LEONARD is a nice guy, so here is a story where a nice guy doesn't finish last but instead first. What happens when a brilliant scientist meets four gorgeous women and they immediately see who he is and take him in as a friend. Read and find out.

Chapter 1 - Paradise

Leonard walked down the beach to the monitor station for his daily status check of the equipment and to download the last 24 hours of data for transmittal, a routine he had been doing every day, for the last month. He now always walked along the beach instead of the shorter inland route by automobile, both because he liked the sound of the sea and the feel of the breeze on his now tanned skin. The guys had accused him, in his last Skype session with them, of going completely native, because he only seemed to wear cargo shorts, a topical button up shirt, always unbuttoned, and sandals as his only daily wardrobe anymore. But what made them even more positive, he had become a beach bum, was that he would only shave about every 4-5 days now, his unshaved face appearing almost all the time on their screens during their communications, as Leonard saw no reason to shave every day in the tropical paradise he was now living in.

Relaxing and laid back was the perfect way to describe this life he had been living the last month, and he still couldn't believe he actually first resisted going on this trip initially. He chuckled at the nerd he was, and how several months ago he was dead against doing this research project in Jamaica because of the things he was now enjoying the most, the sun, water, and tranquility. It actually took Stephen Hawking personally asking him to take it, being the only reason he was now here, after all who could turn down the great man, he was a science God. It was actually an honor the great man asked him and he understood that it was sort of a reward for the work he did the last summer in the North Sea. The other scientists in their team were spending this same summer back in the North Sea, while Leonard gathered control data in the ocean around Jamaica, they all joked about how much they hated him, but everyone still said he deserved it and really wished him well.

He made his way along the beach glancing at the other rental beach houses along the way, some of them occupied and some of them still vacant. He was really lucky when he thought about it, he had a small beach house to himself, paid for by the university, and his work wasn't hard, it was actually a great way to spend the summer and it only needed one thing to make it perfect. Leonard wondered how it would be to spend this time in paradise with a woman, someone to share this all with, and someone to love.


Penny got off the plane with her entourage for their month on this island of paradise, Jamaica, she had been looking forward to this month the whole last half of her movie, which had just finished filming. It was just going to be a month of relaxation for her and having a good time with her best friends in the world. She didn't really didn't feel the need for any men this particular trip, because she had her best friends with her and the four of them could easily have fun the next month without anyone else around.

It was no sooner than they arrived at baggage when they saw the limousine driver with the sign 'Penelope' on it, however she didn't need to introduce herself as the man immediately recognized her. So the next 20 minutes, Penny and the girls spent pointing to their bags on the conveyor belt while the nice limousine driver and two porters grabbed her and her friends bags to put in the car. By the time they were driving in the limousine, to the beach house, Penny's agent rented, they were all giddy, staring out the window and getting excited about the tropical paradise they were in.

Penny was especially happy, she had really needed this break, between a failed relationship, with another actor, and working so much to take her mind off it, spending her time with her besties was as much for her peace of mind as it was to get away from everything. They were really a mixed bag of friends, there was Bernadette, her first and best friend in California, they became friends while Penny first was a waitress, to pay bills while auditioning for parts. It was also Bernadette that gave her a place to stay, when during her first year in California, her boyfriend Kurt decided one girlfriend wasn't enough to satisfy his ego and while rooming with her Penny got her big break, a movie part that launched her career. Penny and Bernadette had become great friends, also Penny was really impressed that Bernadette was smart, really smart, she was working on her PHD in microbiology and would soon have her doctorate, she became the smart decision maker of the group.

Amy was Bernadette's friend at first, she and Bernadette had met while Amy, who was already a PHD, was taking some graduate microbiology courses to broaden her education and they became lab partners. Amy's quirking personality but huge kind heart, soon resulted in her becoming friends with Bernadette and then Penny, who thought the serious Dr Amy Farrah Fowler was a really fun person once she started to let her hair down. Amy was also the voice of sensibility in their little group, the one that kept them all from going completely wild.

Finally there was Katie, Penny's best friend from back home near Omaha Nebraska, they had know each other for years. Katie had given Penny the courage to come to California, to follow her dream, Katie was the strength of the group, she was Penny's rock, the person she leaned on when things got to her, and she was the one that suggested this trip in the first place. They were Penny's entourage, but also her besties and she loved them all, there was nobody else she would want to spend the next month with in paradise.

The beach house that they had rented was fantastic, it had a bedroom and bathroom for each of the girls, a big living area, a kitchen and a great deck that faced the ocean. From that deck it was only a 50 yard walk down a boardwalk path to the beach, Penny and the girls knew they were going to have a good time this next month. However now that they were there, it was past dinner time, so the girls ordered Pizza from a delivery service recommended by the guest book and settled in for a relaxing evening just eating on their porch watching the sun go down. They were all suffering from jet lag, so planned to go to bed early, tomorrow would be the first real day of their summer adventure.


The next morning Penny was standing on the deck of the beach house having a cup of coffee, Amy made, and like always it was wonderful. Amy brewed coffee that gave Starbucks a run for their money and the girls depended on her every morning when they were together, to knock their socks off with her fantastic brewing talents. However this morning Penny wasn't thinking of her coffee, she was watching the man walking down the beach past their house, she couldn't take her eyes off of him. He was gorgeous, dark tan, his body lean and still with a definite muscle tone, dark thick wind blown hair, a few days beard growth that made him look so sexy to her, and his open shirt blowing open every so often to reveal his chest, Penny was mesmerized.

Penny didn't even hear Katie walk up behind her, her own coffee in hand, "What you looking at….Oh, stud muffin watching, already."

Penny turned her head to look at her friend, a deep blush on her cheeks. "Um….I was just looking at the ocean."

