Son of the Queen
Chapter 13
Naruto nervously adjusted his tuxedo as he stood at the altar next to his mother who was presiding over the ceremony.
He looked around and saw an audience of gods, goddess, both major and minor and even people from his past.
On his side of the temple sat people like Tsunade, Shizune, Teuchi, Ayame, Iruka and anyone else who was allowed to come over with his mother's permission.
Reyna was even there after he sat her down and explained everything to the new praetor after he made her swear not to reveal it until it was revealed naturally.
She surprisingly took it well and was happy to be invited to the wedding and Aphrodite even made her a bridesmaid along with some of her godly children who all understood their mother's situation and started growing a real relationship with her. She even let the female Bijuu (Matatabi, Kokuo, Saiken, and Chomei) be a part of them.
Naruto's groomsman were mostly Iruka, and the male Bijuu (Shukaku, Isobu, Son Goku, Gyuki and Kurama) though Iruka and Kurama were his best men. It was a bit fun to see the teacher get nervous around the gods.
Naruto chuckled as he remembered telling all the gods of his and Aphrodite's situation.
The council stared in shock as Naruto explained how for her entire existence Aphrodite she had been the illusionary personality they all had created.
"S-So her godly children are?" Poseidon asked as Aphrodite cleared her throat nervously.
"Mind-born children like the demigods that Athena creates" she said as Ares fell onto the floor, unconscious, most likely from the shock of it all.
"T-This is preposterous" Athena said as she pinched the bridge of her nose. "How can it be that you could do such a thing?"
"Well with my living Mist it would connect to men that fell for me and create a child. It also protected me from Ares and his forceful advances" she said as many of the gods frowned knowing how forceful he could be.
"So you are involved with Naruto?" Demeter asked, not really caring for the whole confusion ordeal, more interested how they came together.
"Yes, he is the first ever person to see through my mist fully and actually talk and get to know me" she said with a blush as she held Naruto's hand.
"That is awfully romantic" Hestia said with a smile as Aphrodite smiled at the kind goddess of the hearth. "And I for one look forward to the wedding and am happy for you. Aren't we all?" she said with a kind smile that seemed to make everyone nod and smile
~Flashback End~
Naruto looked to Iruka as he patted his shoulder "You look fine Naruto and Aphrodite doesn't strike me as a person who would care as long as the ceremony goes though" he said as Naruto smiled and nodded.
"I know but this is just really nerve racking" he said as Iruka smiled.
"Relax Naruto, you will be fine" Kurama said as the music started getting them to turn down the aisle.
Naruto watched in awe as Aphrodite started down the aisle with Oceanus leading her since when Aphrodite first formed the Titan of the Sea apparently looked after her.
Naruto was speechless as he took in her gorgeous dress. It was a pure white dress that seemed to make her skin tone glow. It was a strapless flat cut design that showed off a bit of her cleavage as it cascaded down her hourglass figure.
Down the side of the dress were silver roses and rose vines. Her dirty blonde hair was done up curly as her vail rested on her head covering her face.
Hera smiled as she looked at Oceanus "Do you give this goddess away?" she asked as the Titan nodded with a smile.
"Yes I do, you better cherish her boy" he teased as Naruto smiled.
"Of course sir" he said as Oceanus went and sat down on Aphrodite's side of the guests.
"You look beautiful Dite-chan" he said as she giggled and let him flip back her veil to reveal her indigo eyes sparkled as he stroked her cheek
"You look handsome as well Naruto" she said as Hera cleared her throat with a chuckle.
"While I do love it that you two are so loving to each other we do have a ceremony to do" she said as they blushed and nodded as some people laughed and smiled at their moment.
"Now we are all gathered here today to witness the holy matrimony of Aphrodite, goddess of love and Naruto Uzumaki, king of Olympus" she started as the ceremony.
"From before the war these two fell for each other and only after the war did they decide to get married and I can honestly say they truly love each other" she said as both of them blushed and smiled as they held each other's hands.
"Now they will exchange vows and I believe Aphrodite wishes to go first" Hera said as the love goddess nodded.
Aphrodite looked up at Naruto nervously but smiled as she squeezed his hands.
