Twenty Eight.

For a moment Mickey thought the terrible flickering in his vision was caused by the effect of being translocated. Then he realised he was looking at huge flock of flying creatures that their arrival had startled. Flying in a huge circle around them they trumpeted their displeasure by making a harsh cacophony of sound.

The door of the dome had been gone for some time along with a third of the dome behind them. For a moment Mickey panicked then remembered Ianto had told him the one on the island had been equally damaged and still worked.

Stumbling out they saw they were on an island surrounded by large leafy plants with the most incredible startling blue flowers in spikes. As they took in where they were they realised they were in the middle of a vast field of mounds. From the contents the creatures flying overhead were using these as nests.

Moving back inside Jack examined the panels. There were only two, both covered in layers of mould.

Using his hands he found the mould was soft and easily removed.

'Hey Ianto!' Jack called out as he exposed the engravings. 'Can I see that map of yours?'

Shucking off his pack Ianto searched the side pockets. Then he stood and began searching inside his clothing.

'Problem?' Mickey asked as Ianto now began to dig through his pack.

'I thought...' He removed the top layer of his pack and laid each item on the ground. 'I could have sworn…' Standing he checked inside his jacket again then his trouser pockets. 'Bugger.'

'What?' Jack poked his head out.

'I've lost it,' Ianto admitted. 'Not as much lost, but left behind. I pulled it out last night to update it and I must have forgotten to pack it.'

'Bugger,' Jack agreed.

'Can you re-create it?' Mickey asked.

'Of course.'

'That's alright then.' Micky smiled. 'Don't frighten me like that.'

Ianto bit his lip then wiped his hand across his face. 'That's not the point. The map was pretty comprehensive.'

'So we make a new one,' Jack said not sure why Ianto was so upset.

'You don't understand,' Ianto told them, his voice shaking. 'The map was detailed. Anyone with half a brain could work out which portal was operational and use it to lead right back to One Tree Island. You saw what happened when River and Mickey turned up. What would The First Circle's reaction be if someone found the map, turned up and were hostile?' Ianto threw his head back in distress. 'I feel sick just thinking about it.'

'We go back then,' Jack argued. Ianto started to jam everything into his pack then struggled to close it.

'Are you both mad?' Mickey looked between the pair of them. 'You know as well as I do we have no idea how many jumps each portal has left. Even if you could jump back to Pelee, that might be it. Are you willing to risk our only change of getting home?'

'I'll go on my own,' Ianto offered.

'Like hell you will!' Jack spluttered. 'If you are going anywhere we will go together. If we don't make it then Alfred and Mickey can continue on.'

'You are bloody well not going anywhere,' Mickey stated so vehemently both Jack and Ianto looked in his direction. 'You went further into the city than me; can you honestly tell me you saw any evidence of survivors in any form?'

'That doesn't mean there isn't anybody; we just we didn't see them,' Ianto argued.

'Splitting up is a monumental error,' Mickey argued. 'You both know how important my and Alfred's mission is. So you will have to weigh up losing the map and the infinitesimal chance it is found against moving forward.'

Alfred thought it was time to interrupt. 'Do you not think any discussion using the portal back to Pelee depends if there is a panel to that location.'

'Good point,' Jack said as they all calmed.

Standing in the front of the panels it was clear the return panel to Pelee was gone. Mickey was the first to speak. 'That's that then.'

'Alfred I am so sorry.' Ianto touched Alfred's arm as they went back outside.

'I am touched by your apology and worries for our wellbeing. In truth no visitors would be as much a shock as you were. After your arrivals we put much thought on how we should respond if we were visited again by an unknown. In fact Security Ranger Six was very happy to work out responses to a number of scenarios. You should know that since he had been unchained he has been freed and if needed to act even against an organic if needed.'

'I glad to hear that,' Ianto said not completely convinced.

'And as Friend Mickey pointed out, none of us know how many more times each portal can be used. So it is just as likely that even if the map was found the portal would not work.'

'Yes you may be right. There's nothing we can do,' Ianto added, feeling terrible.

Moving back inside Jack, Ianto, and Mickey examined the two remaining panels more closely.

'The one on the far right looks like the island we first arrived on,' Jack said.

'And that one looks like the dreaded desert,' Mickey added.

'Alfred,' Ianto called out seeing he was not with them. 'We need your help.'

After several long moments Ianto walked outside to find him. He found him standing stock still his eyes closed.

'Are you okay?' Ianto said placing his arm on Alfred.

