" Tim"! Connor shouted as he saw him crying in thier apartment. " What happen"?

" It's Bruce! He had a fight with the joker and we don't know if he'll make it! What if he doesn't! What if everything falls apart"!

" Slow down Tim. Nothing is gonna fall apart".

" It's already happening! Jason left after him and Dick argued, Damien just acts like he doesn't care, and Bab's got shot by the joker and is now paralyzed and it all my fault! I should've moved or..or even shouted at her"!

" Tim! Breathe".

" Everything is always my fault! I can't do anything right anymore! And to make matters worse I'm failing in school and I'm so scared of losing everyone"!

Connor pulled Tim into a hug and let him cry. He hated seeing his boyfriend like this. So broken.

A knock on the door was heard then the lock being picked. It was Dick in his Nightwing uniform.

" Tim". Dick said crouching down so he was his level. " Bruce is gonna be fine".

" Don't lie to me like that! You know as well as I do he might not make it! Look at what the fuck happened in one night! Barbra is paralyzed now and Bruce is on death beds! Don't tell me everything's fine"!

" You want the truth! I'm terrified just as much as you are! I've lost everyone once I'm not going through hell again! I almost Barbra tonight! I had a panic attack and I almost overdosed on pills if Jason hadn't stopped me! So yes everything is not fine"! Dick shouted surprising Connor and Tim.

" Dick". Connor said

" Don't! I've heard it already! It gets better! Nothing ever gets better Con"!

Dick then grabbed a knife and held it to his wrist. Tim's eyes widened first and he quickly grabbed the knife and looked at Dick's wrists. Scars covered them.

" What the hell Dick"! Tim shouted and Dick pulled his wrist back and ran out slamming the door.

Tim stared at the door and fell on his knees sobbing.

Connor picked him and carried him to bed. He took off Tim's shirt and his pants so he was only wearing his boxers.

" I'm falling apart"! Tim cried into his boyfriend's chest as he laid down next to him.

Connor said nothing but held Tim closer. What could he say? He was never good at this.

Tim cried himself to sleep dtwenty minutes later and Jason came through the door.

" Dick told me what happen with Tim". Jason said sitting on the floor staring at Tim. " Bruce isn't looking any better. We're holding on by a thread".

" Dick totally broke down". Connor said looking at Tim also. " I've never seen him scream like that".

" Trust me it won't be the last. How's Tim".

" He cried himself to sleep".

" So did Grayson". Damien said appearing and sat next to Jason.

" You knocked me out Dami". Dick said sitting on the other wall.

" You needed to be".

" Geez thanks".

" Your welcome".

Tim stirred and everyone stared as his breathing increased.

" BRUCE! NO"! Tim screamed and shot up hyperventilating.

" We're here Timmy". Dick said

" We all are". Connor added.

Tim looked around and saw Connor was right. Damien, Jason and Dick. were all here.

" I'm proud of you". Dick said standing up and leaned against the door. " Bruce woke up fifteen minutes ago. He's gonna make it Timmy. He wants to see you".

Tim said nothing but got dressed. He left with his brothers while Connor stayed. This was a family matter. A bat family matter to be exact.

" Tim, Bruce doesn't about you know". Dick said awkwardly.

" You mean you cutting yourself? Don't worry Dick I won't tell him. He's Batman after all",

" Damn it. Sometimes I wish he wasn't the greatest detective".

" Your not the only one". Jason said as they entered the batcave.

" Bruce"! Tim cried happily and hugged his father figure.

" Tim". Bruce said as he embraced his second youngest.

" I thought I lost you".

" Your never gonna lose me".

Everyone smiled and a few minutes later Dick's phone rang,

" Hello"?

" Dick it's Clark. How's Tim".

" He's fine. We're with Bruce now. Connor stayed at the apartment".

" Alright and Dick self harm is not the answer".

Clark hung up and Bruce and Alfred stared shocked at Dick.

" Self harm. What are you doing Dick". Bruce said

" Nothing".

" Don't lie to me".

" I'm not"!

In one fast motion Tim and Jason managed to get Dick's gloves off and Bruce saw all the scars.

" Dick". Bruce breathed

" It's nothing okay! You never cared about me anyway! Why now"! Dick shouted putting his gloves on.

" Your still my son. You too Jason",

Dick and Jason just stood there and Tim decided to leave. Everyone said goodnight to him and to get some rest.

Tim opened the apartment and climbed into bed where Connor was sprawled out. He smiled and cuddled next to his boyfriend.

Connor felt Tim next to him and put an arm around him protectively.

" I love you". Tim whispered

" I love you too".