Please Read Author's Note:

I do not own the Teen Titans.

The premise for this story is as follows…

RedX is now on relatively pleasant terms with the Titans. They are not the 'best of friends,' but they get along fine.

Starfire however has been increasingly spending more time with RedX; realizing he is a strong and stable character like Robin, but also is very affectionate and attentive, something she had realized was missing before.



Please enjoy! PM me if you have any questions. I wasn't entirely certain where to start this story, so please endure for now: I promise the bulk of the tale is very good.

* Current Followers for GotG Fanfic:

This was something on that has been rolling around in my head for awhile, and I decided while I was struggling on how to appropriately finish the end of the latest chapter for Rocket Meets His Match, I would still get my creative juices going. Now that I have had a break, I think I know what I'm going to do.

Thank you,

- Kallen

Chapter One

"Titans, GO!"

The fight was on, again. This time, Mumbo Jumbo decided to pull another of his ridiculously convoluted bank robberies; and on their movie night no less!

Beast Boy was especially disappointed by this event, as it has been awhile since the team all hung out together.

Cy had been busy with rebuilding his "baby" after it was totaled by none other than Gizmo, Starfire was out with a newly-found friend to the Titans; Red X.

Raven had started some new novel series and finally Robin…

Well, he was doing whatever leaders do he supposed. Brooding?


His thoughts were cut short as an animated light post knocked him into an airborne Starfire, sending them both crashing into the park across the street.

The hooded goth and robotic teen looked at each before simultaneously charging a hoard of stop signs, postal boxes and a telephone booth.

Maneuvering through the animated street objects and flying garbage cans, the infamous Boy Wonder was able to sneak up behind the loony magician, expertly kicking his wand out of his grasp and ripping the stupid hat from his bald head.

As he landed he turned around and smirked at the old man, now without his magic items.

"Show's over Mumbo."

Sirens sounded in the distance as the police came onto the scene. In the background, a mumble of "dude, that was so cheesy!" from a ruffled Beast Boy and a giggle from the red-headed princess could be heard as the group of friends decided to get some pizza on their way home.

"You've got a twig in your hair."


With her dark magic, Raven 'assisted' Beast Boy by (not so carefully) yanking the twig and leaves still tangled in his grassy locks.

"AAAAHHH! What the heck Raven!?" Beast Boy shouted, holding his precious head and trying to feel through his unruly hair.

"It was bugging me." Raven answers in her usual deadpan, monotonous voice. He paused and regarded the girl for a moment before smiling slightly and walking out of the common room without another comment.

Just as Beast Boy exited the a few minutes pass before the doors swish open again, revealing Cyborg and Starfire chatting happily about some food show.

"Hey Rae! Down for Scary Movie 4 tonight?!" Cy's booming voice filled the room.

"-ven." She added under her breath irritably before he continued, "Have you seen BB? I haven't kicked his ass on the game station for nearly two weeks!" He laughed as Starfire giggled, floating over to the barstools by the counter, "friend Robin may wish to play the 'video games' with you friend Cyborg!"

"Yea, get him out of his stupid room." Raven added irritably, inside just wishing that he'd leave so she could finish her book in peace. The atmosphere was pleasant and she didn't feel like moving.

Besides, she wanted to talk to Robin about something. Having help getting him to emerge from his cave would be beneficial.

"Yea, what has been up his butt lately? I mean, the guy was never overtly social, but he's been more of a recluse than usual." Cy grumbled, throwing himself down on the couch.

Raven paused in her reading and turned to regard her friends as Starfire continued the conversation.

"There definitely has been a feeling of melancholy among some of our comrades lately…"

"You could say that again –"

"Say what again?" The doors swished open as Robin casually strolled into the kitchen area to make himself a cup of coffee.

"Hey man! Where've ya been? You kinda disappeared after pizza!"

"Yes! The mustard and mint pizza was especially satisfying tonight!" Starfire added, her hands in the air conveying her enthusiasm.

Not raising his gaze from his task, Robin replied, "That's nice Starfire, but I just wanted to get back to work."

Curiosity getting the better of her, Raven made her way to the kitchen, and into the conversation. "Why not relax? You stay in your rooms more than I do."

"Yea man! And this is Raven talking! What's going on?"

Thinking quickly, Robin turned around and smiled wryly. "Just wanted to clear out some junk and organize some old criminal files and records I had laying around in the recon room."

