WARNING: This story contains scenes of a sexual nature. If this bothers you, leave now.

AN: Seasons greetings friends. Hope everyone had an excellent and enjoyable festive season. I must apologise with the lateness of this chapter, especially considering how quickly I was able to smash out the first chapter and the first half of this one. I won't go through my reasons/excuses for this being so late, because it would probably end up doubling the length of the story. But nonetheless here is the final chapter of It Was Shaw's Fault.

Now onto other news. I haven't been completely neglecting my stories, as some of you may have noticed that I've also put out another Chuck story called The Vacation, as well as a Harry Potter Xmas story. Why am I putting out a Xmas story so late? Because I didn't start it until the day before Xmas and between travelling and lack of a proper computer delayed me. Besides, I feel releasing a Xmas story now isn't completely inappropriate, better than releasing it in June at least. So if you are into Harry Potter, go check it out, and if not, well you've at least got the other Chuck story.

Now about the poll. Thank you to everyone who voted for your choices for what story I do next. It seems we have tie between First Dates and One Night Stands and A Shaw Thing. As my ideas for those stories wouldn't necessarily be long, I will do both of them, maybe even doing one of them for the Porn Battle.

Which leads me to my next point. I know I've mentioned the Porn Battle before, although not sure if FFnet let it show, but it's basically where people give a bunch of prompts for pairings and fandoms they like and people like me write short smutty stories using those prompts in a timeframe of about 2 weeks. They haven't given a start date but lasts years started around the 26th of January, so I imagine it'll be soon. So if you want to suggest prompts or take a shot at writing, maybe check it out.

Now with that out of the way, I hope you enjoy the story and feedback is always appreciated.

Disclaimer: I don't own Chuck.

Roughly a full day later, Sarah, Shaw and a newly reinstated Colonel Casey were gathered at Castle in a video conference with General Beckman, with Chuck in a self-imposed exile in one of Castle's cells. It had taken her several minutes to get free from the bindings Chuck had placed on her, and she had refused to free Shaw until he promised to leave the nerd alone, something he promised with great reluctance as feeling finally returned to his limbs. Even after he had made that promise, she refused to allow anyone else near Chuck, bringing meals to his cell herself. She tried to talk and interact with him, but the curly haired nerd couldn't even bring himself to look at her.

She needed to let him know, and soon, that she didn't hate or blame him for what he did, especially after how good it felt. She really needed to fix this mess.

The one irrefutably good thing to come of the whole debacle though was Casey's immediate reinstatement, Beckman deciding that she needed an extra pair of hands at Castle that she could trust. Casey, who was shocked to learn what had happened, had arrived quickly to help with looking out for Chuck, who despite everything was being treated like the victim in this scenario, at least by Sarah and Casey. Shaw just wanted Chuck hung, drawn and quartered.

"He should be in jail for what he did," the CIA argued when Beckman appeared on the screen. "He raped my girlfriend! He can't be allowed to go free!"

The look on the general's face showed that she didn't really appreciate being yelled at by subordinates, especially when she hadn't even said hello yet. "Before we make that decision, I'd like to hear exactly what happened," she said sternly.

"Yes ma'am," Shaw said. "We were running a trial with the Laudanol on Chuck in an attempt to create a better working Intersect. He took the pill and was able to recall mine and Agent Walker's profile in an incredible detail."

Sarah couldn't help but winch again at the mention of the information that Chuck now knew about her. "He then claimed that we were both threats to national security and then attacked," Shaw continued, hesitant to inform of his superior what came exactly after. "He… We were both easily beaten, and when he somehow made it so I couldn't use my arms or legs, he then tied up Agent Walker and then raped her. He should be arrested."

Beckman gave a tired sigh. "If it isn't one thing with Bartowski then it's another," she said wearily. "Anything to add Agent Walker?"

"Yes general," Sarah confirmed. "While most of what Agent Shaw has said is true, I would disagree with the assessment that I was raped, and as such would not be pressing charges against Chuck, should the issue come up."

This earned her some wide eyed stares of disbelief from everyone in the room. "Would you like to explain why?" Beckman queried.

"Certainly general. In my view, a person is raped when the person in question is not a willing and consenting participant. And while Chuck didn't exactly get any kind of consent from me beforehand, at no point during did I say 'no' or do anything indicating that I was unwilling," she stated. "In fact, given the words I said during, they would be considered encouragement, and I seriously doubt Chuck would be convicted of rape should there be an investigation."

