It was the Hopes Peak prom in the gymnasium, most of the school was paired up and enjoying the dance floor, well except for one who was sitting off to the side.

Koizumi sighed to herself as she flipped through the pictures on her camera. She had been asked to be the official photographer, so she spent the night taking pictures.

She looked at the pictures of happy couples with great envy.

"Not like anyone asked me out anyways..." Muttered Koizumi.

She looked out into the crowd, where Saonji was awkwardly dancing with another student, her date.

"Even Hiyoko got asked out..." Thought Saonji.

To Koizumi's surprise, not a single person asked her to go to the dance with them.

"I need some breathing room..." Muttered Koizumi.

She got up and walked out of the gym, into the more empty hallway. Koizumi instantly noticed that she was not alone. Souda was leaning against the wall, a glum look on his face.


The mechanic looked at her.

"Oh hey..." Said Souda.

"I figured you would be in the gym with everyone else." Said Koizumi.

"Well I was." Said Souda. "Until Gundam and Sonia came."

"I thought Sonia was sick." Said Koizumi. "Last I heard she had a nasty cold."

"Well miracles happen." Said Souda.

He let out a sigh.

"I was going to go stag with Hinata, Fuyuhiko, and Komaeda but they all somehow got dates."

Koizumi couldn't help but relate to Souda's situation.

"I'm the loser who went to the prom alone..."

"Welcome to the club." Said Koizumi.

Souda was surprised.

"You mean you-"

"Nobody asked me." Said Koizumi. "Meanwhile Hiyoko gets like ten people who want to go with her..."

Souda put a hand on the photographer's shoulder and smiled.

"Lets go back in."


"We cant let this keep us down." Said Souda. "Besides, you still have pictures to take."

"But what about Sonia?" Asked Koizumi. "Aren't you-"

"Shes probably still germy from her cold." Said Souda. "Sides, I can think of another girl who might enjoy some company."

Souda smirked.

"And shes right here."

Koizumi blushed.

"Souda?...are you sure?"


Koizumi cleared her throat.

"Alright then." Said Koizumi. "But you better slow dance."

"Planned to anyways." Said Souda. "But don't expect me to do it well."

Koizumi smiled and blushed at the mechanic.

"Fine with me."

He took her hand and the two of them walked back into the gym. After all, the night was still young.

So this story is over.

Next I think I'll start posting my Persona 4 story.

I'm also working on a story involving one of the couples in this collection.