"Naruto, for many many years I have been alone, hidden behind my illusionary mist. People saw me for what my mist chose to shield me behind and I grew use to it. But then you came into my life" she said as a warm smile grew on her face.
"The second your eyes met mine I felt something I had never felt before but I knew what it was as it was my domain. It was love, love at first sight and I couldn't be any happier that I fell for such a wonderful man like you that I love with every inch of me" she said as she smiled and kissed his hand.
"Naruto, now your turn" Hera said with a smile as the crowd wiped some tears.
"Aphrodite, my life has been rough" he said as he squeezed her hands. "I had to survive alone with very few close people like Iruka, Teuchi-jiji and Ayame-nee. But as time went on I got more and more friends before I gradually came here where I met you"
"Meeting you was one of the best things to ever happen to me. For most my life I never really felt love towards me or towards someone besides a childish crush so when I fell for you I was a bit slow to it but with a push from your mist I confessed and ever since then I have been the happiest man to be in love with a beautiful woman like you"
Hera smiled as she looked at her son and the surprising goddess he fell for but she could tell clearly they both were immensely happy and in love with each other. "There has been no purer love that I have seen in a long time but I must ask, do you Aphrodite take Naruto as your husband for the rest of your immortal life?"
Aphrodite smiled and nodded "Yes I do" she said as she slid a dazzling gold ring over his finger
"And do you Naruto take Aphrodite for the rest of your immortal life?" she asked as Naruto stared in Aphrodite's eyes with a warm smile.
"Yes, of course I do" he said as he slid matching golden band onto her finger.
"And if no one has any objections," she said as she paused as no one dared object, not even Ares though he was grumbling in his seat "then by the divine powers of my domain as the goddess of marriage I now pronounce you husband and wife you may kiss the bride!" she yelled as Naruto drew Aphrodite close to him and kissed her on her lips.
Aphrodite melted into his kiss as she wrapped her arms around him. After what seemed like hours the kiss broke and she looked into his eyes.
"I love you Naruto" she said as he smiled.
"I love you too Aphrodite"
Naruto smiled as he watched the party go on.
After he shared his first dance with Aphrodite he was forced to dance with his mother, Reyna, Tsunade, Shizune, Ayame and other goddesses.
He even got gifts from numerous gods and goddesses but he would open them later as he was mostly focused on spending time with his wife and the people who came to visit such as Reyna and those from the Elemental Nations.
"I still find all this Greek stuff difficult to handle but they seem nice and not too different from the Romans" Reyna said as she straightened her bridesmaid dress.
"Well they are just the gods and goddess of Rome but calmer and less war focused but not any weaker" he said as he ruffled her hair with a smile. "Just remember to keep it secret from the others"
"I know Naruto but I should probably go before people start to notice me missing" she said as she hugged him with a smile. "Thanks for inviting me"
"It's no problem Reyna it was nice to see you here" he said as he hugged her before flashing her away before Tsunade came up to him with a smile.
"I'm glad to see you happy brat" Tsunade said as she hugged him with a smile. "I was nervous having you leave Konoha but I can see you have helped them out so much"
"Well I'm glad I was able to be here and meet my wife" he said as she smiled. "As thanks, here you go" he said as he tapped her forehead and she glowed gold for a second before dispelling away.
"What did you do to me?" she asked as he chuckled.
"Made you younger, around Shizune-nee-chan's age since I am the god of time and all" he said as she stared at him in shock as she lowered her henge to reveal herself to look a few years younger than her henge was.
Tsunade smiled as she hugged him "Brat, it's your wedding. I'm supposed to be giving you gifts, not the other way around" she said as he chuckled.
"Well you have been there for me a long time Tsunade, consider this a repayment for it all" he said as she broke the hug.
"Jiraiya would have been proud of you brat" she said as he nodded with a smile. "W-We should be going. Don't forget to visit sometimes"
He nodded and waved as his mother sent them away as the party had been dying down.
"You two should be heading off to enjoy your wedding night Sochi" she said with a wink as Aphrodite blushed.
"We can take your gifts back to your temple so you two kids have fun" Kurama said as Naruto smiled and gave him a thumbs up as the Bijuu shrunk as he turned to Aphrodite.
He offered her his hand with a smile "You ready to go my Hime?" he asked as she nodded and accepted his hand before he picked her up in a bridal carry.
