The night was silent, save for the piercing roar echoing through the forest.

Escape. That was the only thought in my mind.

Shaking my head, I ignored the roars, instead opting to take a turn deeper into the forest. It was quite possibly the only way I would be able to escape Ridley.

My plan to resurrect Pit had failed. Unfortunately, I had underestimated the security of the Trophy Prisons. Here I was thinking that the prison would just be a cage guarded by a couple of minor troops. Little did I know that the Corrupted themselves had come to protect the imprisoned trophies.

I had quickly taken another turn, spotting a small canyon and diving into it.

My legs gave out from under me as I hit the bottom, prompting a yell of pain from myself.

My eyes widened in realization at the thought of my death. This... This was a giant space dragon that was out there. What had given me the idea to rush blindly into there?

The thoughts coursing through my mind were promptly interrupted by a loud roar.

I shifted my gaze upwards, seeing the head of a giant dragon staring right at me.

Panic quickly began to course through me, yet only then did I realize something: Ridley couldn't fit.

A grin had begun to pass on my face. "What's the matter, fatty?" I chuckled. "Are you too big to fit the hole?"

The dragon roared in fury, again jamming it's head into the hole.

I fold my arms, still staring at it. "Hah. You're nothing but an oversized gecko."

I could feel the dragon's stare burning against my face. Yet only a few seconds later did I see the glowing orb forming between it's jaws.

"Oh. Right." I groan. "A gecko that can breathe fire."

I quickly dived away, narrowly dodging the plasma breath.

"Crap." It was then that I had realized that I stood no chance in the shelter. If I wanted to defeat Ridley, I was going to have to get out of the canyon.

That's actually easier done than said.

I quickly balled my hands into a fist.

"Ventum!" I yelled, feeling my weight suddenly disappear from within me. I quickly propelled myself from the ground, quickly exiting the canyon and landing in the clearing beside it.

My weight returning, I looked up toward the angered dragon. "Now THIS is an even fight..."

Ridley quickly swooped toward me, prompting me to roll away.

"Ignis!" I yelled, quickly bursting into flames and gliding toward the dragon.

I collide with it, the force propelling me backwards and back onto the ground.

"Hah, feel that?!" I chuckle. "It's the sound of your..."

I paused. Ridley didn't even get a scratch on him.

"Oh daaaaaaaaaammmi-!"

The space dragon swooped toward me, swiftly grabbing me and slamming me into the ground.

I feel the breath knocked out of my lungs, and my sight begins to become blurred. All I am able to see is a forming ball of light where Ridley's head is.

"Nooooooo... Not the... Plasma... Breath..." I gasp.

I closed my eyes, bracing myself for my demise.

Yet not a second had passed before I had begun to hear a low hum.

I peeked open an eye, spotting a large clear circle forming in the sky. The circle was almost window-like. Crystalline. Clear. It was as if it was a screen.

Just as the circle had fully completed, a shadow had swiftly exited from the window.

Ridley ceased the formation of his plasma breath, instead focusing his attention on the new arrival.

It turned it's head in all directions, unable to spot the shadow. Eventually giving up, it focused it's attention back onto me. It cocked back it's head, opening it's jaws in an almost crazed manner. Crushing my skull in an attempt to finish me. Of course. It's happened far too much to many of the other rebels.

I close my eyes, awaiting the pain.

Yet my acceptance is interrupted by a loud metal slash.

My eyes open just in time to see the wave of Shadow Bugs flowing towards me.

I scream, quickly trying to pry myself from Ridley's grasp. Luckily, I am just strong enough to free myself.

"S-Sh-Shadow Bugs?! What the-?!" I mutter to myself.

I inspect the body of the fallen dragon once more, eventually putting two and two together.

"Wait... That Ridley.. Wasn't the real Ridley?" I ask myself.

"What did you expect?" I jump back, quickly darting my head toward the new voice. I eventually relax upon seeing who it is.

"A-Ah, Commander Shade, sir." I sigh. "T-T-Thanks for saving me back there..." Shade. Or at least that's what he goes by. Sakurai knows what he used to go by. He's one of the highest ranking rebels. Unlike a lot of the other... Colorful... Faces here, he prefers to wear black. A lot. And by that, I mean that he wears nothing but black armor. Yet he wasn't accepted into the Smash for his appearance. He was accepted due to his unique ability: that to create and manipulate portals. And that skill has saved his life and others' multiple times.

"I would not need to save you if you were not so reckless." He comes from an RPG, similarly to me. Unfortunately for him, his wasn't that lighthearted or adventurous like mine was. He tends to rely on swords, similarly to a lot of others Smashers. I, on the other hand, am unarmed.

I shake my head. "Look. After I managed to defeat Roy in that one match, I figured I was strong enough to work on my own..."

"That match was a training session. Roy was holding back on you."

I open my mouth in protest, yet eventually close it. He was right. "I-I'm sorry... I got... I got a bit carried away, okay?"

Shade shakes his head. "A little 'carried away'?" he frowns. "You almost died. And Sakurai forbid I have had that happen enough."

He turns around toward the other side of the clearing. "Look, now is not the time for a chat. We must return to the headquarters before reinforcements come." Shade holds an open palm out toward the clearing, a doorway-sized hole eventually forming in front of him. He turns toward me. "Come."

I nod, watching him step into the portal. Just as I reach it, I look back toward the decaying figure of Ridley.

How has the Subspace Army become so powerful?

A/N: Whew! A story I feel a bit more proud of! I'm glad of what I've accomplished so far!

Oh, and if the summary didn't already say it: This is a SYOC story... Sort of. It's not required. I can make OCs without your submissions. But your ideas would probably help a lot more.

Anyways, this is the basic form. PM me about it, or if you don't have an account, just write your character as a review.



Species (Could even be a new Pokemon, if you want it to. If made up, specify.):


Age/Year of Origin:

(Optional) Genre of Origin:

Personality (the more detailed the better):


I want some variety and creativity, preferably.

I also could have optional villain OCs, though I would not have as many of those.

But yeah. This story is really something I may have some fun with. It may very well be a nice refresher that will get me back into writing.