Despite the seriousness of the situation, Casey managed to stifle a snort of laughter, while Beckman fought to keep her stern frown in place, the slight upward twitch of the sides of her mouth the only indication of a potential smile. Only Shaw didn't seem to find anything funny. "Sarah, how can you just defend him like that," he berated.

Sarah only glared at her soon-to-be-ex boyfriend. "Furthermore general," she said strongly, ignoring Shaw's objection. "From the moment he was told about the experiment, Chuck was adamant against doing it. He explained his reasons thoroughly and both Agent Shaw and myself ignored his concerns and made him do it anyway. He only stopped complaining when Agent Shaw promised he would take responsibility if Chuck's fears came to fruition, which I think is fair to say that they did."

Sarah finished her speech by delivering annoying cold glare at the male agent. "Just for my own understanding," Beckman interrupted before the blonde could continue to dress down the team leader. "What exactly were Bartowski's protests?"

Turning her steely gaze away from Shaw, Sarah again addressed her boss. "Chuck said that when he was under the influence of the Laudanol, the Intersect would only see things in terms of threat levels and he was worried that it would view Shaw and me as threats and try to kill us," she explained, shooting another nasty glare at the male agent. "He was certainly right on the first account."

Beckman turned a disdainful eye towards Shaw. "As far as I can see these are very legitimate concerns Agent Shaw," she reprimanded. "Care to explain why you didn't take them more seriously?"

"How was I supposed to know that the Intersect would see us as a threat," Shaw defended.

"You and Agent Walker are highly trained and decorated agents," Beckman stated. "Combine that training and experience with all of the top secret information you share between you and either one of you could easily do more damage to this nation than any terrorist cell. How could the Intersect not see you as a threat?"

As Shaw took his scolding, Casey spoke for the first time since the meeting started. "What I don't get is if the Intersect saw Shaw and Walker as a threat, why didn't he just kill them?"

As Beckman took the question in, Sarah had to admit, it was something she had been curious about as well. "Some of the scientist working on the project actually have a theory about it," the tiny general explained. "Thanks for the data you gathered from his brainwaves, they think that for all Bartowski's emotions do to interfere with the Intersect, they do just as much to keep it in check. As we all know, Chuck has a strong aversion killing and the scientists believe that it is that aversion of his that prevented you from being killed. In light of this, I am thinking we will forgo the Red Test for Bartowski as well, lest the emotional instability caused by killing creates perhaps even greater problems."

Sarah's heart skipped a beat in joy. Chuck wouldn't have to go through the Red Test, he could become a spy and stay the wonderful person he was. And she was going to make sure of it, she just hoped she wasn't too late to undo the damage that had already been done. "As for why Bartowski… forced himself on Walker, we can only guess," continued Beckman. "Perhaps the Intersect thought raping Walker would cause the pair of you to submit and demoralise both of you. We may never know for sure, but what we do know is that any further attempts at experimentation with the Laudanol will be planned out much more meticulously and only with Bartowski's consent."

"Yes general," Shaw conceded, unhappy with the reprimand from his superior. "What about Bartowski himself?"

The diminutive general turned her gaze towards Sarah. "As the 'injured' party, I will leave Bartowski's fate to you, Agent Walker," she declared, the finality in her tone further emphasised when she cut the line.

With the absence of the general's digital presence, Shaw wasted no time in informing the reminding occupants of what he thought should be done. "Bartowski needs to be taken to the nearest police station," he announced arrogantly.

Sarah growled and levelled a frosty glare at the other agent, but before she could verbally rip off his head, Casey decided to give his opinion on the matter. "And tell them what exactly," the newly reinstated colonel asked sarcastically. "That Bartowski is a human computer who, thanks to a drug that you gave him, went nuts and forced himself onto your girlfriend? Yeah, somehow I don't see that working."

"Then we arrested him," Shaw snarled in response. "We'll take him to a maximum security prison ourselves."

Casey just rolled his eyes. "We can't arrest him you moron," he shot back to the CIA agent. "For starters, you CIA types aren't evening supposed to be operating on US soil, so you officially have no jurisdiction to arrest him. Not to mention that with Walker's 'encouragement', you'd be hard pressed to find anyone who would say it was rape, cept for maybe you and Bartowski."

