A stray thought about the Dean and John interaction from Raw.
Dean was furious backstage. To the unknowing person it looked like he wanted to beat in Seth's head. To one of the few knowing people, they knew he was angry at John. He storms into Seth's locker room and slams the door, locking it behind himself. Seth looks up and blinks confusedly at Dean. Dean glares at him and storms forward in a fury of motion and sound. Seth can't even figure anything that's said out other than mine, Cena and break. Dean then is on top of him, kissing him possessively. Marking every part of Seth's mouth as his property. Seth whimpers in pleasure and lets Dean be as forceful as he needs.
Dean then pulls away and keeps muttering, "Mine." over and over again. Seth whines softly as Dean moves and bites down Seth's neck, leaving angry red marks. Seth shakes softly, having not see Dean this bad since they first started teaming with Roman. That resulted in marks and bruises all over his body and Hunter questioning if he's a batter wife. Dean growls fiercely and shoves Seth down onto the couch, pinning Seth under him as he sits on Seth's thighs.
Seth shivers looks up at Dean. Dean's eyes are wild and angry. Seth knows the anger isn't at him. It's never actually at him in this and he trusts Dean completely but right now Seth can't help the nervousness he feels. Dean leans over and runs his tongue over Seth's nipple. He nips the bud and Seth whines softly because of this. Dean smirks and looks at him, "mine."
Seth nods and whispers, "yours Dean.. only yours."
Seth yelps as Dean bites down on his chest and then sucks. He groans that make up is going to hate him. He looks down when Dean pulls back and looks at the mark. It's huge and Seth's eyes go huge as well, "Dean... "
Dean smirks, having come back from his jealous little rage and watches Seth's eyes, "John needs to learn that your mine Seth. His little running up the ramp to get you is not acceptable."
Seth whimpers as Dean, rips his pants off him, "Dean they aren't going to be able to cover this."
Dean moves between Seth's legs and puts Seth's knees on his shoulders. Seth gasps as Dean thrusts in, having lubed himself sometime during this exchange. Seth groans at the fire from the stretch and grabs a hold of the couch. His voice coming in a harsh whine, "Deannnnn"
Dean groans and presses his face into Seth's shoulder, holding still. He then bites again Seth's shoulder and Seth groans. Hunter is going to kill him.. he just needs to accept that he's dead either by Dean's oral fixation one day going wrong or by Hunter when he sees how much makeup is needed to cover these marks. Dean growls and pulls out and thrusts in again. Seth pants and whimpers all the thoughts being driven from him by Dean's trusts against his prostate. Dean reaches down and doesn't waste time. Seth grips the couch so hard, his knuckles feel like they're going to crack. Dean strokes Seth's cock, in time with his thrusts smirking as he watches Seth begin to lose it. Seth shrieks softly as he comes, his hand coming up to cover his mouth. Dean growls as he comes inside Seth, marking him again that he's his.
Dean collapses on Seth and smirks softly, "your so getting spanked by Hunter."
Seth groans softly and mumbles as his brain starts to work again, "I'm blaming you."
Dean smirks softly at Seth as Seth wiggles out from under him and cleans himself up. Dean lays on the couch and makes no attempt to move other then to pull his boxers up. Seth pulls his pants up and blinks when there's a harsh knock on the door and Hunter's voice, "DEAN, SETH.. GET OUT HERE."
Dean smirks at Seth, "so spanked.."
Seth glares at him and throws open the door. Hunter looks at him and then reaches out, tipping Seth's head to the side looking at the marks on both sides of Seth's neck, "Jesus Dean.. you can't keep marking him up every damn time he feuds with someone else."
Dean grins brightly as he stands and pulls his jeans up. He doesn't feel bad about this at all.
Seth sighs softly and then moves, "I need to go see how much they can cover." He heads to make up.
Dean grins at Hunter and Hunter just sighs and throws up his hands, "I give up." Hunter walks away muttering about horny possessive guys being the death of him.