. It's like asking someone 'Oh hey, I know you're my friend and all, but I kinda need you to tell me in detail what we did to each other while I lost control of myself. That's cool, right?' Except it's totally not fucking cool.
"I wouldn't call it perfect." I reply, though he was kind of right. But I wished I would have just remembered it myself. Things would be different right now…sort of. I don't know, actually. "So what happened?"
"Well…we pretty much decided to say fuck you to Shinji and Yoruichi, though I don't think they cared. They just watched the whole time and probably took pictures…fuck, I didn't even think about that. Anyways, we started…doing shit. Kissing and stuff. You were really out of it and I was right behind you. You..uh…you started…"
"Did I suck you off, or was it the other way around? Shinji mentioned that." I say, since he was clearly having problems continuing. He was openly blushing now, as was I, and I'm pretty sure I've never seen him like this. In another situation, I would take the time to enjoy it. But not now.
"You…did it to me. I started…touching you." Grimmjow cleared his throat, becoming more and more uncomfortable.
"You jerked me off, then. What else happened?"
"We both came, kept going like that until we came again, and then you got on top of me. You were saying crazy shit, you had no idea what was going on. You said you wanted me to fuck you. We were about to, but then you finally passed out. I kicked Shinji and Yoruichi out, got dressed, fixed you up and carried you home. Or..that's the gist of what happened, I can't remember much after you passing out."
"So..we didn't have sex. That's..good." I say, finding some relief in that fact. But still, I sucked him off twice, and he…I can't believe it. How the fuck did all of this happen? Everything's changed now. Grimmjow likes me…We still need to figure that out, too. Are we still gonna be friends? Do I like him back? I must feel something for him, after everything. I've kissed him how many times? I had his dick in my mouth, for fuck's sake. And despite everything, I don't want to lose him. I know I feel something…
"Yeah, I know. Look, Ichigo, I'm…really sorry about all of this. I've kept too much shit from you over this last month and I've done shit to you while you were out of it. I took advantage of you. And now…I just, I don't know. Everything's ruined." He said, looking down at his feet dejectedly. I felt a pang of sadness in my heart at seeing him like this.
"Everything's not ruined." I say, and he snaps his head up to look at me. "We've been tight since we were kids, Grimmjow. You're the only person I trust with my fucking life. You're like family…Just a different kind, now. I can't really look at you like a brother anymore, or a friend. But I really don't want to lose you. So…you have to be something, right?"
"Ichigo…what are you saying?" He asks cautiously, and I can see the hope in his eyes. I want to give him hope, but how can I when I'm still unsure?
"I don't know…Things are different, I can't deny that. I just don't know what kind of different. I'm…confused."
He looks like he wants to smile, but holds it back, and then suddenly looks serious again. "Let me help you, then. If you don't know how you feel, I'll show you at least how I feel about you, and maybe it will help. I can't lose you either, Ichi. Especially after everything."
"What do you mean?" I ask, feeling suddenly nervous, but in a good way. He stands and kicks off his shoes, sitting next to me on my bed. I know damn well what he means, but I want to hear him say it. I know Grimmjow. His actions speak louder than his words. If he loves me, he'll show it the only way he knows how, and it's something he's damn good at by now.
"Let's have sex. I'll show you how I feel, and if you end up not feeling the same…we'll figure something out. Just…just let me try, okay?" He sounds desperate, something I'm not used to but I understand. I'm like him, anyways. If I want to show a guy or a girl how I feel, sex is the answer. We're both terrible with words. I don't have a problem with this, even though this time it's Grimmjow. Guess that's another give away that I like him too. But I have to be sure…and I'm not turning down sex with Grimmjow. Everyone else has gotten a taste, now it's my turn.
"Okay." I nod in agreement, feeling a little jittery from being so nervous. But when he kisses me, it doesn't feel weird. It never really has, come to think of it. It almost feels natural. This is the first time we've done this alone, and the most sober, yet it feels the same as before. It feels pretty damn good. He starts taking off my clothes and I do the same to him, taking time to appreciate his body. I've never really had the chance to be this close to it before and actually remember it. I reach down to unzip his pants and find that he's already hard.
"Sorry, you're just too sexy for your own good." He says with a smirk, causing me to scoff and look away with a blush.
"I thought you didn't like talking during sex."
"This is different." He says, and I can't help but agree with him. I've had sex with a lot of people, but it's never really made me feel like this. Even when I finally had my chance with Shuuhei, I wasn't this…happy. We finally manage to take off all of our clothes and then he pushed me onto my back, my head resting on my pillow. He kisses me slowly, but there's the familiar roughness behind it that Grimmjow always has. His hand runs through my hair while the other holds up his body, our cocks rubbing against each other. I'm hard by now and I know he fucking loves how easy it was to get me here.
