Lithium Chapter 2
::::BRUCE'S POV::::
My left eye twitched in irritation. She didn't even give me her guess. I had no idea what Leslie is talking about.
"How many of you are pissed she didn't give a straight answer?" Jason asked.
"She didn't even give us her guess." I muttered. It's not fair. I would like at least some type of idea that would tell me something about Dick.
"You're telling me," Tim sighed, "I've never been more worried for Dick in my entire life. Well, besides that one time when Bruce was stuck in time…"
Something happened. What happened? What happened to my baby?
"What? What happened?" I asked, immediately perking up.
"Dick over worked himself. He was basically falling apart while you were gone."
'"He was?" I mused, "He's not one to collapse under stress." What happened while I was gone that caused Dick to stress so much? Could that be what Leslie was talking about? Stress management? Depression? Suicide? Please no. Not my baby.
"He did that time." Tim looked at me. "Do you know how hard it was to watch Dick try to carry the weight of the world on his shoulders, only to start falling apart?"
I groaned inwardly. How could I leave them like that? All alone with no one but Alfred to take care of them?
Tim placed a hand on my shoulder and smiled. "But it's okay. You're back now, aren't you?"
Jason shrugged. "You can't really see it now anymore unless you look really closely."
Tim laughed awkwardly. "Uh, Jay? That's kinda the problem…"
"Oh. Well now you know the problem."
I swear to God, Jason, you are NOT helping.
Damian sighed. "Todd, you imbecile."
"Shut it, Demon Spawn."
"Jason!" I snapped.
"Oh so I get yelled at for calling Damian names," Jason said. "I see how it is."
Again, footsteps distracted us. We looked at the stairs to see Leslie coming downstairs with Alfred and Dick. My heart started to beat faster when I saw the look on Leslie's face.
Oh. No. No. No. That face. She was not happy. She was scared and I am going to definitely strangle someone if she doesn't tell me what's wrong with Dick.
Leslie cleared her throat. "Well," she started, clapping her hands together, "I don't know about you guys but it is late and I am tired."
I heard Jason snicker behind me.
"Um, Leslie?" I growled. She silenced me with the 'I-know-what-I'm-doing-now-shut-up' look.
I was confused for a moment but realized what she was doing. She was testing Dick in front of us. Was there something really wrong with my son that she had to test him in front of us? Was she hinting at something? I grimaced. Something's really wrong here. Leslie, hurry up and tell us!
Apparently my other sons caught on too or maybe Tim told them. Whatever it was, the boys remained quiet.
"I recommend getting some sleep, Mrs. Thompkins. It is rather late," Alfred replied, winking at us as Dick passed by him. Alfred was in on this too?
I watched Dick walk towards the medicine shelf. What is he doing?
"Dick," Leslie called. "What are you looking for?"
Dick mumbled something but we didn't catch it. Leslie shot me a look saying 'Say something to him. Get a reaction.'
"Dick, answer her," I growled, meaning to sound angry.
"Oh my God! Shut the fuck up, Bruce! Leave me the hell alone! All of you!" Dick snapped, immediately regretting it afterwards.
Damn. I can't help but feel just a little bit pissed that he's talking this way? Baby, what has gotten into you?
Leslie let out a triumphant smile before going to hug Dick as he cried in her shoulder. "Sh. It's okay, Dickie. We know you don't mean it." Dick must've muttered something to her because she said, "As much as I hate to admit it, Dick, there is something wrong with you."
Dick looked at her with blood shot eyes as we stared at her in shock. She sighed.
"Dick, you're suffering from bipolar disorder. And by the looks of it, it's really bad."
Appearing next to me, Jason cocked his head slightly to the side. "Bipolar Disorder?"
"Bipolar Disorder is a...disorder, I guess, that can lay dormant in your brain for years. Extreme levels of stress or depression can trigger it. Given the current and past events of Dick's life, it's not much of a surprise. I was wondering when it would happen. The victim of the disorder will suffer from high levels of anger and depression, often snapping at people or thinking suicidal thoughts. I've never worked with someone with BD but my friend has. I can bring her over and see if she'll meet with Dick but other than that, I recommend staying close to him." She smiled warmly at Dick. "Is that a problem with you?" He quickly shook his head.
She let go of Dick and pecked him on the cheek. She walked over to me and gave me a hug. My other sons gave her hugs and kisses as well (though it was forced upon Damian) before Alfred led her out of the Cave.
Dick stood there for minute before returning his attention to the medical shelf. He started rummaging around on the large metal shelves before I finally walked over and held his forearms. I was standing behind him and holding his arms. His head turned to look over his shoulder. Innocent baby blue eyes stared into my dark ones.
"What are you looking for?" I asked. The eyes blinked before turning back to the shelf.
"I don't remember…"
My mouth straightened into a thin straight line before I released Dick. Tim walked over and took Dick's hand. He led him out of the cave, most likely taking his brother to his room.
"So what do we do now?" Jason asked once Dick and Tim had left. "Dick doesn't seem to be exactly 'stable' right now."
Oh he did not just say that. My son is not unstable. He's just going through a hard time. Know what, Bruce? Just let it go. Deal with it later. Do not blow a fuse right now.
I shook my head. "In order to help him, I need to know what happened beforehand." I turned to my youngest and second oldest. "Damian, Jason, what happened while I was stuck in time?"