Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto, because let's be honest here people. If I created Naruto, half the things that have happened wouldn't have and I definitely wouldn't be on this site writing fanfiction.

Summary: The war was over, now Sasuke and Naruto must look and move forward to an uncertain future. But this time, they were going to move forward together.

Chronicles of a Masochistic Idiot Couple

Chapter Two

Naruto thanked the kami for allowing her to contain the chakra of all the Tailed Beasts as well as her own naturally high chakra reserves; otherwise the walk back to everyone would've been excruciatingly painful. Seeing as she had pretty much pushed Sasuke beyond his limits (as well as her own) during their fight.

It was clear that after their impromptu make-out session that she would have to carry her wayward teammate/boyfriend back.

After all, while she seemed to have an endless chakra supply, the same couldn't be said for the Uchiha.

'It's a good thing I'm a trained shinobi, otherwise it would be difficult to carry him.' The blonde admitted this.

Sasuke, while not too heavy, was definitely heavier than herself but…she could handle it.

If it was him then she could handle anything, just as she would for anyone precious to her.

'But especially for this stupid bastard.' a small smile blossomed on her face, and her cheeks pinked in embarrassment. The giddiness that bubbled inside of her at this turn of events hadn't died even the slightest.

After all, she had done it; she had saved Sasuke from the darkness that had almost completely consumed him. Also, for the first time in years she had seen him smile.

Tightening her grip on his thighs, she crouched down and launched herself forward through the forest. If she paced herself, she should be able to get them there quick enough to release those trap within the soon-to-not be Infinite Tsukiyomi.


Humming in response, she shivered slightly as she felt his breath on her neck.

"They won't just allow me to return to the village after this…I've done too much to be forgiven too soon." He rested his forehead on her shoulder, and tightened his grip around her shoulders.

Naruto bit her lip, as she realized the truth behind his words. Despite his actions in the war, and his eventual actions to free everyone from their cocoons, there were many crimes that he would need to answer for.

He was a nuke-nin from Konoha, which meant he would need to be scrutinized for leaving the village willingly and with the subordinates of one of Konoha's most powerful nuke-nin, Orochimaru. It didn't matter how young he was, and whether he had a valid reason or not when he left. It all comes down to the fact that he had left of his own free will, and spent time with the rouge Sannin.

Then there was his assault on not only on the Kage Summit, but also the assassination of the Rokudaime, Shimura Danzō. Not that anyone really counted the latter, seeing as the man had pretty much shanghaied himself into the position while Tsunade-Baachan had been indisposed.

'That and not long after his death it became clear that the blame for a lot of horrible things that have happened these last few years, and even before that could be laid down at his feet…love for Konoha or not.' Naruto mused, with a frown as she took another high leap so she could make sure she was going the right way.

But, when he is brought forward to be tried she could speak up for him, even offer to be his parole officer. Just maybe, she would be able to at least get his sentence lessened, after all, as many things he has done (and there were a lot of them, this was something that she was just going to disregard). He had helped saved the world, and if he hadn't, Naruto wasn't exactly sure she would've been able to on her own.

As she broke through the treeline, and sprinted across the barren land it didn't take long before she saw the location of the battle against Obito, Madara, and then Kaguya. Much to her happiness, she saw Kakashi-sensei, Sakura-chan (who was still unconscious), the four Hokages, and the Sage of Six Paths.

Soon, she and Sasuke would be able to break the Genjutsu on the Shinobi army and take their first true step towards their future.

Wherever it may lead them...


Well I didn't care much for the canon ending, and so here I am with the continuation of my own view of how the ending could've gone! I'll even included "The Last" in here, though it will obviously go very differently from canon.

And while I do not care for the ending of Naruto, I can say this. I've dealt with the ending better than people almost ten years older than me. I understand, you're angry (I am too, I got that kid rage!) but accept that it has ended.

Just because you don't like the ending isn't going to make it change. You have an idea of how the series should've ended, read/write fanfiction, read/draw doujinshi. That was the purpose behind these mediums in the first place; a way for us to get our way in the fandoms we are in.

This story is my way of having my own desired ending without the frustration constantly angst or raging over the ending does to you. Come on guys, we can do better.