The Breakup

theme: treehouse fun

theme from darkangelsnapelover's one-shot challenge. this will be a longer piece.

Chapter 1-Treehouse Date

Francine climbed up the treehouse and looked around. They were sixteen now but the treehouse was still in good shape. Arthur climbed up behind Francine and brushed a few leaves off the edge. The floor was dirty but Francine pulled out a blanket. It covered most of the floor. Arthur smiled.

"I told you my date idea would be great," Francine grinned, taking off her jacket to show off her revealing top. Francine's boobs were a C-cup. Arthur tried not to stare. Francine laughed, "I told you I had a little surprise up my sleeve. Happy?"

Arthur nodded as Francine laughed harder. She was looking at his pants. Arthur looked down. He'd popped a boner. He tried to cover it with his hand but Francine grabbed his hand before he could.

"I've been on the pill two months now. I know we said we'd wait, but...I'm ready when you are," Francine whispered, kissing Arthur deeply. Arthur pulled away at first but didn't resist after the first few seconds. He liked how Francine's lips felt against his. He liked the taste of her cherry lip gloss too.

Arthur pulled away, "I don't know about this. We're a little young to be thinking about sex, actually having sex." "Oh please, Arthur. Muffy's had sex since she was what, 12? There's nothing to worry about. You have condoms, I'm on-"

"I forgot the condoms. You said you had a surprise. I didn't think sex." "What, you thought we'd play board games in the treehouse like the good ol' days? Are you sure you even like me anymore, Arthur?" Francine demanded. "Yes, of course I like you." "Well act like it! Popping a boner over my tits is something any guy can do. I ask you for sex, something no other guy can do, and you act like I've asked you for...a pony or something outrageous like that."

"Maybe I'm not ready!" Arthur blushed. "It''s a big step. I want it to be perfect." "Well, I worked hard to make sure this would be perfect," Francine emphasized, gesturing around the treehouse. Arthur finally noticed the new curtains. There was even a battery-powered lantern in the corner. "See? I planned it out. I wanted tonight to be the night."

"But we haven't even made out yet," Arthur protested. Francine scoffed. She'd had enough. She started to fold up the blanket. Her front was pointed to Arthur. He caught himself staring and tried to look away. He didn't notice the mirror she'd added. He could see how nice her ass looked in her jeans. His penis started to throb uncontrollably.

"You're an idiot," Francine muttered as she began to climb out of the treehouse. Arthur looked back to protest. Only a small moan leaked out. He could see down her shirt. She wasn't wearing a bra. He came, not prepared for the sight. Francine noticed and stopped. She started to laugh uncontrollably. Arthur ducked into the treehouse blushing. He couldn't believe how horrible this date had turned out.