A/N:- This story starts with Dean's epic return on WWE Raw last week. With him returning and reigniting his feud with Seth, and poor Roman getting an emergency surgery, I thought of this plot line. The first chapter begins with the night after the raw show ended, and if you'd seen the show then not much explaining is needed.

Dean was riding his hired bike on an endless road in the middle of the night. He was riding so that he could get away. Get away from all those deep feelings that he'd buried in his heart for over four months now.

Four goddamn long, painful and disturbing months.

He'd made his triumphant return in WWE just about 24 hrs ago, and tonight on Raw he even got the entire WWE universe on their feet with his enchanting ability that he'd possessed like no other. But, yet here he was riding his bike in pure sadness, despair and agony.

But, why?

It was no secret that the Shield boys had now inevitably broken. The Shield. Not just a group, or a trio or the best young stable of WWE in years, but the Shield was beyond all that. The Shield was a company, a unit, a band of brothers that were so strongly bonded to each other that no outsider could even ever dream of breaking them apart.

But, an insider could. A man whose tactics and skills were the soul reason to make this group a huge success, and make this trio a remarkable group forever, but never in a million years had anybody ever thought that the same man would break the trio so brutally from deep within that their parts could never be sewn together.

Seth Rollins a conniving, smart, opportunist young man was the reason that the most magnificent group of WWE was now just history. He had sold his soul to the authority, and had agreed to the storyline for the Shield's break up before the time was right.

The break up was very goddamn hurtful because first it was untimely, and second it was done so sneakily by the Architect of the Shield that his other two partners had no carnal knowledge of the upcoming disaster up until it actually took place.

This breaking of vow, friendship, trust and every goddamn thing that's holy in a relationship made Dean point blank mad.

Dean Ambrose, the lunatic fringe as he was dubbed by WWE had millions of trust issues because of his poor upbringing and traumatic childhood, and now Seth's brutal betrayal was added to that list of mistrusts. It's safe to say that the man wasn't in good place.

The trust that Dean had so hard time gaining upon somebody was now completely lost, shattered into billion pieces and all because of that selfish prick Seth who wasn't just a partner to him, but something more.

He was Dean's sweetheart, love, and boyfriend or in simple terms a man whom Dean trusted with his life or could give even his life for. The saddest part was that even when Seth had broken Dean's heart so heartlessly, yet that crazy guy's heart still beat for that nasty, cunning young man.

Seth's hatred and his mistrust alone would've killed Dean from inside, but yet he was alive.


There was only one reason or better to say one man behind it. Roman Reigns, the juggernaut of the Shield and the pillar in Dean's life. If it wasn't for Roman then Dean wouldn't have been able to come back from the dark place that he'd went once Seth had left him high & dry.

Roman was blessed in every way a man could be blessed. He had a terrific family background, and a great attitude towards his career. And, that's why when he got to work with two top most Indy talents for over two years, he became the most unstoppable superstar to look out for in WWE.

Although the Samoan man had sensed that something was wrong with Seth in the very last few months of the Shield, but he still kept quiet. He kept quiet for Dean because he was aware that the younger hot head was just head over heels in love with the ninja boy, and he just couldn't risk to break that poor guy's heart.

Dean was the reason that Roman didn't hurt Seth at all when he betrayed them because Dean wasn't just a friend or partner to him, but he was the man that he'd grown to care more about than himself in last two years or so.

Seth and Roman were best friends, and to some extent even shared their deeper & darker secrets because they weren't romantically involved, and could be open with each other. And without a doubt Roman was hurt to a major extent with Seth's betrayal, but his pain was nowhere near that poor hurting soul of Dean's who already had plenty of betrayals in his miserable life.

"Please gu..ys... I'm sorry..." Seth's shaky voice pleaded with two older veterans who were beyond mad at authority's golden child.

Randy scooted closer to Seth backing him up against a wall in a dark alley as he roughly pulled on his hair. "You're a brat Seth. You've fucked up everything in the storylines, and we both gotta pay for it. We're not your goddamn servants."

"Damn right." Kane said as he threw Seth's luggage out of their shared car. "You don't deserve to travel with us. We're gonna leave you all alone here in this dark night."

"Yeahhhh..." Randy dragged the last word laughing devilishly before he slapped the younger man tightly on his face drawing out a trace of blood from the right corner of his mouth.

"Aahhh...fuckk..." Seth cried out loudly. "Please stop! Don't hurt me again. I'm really sorry."

Randy didn't hear his pleas or whimpering as he thrashed him again only this time Seth tried to push him away and run when Kane caught him by his hips pushing him back against the wall once again.

"Where do you think you're going slave boy? Huh?" Kane pulled on Seth's hair hard before giving him a tight slap of his own. "How does that feel? You loser ass brat." Seth was growing dizzy as Randy laughed maniacally over his face.

"Aww...poor babyboy is gonna pass out." Randy mocked as he came closer to Seth's face whispering with his gritted teeth. "No, you aren't allowed to pass out up until we both fuck you mercilessly like a whore and leave you here to rot."

