Luger turned to face me as I creaked the door to Trellis' bedroom open, with tears forming in his eyes. It was a misty gray morning, the house had been transformed into a boat, and a strangely motionless Trellis laid in his bed. A big lump formed in my throat. "Could it be? No, it can't be...,"

"Emily, I'm so sorry. Trellis, he's dyeing."

My eyes widened. "No."

Luger nodded. "I don't know what to do. I fear the only thing we can do is go pick out his coffin. It appears he stabbed himself." Luger motioned to the bloody knife on the counter next to the dyeing elf.

Tears started swarming in my eyes. During all the time Trellis has been with us, I had, well, developed feelings for him. Could he really not take the stress and pain anymore?


Luger and I turned to the elf that had suddenly decided to snap me out of my thoughts and say my name.

He rose his left hand.

"Emily?" he said a little louder.

I walked up to the foot of the bed, sat down, and took hold of Trellis' hand.

"I'm here Trellis."

"What do you mean I can't see her? I-I saved her...I want her... I love her. I want her by my side before I die..."

Trellis started moaning and fighting against an invisible force.

"I'm right here Trellis. I would never leave you."

"He's gone delusional," Luger said softly.

"But I always knew he loved you."



I turned to face Luger. "I'm not gonna let him die. Go tell Cogsley to go take a crash course to Kanalis, I'll try to hold down the infection till then."

Luger nodded and rushed out. I turned back to face Trellis. "Trellis, you are not gonna die no matter if you like it or not. I'm not gonna let you," I thought as I sighed, closed my eyes, and finally put my hands on his chest. I squirmed a little when the elf's thick blood squish between my fingers.

My eyes started to glow...

"Just give in young Master. You can feel the power going through your veins, can't you? Let him die. Take his power. Drain him of it."

I groaned. "GET OUT OF MY HEAD!"


My eyes snapped open. I panted as I took in the scene. Trellis was sitting up in bed now; though very pale for an elf and very weakened, it was clear he would make it. I was busily leaning over the bed, sweating like a dog.

My head sort of twitched as the amulet spoke again.

"Let him die. Take his power. Drain him of it..."

"Emily, listen to me. Don't give in."

It was gone.

"T-Trellis why did you try to kill yourself?"

"I didn't."

Trellis had now picked up the bloody knife and was exclaiming it. "Last time I checked, my name wasn't Kingsingsticking."

Trellis looked up at me. "Y-you didn't hear any of that while I was delusional, did you?" But I was too busy looking into his eyes.

It was turning completely white. Sure it was mostly white but now the blackest of parts were turning white. Just like it would with poison.

"Trellis, you've been poisoned!"

"I'm fine."

"No, you're not! We're taking you to Dr. Weston."

"No. I told you,I would pay any price to undo the mistakes of my ancestors. Maybe this is what must be done. My bloodline must be finished off and you must defeat my father. Emily, you must finish off the job."

My mouth opened, but no sound came out. Trellis looked down, as if he really expected me to kill him. "It must be the poison," I thought. "Trellis would never act like this."

" No."

The door suddenly creaked. We turned to see the crew of the Resistance standing there. "We're there," Cogsley said.