He breaks the kiss and puts two fingers against my lips. I take them into my mouth and suck on them, tongue running over the tips to tease him. He growls, voice low and harsh, and grinds his hips against mine. I moan at the friction it creates and watch how his eyes darken. I've always liked his eyes, there are so many shades of blue and they display his emotions easily. Or maybe I'm just good at reading them.
"Fuck, you really are a tease." He says, biting his lip as my tongue coats each finger with spit. He takes them out and reaches for my ass, and then starts prepping me slowly. I arch as his finger enters me, used to the feeling yet loving the way he does it. I've seen Grimmjow in action, and he isn't gentle. Yet he's doing it for me. Not that I need it, but damn does it feel good.
"Is that a well-known fact?" I ask, wondering what Grimmjow has heard about me. God knows how many things people have told me about him.
"Actually yeah, it is, and you were a tease that night too. Took your time sucking my dick, it was fucking torture." He says, and my body heats up at the way he talks. "I've heard you like dirty talk too, but that's a lesser known fact."
"Well it's fucking true." I growl, the sound turning into a moan as he inserts another finger and begins scissoring me. "I've heard plenty about you too. Like that you like it rough." I say, running my nails down his back and bucking my hips. He groans and I feel him shiver, fingers slamming into me harder than before. I gasp, loving the way he finger fucks me, finding my prostate all too easily.
"I also like giving it rough, and you enjoy it."
"No one ever does it right." I say, grinning as his fingers continue hitting my spot over and over.
"We'll have to fix that, won't we?" He asks, removing his fingers and positioning himself at my entrance. Without hesitating he slams into me and I have to cover my mouth to stifle the sudden moan. Jesus Christ, he's fucking good. He has less experience with guys than I do and he's already fucking perfect at it. Nobody's ever made me feel this good. "Fuck, you're tight, even after years of taking it up the ass."
"Fuck you, I fucking better be tight." I say, having the decency to blush. Did he assume I was a loose whore or something? I mean…okay, maybe a little. I'm kinda surprised I'm still tight. That's good though, I wanna be tight for him.
"You might not be when I'm done with you." He says, pulling out only to slam back into me. I cry out again, hoping to God we don't wake someone up. This would be awkward to explain.
"Are you saying you're going to be done with me at some point?" I say, slightly breathless from his administrations. He suddenly stops, smirks at me, and then goes at an agonizingly slow pace. He kisses me gently, tongue entering my mouth and sliding against mine. The way he's being so slow and gentle sends powerful, hot waves of desire straight towards my already throbbing cock.
"Let me think about that.." He says, sliding out of me all the way only to push back in, still going slow as fuck. I almost whine, needing more. "Nah, you feel better than anything I've ever had. I'm never gonna be done. That is unless you want me to be."
"Fuck no, you're the only fucking person who knows what the fuck to do, now go fucking faster!"
"Damn, someone's got quite the vocabulary. Didn't you pass English?" He says, clearly waiting for me to beg. And damn, I like someone who makes me beg.
"Grimmjow," I damn near whine, gripping his shoulders and arching into him, "Faster, please!"
"Shit." He says, looking surprised that I actually did it. He then resumes slamming into me mercilessly, leaning in to bite at my neck. I hold onto him for dear life as he fucks me so hard I wonder if my bed can take it. At this rate I won't last long. I've never had someone bring me this close so fast. I wrap my legs around his hips, moaning like a fucking slut and loving every second of it. "You're fucking perfect, Ichigo." He says, voice low next to my ear. I shiver at the way he says my name.
"I could say the same for you. Keep it up and I'm going to fucking explode."
"Good, cause I'm about there too." He says, looking into my eyes and holding my hands above my head. To think I'm actually having sex with Grimmjow. But looking into his familiar eyes, I know it's true. And I know how I feel now.
"Grimmjow, I don't want this to end." I say, and he looks confused for a moment. "What, you don't wanna come yet? I can fix that."
"No, stupid, I mean this. Us being together like this."
"So you like me back?" He asks, looking like the cute, hopeful idiot he is. I roll my eyes and smile, pulling him in for a kiss. "I don't like you, Grimm, I love you." I say, gasping as his thrusts become erratic. "And I'm about to fucking come."
"Heh, love you too. Now come for me already." The fact that Grimmjow actually said it out loud is what drove me over the edge. I've never heard Grimmjow say that before, because he's never loved anyone. To think, he finally said it, to me. He fills me up with his hot come and pulls out, leaving a mess behind. He rolls off and lays next to me, trying to recover his breath.