Shaw turned his gaze towards his girlfriend, expecting Sarah to back him up, however instead of support, all he saw was cold indifference towards him. "Sarah…" he started, using his 'you-must-see-reason' voice. "Surely you're not going to let him get away with this?"

Sarah couldn't help but roll her eyes as she answered him. "Actually, yes I am going to let him get away with it."

"What," Shaw exclaimed. "You can't be serious, after what he did."

Sarah's gaze which had been impassive, turned harsh. "What he 'did' was exactly what you wanted him to do," she hissed. "You were the one who wanted to turn Chuck into an emotionless robot, even when he gave you perfectly good reasons why you shouldn't, and you were the one who promised everything was going to be ok. I don't blame Chuck for anything that happened, but if anyone deserves the blame, it would be you!"

Turning quite angrily on her heel, Sarah stalked towards the entrance to Castle's holding cells. "Wait, where are you going," Shaw called to her before she exited the room.

She looked back at the other agent, who couldn't help but back away from her glare, despite the already considerable distance between them. "I'm going to help Chuck before you do anything else to ruin him," she said heatedly, before adding. "Oh and in case you haven't caught on by now Shaw, we are totally over."

With her final thoughts voiced, Sarah continued to make her way to Chuck's holding cell, leaving a baffled Shaw and an amused Casey in the conference room.

The adrenaline Sarah felt from yelling at Shaw quickly wore off as she approached Chuck's cell, for which she was grateful for, as she needed a clear mind when she had their long overdue talk. This talk was too important to allow it to be influenced by the anger she felt towards her now former boyfriend. After all, she needed to fix Chuck, undo the damage that Shaw and the CIA, and admittedly she as well, had done to him. And with Chuck withdrawing more into himself after what happened, she knew it wasn't likely to be easy.

She opened the door and walked into Chuck's cell, where he sat on the cell's bed, his gaze firmly directed at his hands in his lap. Despite the noise of the door opening, he showed no reaction to it, nor did he look up to verify who was entering his cell. Sarah wished she could say she had never seen Chuck like this, yet ever since the incident, this was all she had ever seen of him. The only positive sign she saw in the room was the empty meal tray she had brought him earlier that day, so at least he was eating.

Sarah frowned when Chuck flinched as she sat down beside him, and had to resist the urge to move closer to him, knowing it may not help. "I think we need to talk Chuck," she told him.

Although he didn't look up at her, she could see his muscles tense in fear and nervousness. "A-are you here to arrest me?" he queried anxiously, still not looking at her.

In a way, Sarah was glad it came up, because it meant she could squash this particularly issue straight away. "No Chuck, I'm not," she replied. "You aren't going to be arrested, and you aren't in trouble for what happened either."

This time, Chuck did look up at her, his eyes now wide in surprise. "W-what do you mean I'm not in trouble?" he exclaimed in disbelief. "I raped you, Sarah! I should be sent to the gallows!"

Sarah couldn't help the small smile that formed at his last words. "We don't actually hang people any more Chuck, you know that. And more importantly, you didn't rape me," she explained, and seeing him about to refute her words, she continued. "Chuck, only the victim of rape can really decide whether or not they were raped, and as the 'victim' in this case, I felt that what I experienced wasn't rape. Or don't you remember me begging you to keep going?"

Despite the situation, Chuck's cheeks reddened, indicating that he did in fact remember her erotic pleas. Glad that the tension was lessening, she edged closer to the nerd until their thighs were touching and was pleased to note that he didn't flinch this time. "It certainly wasn't how I pictured our first time together," she admitted, her own cheeks turning a pretty shade of red. "And for future reference, I prefer to take my time with those kind of things and maybe a little more foreplay but ultimately… I'm glad it happened."

Seeing Chuck's stunned expression at her admission, Sarah decided to take advantage of the situation and quickly leaned towards him, gently pressing her lips against his. Although at first he was unresponsive, it didn't take long for him to warm to the idea of kissing her and just like that, she was filled with the same warm feeling she always felt when they kissed, a feeling she had never experienced before Chuck, and hadn't experienced since.