'You must excuse me. I knew was always a possibility we might end up here but now we are here I found myself extremely un-settled.'

'Where are we?' Jack asked as Mickey now joined Ianto and Alfred on the very edge of the mound before the swamp.

Alfred took a long look around as if to confirm his location before he spoke. 'This was 'Mineer…and the place my mistress and I called home.'

'You mean from where you and Mistress Friend jumped to the Island?' Jack double-checked and Alfred nodded.

'This is Lake Eyre.' Alfred swung his arm around. 'Except the last time I was here the flying creatures were not here and the portal was part of a formal garden.'

'So we are right. The panel we have found leads back to your island?'

'Not my island,' Alfred corrected him, 'our island. It was the location of my most happiest memories. We were free to be fully ourselves without any fear of discovery.'

'And there is a jump to Pelee there,' Ianto said thinking out loud.

Jack swirled around and faced Ianto. 'You are not going to risk yourself.'

'I hate to say this but we are stuck,' Mickey pointed out. 'If I recall the map, the portal at Pelee had three panels; we know where all of them go. The bottom line we are in a giant loop.'

'It's so infuriating,' Jack said. 'Every portal has a return to the previous destination. Why have we never come across one back to Zeta Sigma Three?'

'That's a good point,' Mickey added. 'How come we've never seen a single panel back to that location?'

'Is there anything you know that might help?' Jack asked Alfred.

'We are so close,' Mickey said. 'The island was one step from the base.'

Within Alfred's mind the phrase 'missing panels' triggered a memory. 'Mistress Friend had a panel she was studying.'

His companions looked at him as one.

'Here?' Ianto pointed at the ground. 'On Mineer?'

'No. On our island.'

Mickey laughed to relieve the tension he was feeling. 'I think what we are all wanting to know, Alfred, was she studying one of the panels within the portal or did she remove one?'


'Yes what?' Jack spoke for all of them.

'Mistress Friend removed one of the panels for study.'

'So the panels are removable?' Ianto checked.

'While we were on the island she took one of the panels to study how it functioned.'

'She removed a panel?' Mickey double-checked.


'Can you remember what the picture was?' Ianto felt his heart race.

'I apologise I am unable to recall,' Alfred admitted sadly.

'Never mind that Alfred, can you tell us where the panel is?' Mickey checked.

'Again I apologise. I am unable to recall but its most likely location in the main room of our living quarters.'

'We didn't see any kind of structure other than the portal so it is possible the building is long gone. But if you can lead us there then we will need to excavate the site and dig up the panel,' Jack said

'Our living quarters were intact when I last saw them,' Alfred said.

'600 years have passed so there is going to be little left,' Ianto pointed out.

'I noted they were intact during our time on the island when you awakened me.'

Jack and Ianto looked at each other, trying to recall if they had missed something. Considering how hungry and tired they had been it was highly possible.

'It was well hidden,' Alfred said.

'Well hidden, where?' Jack tried to dampen the hope that kept welling up.

'Our quarters were within the outcrop of rock that jutted out near the spring.'

Walking around the back of the dome Jack saw Mickey easing open the back panel to check how the artefact was powered.

'Tell me does this flask look like the one you found at the swamp?' Mickey indicated the flask arrangement that was full of water.

'I can't say for certain but the design is very close,' Jack assured him.

'The dome is soaked so we can jump anytime we are ready.'

'Listen I need your help,' Jack said so quietly Mickey had to strain to hear over the squawking birds.


'Yes, with Ianto,' Jack explained. 'He may not be showing it but he is feeling very bad about losing the map.'

'Like I said, losing the map is a risk. But I don't know what I can say to make him feel better.'

'That's not what I mean. If we do manage to jump to the island I'm worried he might try and attempt to jump back to Pelee.'

'He knows the risk, you sure?'

Jack nodded. 'Trust me on this. Ianto is a high risk taker if he thinks the outcome is worth it.'

'So you think he might sneak away and use the portal.'

'Yes.' Jack looked more serious that Mickey ever seen.

'That would be a spectacular bad move,' Mickey agreed. 'But what the hell can we do?'

'We watch him like a hawk and never leave him on his own.'

'We have to sleep sometime.'

'Alfred had offered to alert me if Ianto goes off on his own.'

'As if this is was not already difficult Ianto wants to act all bloody heroic.' Mickey closed the panel.

'Oh you don't know the half of it,' Jack admitted softly

Mickey raised his hand. 'And I don't want to know.'

Smiling, Jack slapped Mickey on the back went back to join Ianto.