Starfire gasped gently, "Why, friend Robin! We would have helped you had you informed us! Is there more to go through? I will be happy to offer –"

"No Star, it's fine." He interrupted, and at seeing her deflate he quickly added, "Thank you though. But really, I'm pretty much done."

Everyone was silent as he made is way out the way he came in. He paused and turned to regard his friends, "care to try for a movie night tomorrow?"

"Sure man, see ya around." Cy responded quickly, trying to figure out what was up with his friend. The doors swished closed and there was silence before they collectively sighed in defeat.

"Is it just me, or does friend Robin seem… dumped in the down?"

"Down in the dumps." Raven corrected before answering, "I believe so. His aura has been a little muted lately, but he could just need some time alone. Everyone goes through phases."

"Yea but he should talk to us! We are his friends! Remember the last time this happened-"

Folding her arms across her chest and leaning her hip against the counter, Raven cuts him off, "No. It's not the same."

"What are you talking about? It is exactly the same! He hides, obsesses, keeps secrets and then all of the sudden we are learning about some secret plan he's wrapped himself up in, and we are non the wiser!" Cyborg argued, getting frustrated and restless with the situation.

Raising her voice, Raven tries again, "It is not. Empathy, remember?" She points to her hooded head. "That time Robin was irritable, moody and stressed out – "

"Friend Raven is correct. He is not any of those things, he almost seems…sad?"

Raven nods, both girls watching Cyborg. After re-thinking it over, he heaves a heavy sigh. "Okay… perhaps you are right. But he should still talk to us – "

"He might just not be ready to share with us," Beast Boy added as he reentered the space, taking a seat next to Star at the counter after pouring himself a cup of coffee, "Or no one has bothered to ask." He muttered sullenly before taking a sip from his cup. Raven raised an eyebrow at this, and filed this behavior away to analyze later. Right now Robin was her focus.

There was a heavy silence in the kitchen as the four friends brooded.

"Has anyone asked?"

"Of course we have asked BB, heck, we just asked him like ten minutes ago. He deflected." Cybord replied, deflated; though the frustration was starting to seep back into his voice.

Beast Boy, leaning his chin on his hand deadpanned, "Did you put him on the spot?"

Everyone looked at their green friend with mild surprise, Beast Boy sighed and stood up with his fresh coffee in hand, "Look. No one likes being put on the spot like that. Most people, especially Robin, wouldn't feel comfortable talking about anything personal and would get defensive or try to evade."

"So you're saying we go to him individually? But who?"

"I believe Raven was going to do something along those lines. Just give him some space."

"But friend Robin –"

Beast Boy turns and gives his friend a gentle look, pleading with her to understand, "I know you care Star… but the best thing to do now is not draw attention on it. See how his talk with Raven goes."

Cyborg scratches his head, "That was… uuuhh… some good advice, BB…" Beast Boy just raises an eyebrow in response, sipping from his mug of coffee.

Raven for the moment is in a loss for words.


Everyone turned to regard their redheaded teammate before she continued, "do you think this could… that this could be –" she muttered nervously, chocking on the tears building up in her sparkling emerald eyes.

"-No Starfire. This is not your fault." Starfire sniffed and looked up from her folded hands to her cloaked friend in dark blue.

"Now, whether or not this has anything to do with you dating Red – I do not know." Starfire stifled a sob as Raven continued softly.

"You both were drifting away from the romantic relationship, and had ended it a while before Red became our friend and you two started dating –"

"But there could still be some residual feelings there that Robin needs to work through." Beast Boy finished sagely, surprising the purple-haired girl once again.

"I think BB might be right." Cy patted Starfire on the shoulder, "Don't worry so much about it Star, Robin's a strong guy, if this is what's eating him, he'll work his way through it."

"But just to be safe, respect his space and privacy for now, yea Star?" Beast Boy added gently, placing a light hand over Star's, giving her a tentative smile. She nodded and sniffled before rising, causing Beast Boy to pull back.

"I will be going to my room now. Thank you friends, and please help friend Robin."

"We will Star." Cyborg promised firmly as Starfire gave a watery smile and floated out of the common area towards her quarters.

"Damn… I can't believe I just said that…"

"Said what?" Raven inquired. Beast Boy looking at him expectantly for the explanation.

"That BB was right."

Cyborg snickers after BB playfully jostles him in his seat with a hit to the shoulder as he walks by.

They all wordlessly decide it's to retire as well, hoping the morning will be a little brighter.

It was about 2am, and Robin was still awake. This wasn't necessarily unusual.