However, as much as she would have liked to keep making out with him, she knew they weren't done with their talk, and so she softly broke their kiss, staring intently at his beautiful brown eyes which were filled with desire and guilt in equal measure. "Don't worry about it Chuck," Sarah told him, seeing where his mind was going. "I wanted it then, and I want this now… I want you Chuck."

"Really," Chuck couldn't help but query, kicking himself for his habit of over thinking things. "But what about happened at Prague… or yesterday."

Sarah took a deep breath as she mentally prepared herself. "Chuck, what happened at Prague… it hurt. Probably hurt me more than anything else I've ever experienced," she explained to me, before cutting off the apology that would no doubt be coming from his open mouth. "You did the right thing Chuck, and even though I was angry and hurt for a while… you made the right choice. I'm just sorry I pushed you away for it."

"But you're not going to push me away any more?"


"Why," Chuck couldn't help but ask, trying to keep the desperate hope out of his voice. "What changed?"

Sarah hesitated for a moment, knowing how he would probably interpret her answer. "Yesterday."

As she predicted, Chuck's face fell, and she rushed to pick up the pieces. "I didn't mean what you did, Chuck," she told him hurriedly, before taking a breath to prepare herself. "Part of the reason I was so angry after Prague was because I knew what the spy world would to do someone like you."

Chuck wasn't really sure if that was a whole lot better. "Someone like me?"

Sarah nodded. "Yeah," she replied smiling affectionately at him. "Chuck you are the kindest, gentlest and most honest and wonderful person I have ever met and those traits are something everyone should aspire to. Unfortunately, people with those traits don't usually last long in the world of international espionage. They either die, or turn into people like Casey and Shaw… and me."

She could see him ready to defend her, even against herself, and knew she needed to cut him off to keep the conversation on track. "I know you see the good in me Chuck, and it took me a while, but I see it too," she told him fondly. "It's just another thing that makes you so wonderful. But the truth is I've done a lot of horrible things in my life to a great number of people, and while many of them deserved it, there were also many who didn't. And since joining the CIA, I've only done more."

Chuck sat there silently for a moment, taking in her words. "So what changed yesterday?" he asked again curiously, finally breaking his silence.

"It was a moment of clarity, I guess you could call it," Sarah said, her mood turning sad. "I had been so afraid of what the spy world would do to you, turn you into, and then with yesterday's 'experiment' I saw my worst nightmare come true. I saw you go from the wonderful guy you are to an emotionless robot who less than five minutes easily beat two people who he was at least familiar and friendly with and then… forced himself on a woman who, at least I hope, he felt strongly for."

Once again Sarah saw Chuck's face crumbled at her brutal honesty. "Chuck I told you, I don't blame you for what happen, and I am definitely glad you did it in the end," she told him, hoping that what she said next didn't cause too much damage. "But at the end of the day, you, or at least the Intersect, had no way of knowing that I would enjoy it, or that I did want it. You did those things, acted the way you did because of what the spy world had done to you."

While Chuck winched at her harsh words, at least a part of him recognised the rationality of what Sarah was saying. "But you know the worst thing about yesterday," she continued on. "The worst thing was seeing you turn into this… anti-Chuck, and knowing that I did nothing to stop it."

Sarah then looked at him intently. "Like I said, it was a moment of clarity," she repeated, although this time her words were said with more resolve. "I've been so afraid of you losing the great person you are, but I haven't done anything to stop and because of that, my worst nightmare almost became a reality. So I'm done with standing by and letting Shaw and the CIA turn you into something you're not."

Without another word, Sarah moved herself from her seat on the cell's bed onto Chuck's lap, taking the human Intersect by surprise. "This is how yesterday should have been, and how things will be from now on," she said, tenderly placing another kiss on his lips.

While her lips held Chuck's attention, her nimble hand moved their way south and sliding beneath the waist band of his track pants and grasping his half-hard cock. The suddenness of Sarah's hand on his member caused the human Intersect to jolt in surprise. "S-Sarah…" he tried to protest as she gently massaged him.

However, Sarah quickly cut him off by placing a slender finger on his lips. "No Chuck," she said sternly. "I want you, badly and I've wanted you, badly, for over two years, and now I'm going to have you and nothing is going to stop me. Not Beckman, or Shaw or the Intersect or even you."

