I'm just going to keep writing all these little oneshots until all my feels from the 10x01 episode are somewhat resolved. Hope you enjoy
- One Year Later -
It had been exactly one year since the FBI Conspiracy Case had closed. Booth and the Jeffersonian team - with the help of Special Agents James Aubrey, Payton Perotta, Genevieve Shaw, and Olivia Sparling - spent months searching every corner of the FBI until the conspiracy had been brought into the open. Public backlash fell upon the FBI like a wave, and after an intense investigation by another government agency, the FBI was essentially re-booted. Nearly every person in a higher position was fired or arrested, and a whole new surge of agents was brought in.
Booth was offered a position in the 'new' FBI, but turned it down. He no longer felt like he belonged after the betrayal he had been dealt. Now, he was head of security at the Jeffersonian. Sure it was less action packed, but he wanted to stay with his team and this was the best contribution he could make. Here he worked alongside his wife and friends keeping them and their work safe. Thankfully he was allowed to wear a suit rather than those silly uniforms he despised.
The Jeffersonian unfortunately was not able to fully cut their ties with the FBI since they were a government funded facility, but Cam made it very clear they would only work with the agents who helped bring light to the conspiracy. Their faith in the bureau had been betrayed just like Booth's and they would only work with those agents whom they trusted. Brennan was no longer involved in the field like she used to be, but was much happier being in the lab alongside her team.
The troubles of that horrible case seemed so far away now. Booth was finally able to stop and breathe. He could come home every night and know his family was safe. His friends were safe. His life was no longer constantly on the line. He could come home and just be with his family. Nights like tonight were now an amazing, regular part of his life.
Booth looked at his wife curled up on the couch with Christine, the pair sound asleep, and then he looked at the month old baby in his arms. The blue eyes looking back at him sparkled as soft cooing sounds tumbled from the infant's lips. The little boy wriggled in his blanket, making Booth chuckle softly.
"Little wiggle worm," he mumbled.
"He's still not wanting to sleep?"
Booth looked up to see Brennan sitting up, careful not to wake Christine.
"Nope," Booth smiled. "He's stubborn just like his mom."
Brennan rolled her eyes and moved to sit beside Booth on the other sofa. Booth carefully passed the baby boy to Brennan and reached his arm around to drape it across Brennan's shoulders.
"I can't believe he's already a month old," Booth smiled at the little boy; he reached his hand out and the infant grabbed hold of his thumb. "Or how quickly Christine is growing up. And don't even get me started on Parker!"
"They are all growing up to quickly," Brennan laughed softly.
They fell into a comfortable slice for a couple of moments, until Christine began to stir on the couch. She sat up, rubbing the sleep from her eyes.
"Did bubby fall asleep yet?"
"Not yet, but I do believe it is time for a certain little girl to head for bed…"
"But daddy…"
"Don't even bother," Booth laughed. "You already fell asleep on the couch. It's bedtime."
After a very audible sigh ("She gets the dramatics from you" Brennan commented) Christine came over to her parents and placed a kiss on her baby brother's forehead before heading off to her room.
"Goodnight Mommy. Goodnight Daddy. Goodnight Lance."