However, the infamous Boy Wonder was not in the lab, workout or evidence rooms like everyone would assume. Instead, he was lying on his mattress, arms behind his head and staring out at the starlit sky brooding, the light illuminating his slight athletic build.

Then there was a knock on his door.

Sighing, he pulls himself to his feet and drags them across the room to let Raven in.

He has been expecting her to interrogate him about his mood for a few days now, realizing that he hasn't even bothered to muster up much energy anymore; even in missions he was starting to lack his usual zest for battle.


"Hi." A gruff, female voice responds from the darkness of the hallway.

Robin walks away from the door over to his desk where he pulls out a chair, sitting on it backwards – Raven already making herself comfortable floating in a lotus position just above his queen-sized mattress.

Off and on since the incident as 'Slade's apprentice,' this has been somewhat of a biannual routine for them, though it has been close to a year since the last time they had one of their late night chats.

Silence fills the room for a few long seconds before Raven broke the silence, "I am not going to ask if you are okay."

Robin raises an eyebrow as Raven sighs and takes off her hood, leveling Robin with a stern stare, "Something is wrong, though it's not any of the usual things." She pauses to watch closely for Robin's reactions, but he just sits there calmly, gaze dropping to his hands.

"It's different."

Robin looks back up at her before sighing and rubbing a hand through his hair, getting his fingers stuck a little from the gel that he didn't wash out yet, "I don't know what to tell you Raven."

"Look, I understand if you are upset about Star and –"

He interrupts her with a sigh and a shake of his head, "No. This isn't about what happened with Starfire, though I don't really know RedX very well, I don't have anything major against him –"

"But it still must be hard to see him with her."

Robin gives Raven a wry smile, "Not in the way you think." Raven says nothing, just raises an eyebrow.

Preparing himself to give an explanation (because he knows Raven won't leave without one), he stands and flips the chair around, moving it slightly closer to Raven. He wanted her to try to understand now, because he was damned if he had to try and explain shit again.

A deep breath, then he starts as he stares at his folded hands, resting his elbows on his knees, "To wrap it all up, I guess I just feel a little lost. It's nothing to do with Starfire… well… not completely." He looks up at Raven and rolls his eyes.

"I'm frustrated because I can't see any reason not to be in love with Starfire."

A light goes on in Raven's head, she tries to work it out, "So you are unsure if 'letting her go,' was the right choice? But you wanted to be sure she wasn't getting too attached if there was a chance the emotions didn't grow from there?"

Robin sighs and hangs his head, "Just about." He raises his head again and levels his stare outside his window, just past his friend's left arm.

"I guess I feel that I should be feeling differently? But I know it's a bit ridiculous. Overall, though – " Now he meets Raven's eyes.

"I just don't think it was meant to be."

There is a moments' silence as Raven continues to watch Robin as he hangs his head and tries to stifle a yawn. Exhaustion pulls at his face, but he doesn't tell her to leave. He never tells her to leave, because he knows she'll leave when she gets what she came for.

"But you still feel alone."

Robin's minor fidgeting stops, then a small, pessimistic smile flashes in the shadows of his face, poorly concealing the slight pain that statement brought him.

He hated these things; being forced through his subconscious and stuck like a neon sign at the forefront of his mind by the empath.

But he knew it was for the best… he thinks.

Either way he's going to get it, so it doesn't matter.


"I see." Now Raven is the one looking down at her lap, allowing a pause before she continues, "It seems we both have a similar problem, and we should be able to help each other, understand each other… because we are both missing that piece but -"

"But it just doesn't fit."


Robin now looks at Raven and allows himself to give a small smile, "You shouldn't have to come and do this, Raven."

Ignoring her friend's comment, she moves to stand, straightening her cloak.

"No, but this isn't just a one-way thing."

Robin shoots her a confused look.

She sighs, "We both feel loneliness. Even though we can't help each other, we understand each other's pain." She looks at Robin and he nods.

"And that's enough for me."

"Me too."

Raven's footsteps move swiftly across the floor of his room to the door.

"Hey Raven."

She turns back to her raven-haired friend.

"I don't think your missing piece is missing at all."

Eyes narrowing in confusion, silently demanding Robin explain himself.

"I just don't think you see it yet."

Raven just stares at Robin for a few more seconds before leaving his room, the door sliding shut and locking behind her.


I hope you like the start!

FYI, this story, until I get further ahead in my other fanfic, will be updated less frequently. Like maybe once or twice a week.

Much Love!
