(Spyro's POV)

I closed my eyes before diving straight into Malefor's head, catching him off-guard and making him stumble around, imbalanced. Before he could regain his posture, I went for his neck, trying to find his vital artery. I was afraid I would hit the wrong spot and just make him more angry. I searched around, trying to find the best spot, but I knew that if I didn't do it quick enough, he would simply put an end to me. Closing my eyes, I sank my claws in, repeatedly scraping away scales until I hit flesh and blood, and then tearing through those. I kept clawing at it as if I was digging, only stopping when I heard a pained roar come from Malefor's maw. He flung his head around, shaking me off and sending me straight into the stone floor. A surge of pain went up my arm as my left shoulder hit the stone ground, grinding my teeth in an attempt to not roar out in pain myself.

"You... what have you done?" Malefor turned towards me, a full display of both rage and fear on his face. He knew this was his final hour, and knew that it was my fault. He tried to walk over, but soon fell to the ground, a ton of thick, red blood dripping from his neck. I didn't want to look; I never liked the sight of blood, but for some reason my eyes were simply glued to him. In fact, my whole body felt practically paralyzed; I knew I was about to witness one of my own kind die right in front of my eyes... by my own talons. He slowly became still, opening his maw to say one last thing before he passed. I noticed that his scales began to grow a lighter shade of... purple, darkness seeping off of them.

"Thank... you..."

I would've kept on staring if Cynder hadn't come over and tug on my foreleg. "Come on, Spyro, we have to go! This place is collapsing!" I tried my best to get up, but I felt a huge jolt of pain each time I put weight on my shoulder. I didn't know if I was going to make it; but I had to try. Closing my eyes and preparing myself for the pain that was about to follow, I leapt up into the air with a growl of pain, immediately spreading my wings and trying my best to hover with no wind to keep me up. I slowly flew over the massive amount of apes, hoping not to get caught by a rope or a trap. I made it through the room exit, quickly looking backwards to make sure Cynder was behind me. Seeing that she was, I quickly began to fly down the tight hallways, going down random halls and praying that there would be an exit at the end. I could hear Cynder's wings flapping behind me as I tested my luck. At least, as far as I knew, they were hers.

I began to subtly recognize the hallways I was going through, which brought me a bit of hope. I knew that I was going the right way, but I didn't know how extremely close I was until I actually saw the exit in all it's glory. The one exit to this horrid hellhole, the exit that would bring us to the outside world which we had been deprived of. It almost seemed too easy, but, then again, I was basing it off of some of the fantasy scrolls I had read, since the predicament I was in seemed to follow the same sort of storyline. I cautiously stepped forward, looking around for any sort of trap, realizing that there was none. I looked behind me, and Cynder was behind me. It all seemed too easy. I stepped forward, and the moment I put my talon down, I heard a rumble. It shocked me, as I thought I had caused it, but then I remembered that I was right in the center of a freaking volcano. I was about to yell, "Cynder, run!" But I was too late, as cracks began to appear in the ground. This last hallway had a ceiling which was way too low to fly with, so we would have to run. I looked behind me and looked at Cynder straight in the eyes, notioning that I was serious.

"Cynder, if we don't make it out of this alive, I just wanted to let you know... I-I... I love you." I struggled to get the words out at first, but just let my voice flow when I realized that I really meant it. I waited to see how she would reply, a bit frightened even.

"I... I feel the same way about you, Spyro."

I started to realize how awkward the situation was, as I had forgotten that she told me earlier before telling her how I felt. Ah, I guess that made it all the more truthful.

Without saying anything, she quickly hopped the first crack, notioning me to follow. She hopped onto the second one before I landed, giving me room. We kept hopping, making me feel like a rabbit. When I was at the last one, my foot slipped, and I felt a surge of fear run up my spine. I quickly got some grip, pulled myself up, and got up onto the platform. Cynder took off before I did, and both of us began to soar though the sky.

We were free. This whole 'war' was over. That fact was having trouble fitting itself into the flurry of random thoughts that made up my brain. All I knew was that I never thought I would be so proud of myself for seeing a volcano erupt. But, it wasn't just the volcano erupting; it was what that meant. No more casualties. No more unnecessary innocent deaths. No more evil.

Yawning, I slowly began to realize that it was morning. I rolled over in my bed as a response to the sun, covering my eyes my pillow. Cynder, hearing me move, casually strolled into my room. She leapt onto my bed, launching me into the air a little bit when he hit. A soft grumble emerged from my throat, as I was too tired to speak actual words. "You know, what I said back in the volcano... I meant it." I opened my eyes when I heard her say this. I thought to myself for a moment, trying to figure out what she wanted, before bringing my wing around her in a nonverbal response.

/So, how was the story? Did you like it so much you want to marry it? Did you hate it so much you want to burn it? Let me know in the reviews section!

Anyways, I really hope you guys enjoyed this one. About two years total time went into this, despite the fact that I'm lazy. I wanted to end my FF career on a happy note, and I think this will do :D

Anyways, I really enjoyed making this, even though it may have felt uninspired at times :P

I would like to thank everyone who reviewed, read, or did anything related to this story, because you have helped me out a ton, and I couldn't have done it without you guys.

Anyways, MonstaWolf out, PEACE!~