Studying the heavy panel Arthur moved it to join the others against the wall. He winced; 'Damn indigestion,' he said to himself. He hadn't eaten anything that might upset his stomach but the stuff had replicated took the edge off.. Taking out a small bottle he took a swig. Then a few moments later he read the label and took a second then third swig. He let out a big belch, then feeling the burning ease he continued.

Picking up the next panel the ache in his both his arms reminded him had overdone it the day before. As he straightened a moment of dizziness caught him. He supposed he should have Owen check him out but he didn't want to make a fuss. He was sure Owen was right about one thing; it had been a long time since he had done anything this physical. Damn he wasn't sweating. Arthur wiped his sleeve across his face.

He heard the door open and he didn't to look up to know who it was and braced himself for a thorough telling off.

'What in all the universes' name do you think you are doing?' Owen said as he watched the man hold what appeared to be a power panel then move it to join stack of panels against the wall.

'As you know several of the panels have stopped working on the island. My team have gathered as many as we can. Zandra has set a rig to so we can test them. If your fears are about disrupting the dig I checked with Sarah Jane.'

'I don't give a fig's toss about disrupting the bloody dig. You on the other hand are supposed to be resting,' Owen told him trying to hold his frustration in check.

'Sitting still has never been my style and Team Rescue is over at Dome Island so I thought I would help by organising the power panels.'

'Sir, I've never seen you sit still,' Owen pointed out.

'I hate it when you call me Sir. Although I have to say the shock of your swearing at me has lost its impact.' Arthur hefted another heavy panel

'Trust me there is a depth of swearing you have yet to hear. But I am saving them for when you collapse.'

'I can't sit there doing nothing. Every day that passes is a day lost, a day he is further adrift, he could be injured, dying, trapped, being held prisoner under torture.'

'It's not like you could never be accused of overemphasising a situation,' Owen snarked then regretted his outburst as he saw a familiar haunted look cross Arthur's face.

'Why won't you tell me what's really going on?' Owen pleaded. 'Maybe I can help.'

Arthur stopped and for a second Owen thought the man might open up.

'All I can tell is it is something I should have told him a long time ago.'

'I won't underestimate how important your being here is,' Owen told him. 'But if there is one thing I know it's that Ianto is incredibly capable of looking after himself. And he will be doing everything he can to get himself back. Secondly he didn't jump alone he was with Jack Harkness and considering their exploits on the Torchwood I doubt there aren't many situations they can't handle.'

'I must come across as very pathetic,' Arthur said sadly.

'You are a father whose son is lost, god knows where. I'm worried, we are all worried. But what worries me the most right now, is you. You keep pushing and pushing and the outcome in inevitable if you don't take my advice.'

'Owen, I know I don't always appear to be grateful but I am grateful you came.'

'I don't want gratitude. What I want is for you to rest and I don't mean half an hour in the canteen. I mean a real rest.'

Taking a look around Arthur knew Owen was right. 'I've been a bit of a fool haven't I?'

'Foolhardy, but not a fool,' Owen said gently.

'It's just I am so involved and I know what needs doing.'

'You're not the only person who had a word with Sarah Jane.' Owen opened the door to see Adric waiting.

'If you insist on pushing yourself Adric has offered to be your legs and arms.'

'You okay helping an old man at some silly tasks?'

'Checking the power panels is not a silly task, sir,' Adric replied.

'Very well I'll take you on as long as you promise not to spill all my secrets to Doctor Harper?'

'No pulling the wool over your eyes is there grandad?' Owen said and Arthur shook his head then pointed to nearest power panel.

'I know, I know, I'm insufferable.' Owen left the room and closed the door.

'Stubborn old bugger,' Owen said, taking a long deep sip of coffee. If anyone deserved a break it was himself. At least the battle was over for today. Adric would do all the heavy stuff because his role was to stop Arthur from continuing to strain himself. 'That was quick,'Owen said to himself as he saw Adric running over to him.

'What has he kicked you out already?' Owen cradled his mug and put his feet up.

'I've been looking for you everywhere! You turned your communicator off,' Adric said panicked. 'It's Sir, Arthur…he collapsed!'

'Shit!' Owen vaulted from his chair.

'There.' Alfred pointed to a spot covered in vines. The entire mound was covered with a small woodland of verdant tropic growth and trees, several sticking out at various angles to capture the best light.

Mickey measured Alfred against the mound face. Then using the spade tried to probe the face to see if he could hear any metal. Nothing. 'God it is hot.' He shucked off his pack and placed it past the high tide mark.

