AN: Dedicated to ramen-and-cherries on Tumblr because you are my twinny bear it's you birthday and I love you. Thank you for fangirling with me.

Prompt: He is the Devil and She is the Angel

Sasuke smirked. So this was the punishment for committing something unthinkable-something the kind of him should never do. He became curious and took a peek of the heavens from the border where the realms of heaven and hell meet. There he saw a pond, sparkling like crystals of the highest quality. Out of it emerged an angel with short and wet pink tresses completely naked, water glistening on her skin and slowly dripping from her body. He couldn't take his eyes off her.

He began visiting the same place and slowly he gets addicted like a moth attracted to the flame. He approached and got to know her. Befriend was not the term. It was more than that. There was something delicate about her-something so pure, innocent and untainted. He wanted to push her away but he also wanted to run his hands over her lips and her soft skin, taste them and satisfy his curiosity. He wanted to know if she tasted as good as she looked.

But then he got find out and the visits stopped. He was arrested and taken here to be judged.

Sasuke stood in front the council of the higher-ups, his hands tied by invisible power-draining cuffs. One of the prominent men in the realm of Hell announced his crime.

"Uchiha Sasuke. S-class black angel. He hid his wings, visited the heavens and befriended an angel resulting in the disruption of the balance of the two realms. Punishment: He will be locked away for an indefinite period of time deprived of using his powers until the council said so. He will not be allowed any contact even with other people of his kind,"

He was expressionless.

"What do you want to say? Any regrets?" the judge asked.

Bitterness flickered in his eyes but it was gone as soon as it came.

"I didn't regret anything," was all he said.

But then the gigantic door opened and in came a pink-haired angel who braved passing through the corridors of the realm of Hell just to see him. She was panting, almost drained from the horrors she witnessed.

His eyes widened. The council stared in horror. This was preposterous and the first of its kind. she should also be punished severely.

But, just like him, it didn't look like she regret anything either.