Katie giggled, "Yeah girl, I've seen that look before, you are checking out the wildlife in the local area." Then Katie's eyes went wide. "Holy crap Penny, just looking at him turns you on that much?"

"What…..nooo." Penny blushed some more.

"Yeah right, then why are your nipples trying to tear out of your top and your eyes are almost black from dilation." Katie teased.

"I'm cold and maybe I have allergies." Penny lied.

"It must be close to 80 already, and you don't have allergies, but if you want to go with that excuse, who am I to argue." Katie responded, "I have some eye drops and I think I have a nice warm hoodie in my stuff if you need it girl." An evil smile on her face, "So just let me know if you need them."

"Yeah, thanks, I'll let you know." Penny then turned to look at him again, only to see is distant back as he moved out of sight down the beach. Penny sighed, she really felt disappointed at that moment, and she wondered if he would be coming back down the beach anytime soon.

Katie watched her friend, noticing the sigh, feeling a little sorry for her. Penny hadn't had a boyfriend for almost a year now, the last one another actor, who seemed more concerned with his career than Penny, which had led to her working hard the last year, trying to get over him and the way he treated her. Katie hoped this month would let Penny relax, and now seeing her lusting over some guy on the beach, made Katie realize maybe that is what Penny really needed to have some guy fun this month, and Katie knew she was just the one to make that happen.

Leonard noticed that one more of the beach houses was now rented, seeing people standing on the deck that morning. It was one of the bigger places and he thought he saw two woman, so it was probably two couples sharing some time in paradise. Again, he thought how wonderful this place would be with someone you cared for, the walks on the beach, the nightlife and just of casual comfort of the place. However, like almost every day before, he put those thoughts out of his mind, he was there and he had a job to do, so he just walked down the beach and thought about his plans to do that day in another day of paradise.


That day the girls took it easy, recovering from their trip, spending some time getting some sun that day then went into town to eat and look around. There was a lot to see and it wasn't long before they were eating at a restaurant recommended by the guest book, drinking wine with their meal and carrying on. It was a great night, good food and best friends, add the wine, and they all had fun and went back to the beach house full and slightly giddy, but not drunk. They even went into the water for a few minutes before dark then afterwards just relaxing on the deck, drinking some more wine, and watching the sun go down again for another perfect day.


The next morning Penny overslept, she had already started to relax some being here with her friends and the wine she had the night before made her sleep deeply that night. She was a little disappointed that she missed her eye candy walking down the beach that morning, but promised herself tomorrow she would get up early enough to see if he walked by again. The wine they had made all the girls wake up late that morning, so as soon as they got dressed and ready, they headed into town to get food, then do a little shopping, today. The shopping lasted all afternoon, with all the girls buying skimpy string bikinis with thong bottoms to maximize their tans while they were there. They were having a great time, so it didn't surprise any of them when they realized it was past six and they were all hungry.

Leonard was sitting at the restaurant bar, and had just ordered his favorite grilled fish dish, waiting patiently for it to come, while having a local beer. He was use to eating alone and since he ate at this restaurant regularly the last month, he was considered a good customer and got a little special treatment by the staff. He was sitting quietly reading a book, that he had started a week ago, when the sound of giggling women's voices broke his concentration, and he turned to look at where they were coming from. When he turned on his stool, he saw the four pretty young women at a center table in the restaurant all laughing and carrying on, obviously good friends and having a great time. He smiled and turned back around again the thought of having someone to share this all weighing heavily on his mind again, as he stared at the book he suddenly wasn't interested in anymore.

Penny couldn't help but laugh at her friends, they were so funny carrying on about their afternoon shopping excursion, especially ribbing Amy about the blonde young man that kept hitting on her in one of the novelty shops. Penny was really enjoying herself and felt great, her friends were like a medicine for her, curing her of any stress she had before she got there with them. She was just laughing at an extremely embarrassing remark Bernadette said to Amy about checking to see if the young man was blonde all over, when she glanced at the bar and froze. There he was, and he had looked back at them, the guy from the beach, and suddenly she felt her heart beating faster, as she forced herself to look back at her friends.

Kathie tried to recover from a belly laugh as Amy told Bernadette the young man was probably too young to even have hair down there, when she noticed her friend's face, she was staring at something and whatever it was had Penny's attention. Katie quickly followed Penny's eyes and saw that guy from the beach, he was sitting at the bar, and Katie noticed the moment of desire on Penny's face, before she composed herself to look back at her friends. This was something Katie never noticed Penny do before and it both worried her and made her wonder what was going on with her friend.

Leonard swallowed, why did he let things like this get to him, he was here to work, not on a vacation, so he was not the loser he felt he was being in paradise alone. Leonard was scientist doing important work, however he felt self conscious, like a voyeur, realizing how he would see the happy couples and wished he had someone to share paradise with too. Like so many times before he tried to put the pretty young women, he just saw, out of his mind and go back to reading, but as he looked at the words, he couldn't seem to read a single one of them.

Penny blinked a couple of times when she saw Katie staring at her, then turned to Bernadette and Amy, who had finally noticed her quietness too. "Penny is something wrong." Amy asked.

It took a moment for Penny to understand what Amy said, "No…..nothing."

Bernadette and Amy's backs were to the bar, so they didn't see what Katie saw and had no idea what was going on with their firend, but Katie didn't exactly know what happened a few moments ago either. Penny seemed to be in a trance for a few moments and it definitely had something to do with the man at the bar, however now Penny seemed to have recovered, hiding emotions like she was acting in another of her movies. Katie didn't want to say anything until she figured out what happened, so she thought it was probably best to change the subject, while she thought things out. "So guys what looks good on the menu?"