'How did you get out when it was high tide?' Mickey asked eyeing where to start.

'We had a secondary exit at the top,' Alfred explained

'That's good to hear because if we can't break in this way at least we have a plan B.' Mickey looked. 'Oi Tarzan and Jane, are you going to stand there or are you going to help?'

'He's Jane.' Ianto pointed at Jack.

'I never agreed to be Jane,' Jack retorted.

'Tarzan and Jane…can you can explain?' Alfred asked.

'Tarzan and Jane are characters from a story. Tarzan is this jungle man who lives with nature and he rescues Jane. Then they fall in love. She sort of civilises him.'

'Then I don't understand why being called Jane should cause such a disagreement. To me Jane is the one who will make Tarzan better.'

'Tarzan is this sort of uber-male,' Mickey tried to explain


'The top one in terms of being a man, the strong silent type and he has a very good body, being how he swings through the trees and all.'

'There was no swinging through trees, but Friend Jack and Ianto had shed their coverings.'

'I think that's enough,' Jack interjected.

'Can't stop now this is just getting interesting,' Mickey said in mock seriousness. 'What happened after the argument about Jane and Tarzan?'

'It was very strange.'

'Alfred,' Ianto growled under his breath.

'Look why don't you two make yourself useful and go fill up the water bottles?' Mickey suggested.

With intense heat growing on his face, Ianto gathered the containers together.

'I'll come with you,' Jack said taking some of the containers.

'I can handle this on my own.'

'Yes but the conversation is just about to become mortifying and I don't think I can handle Mickey's smug tone much longer.'

'So tell me Alfred,' Micky said as he saw Jack and Ianto's back head down the beach. 'What happened next?

As soon as they became hidden Jack dropped the water containers, pulled Ianto into hug, and kissed him.

'Is everything all right?' Jack said when his kiss was not returned with Ianto's usual enthusiasm.

'I'm okay. Just a bit tired.' Ianto rested his forehead on Jack's.

'You are not still thinking about Pelee are you?'

'No, sort off.'

'Well that makes everything clear.' Jack pulled away and picked up the containers.

'We are so close to home, it's complicated,' Ianto explained.

Jack felt his chest tighten. 'You mean complicated as in me.'

'Sort of.'

'I see,' Jack said now filling the containers he was filling.

Ianto let out a long sigh. 'What do you see?''

'Me being me.'

'Jack, that is as far from seeing as it's possible to be.'

'Wanna talk about it?' Jack offered.

'Let's get back the conversation will be over by now,' Ianto said as he filled the last container.

'I loved our time on Pelee,' Jack said as they started back.

Ianto said almost as a throwaway. 'Me too.'

Jack watched as Ianto began pushing his way through the bushes back to the others, his mind trying to give into the fear that Ianto was going to end their relationship. Picking up his pace Jack went to catch up.

'Jack is taking his time,' Ianto remarked on how long it was taking Jack and Alfred to return from another water run.

'I suppose.' Ianto pulled on a long thick vine. 'If we can't make the panel work we may have to circuit back to Pelee.'

'You can drop the act.' Mickey continued to work.

'I'm not sure what you are talking about,' Ianto tried to bluster.

'Yes you do. And anyway there is a panel here that takes us back to Mineer. So we won't need to go back to Pelee even if we wanted or need too.'

'It was just a thought.' An extra hard tug and Ianto found himself showered in dirt and leaves.

'As long as it stays a thought. Just remember there are three of us and only one of you.' Mickey closed his eyes to ease his blinding headache.

'I don't think it would come to that.'

Mickey dusted off his hands. 'Then don't do something stupid that would force us act.'

'You can't watch me all the time,' Ianto retorted.

'You wanna bet?'

Without warning all the breath seemed to leave his body and he felt a terrible clenching pain in his chest.

'Give it up Ianto I'm not fooled that easily.'

Ianto doubled over, placing his hands on his knees.

'Ianto drop the act...' Mickey stopped mid sentence when he saw how pale Ianto had become.

'What's happened?' Now back Jack dropped the containers he was holding raced to his lover's side.

'I'm okay it's passed,' Ianto said now standing.

'What happened?' Jack checked Ianto over.

'Felt like someone had punched me in the chest then I felt this wave of fear.' Ianto put his hands on Jack's shoulders and shook him. 'It's Dad I know it is.'

'We are all tired and thirsty. Let's take a short break,' Jack suggested.