"You look hot when you come." I say, looking at him with a smirk. He laughs and smacks me in the head, looking more sated than I've ever seen him.
"Back at ya." He replies, and we lay there like that for what seems like forever. I feel myself getting sleepy, knowing it's probably really late.
"Should we even try to hide this? Dad's going to come in here when he wakes up." I ask, wondering how my family will take this. It's a bit of a shock, for sure.
"I'm sure they already know something's up, Ichi. Your bed isn't quiet and neither are you."
"Shut up! It's not my fault you're so fucking good. I've never felt like this before." I say with a blush, hoping I didn't just wake everyone up.
"I know what you mean. I feel like I've been trying to find the person who will actually satisfy me, but it's been you all along. Who woulda thought?" He says with a chuckle, pulling me into his arms. I'm happy to know he feels the same, and that I actually satisfied him. I don't even care what anyone will say about this, I'm happy and so is he, that's all that matters.
"Oi, you falling asleep on me?" He asks, and I only manage to grunt in response. Grimmjow is warm and really comfortable and I've had an exhausting day. "Che, cute. Night then, my little berry."
When we woke up, it was to my Dad passed out on the floor and my sisters trying not to laugh at us. They accepted it, of course, because they love us. Our friends were shocked but they didn't treat us any different. We still went to Shinji's parties and got fucked up, but instead of trying to fuck whoever was willing, we would always sneak away and fuck each other. It was the first time both of us ever felt complete. I'm sure you want to know what happened after that, right? Well…
"Oi, the hell you writing over there, Ichi?" Grimmjow asked, having been watching his lover for quite some time. He looked over Ichigo's shoulder and read a few sentences, eyes widening in realization. "Why are you writing about that? Not that I mind…It's a great story."
It's been twenty-three years since then, and we're still together. We moved out a few years after graduating and got a nice little apartment. I went to school and followed in my Dad's footsteps to become a Doctor, and Grimmjow owns his own bar, believe it or not. He's interested in business and wants to go back to school.
"I don't know, I just felt like writing it down. Might even try to get it published. People love a good angsty porno, right?" Ichigo says with a laugh, not quite sure why he felt the need to write down his best memory. "If we ever adopt a kid, I just…want to tell them this story. A cleaner version, of course."
We got married about eight years ago and have been living happily together as a couple. We weren't sure if we would make it this long at first, everyone says high school romances never make it. But we did. I've known him all my life, it just seems right to be with him like this.
"Heh, good luck making that clean. Did you mention how much you like my cock? That's important." Grimmjow said, kissing Ichigo on the neck. Ichigo blushed, even after all these years of dealing with Grimmjow.
"Shut up, you egotistical bastard."
"Aw, don't be like that. You know it's true." He says, playing with Ichigo's longer orange hair.
"Just like I had you begging for mine last night?"
"Damn right. I'll do it again right now."
We're not the same crazy kids as we used to be, of course, but our personalities haven't changed that much. We're mature, obviously, but we still enjoy sex just as much as before. We still joke around and swear like teenagers, but we're happy, and that's always the most important thing.
Ichigo closed the notebook and set down his pencil, deciding to take a break and humor his husband. Grimmjow noticed the title Ichigo scribbled on with a sharpie and raised an eyebrow.
"Why did you call it Questions?" He asked, climbing over the couch to lay on top of Ichigo.
The orangenette grunted at Grimmjow's weight, "Because I had a lot of them back then. It felt like the entire last few months of senior year were filled with them. But I got my answers now."
"Oh, do you? What are they?" Grimmjow asked with a knowing grin, as if he hadn't asked Ichigo a million times already. He just liked hearing it.
"That I love you and you love me, and that's all that matters." Ichigo answered, shaking his head at his idiotic lover who grinned back at him. "Now shut up and take me to bed."
"You're damn fucking right I'll take you to bed."
Grimmjow picked Ichigo up bridal style and carried him to their room, leaving behind the notebook filled with the story of their lives. He had no idea why Ichigo decided to write everything down, but he was grateful for it, because it was the best memory he had. And maybe someday they could retell it to their child, avoiding all of the bad parts and keeping it simple. Or maybe they would just wait until their kid was old enough. Either way, Grimmjow hoped it would happen.
Even if it didn't, he would still read it over and over again, treasuring it with Ichigo until one day they died together.
Aaaaaaand END! Well, I never planned on writing such a sentimental ending for this story, but here we are. I'm just glad I finally finished this. I actually wrote this like forever ago and had it posted but thanks to the damn admins it got taken down. I'm still hoping they don't do it again. If they do, I'll have to post it again. Ugh -_- Anyways, review and all that good stuff.