Never See You Again

By ChibiNagisaSakura


Chapter 1. Winter is Coming

A harsh cold wind whipped through the air as autumn would soon be coming to an end. The last of the leaves that still clung tightly to the tree branches let loose and floated its way down to the hard pavement below. Streets lights brightly shined through the darkness of six in the afternoon. With the cold months now in, the light of day only lasted but a few hours.

The path turning into its avenue was a long and lonely one with no one to be seen outside. One or two cars rushed passed the avenue not noticing the quietness it held. A troubled adolescent made their way into the avenue on foot. Their posture was hunched and they dragged their legs behind them. Their head kept low and was hid behind the ruffled up brunette locks they possessed and a black hoodie.

He was walking home from school at such a late hour; or that's what he said anyway. The seventeen year old doesn't bother going to school. He leaves just to make his single working mother happy and to also escape the depression that stinks out his home. Really the boy goes straight to a pub and drinks the whole pacific ocean before he decides to go home. It's unfortunate to say the young teen also had a strong hold on cigarettes and marijuana.

For a young person, his skin was as pale as a ghost and the black-bags sagged low under his hazel-lit eyes. His brunette hair was ruffled and greasy. Stubble cut through his skin on his chin. The teenager looked an absolute wreck.

Usually, he wouldn't come home till after midnight but on rare night he comes home early; this is one those rare nights.

He staggered in through the garden and opened the door while doing a very good impression of a zombie. His mother appeared into the hallway. The boy got most of his features from his mother like the hair and eyes however she wore some sort of grace in her appearance. She folded her arms across her chest as if it was a protective barrier between herself and her son. The mother looked into her child's eye with fear and disappointment in herself for failing as a single mother.

"This has got to stop." she tried to make herself seem threatening.

"Or what?" her son walked up towards her.

Since puberty hit, his voice was indeed low but he himself also grew larger and broader till he towered over his mother.

"O-Or I'll kick you out!"

No parent wants to do this to their kid, but there was only so much a single working mother of two could do and he wasn't help. She had about five jobs a day and skips out on her sleep and food breaks. When I said she held grace in her appearance, we really mean in ways she was healthier looking than her son but she wasn't healthy. She developed a twig figure and could probably break in half in any second.

So far, her son has been wasting the money they need for drugs, drink or tobacco. As much as she loved her son, she needed to put her foot down and teach him a lesson. So far, all he's been doing is choosing the hard way of doing things.

"Like to see you try."

Her son pushed by her and went straight to the stairs after kicking his shoes off all over the place. While upstairs, another figure appeared seemingly waiting on him too like his mother. She gave a weak smile and walked up to her big brother to greet.

"Hi." she kindly and simply started the conversation.

"Get lost." he ended it and shoved passed her for her to stumble and hit the wall.

The girl's weak smile fell from her lips. She knew what to expect from her brother. He always did this to her. As young moody teenager hid in his room, the young girl gave a long sigh and slide down the wall she was pushed into. Once she hit the bottom, her legs came up and she hugged them tightly and buried her face into her knees.

Even you know she wasn't even old enough to be in double digits yet, she wasn't stupid either. Things have been going down hill an endless hill with no bottom; though she imagined when she did hit the bottom, it would be the most painful. Her mother had been working five jobs a day (she still didn't understand how that was even possible) so she was left alone quite a bit. It's against the law to leave her a lone for so long so a friend of her mum's looks after her. She spends time with her daughter too and them to are ''the best friends ever.'' She tried and still tries to reach out to her older brother but every time she tries to get close, he pushes her away.

The little girl gave another sigh and threw her head back, hitting the wall behind her. The young child didn't bother moaning in pain but rather closed her eyes and embraced it. Picking herself off the floor she made her way downstairs passing the window on the way. Outside of the window showed the neighbourhood they lived in with different coloured houses lined in a row and trees and bushes growing, separated with fences. It was dark outside and slowly, little white drops of frozen water began to fall from the sky.

Upstairs in his locked bedroom, the young male sat on at his desk with his head buried into his arms that rested on the desk. The room was dark and it had a foul smell of damp and body odour. The window was opened blowing in cold winter air in through the window.

He breathed deeply while rocking back and forth on his chair. Why? Why him? Why was he alive? It made no sense. He has no purpose. He should just die. He wants to die. He wants to rest and not deal with everything any more. No one here would miss him. He's just a waste of space; no one wants that.