'No I have to get back.' Ianto began tearing at the tree roots blocking the entrance.

'Ianto,' Jack said in a soft tone in an effort to calm him.

'If Dad dies it will be my fault!' Ianto tore at the vegetation with his bare hands.

'We will Ianto I promise,' Jack said.

'You can't make that promise, Jack. No one can. If he dies trying to find me I will never forgive myself.'

'You really think your Dad would come out all this way?' Mickey asked.

'I can't have him die because of me.' Ianto missed the hurt in Jack's voice. 'If I hadn't come you would be Captain of the Torchwood and my Dad would be safe at home.'

'I didn't want the captaincy,' Jack said so much hurt unsaid.

'Why am I such a fuck up?' Ianto took the digging tool to see if he could make better progress.

'You gave up a captaincy to come here?' Mickey asked Jack not sure was hearing this right.

'Yeah and apparently I'm a massive mistake.' Jack stormed off in the direction of the beach.

'Where's Jack?' Ianto looked round as the unsettled feeling in his stomach lessoned.

'He's taking a short breather,' Mickey said not sure what to say.


'Gone for more water.'

'Was what Jack said is that true?'

'Did Jack say something?' Ianto tried to shift a small boulder.

'No you did'

'I did?' Ianto paused for a moment to think.

'You did you said if you hadn't come Jack would be a captain.'

Ianto let out a sigh. 'He was offered the Torchwood. After all his hard work he didn't deserve to throw away his chance to being stuck here with me.'

'I'm not sure he feels that away,' Mickey said softly as he examined the surface they were digging into.

'Is that why Jack went for a walk?'

Mickey nodded.

'Shit. I didn't mean it in that way.'

'Not me you should be talking to,' Mickey pointed out.

'I seem to have spent my whole life taking out one foot to replace with the other,' Ianto admitted

'Changing the subject…Mickey said 'how much bloody dirt do we have to remove? Can you see any kind of door?

'Maybe we should dig to the left and right of where we are now?' Ianto suggested.

'Good thinking,' Mickey agreed.

Several moments passed when Mickey called out as his took hit something that was not dirt tree or rock, 'I've found something!

Together they cleared enough to see what looked like a door.

'All we have to do now is clear the door, find our way in, grab the panel and scraper off home,' Mickey gleefully said.

'All?' Jack said on his return.

Turning, Ianto smiled, happy to see him return. Seeing the smile Jack ignored it. The last thing he wanted was a conversation that he was sure would prove his worst fears.

'Jack, hand me that crowbar,' Mickey asked.

'Right I'm going in.' Ianto looked through the cleared entrance and into a long dark tunnel.

'No I'll do it,' Jack offered.

'Oh I see and what if it collapses?' Ianto bristled.

'Like you wanting to go back to Pelee,' Jack snapped back.

'Can we keep this civil?' Mickey spoke to the pair. 'Truthfully the pair of you seem to have an inbuilt death wish. I'm the engineer here I'll go.'

'This was my home,' Alfred spoke up. 'I will go.'

'You sure?' Mickey checked

'I wish to lay the remains of Mistress Friend in the place of our most happy memories,' Alfred said.

'Of course,' Jack spoke for himself, Mickey, and Ianto.

Taking the long basket Alfred appeared to have made over the past two days he carefully entered the tunnel

Tree roots that had penetrated the ceiling brushed his head. From the crumbling state of support pillars he noted it would only be a matter of time before the interior collapsed in on itself. It was a testament to the materials that built this hideaway that it had not done so already.

Moving forward he saw the second inner door was now on the floor. A few more steps and he found himself in the living area.

Using his torch Alfred surveyed the room. The huge window where he and Mistress Friend had spent so many wonderful hours sea gazing was gone. The sofa they had sat on was a forest of white fungus.

The damage down by the sea had taken its toll. The front of the room was filled with sand to the height of the ceiling.

Placing the box as close to where the window had been, Alfred began to search the room.

He tried to force his recollection. Yes, the panel had been laid on the dining table. Turning he tried to calculate where this was in the wrecked room. Six paces forward he saw a mound. Several moments later he was rewarded with a stone corner. Five minutes more and the panel was free.

Now Alfred turned his attention to the long basket. He had no words to say as he had already given his testimony about her to The First Circle. Her memory would live on within the great thought added as a heroine of Thrall.

But it was fitting she he laid in here. Part of him wished he could have died with her. His feelings were so strong he knew no being organic or android could replace the love he felt for her. Their love and devotion he had discovered was a rare and beautiful thing. She had protected him out of love and now out of love he protected her remains.

