"If you fall in love with me, we're breaking up."

"W-were you the person who was sending those letters?"

"What if I was?"

Kise Ryouta wanted ever so much to go back in time and punch himself for saying those words. Saying to her that they were going to break up if she fell in love with him. Just who did he think he was, trying to command her emotions in such a way? He mentally slapped himself.

If (First Name) really was the author of those letters, then saying such a thing to her would have hurt her beyond his comprehension. Kise wasn't a person big on relationships, but even he knew that when people fall in love, they get hurt.

So why did he feel so disappointed when she said that she wasn't the author of those letters?

He had gotten his hopes up, and he felt stupid for it. Hopes that maybe, just maybe, he could break the facade of being lovers and transform that illusion into reality. The sudden thought confused him though.

Since when did he start acting like he liked her?

Actually, no.

Since when did he start liking her?

The realization struck him hard. Kise had felt attracted to the opposite gender before- but every time, it was out of appreciation of their looks and the surface of their personality. He had had his share of girlfriends, but had never tried to dig deeper, to try to see more of their hidden sides.

But (First Name) had prompted him to do so.

What was it about her that attracted him? Kise couldn't identify it. There were too many reasons- he couldn't possibly identify them all. All he knew was that he liked her.

Heck, he loved her, if that was even possible.

But at this point, he was completely clueless as to how to fix their relationship. Kise Ryouta had his share of girlfriends. But never did he try to further his relationship with the other party.

And so, the blond ace decided to confide in some of his teammates for advice.

"...Are you an idiot? Do you have any sort of respect for a member of the opposite gender?"

Kise stared at Kasamatsu, his jaw slack. He was fully aware of his senior's extreme shyness when it came to girls. So when he answered in such a blunt manner, Kise was stunned.

Kasamatsu sighs, burying his head in his hands. "I thought that you pulled me out on a Saturday to talk about something important, but it turns out you just want to complain about your relationship issues..."

"B-but my relationship issues are important!"

The basketball captain sighs again, running his hand through his short, black hair. "You should reconsider your words before you speak, Kise."

The blond takes a sip of his drink, before speaking. "It's a bit too late for that, senpai. I'm trying to ask how I can fix the problem."

"...Remind me why I have to help you do this?"


"Fine, fine." Kasamatsu leans back in his chair, stretching. "Why don't you break up with her?"


"I meant, break up with her and ask her out again properly. Honestly, isn't that a given?"

"I considered that, but would it really work? I feel liked she would run away before I managed to ask her out again. And what if she doesn't like me? She's been delivering love letters to me for one of her friends."

"I get that." The basketball captain now leans forward, placing his elbows on the cafe table. "The point is, are you going to keep running around and avoiding the problem? Or are you going to learn to be honest with your feelings and confront her directly? Which would be more fair to her? Because if you continue this, she's going to find out that you were lying to her- and then, your relationship would be in shambles no matter what you do."

"...You say some deep things sometimes, senpai."

"...Shut up."

You had been lounging around Kise's apartment, unsure of your next course of action. You had visited the police station, and they said that you could stay at the model's house for a while, given that you two were dating. Kise had left a couple hours ago on 'urgent business'. A sigh escapes your parted lips, and you venture into Kise's room, observing the magazines and pictures littered around on his desk.

You see pictures of his friends, his basketball team in middle and high school, basketball magazines, magazines that featured him- there was a wide variety. You sort through the piles of pictures, a small smile making its way onto your face. It was nice to see the blond having fun with friends. Then, a certain picture catches your eye, causing you to draw a sharp intake of breath.

In a small picture frame, buried under mountains of other photos, was a picture of you and Kise on your first date. The two of you had went to a photo booth and taken a picture for memories. You had treasured that little scrap of paper, but never in your wildest dreams did you imagine that Kise would have kept his. You pick up the small frame with trembling hands. A sudden slam of the apartment door causes you to jump.

"(First Name)-chan? Where did you go?" A voice calls. Footsteps approach the bedroom, and you scramble around, trying to put the pictures back where they had been. Of course, you didn't make it in time.

"...You saw." You look up to see Kise standing in the doorway, a soft smile on his face, his eyes drawn to the photo in your hand.

"We took that on our first 'date', remember?"

You swallow, and incline your head.

"...You kept it," you breathed out.

The blond raises an eyebrow at your reaction. "Yeah, I did."

He walks over to you, still grinning.

"I take it that your words mean you kept yours too."

You stay quiet for a minute, before you nod. Kise's arms suddenly envelop your body in a warm hug.

A comfortable silence stretches out between the two of you, and you find yourself leaning back into the male's embrace. You hear his heartbeat, thudding rhythmically, and you begin relaxing.

Kise broke the silence.

"Hey, (First Name)-chan..."

Your eyes look up, trying to find his.

"...We should break up."

It takes a couple of seconds for those words to register, and you immediately push him away on instinct.

"W-why...?" You manage to say. "I-I never said anything about liking you- I never told you that I fell in love with you- why are we breaking up? I didn't say a thing, so why...?"

Confusion clouds your mind, and you stumble backwards. It was somewhat of a shock, but after you had lost your family and your home, you found out that you were going to lose the last thing that you had left. Tears began to blur your vision, and you shake your head, trying to prevent them from falling.

"(First Name)-chan-"

"I-Is it because of those letters? Did you find out that I was the one sending them in the end? Or am I just too much to deal with? Did I do something wrong? Ryouta, I don't-"

"(First Name)-chan, calm down...!'

You're suddenly pulled into the blond's arms again, and you found yourself unable to break away. After a bit of struggling, you give in, burying your face in his chest, drawing in deep breaths in an attempt to stop the tears that threatened to fall.

You feel Kise's hand running through your hair reassuringly, which easily soothed some of the panic that you initially felt. You breathed in, and out, silent tears now flowing down your cheeks. After a couple of minutes, you managed to stop crying. You try to sit up and apologize, but Kise's arms trapped you, holding you close to him.

"...Hey, I want you to listen to me."


You remain silent, now leaning on the model's chest, still and unmoving. Your mind had once again gone completely blank, and you had nothing to say.

"...I like you."

A spark of confusion flickers across your (eye colored) orbs. You try to get up, but Kise's arms still caged you there.

"I like you. I really really like you. I've liked you for a long time. That's why we need to break up."

Your eyes glance upwards, and you notice almost immediately that his ears are tinted pink. That small sight struck you hard.

He was embarrassed.

You smile at the thought.

He was cute.

Kise draws a breath, before speaking again.

"Hey, (First Name)-chan...Would you go out with me? Properly this time...?"

You try to sit up again, and this time, you are finally successful. You stare at the blond. His face was flushed red, but he stared at you straight in the eyes. You found yourself becoming flustered at this sight.

Then you lean in, to close the gap between his lips and yours.

Because from the beginning, you already knew that the day that the facade the two of you held shattered, fate had only two paths it could take.

When you pull away, Kise grins.

"I take that as a yes?"

Luckily for you, fate decided to at last give you your happy ending.