Chapter 15: Freedom

Hermione had been told that a decision would take about a week or more to come through, so she was surprised when only three days after her visit to the Ministry, an official owl came flying to the Moor Cottage baring a letter.

Walburga had gone through many hard decisions in her life. For the greatest part it had been fairly easy. She had been born in a time of relative peace when there had been no hint of any kind of Dark Lords, the world had been fairly balanced in her young life.

She had been the ideal pureblood daughter and a member of the House of Black. While she attended Hogwarts, she was sorted into Slytherin, and had proceeded to marry a pureblooded wizard after school and giving him two talented sons.

It was when her sons grew that problems began appearing. There was the Dark Lord who was then defeated by Albus Dumbledore, and then some years later there whisperings of a new Dark Lord who was the Heir of Slytherin.

This caused friction in the house at a new level. Sirius being sorted into Gryffindor had been difficult and upsetting, but nothing compared to what was coming.

Walburga knew she had always been the more hot-headed and that Sirius had very much taken after her in that aspect. I did not help them get along. They had great shouting matches and arguments that were only slightly bordered by Regulus and Orion who were more Slytherin in that aspect, cool and calculated.

She and Sirius had explosive tempers and solid ideologies that were opposites, but neither of them would bend. This had led to Sirius drifting away from his family and eventually running away to the Potter family.

She had always loved both of her sons, but her unyielding personality had never allowed her to show a maternal softness that her sons seemed to require. It was easier with Regulus who had always simply formed himself to the expectations of his family, not head strong in the direct way Sirius was. Regulus' rebellions had always been more subtle.

She hated the way she was seen by most of the world. As a spiteful and hateful woman who had no heart. She had changed, and she only showed her softer side to Cepheus and Kreacher. Her son's mudblood wife had also seen her better side and was able to get to her in a way nobody else, not even her husband, had been able to.

She never ventured outside of her home anymore. She had given management over the estates to the goblins who she knew where competent in the handling of riches, and all food was made by Kreacher. The only human she ever saw was the Malfoys occasionally and of course her little grandson Cepheus whom she loved dearly.

She knew there was a reason her daughter-in-law had been sorted into Slytherin. And she hoped she was right.

Honourable Madame Black,

You have hereby been granted permission by the Ministry of Magic Auror Department and the Head of the Ancient and Most Noble House of Black the Lady Walburga to make a visit to Azkaban Prison.

The visit will take place a week from the receiving of this letter. Please acknowledge to the signed, that you have received this message.

You are allowed to be accompanied the person of your choice, as per your request. The name of this person must be submitted in writing with the confirmation of the receiving of this letter.


Auror Kingsley Shacklebolt

Head of Administration of Azkaban Prison

It was so Cepheus was sent to his grandmother and Remus came to the cottage to take care of Harry.

On the set date Hermione and Severus took the assigned boat with an Auror assigned to their visit to Azkaban. The prison was a dark dank place where sadness and misery seeped through the very rock of the ancient island. The Auror had a special assignment by the Ministry that allowed him to control the dementors that occupied the island.

The couple was led into a cell deep in the dungeons. There resided Bellatrix Lestrange, the most avid of Lord Voldemort's supporters. She was covered with grime and looked to be out of her mind. But her dull eyes sharpened as she saw her visitors.

"Sevvy!" she cooed in a high pitched voice.

"Haven't you seen you around for a while."

"No, Bella, it is not my kind of haunt", Severus answered dryly.

"Really? Dark and dank like your dungeons? So sure?" Bellatrix asked mockingly.

"Quite", was Severus' response. The crazy woman got bored with the conversation and turned her attention to Hermione.

"And who might you be, deary? Severus' lady friend? Lucky boy."

"I am Hermione Black, Regulus' widow", Hermione said.

"I remember you. I was at your wedding, was I not?"

"Yes", she said.

"I came to inform you that Regulus has a son by me, Cepheus, who will one day be the Head of the House of Black."

Bellatrix seemed slightly taken aback.

"Oh, quite the fancy baby", she said and cackled maniacally.

"That was all. Good bye, Bellatrix", Severus said and led Hermione away.

"Well, that went well", Hermione remarked.

"As well as could be hoped", Severus answered as they were led by the Auror to a new cell this one belonging to the notorious mass murderer Sirius Black.

"Black, you have visitors!" the Auror snapped making the man's head snap up abruptly in a way that had Hermione wondering if it didn't heard to react with such a speed. The Auror went to wait outside in the corridor as Sirius Black regarded them with nothing far from shock.

"Snivellus? Herminia?" came out his raspy noise.

"What the hell are you doing here?"

"I came to inform you that my son Cepheus, son of Regulus, your brother, is the heir to the Black lordship", Hermione said ignoring his question. While she spoke she moved closer to Sirius and whispered quickly in his ear.

"Little Prongs needs you, use Padfoot to escape."

Not giving Sirius any time to react, she pulled out a rock from her pocket.

"When Padfoot is ready, touch this and say the words 'Animare! Vivere! Fieri me!'", she said and pulled away. Sirius repeated the words under his breath and then nodded though his expression was puzzled.

"Hogsmeade is so beautiful this time of year. The nature around of Hogwarts is so invigorating", she then said aloud. Sirius grinned conspiratively.

"I would kill for a pint of Butterbeer", Sirius said and then they left.

"Do you think it worked?" Hermione asked as they made their way up the hill to the cottage.

"We shall have to wait and see", said Severus. The door opened and Cepheus came running towards them waving his arms happily. Hermione bent down and received him into her open arms.

"Missed you", the boy said.

"Missed you too", answered Hermione.

Unfortunately the next chapter will be delayed. The next few weeks are very full. I'll try to make time this weekend, but it is unsure.