Trellis struggled slightly as Luger picked him up, but it was clear he was too weak. Leon held out his hands. "Here, give him to me."

Luger hesitated, it was clear he didn't want to give up his now frail little brother to the fox he had once tried to kill. "No."

Leon was about to protest but stopped when Cogsley placed his hand on his shoulder. Leon nodded. As everyone else left the room, I told Leon, Cogsley, and Luger about the poison. Luger growled. "I don't care who did it, but you better tell me who so I can murder them." I handed him the bloody knife. "The name's Kingsingsticking."

It was odd walking into Kanlis with two elfs by our side. Most of the animal humans "trusted" us, but as soon as they saw Luger and Trellis they hurried away whispering. Expect not for Leon. They crowded him, asking him questions like:

"Why do you got two elfs with you?"

"Who are they?"

"Hey, I know them! They're the Elf's King's sons! Are you gonna kill the weak one?"

Luger nearly snapped, but then again, who wouldn't? You're worried half to death that your brother won't make it, and here people are asking eagerly if we were planning to kill him. Good thing Trellis was out cold of pain.

We walked into Dr. Weston's office. Since I had last saw him, the whole hospital had been rearranged. There were even two guards by the door.

"May we help you?" one asked.

"We've got a sick elf," my Mom said quickly.

I wanted to slap myself. I loved my mother very much, but the everyone hates all elfs(even Trellis and Luger) thing was still out there.

The guard growled. "This is a hospital. Not a prison."

"Listen, we want to see Dr. Weston," I said. The guard's eyes widened. "You're the young stonekeeper. Y-yes my Lady."

They let us in.

Luger placed his brother onto the bed. Dr. Weston looked him over slowly. "Well?" Cogsley asked.

"It appears he was poisoned with Cyanida."

"Cyanida?" Miskit asked.

Dr. Weston turned to face him and the rest of us. "Yes. It is exceedingly rare in this world, but it once wasn't. I'm afraid the only known cure was all used up a centrey ago."

"You mean to tell me that there is no hope for my brother?" Luger asked.

"Not in this world. But in yours Emily, there is one plant called Godstopperslys left that can save him."

"I know of that tree," Miskit said quietly.

"You do?" Morrie asked.

"Remember, I was once on Earth. Silas had the last Godstopperslys tree in his study in New York state."

"Well, I'm going. Emily, are you coming?" Luger asked as he turned to face me. I nodded.

"But there's one thing I need to tell you," Miskit said.

"Only five people can travel though the portal at a time. Also, it doesn't always make you laid in the same place."

"I'll join you," Alyson said.

"Me too," Leon said.

"But you must hurry. He's fine now, but after he starts getting the first few symptoms, he will die."

"What are the symptoms?" Luger asked.

"Breathing starts getting rapid, the state of the victim progresses towards a deep coma during the time period as he gets weaker and weaker, and finally he gets delusional."


Suddenly the wall right to us fell down and six elfs walked in. One hissed," Well, what do we have here?"