She kissed him again, this time with a little more heat and Chuck realised he didn't have a lot of say in the matter, nor should he in any way, shape or form be complaining about being with Sarah Walker, especially after yesterday's debacle. Deciding to jump in feet first, he wrapped his armed around the blonde's lithe body before resting his hands her hips, kneading her flesh through the fabric of her skirt. Sarah moaned into the kiss, both at his gentle caresses and because she was glad that Chuck was now willing to play ball.

Without breaking the kiss, she then worked his pants and boxers downwards, Chuck obeying her wordless command to lift his hips, and by extension by them, off the cot to free his erection, all the while still stroking the flesh rod to full mast. Parting from his lips, Sarah looked down to see his fully hard shaft and deciding she was happy, more than happy in actuality, with the appendage, began to hike up her skirt until it was bunched around her waist. "I thought you said you preferred a bit more foreplay," Chuck couldn't help but asked cheekily.

She returned his grin as she pulled aside her now soaked panties and lined him up with her core. "Normally I do, but right now, I just want you inside me," Sarah said, easing herself onto the head of the large member. "We'll have plenty of time for foreplay later."

Without any further preamble, Sarah tantalisingly move downwards on Chuck's cock, her wet anticipation making it easier to get as much of the nerd's large meat in her. "Oh god Sarah," Chuck couldn't help but moan as he relished her warmth around him.

"Mmm, I know," she purred in return, enjoying the way Chuck filled in her way she couldn't fully appreciate the previous day.

Eager to be more than a passive participant, Chuck jerked his hips upwards, causing the blonde beauty to gasp in delight. He returned his hands to her hips, keen to feel more of her soft skin in his hands and began to move her in an up and down motion, an process that was aided by Sarah's own strong legs. Starting slowly at first, it didn't take long for the impatient couple to work themselves into a more frenzied pace. "Oh yes," Sarah moaned as she felt Chuck's member reached her utmost depths.

Chuck merely groaned as he gave another upward thrust as he felt her walls tighten around him. Although he was aware of what was happening when the Intersect took over, his memory of being inside Sarah was fuzzy and unclear, as if he dreamed the whole thing, or had been really drunk. Now though, the blonde goddess on his lap had not only forgiven him but desired more, and he wasn't going to waste this chance. For so long, he had wanted to be with Sarah, and now, even after the terrible events from yesterday, they were finally together in the most intimate way possible and Chuck was going to savour the feeling of being inside her. "Sarah…" he moaned. "God you feel so good… I don't think I'm going to last long…"

She gazed at him with lust filled eyes as she continued to ride him. "Just hold on a bit more Chuck," she hummed erotically. "I'm… oh god... I'm so close."

Sarah could see him biting his bottom lip, no doubt an attempt to hold off his climax until she reached her own. The thought alone made her smile. Most men would just keep going, and just hope she came before they did, and if she didn't, well that was her problem. Even the Intersect-controlled Chuck gave no real thought to her pleasure, it was merely a happy coincidence that she came like she had yesterday. Her Chuck though was different. He always put others before himself, whether it was stopping a conversation with a pretty girl to help a distressed father, or making sure his lover enjoyed their coupling as much as he did. It was just one of the many things she loved about him.

"Yes Chuck," she gasped in a raspy voice as she felt her orgasm quickly approaching. "Oh yes, Chuck… oh god… so clooooose… yes… Chuck… I LOVE YOU."

Her screaming declaration as she climaxed caused Chuck's eyes to go wide, yet he still managed to persist in his movement, hoping to draw out her orgasm and reach his own. It really didn't take long, given that he was already on edge just from being inside her, and when her folds squeezed his hard cock as she came, it proved to be much for him to handle. "God Sarah," he groaned, as his seed filled Sarah's depths.

The beautiful blonde couldn't help but gasp as she felt Chuck cumming inside her, flooding her with his sperm. It was so warm and wonderful that it triggered another, albeit smaller orgasm, causing her to continue to shake from the ecstasy she was experiencing, ecstasy that she now knew she would never find again unless she was with Chuck. Even their coupling from the previous day paled in comparison to what they had just felt, and Sarah was surprised to find herself getting more aroused at the thought what it would feel like when they could take their time instead of having a quickie in Castle's cells.

