"Okay, okay, my turn!"

"Don't be boring this time!"

"I'm not boring! I just don't trust you!"

"I'm hurt! You know I always have your back!"

Oliver lowered his eyebrows in confusion at the cacophony of voices drifting up from the lair as he walked down the steps. He didn't take any care to hide his entrance, but it seemed irrelevant when he finally walked into the main area. He found Felicity, Sara, Roy, and Sin sitting in various positions on the training mat, a couple of bottles of wine circulating among them.

"Okay fine," Felicity said defiantly, slurring just a little. "Dare."

Sara smiled mischievously. "Give Roy a piggyback ride. Shirtless."

Felicity gasped. "The boy is heavy! He's like Oliver, all muscle!"

"That's what will make it funny!" Sara giggled. "I want to see how far you get!"

Felicity narrowed her eyes. She got up in a huff and in one swift movement, took off her top. "Come on, Speedy. You heard the woman." Sara and Sin giggled.

Roy rolled his eyes with a grunt. "I hate you all."

Oliver remained in the shadows, amused at the scene before him. Felicity squatted a bit, beckoning Roy over. He climbed onto her back and Felicity promptly fell to the floor. Sara and Sin broke out laughing.

"I told you!" Felicity shouted. "He's heavy!" She scowled at the other ladies. "Fine, I dare you to try it!"

Sara shook her head. "I already know I can, that's cheating. Drink!"

"But I tried! Doesn't that count?"

Sara shook her head again. "You have to complete the dare. Drink!"

"I've been set up," Felicity protested. She grabbed the nearest bottle of wine and took a drink. "Okay, Sin, you're up."

"Truth!" she shouted immediately.

"Coward," Sara muttered gleefully.

"What's the grossest thing you've ever eaten?" Felicity asked.

Sin blushed, and immediately went for the wine bottle.

"No!" Sara cried. "I want to know!"

Sin shook her head with a laugh and pulled from the bottle.

"Now I'm curious," Roy piped up.

"You're never gonna know," Sin replied with a smug smile.

"Back to you, Sara," Felicity ordered.

"Dare," she replied boldly.

Sin tilted her head. "I dare you to make out with Roy."

Sara cringed. "Are you serious?!"

Sin laughed. "Well, it wouldn't be a hardship if I made you kiss Felicity, now would it?" They all laughed in agreement.

Sara crawled over to Roy, screwed up her face and gave him a swift peck on the lips.

"Oh no, little birdie," Felicity scolded. "She clearly said make out, and that does not count."

Sara turned a fiery gaze on Felicity before grabbing Roy by his face and essentially attacking his mouth with hers. Roy's arms flailed wildly. Sin and Felicity laughed at his obvious discomfort.

Sara pulled back from his mouth with a pop and a triumphant grin on her face. Roy rubbed the back of his hand across his mouth.

"I feel violated," Roy complained.

"What'll it be, Abercrombie?" Sin asked him.

"Dare," he answered with a shrug.

Sara crossed her arms and gave him a considering look. "I dare you to make out with Felicity."

Oliver, who up until this point had been content to simply watch their game, moved his feet before he even realized what he was doing. "What's going on?" he spoke instinctively.

Felicity, who had forgotten to put her top back on, scrambled to get dressed, a raging blush filling her cheeks. Roy looked up at him like a deer caught in headlights. Sin looked like she wanted to disappear into the mat. Sara, well...Sara just smirked at him.

"Coming to join the party?" she teased, getting to her feet.

"Didn't get my invite," he quipped back with a smirk.

She sauntered over to him slowly, crossing into his personal space. She stood on her toes to whisper into his ear. "I knew you were there the whole time." She stepped back a little before reaching around to slap his butt. "You're welcome," she said, winking at him. She turned back to the others. "Party pooper's here, I'm gonna go. Wanna ride, Sin?"

Sin looked at Sara, and then at Felicity. "Oh!" she exclaimed, understanding what Sara was trying to do. "Yeah, thanks." She stood up, a little unsteady on her feet.

Roy got up as well. "I should walk you ladies out," he said in a rush, also catching on.

Oliver ignored them in favor of Felicity who was standing awkwardly at the edge of the mat. She gave him a nervous smile. "Hey."

"Hey," he returned with a smile. "Having fun?"

"Yeah," she replied, twisting her hands and fidgeting. "You know, letting off some steam."

Oliver nodded. He stepped close to her and placed his hands on her arms, stilling her movements. "We all need that once in a while."

She smiled at him.

With his heart thudding in his chest, he grabbed her hands and led her back to the center of the mat. He sat down and encouraged her with a smile to do the same.

She blinked at him a couple of times before sitting across from him. She gave him a questioning look.

He grabbed the nearest bottle of wine and placed it between them. "So, explain the rules to me?"