Seth was struggling under both the stronger and older guys grip as he knew that just like last time he'll be used and abused, but no one will come for his rescue. At least last time he wasn't hurt very bad so he was somehow able to make his way back to the hotel on his own, but today it seemed like he would be in a worse situation.

He silently prayed inside his heart for his escape before he begged to the veteran wrestlers. "Please Randy, Kane...please... let me go." He wasn't even done with his pleading when Randy bit him hard under the crook of his neck drawing a huge amount of blood, and making the younger man scream in extreme pain.

Dean was peacefully riding his bike when he heard a loud yet familiar scream coming out of a dark alley. He didn't even think twice before turning his bike around, and getting inside that nameless alley. His eyes immediately widened with surprise over the scene that was laid out in front of him.

Seth was backed up against the wall of an abandoned building with his hand being tightly locked & held up high above his head by none other than his authority mate Randy Orton. He was bleeding profusely from the corner of his mouth as well as his neck while Kane was busy pulling on his perfect two toned hair, and it looked like he was even cursing something in that poor guy's ear which was inaudible to Dean.

Randy folded his palm in a fist and just as he was about to connect it to that whimpering, scared two toned man's face, Dean had grabbed his fist and stood right in front of that sadistic viper's face. Randy's eyes flashed red upon seeing Dean standing right in front of him, and more importantly in front of Seth; guarding the younger man.

"What the fuck do you think you're doing Orton?" Dean watched as Randy gulped hard, and finally the scared Seth creaked open his eyes in relief upon hearing Dean's voice. Dean quickly thwarted Kane's hand off of Seth's hair caressing the younger man's hair softly, and both the older men just stared at him with their jaws dropped wide open.

"Uh...Dea...Dean..." Seth stammered as he quickly lunged at Dean hugging him tightly with his arms swung around Dean's neck. "I...Uh..." He tried to speak but couldn't. "I..."

"Shush..." Dean shut the shaking man up as he gripped him hard by his hips. "You're safe. I'm here..."

"But, why are you here?" Randy questioned in a frustrated tone. "Aren't you guys supposed to be enemies or something?"

"He's our boy now." Kane chimed in. "We can do whatever we want with him. Who are you? Seth come back here!" He ordered with his gritted teeth.

Seth crooked his head to look at them before he slowly but deliberately nodded his head in a clear no.

"What? What da fuck?" Randy exhaled hard. "Come on kiddo come here or else..."

"Or else what Orton." Dean interrupted him. "Don't you dare threaten him in front of me? You guys better leave or else it won't be good for your health."

"So, you're gonna threaten us now huh, Ambrose?" Randy was about to start a fist fight, but Kane held him back. "Let's just leave Randy. We're leaving Ambrose, just relax alright!"

Dean's reputation as a hot head, and more importantly a nut case always worked as a psychological advantage in such fist fights. Every WWE superstar knew better that when Ambrose was angry it was better to not argue and just leave the situation.

It was often questioned about him that how can you beat a guy that you know you can defeat but he doesn't care? Dean was the careless, ever in control and dominant crazy knucklehead that one could never win a fight against.

Both the authority goons realized it and left the situation as quickly as possible with Seth still clinging onto Dean's body hard like his life depended on him. Maybe it did for now, but Dean lightly tried to pull him off of his body.

"Dean...I...uh..." Seth couldn't control as he tried to make an eye contact with his former flame, and he immediately broke down in tears. "I'm...Sorr..." He cried harder with his body shaking uncontrollably, and Dean instantly pulled him in for a soothing hug.

"Shush..." He tried to calm him down. "Don't say anything. You're fine now. I'll take you back to the hotel." Dean pulled out of the embrace, and Seth felt his legs wobbling as he started to fall.

Dean quickly grabbed him and allowed Seth's head to rest under the crook of his neck. "Oh! Seth, please don't pass out on me. Come on, open your eyes. Stay strong." Dean caressed his cheeks as he tried to bring the younger man back to his senses before he moved to grab his thrown out luggage.

Seth felt like passing out not because of that weak thrashing that he'd received since he was very strong physically, but his head was spinning wildly because of the man that was now helping him out.

Dean was the same guy whose heart Seth had broken so damn brutally that the crazy man had started to self hurt himself. Oh! Yes, He'd heard about those horrific stories of Dean's struggle after his abandon in whispers among the WWE locker room, and now he felt guilty more than ever.

Dean tied Seth's luggage to his black bike before hopping on it. "Come on Seth hop on. Don't think." Seth did as he was told and sat on the bike behind Dean holding him tightly by his waist.

Dean didn't felt like thinking about his hurting heart that was now throbbing painfully within his chest because of that beautiful, innocent once his darling Seth sitting behind him just like the old days.

If it was the older days then either Dean would've brutally attacked or burned those two arrogant pricks for hurting his boy, but now things had changed. But to still watch Seth in such a vulnerable state was hurting him even more than he'd ever thought. He tried to contain himself before he sped his bike up, and drove without thinking about anything.

This was going to be a very long night.

A very long and hurtful night for Dean.

Please review and let me know if I should continue this story or not. I've been thinking of writing this for a while now, and I hope that you guys like it. THANKS FOR READING ANYWAYS :))