His sleeve went up on his arms showing new, fresh still red scars entwined with the old, faded bumpy scars. All these questions; all the confusion; all the depression fuelled him to open up his top drawer on the desk and pull out the razor. It was old and blunt and stained red from the dried up blood. He needed knew razors was the thought that went through the poor depressed boy's mind.

Lifting up the razor to his skin, he began to use his wrist as a canvas and start creating more and more carvings. The blood oozed out of the thin slit. His body no longer suffocated and breathed finding this release. Why did he do this? He has no idea. People who don't understand ask why? How could you do this to yourself? They ask all these questions when there is no answer because the people actually cutting themselves, don't completely understand why they do it either other than it felt good.

Downstairs, his sister made her way into the kitchen and sat on the seat by the table.

"I've got to go now sweetie." her mum kissed her on the forehead. "You're brother's in early tonight so he'll look after you. Be good, don't answer the phones or doors and there's food in the microwave. Um...ah...oh! Be in bed by 9pm, no later! Remember to finish your homework...gah! I'm late. Love you!"

She gave another quick kiss to her daughter and ran out of the house. The little girl sighed and bashed her head down on the table. What to do now?

She looked up at stared out of the window to their back garden where a few dead flowers stopped growing on top of the grave of their dead dog that was buried in their backgarden. In memory of her, they planted flowers but with the winter coming, it died. That's when she noticed it.

A soft white dusting covered the ground and flowers and continued to fall. Snow. Her eyes widened and a smile spread across her mouth. She knew. It didn't matter if she was still in her pyjamas or bare feet, she ran out of the house into the backgarden. Her foot prints leaving a light trail behind her. She twirled round with her arms out embracing the cold air and snow around her.

Closing her eyes, she faced the sky and opened her mouth letting the snowflakes gently land and quickly melt into her throat. The magic was there.

The young girl managed to release a laugh. A genuine laugh. She never had those in a very long time. She danced about and ran around the yard with her arms out as if she was flying a plane through the snow which is something you're probably best not doing. The harsh cold hit her like a tonne of bricks. She ran inside and put on her wellyboots, coat, hat, scarf and mittens before running out again ready to build a snowman...or what she could as there wasn't much snow yet.

Upstairs, the blonde's older brother threw the razor blade onto the desk table and gasped the air around him. Blood splattered along the table. He needed to clean this. Grabbing towel at his side, he applied pressure onto his new wounds up his arm.

A howl whistled in through his room. He leaned back on the chair and closed his eyes, listening to the wind's enchanting lullaby.


The noise of the window closing caused the teen to jump up and sit straight with his eyes wide. He no longer felt the freeze hit the back of his neck. He turned to meet eyes with a boy was physically his age but spiritually not. His pale ghostly skin, his snow white hair and his ice blue eyes were the main features that one noticed. On him was a blue hoodie that matched his eyes and some torn old tan trousers and he wore no shoes. In his hands was a wooden staff a that hooked round at the top.

The two boys glared at each other. The one with the sharp blue eyes eyed the bloodied razor on the desk and the red soaked towel the boy held to his arm. The brown eyed boy saw the looks and tried to hide his arms behind his back.

"J-Jack!" he gasped at the sight of his old friend.

"Jamie?" the spirit of ice and snow questioned.

In the garden, the little nine year old fell on her back with a laugh and created snow angels around the garden. A single tiny snow flake landed on the top of her nose and melted in less than a second. She tried to lick her nose before giving a laugh and staring up at the dark night sky.

"Jack Frost." Sophie smiled.

Disclaimer: I don't own Frozen, Rise of the Guardians, their plotlines or their characters. They all belong to Disney and Dreamworks. I also didn't make the cover but I own this Jelsa fanfiction.

Hi everyone! ChibiNagisaSakura is back with a brand new story! After months of thinking and planning, I came up with a plot. It's completely different to my last story, The Past is in the Past. I wouldn't have made another Jelsa fanfiction if it wasn't for you guys asking for another one. The downside to this one is that it won't last as long, the chapters are shorter and I won't be as fast posting up the chapters as I have officially started college and I'm loving it. I just landed myself a boyfriend and a main role in the haunted house for Hezlett so busy busy. That and I'm feeling very tired and just less inspirational than usual so some hiatus here and there.

Enjoy the chapter so far? Don't worry, the favourite couple will appear next chapter xD Please review xxx