'Good bye my love,' he said gently. Taking the panel he left.

Jack, Ianto, and Mickey crowded round Alfred as he emerged, all desperate to check the engraving.

'Yes this looks like the island would you agree?' Jack asked Ianto and Mickey.

'Only one way to tell,' Mickey said taking the panel and examining the filaments around the edges.

'You go ahead,' Alfred said. 'Once we are certain we do not need anything further I will collapse the entrance.'

Loading themselves up with their packs they now made their way to dome beach. The tide was fully in and the light was fading.

Ianto made a fire using the laser lighter Numbers had given him. Together they sat around the fire each deep within their own thoughts. Tomorrow they might be home or they would have to start making their way back.

The moon began to climb and with sleep impossible Jack found himself by the water's edge. It was here that Ianto had made his terrible admittance and Jack had been brought back to reality with a thump. Once they jumped back to home what they had here would be gone forever. But he was so grateful of their time together and for that he wouldn't want to change a single moment.

With Mickey in the portal removing one panel and replacing it with the home panel Jack and Ianto cleared up the camp site.

Ianto was as quiet as the morning air and Jack knew why. Jack knew what was coming. Ianto was gearing up to give him the 'this holiday romance has been great but now we are going home' talk.

As Jack went to pick up his pack Ianto took Jack's hand and looked into Jack's eyes. Ianto swore the man looked like his world was about to end

'Jack…' Ianto began.

'It's okay. I understand, I do.' Jack appeared to gulp.

'What do you understand?' Ianto checked.

'Once we are back things will change.' Jack not sure he could control how he felt looked out towards the breaking surf.

'I see,' Ianto said suddenly becoming scared. 'Was any of this real then?'

Jack took both Ianto's hands and looked into his eyes. 'I wouldn't change one second of our time together.'

'That's good then.' Ianto paused for a moment before he tried again. 'I wanted to say …'

'Don't expect me to understand, I can't, I won't,' Jack said his hurt clear in his voice.

'Jack will you let me finish?'

'What if I don't want you even start this conversation?'

'This is about the other day. I was upset and I didn't even realise what I said but I don't want…?'

'I don't want this to end,' Jack interrupted.

'What I'm trying to say is once we step through here…' Jack kissed him.

'Please I love you,' Jack whispered as they drew apart.

Ianto let out a sigh. 'Will you let me finish what I'm trying to say?'

'Not if it's ending us.' Jack said softly.

'Let me finish,' Ianto admonished.

Jack went quiet and looked so miserable it made Ianto want to pull the man into his arms and kiss his unhappiness away. 'Once we return I'm not going to lie to you. It's going to be hard. My family is never going to accept you or us as a couple…'

'Please don't do this,' Jack pleaded.

Ianto kissed Jack softly on the lips, 'What I'm trying to say is when we get back I'm going to fight for us if you think we can make a go of it.'

Jack looked at him, momentarily speechless.

'The path we walk will be difficult but my love for you is not something I intend to hide. It's even kind of ironic. All my life I've made my own way so why should who I love be any different.'

Ianto never got to finish the sentence because Jack wrapped himself around Ianto and kissed him within an inch of his life.

'So you love me?' Ianto said as they pulled apart a little breathless.

'Worship the ground you walk on,' Jack admitted.

'At least I know where I stand,' Ianto said.

'I tell you, I love you and you say you're pleased to know where you stand,' Jack said incredulously.

'If I'm going into the dragon's den and suffer the wrath of my family's displeasure you had better love me as much as I love you,' Ianto said.

Jack blinked. 'Did you just say?'

'Of course I love you, you daft sod. And just remember that I love you when you are being given a right royal rollicking from my Uncle Charles or the serious gaze of disapproval when my Auntie Vera gives you the silent treatment,' Ianto warned.

'Or we could become persona non grata,' Jack said.

'Don't get my hopes up,' Ianto laughed.

'Uncle Charles is the one who slept with John Hart, right? Maybe we can blackmail him?' Jack suggested.

'Jack, so many people have slept with John Hart it is hardly newsworthy scandal, and anyway the family knows. No one else would care. Anyway he's never forgiven me for introducing him to my cousin Jackson.'


Ianto laughed. 'It would appear that the pair of them is attempting to fuck their way through the entire universe. But at least the family gossip has moved from me to him.'

'You two sorted themselves out now?' They both heard Mickey holler in their direction.

'Coming!' Jack shouted back.