"N-Naruto I-I can walk" she said as he kissed her softly.
"You are the bride, so as your husband I have to carry you away to the honeymoon suite" he said as he kissed her cheek and flashed away with a smile.
-Paris, France-
Aphrodite blushed as she realized where they were "I brought you to your city my Hime since if we are to spend our honeymoon anywhere it should here" he said as he walked through the threshold of the suite hotel room that he had booked for them.
"We can tour the city and enjoy the sights for our honeymoon" he said as he set her down on the bed
"B-But first we should c-c-consummate our marriage" she said as she blushed heavily and pulled on the collar of his shirt making him fall onto the bed on top of her.
"If you aren't comfortable then we can wait" he said as she shook her head.
"Naruto, I love you with all my heart and I want nothing more than this" she said as she kissed him deeply.
-Lemon Start-
Naruto kissed down Aphrodite's neck as he unzipped her dress and carefully slid it off revealing her fair skinned body only wearing a pair of red lacy panties.
He stared at her breasts and her pink nipples as he squeezed them softly making her moan and bite her lip once he started licking her nipples.
"D-Don't tease~" she moaned out as she pressed her hand against his chest and his clothes disappeared.
Aphrodite's blush grew even darker as her eyes landed on her new husband's large nine inch member as he rubbed her thighs
"If that's your wish" he said as he slid down her panties and kisser up her thighs making her shiver.
He smiled at her soft pink womanhood as he kissed it softly making her moan loudly.
"P-Please~" Aphrodite moaned out as he licked her softly before going up to her and kissing her deeply.
"I'll be gentle but since this is your first time it'll be a bit painful" he said as she nodded and smiled.
"I'll be okay, I just want to be with you" she said as he nodded and positioned himself over her.
He kissed her deeply as he carefully plunged himself into her, making sure to go all the way in to make sure she wouldn't have to feel more pain of him gradually going into her.
She winced a bit until she started using the powers of her domain to lessen the pain as she smiled at him. "You can move" she said as he nodded and slowly started thrusting as he rubbed the small bud in between her legs
She moaned loudly as he thrust faster into her as she wrapped her legs around him and pushed up on him as she continued to moan. "Harder~!" she moaned out as he nodded
Naruto kissed her deeply as he thrust harder and deeper into her. "Dite-chan, I'm close" he groaned out as she moaned and nodded.
"Me too~ Let it inside~" she moaned out as he thrust even deeper into her, hitting her very core.
She let out an even louder moan as she felt hot liquid fill her up as she felt an orgasm run through her as she fell back onto the bed exhausted and smiled at Naruto as he laid next to her.
-Lemon End-
Naruto smiled at his wife as he stroked her cheek "I love you Hime" he said as she nuzzled against his hand.
"I love you too Naruto" she said as he pulled her into his arms
-Next Day-
Naruto smiled as he watched Aphrodite twirl around Paris as she wore a beautiful white sundress and hat with sandals.
"Enjoying yourself Hime?" he asked as she nodded and turned around to smile at him.
"It has been so long since I've been in Paris, all the war stuff kept me busy in Olympus but now that it's over and we are on our honeymoon I can enjoy it and show you all around" she said as she wrapped her arms around his arm and smiled.
"Maybe you can teach me some French because I want to be able to know what people are saying as well as read everything" he said as her smile grew.
"Oui je peux mon mari chéri" she spoke out in a sultry tone as he chuckled and kissed her softly as she started telling him the basics of French.
He smiled and listened, happy as ever that he was married to her and that the war had ended.
He just hoped that it stayed peaceful and yet in his gut he could feel something stirring but he'd figure he'd be able to handle whatever came his way.
-Chapter End-
Well this is the end of the First book of Son of the Queen. There will be a sequel later on for the Heroes of Olympus story line.
So the marriage happened and I chose to have Reyna be in it because I feel Naruto would make it so she understood and became okay with the Greeks since she never really hated them
Naruto made Tsunade younger as a thanks for being the aunt that looked after him when she became the Hokage. I felt it fitting
The gifts from the others will be explained later and Konoha will get a visit as well in the next book.
I hope you all look forward to
Son of the Queen: Giants Awaken
Until Then
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