As Chuck's climax subsided and his cock begin to soften, Sarah found herself both satisfied and disappointed in equal measure; satisfied that she had finally made love to the man she loves, yet disappointed because she already missed the feeling of his hard member inside her. Although, she doubted it would be too long before she was soon stretched again by Chuck.

For a moment, Chuck and Sarah just sat there in silence, content to bask in the afterglow of what they had shared, something amazing. "So was this better than yesterday," Chuck finally asked, half teasing.

"Much better," Sarah purred in agreement as she placed a small peak on the corner of his lips. "Of course, sometimes, rough can be nice too."

"I'll keep that in mind," he mumbled with a blush, causing Sarah to giggle before she looked at him intently. "What?"

"Aren't you forgetting something?"


"Something you might wanna say to me?"

Sarah thought that the face Chuck made as he wracked his brain for what he was missing was rather cute. "Something that someone usually says after their lover tells says 'I love you'" she said with a smile.

She couldn't help but inwardly laugh as she saw his eyes widen in realisation. "I love you too," Chuck said hurriedly, as if he was almost too late.

This time she didn't bother to hide her laugh as she just found him too adorable. "I know," she acknowledged, before snaking her arms around his neck and pulled their faces closer together.

"We love each other, and from now on Chuck, it's you and me, just like it should have been ages ago," she declared with a soft voice, yet there was a steel in her tone that left no doubt of her determination. "No more being part for stupid reasons, like dumb ass exes, or slutty brunettes, or walking planks of wood. Just us."

"Just us," murmured Chuck in agreement. "I like the sound of that. Although what about Beckman or Shaw?"

Sarah gave a small shrug of her shoulders. "I don't see Beckman being a problem," she said to the man whose lap she still occupied. "She'll caution us against mixing personal and professional lives, but ultimately it won't matter to her as long as we continue to do a good job. And if Shaw causes problems, we'll just kick his ass."

Chuck couldn't help but laugh at her words, until he saw to determined look on her face. "I'm serious Chuck," she said. "I'm not letting that tool ruin what we have here, and I'll admit, I was a bit jealous about you getting to beat that douchebag up, and how easily you did it. I may need to try, just to see if I can beat your record."

This time they both laughed at her statement. "So that takes care of the long term plans, but what do we do right now?" Chuck asked.

Sarah made a face as if she was giving serious thought, even though she knew exactly what she wanted to do. "Well first we get dressed and get out of Castle," she stated before continuing. "Then we go to my place where we will make love properly."

"Properly?" queried Chuck. "Wasn't that what we were doing here?"

"Kinda, but I want more than just a quickie in the cells, Chuck," she admitted. "I want to make you beg for release as I suck your cock with a slow and tantalising blow job, and then I want you to do the same thing to me when you eat my pussy, this time without flashing on Carina's technique."

Chuck blushed in embarrassment. "I thought you liked it," he mumbled.

"I did very much," she told him honestly. "But I don't want to have sex with Carina, I've been there and done that. As good as she is with her tongue, she's a rather selfish lover. What I want is the full Chuck Bartowski experience, and after he's done licking my dripping cunt, I would then lie on my back and he would get on top of me and slowly make love to me before we eventually come together."

Sarah smiled as her words caused Chuck to harden again inside of her. "And then he will flip me over onto my knees and then fuck me from behind like a bitch in heat," she continued with voicing her plans, this time with a seductive edge to her voice. "And after that we'd rest for a bit, before doing it all over again."

"Really?" Chuck wondered excitedly. "But what about our jobs."

The blonde agent on his lap gave a mysterious grin. "I called Ellie earlier," she confessed. "I told her we were thinking about getting back together and had taken a little trip for five days to reconnect. And then she squealed really loudly, so I guess she's happy we're getting back together. And that's is exactly what we will be doing, only in my room instead of somewhere outside of California. I'll clear it with Beckman in a minute and Casey will take care of the Buy More. As for Shaw, well if he has a problem with it, he can shove it."

Chuck was quiet for a moment as he processed what was happening before breaking out into a boyish grin. "So basically what you're saying is that we have five days of uninterrupted sex ahead of us?"

She returned his grin. "Pretty much. If you're lucky we might fit sleep and food in there somewhere."

His grin seemed to widen. "Well then, what are waiting for?"

Thanks for reading, hope you enjoyed it, and remember to review.