'Into the lion's den.' Ianto took Jack's hand and they headed toward the portal.

The light from the jump left them blinded but before any of them could move a tall woman they had never met before entered the dome.

'Commander Ianto Jones?' The tall woman directed her look of shock towards him.

'I figure we are back on Zeta Sigma Three,' Jack stated.

'Commander Jones, you have to come with me right now. Your father has had a heart attack.' The tall woman ignored Jack's question.

Jack saw all the colour wash from his lover's face. Several hands helped Ianto remove his pack. Freed, Ianto raced up the stairs three at a time towards a waiting shuttle.

Ianto felt it impossible to speak as the landscape flew by and the woman's reassurances didn't help the panic or guilt he was fighting. Reaching the hanger he shot out of the shuttle door as soon as it was wide enough for him to escape.

'Follow me.' The tall woman joined by his side.

'Are you are sight for sore eyes!' Owen burst out as Ianto threw open the doors of the sickbay.

'Dad!' Ianto burst out.

'Your dad is okay,' Owen reassured him. 'He had a heart attack three days ago. He's had a rough recovery but seeing you will be the best tonic I could give him.'

'Can I go in?' Ianto asked desperate to be re-united

'He's in a light sleep and just this once it will be okay to wake him.'

Ianto opened the door to see his father, shrunken somehow, hooked up to four monitors. Ianto took Arthur's hand. Feeling touch Arthur opened his eyes.

'Dad. I'm safe,' Ianto said.

'Oh my boy. My boy,' Arthur cried out. Ianto placed his arms around him and gave him a huge hug. Arthur broke down and sobbed openly.

When they broke apart Ianto pulled over a chair and Arthur took Ianto's hand again. Kissing it he then held it close to his chest.

'Dad I am so sorry for causing you so much worry and dragging you out all this way.'

'This is real and not some dream?' Arthur asked.

'No I'm real and I'm here.' Ianto squeezed his father's hand.

'I had to find you. There is something you should know…'

'We will have time to talk later but first you need to get better. I can't tell you how sorry I am for causing you so much worry,' Ianto said.

'I am all the better for seeing you. I had to come to beg your forgiveness.'

'There is nothing for me forgive. I am the one who needs your forgiveness for leaving and putting you through all this.' Confused, Ianto answered in his most reassuring tone.

'If only that were the truth of it. I have to tell you something so shameful that it took you leaving for here and going missing before I could face you with it.' Arthur took a deep breath.

'You were not to blame for your mother's death. I was. You did something at school and I overreacted. Your mother was on her way to take you back to school when she was killed. I was so stricken with grief I blamed you. But it was never your fault, never.' His lips trembling he continued. 'I was so proud I didn't know how to face you.'

'What actually happened?' Ianto asked not sure he fully understood.

'You had a fight at school. I took you out of school and sent you that horrible place because I thought a hard sharp shock would stamp out any rebellion. When your mother found out she was rightly furious and we had the worst row. She accused me of all sorts of horrible things like seeing you only as some sort of trophy. She was on her way to pick you up and take you back to school when the crash happened.

'Instead of admitting to my part I fully blamed you. I could not bear to even hear your name let alone have you in my presence. As my grief began to lift I realised a boy I loved dearly had been treated in an unfair and unjust manner. I was so shamed and proud I could not face you.

By then you were back safe in a new school so I resolved to place myself at the side-lines of your life as my just punishment. When you ran away to ski I cheered your courage. I heard Charles talking about your success on the ski circuit so I thought what harm could it do to just turn up and watch? Soon as I saw you my resolve broke. Since that moment I have done everything within my power to support you in your life. When you were injured I realised it was my opportunity to undo the past. But all I became was fussy interfering old man who you saw as trying to rule your life. A man you ran away from twice to escape.'

Ianto sat reeling. His thoughts were so disordered. He wasn't sure if he fully accepted his father's version as it was clearly laced with oceans of guilt. On the other hand the shame and unjust nature of what happened had driven his father all the way to Zeta Sigma Three. It was too big he would need time to absorb the revelation that he was not responsible for his mother's death. However he did know one thing.

'Dad, the one thing I've learnt over the past months is to move forward you have to let go of the past.'

'I don't deserve your love or forgiveness after what I have done,' Arthur said bluntly.

'Dad I think we've both suffered enough. Do you have any idea how much I love you? How important you are to me? How much I needed you over the past five years? I wouldn't be here if you hadn't been my rock. You stayed with me all those months as I healed yet you attended every hearing. You were my voice, my advocate to ensure justice was done.

