Tatsumi Akira

Mino was sitting back at his desk one leg crossed over his thigh. He was editing a story board when a voice intervened in his concentration.

"Excuse me Mino-san

Mino looked up to see a young man with red hair and thin face. His face was thin. His eyes a deep sea blue. He was very lean. He was also freakishly tall.

"What is it Tatsumi-kun?"Mino asked the temp with a smile.

"Um...well the thing is...I don't know how to use the copier machine" he said scratching his head feeling embarrassed.

Mino grinned as he discovered a way to tease his kohai. "You live in the 21st century and you don't know how to use a copier machine? AND on top of it you're an editor for manga in general?"

Akira looked down "I'm not used to electronics…..you see I was born into a poor family. We didn't even have enough for our own rice maker. It didn't get better as I aged. Even now I'm as poor as when I began. I was only able to send in my resume because a friends showed me how to and let me use his computer."

Akira looked up and jumped back making a startled sound as he witnessed his senpai crying streams of tears.

"I had no idea Tatsumi-kun that you were that poor that you couldn't even have a rice maker.

Don't worry poor person

You're a hero to other poor people, Tatsumi-kun. You've shown the world that even a poor person can excel as a manga editor. It must be hard for you to constantly be looked down upon by others... Spurned, neglected, but that doesn't matter now. Long live the poor! We welcome you, poor man, to our world... of technology!" (Author: Y'all can crucify me in the comments for this if you recognise this quote)

Akira looked a little irritated "just because I'm poor doesn't me I'm neglected or spurned."

Mino chuckled as he stood and ruffled than males head. "I'm just playing with you" he said noting how short the red haired person was.

Akira blushed when Mino ruffled his hair and at being teased.

"Come on I'll show you how to use the copier machine." he said standing up and taking him over to the copy room. "First you open this part here and check the ink then you place the papers here and the document you're copying here and lastly you press copy" Mino instructed pointing to each area of the machine. "Now you try"

Akira started to do it but got confused on how to put the paper in so mino grabbed his hand and guided it to the right place. Akira could feel his heart start to race as Mino had a hold of his hand.

'His hand is so warm around mine...wait….why is my heart pounding so fast. I'm not in some shoujo manga am I? I only met him a few weeks ago and he's a man on top of that. So my heart shouldn't be racing like this." He thought to himself not hearing Mino calling him. He didn't notice till Mino leaned and kissed him.

"W-what! Why did you just kiss me?!" Akira asked flustered when Mino stood back up.

"Why? Because I kept calling your name and you wouldn't answer."

"Ok well even if I wasn't answering you could have tapped my shoulder or something."

"Ah you're right I'm sorry I think I've read too many shoujo mangas now." He said thoughtfully before smiling. But in his head Mino was panicking. "Why did I just do that! That was so not normal...Maybe it's just cause I've been pent up...that must be it." Mino thought.

"Anyway I think I got it" Anita stuttered with a blush, bringing Mino out of his confused mind.

"Well you're welcome. I'll head back to work then." He said turning and leaving. Akira watched him leave not knowing his face looked like he wanted him to stay.

Later after work Mino drove to the red light district and hired a hooker. He figured if he got some then he would stop thinking of Akira.

They went to a love Hotel and paid for a room. The women named Jade approached him "alright Mino-San you ready to have some fun" she said grabbing his shirt. She stank of perfume and had a bit too much make up. But otherwise she was beautiful with her black eyes and her dark color skin. It was obvious she was half black and asian. A very beautiful combination indeed.

Mini-San nodded "Let's see how good you are" he said slightly hopeful that his weird lust for Akira was just from lack of sexual contact.

Mino was then pushed down to the bed as Jade removed his clothes and nibbled down his neck.

Mino felt nothing from the kiss. She stripped him down and started to give him a blowjob but he just wasn't getting hard. "Is there something unpleasant about me that won't get you hard?" Jade asked as she tried to rub his dick between her boobs. "No...I think its me" mino said still feeling nothing. He then stopped Jade "I'm sorry I can't do this...no doubt your skills may be wonderful but I just don't feel anything." He apologized. "You will still pay for my service's" she demanded. "Of course" mino agreed. He paid her and she left. Mino sat on the bed thinking 'have I become impotent?' He tried to masturbate he pumped his cock letting his mind wander to Akira. He moaned as he got hard. Imagining the male writhing under him. He pictured him sucking his cock and begging him to let him drink his milk. He then imagined pinning him down and fucking him hard making him moan and scream his name. In no time Mino came hard. He then sat up and cleaned his cock looking at the tissue filled with his sperm. He couldn't believe he came from thoughts of a guy. Mino placed his hand over his face "I think I've fallen for Akira" he said out loud with a laugh of disbelief.

AngstyYaoiFangirl- Hey guys sorry for the delay of this chapter I had stuff last month that I had to do but here's the new installment of this months chapter.

Masamune- About time

Ritsu- Seriously It's getting good...by the way is Mino going to top or bottom?

AngstyYaoiFangirl- with the exception of Yokozawa the ukes have a pointed chin while the semes have a more squarish chin. Mino-san has the chin of a seme. Oh btw if the mangaka of Sekaiichi Hatsukoi adds a romance character for Mino then I will change Akira to the name of the new character if that happens.

Masamune- Anyway time for the shout outs

Ritsu- To Twitchyness Thank you once again for the support and encouragement! Your a review angel!

AngstyYaoiFangirl- ShaneEgirlo dont worry you wont see Masamune leaving Ritsus side anytime soon!

Masamune- And to the guest When and if Ritsu wakes up is confedintal. That chapter isn't for another 20 chapters to see what happens.

Ritsu- Anyways see you in the next chapter you awesome people!