'You badgered me to exercise; you kept me going in ways I can't even begin to describe. Never once did you let me give in. And every time I wanted to end it I thought of you and how much you loved me. You gave me a reason to carry on when everything else had been lost. What I'm saying is you were there when I needed you.'

Arthur became emotional and took Ianto's hand and kissed it. 'I can't tell you how sorry I am for my actions. I've been a coward and I just couldn't find the right moment or the words.'

Ianto smiled. 'I understand better than you imagine. I've been on such a journey. It has only been a few months but I feel like I've lived several lifetimes. I have had to face the past and accept it in ways I wouldn't have thought possible. I know, I forgive you and I love you very much.'

Anything more being said was interrupted by Owen bustling into the room to check everything was okay.

Ianto stood and gave Owen a huge hug. 'Thank you so much for looking after my dad.'

'It's been a trial,' Owen admitted. 'He's a difficult, stubborn, bloody minded, argumentative… '

'Hey I'm still in the room,' they both heard Arthur retort.

'Dad I'm going to clean up.' Ianto leaned over and gave his Dad a light hug. 'I'll be back very soon.'

Stepping outside Ianto found Jack waiting for him.

'Dad's okay.' Ianto pulled Jack into a hug. 'More than okay.'

'Sounded pretty serious,' Owen said joining them as he and Jack pulled apart.

'It was and I'm going to need time to take it all in,' Ianto said. 'And I'm not sure if I have the words right now to explain.'

'I'm hoping he told you what's been eating his soul,' Owen said.

'He did,' Ianto replied. A realisation hit Ianto and he felt light-headed and he looked at Jack in wonderment. Jack was the only one. Even he had never questioned his guilt. Only Jack had doubted. The man had read his soul and found something no one else had seen the true of essence of who he was and loved him not for some shadow or fiction but his true self.

'I need a coffee, real coffee,' Ianto took Jacks hand. 'And I have so much to tell you. Then I need a shower and come back and sit with Dad.'

''Did you tell him about us?' Jack asked quietly as they headed towards the canteen.

'Let's stick with one heart attack at a time.' Ianto said.


Ianto, his arms filled with every possible flower he could carry from his mother's garden, made his way next to his father along a long green path. On reaching the gate to the private final resting place of the Jones Family, Arthur unlocked the gate.

The past weeks had been busy. Just getting home was a trial and after weeks of rehabilitation Arthur was back in full health which meant they could now visit here.

Building a new life was exhilarating, exhausting and not without complications. There was so much to be done and held so much promise. If it all worked out he and Jack should be kept busy for the rest of their lives.

His family were still coming to terms with his choice in partner but this was one battle he and Jack were going to win. Arthur had the most difficulty and had been the most outspoken. But seeing how happy Jack made his son he was grudgingly coming around. It was a hard won peace which Ianto knew could only get better over time.

Being here felt like the end of one long enormous journey and the start of a new one. Reaching his mother's grave Ianto arranged the flowers on the grave like a halo.

'I'll leave you,' Arthur said seeing how effected his son was.

'No, please stay.' Ianto took his hand and swallowed as he tried to find the words he so desperately wanted to say.

'Mum I love you so much. You have to know not a day goes by when I don't think of you. I'm sorry I haven't been here before but I felt so bad about what I thought had happened I couldn't bring myself to come.' Ianto wiped a tear from his face. 'Dad and I are now sorted. He made a mistake, and he's punished himself his whole life just as I did. But we've now turned the corner.

'A few years ago I thought I had lost everything but I've found new purpose and someone who loves me and who I love with all my heart. So you can see I am finally happy and with such plans. And I'm never running away ever again'

Pulling his Dad into a hug they held each other for several seconds then in silence went back to the gate.

'You are coming to dinner tonight?' Arthur checked as they neared the waiting flyers.

'Of course,' Ianto said.

'And is he coming?'

'He has a name and on that note he's promised not to dance naked on the dinner table and eat any of your grandchildren alive.'

'I just want to check numbers you know how cook is,' Arthur covered himself.

'Did I ever tell you about the Cook of the First Circle?'

'The singing noisy kitchen. Yes and I have to say Alfred is a most pleasant fellow. We must do everything we can to help.'

'He is and we are,' Ianto agreed.

'And was it true you are never leaving again?'

'You're stuck with me,' Ianto joked.

Arthur put his arm through Ianto's arm.' I have never been so honoured or happy to be stuck in my life!'