PJatO || Nicercy || PJatO || The Prince of Atlantis High || PJatO || Nicercy || PJatO

Title: The Prince of Atlantis High – Of Teen Love, Friendship and Secrets

Fandom: Percy Jackson and the Olympians / Heroes of Olympus; all-human High School AU

Disclaimer: All rights reserved to Rick Riordan for he created the awesomeness that is Nico di Angelo. And everything else related to Percy Jackson and the Olympians / Heroes of Olympus. Aside from the Gods, they belong to the old Greeks. This fanfiction and its OCs on the other hand are entirely mine. No money is made with this, though reviews are more than welcomed.

Warnings: shounen-ai, explicit intercourse, anal, masturbation, toys, fluff, h/c, self-esteem issues, domestic violence, child abuse, alcohol abuse, threesome, shoujo-ai, hetero

Main Pairing: Nico/Percy

Side Pairings: Percy/Annabeth (beard), Nico/Drew (one-sided), Piper/Annabeth, Frank/Hazel/Leo, Ethan/Alabaster, Jake/Will, Luke/Octavian, Thalia/Luke, Charles/Silena, Chris/Clarisse, Jason/Reyna, Malcolm/Katie, Grover/Juniper, Shane/Lacy, Gleeson/Mellie, Chiron/Lupa, Hades/Persephone, Paul/Sally

Football Team: Luke Castellan, Jason Grace, Frank Zhang, Travis Stoll, Connor Stoll, Chris Rodriguez, Charles Beckendorf, Jake Mason, Shane McNabb, Leo Valdez, Grover Underwood

Swim Team: Perseus Jackson, Will Solace, Katie Gardner, Mitchell Logan, Austin Barton

Misfits: Nico di Angelo, Lou Ellen Torrington, Alabaster C. Torrington, Ethan Nakamura, Cecil Rogers

Student Council: Annabeth Chase, Malcolm Cage, Octavian Simmons, Rachel Elizabeth Dare, Ella Dare, Hazel Levesque, Reyna Avila Ramírez-Arellano, Clarisse la Rue

Cheerleaders: Silena Beauregard, Drew Tanaka, Piper McLean, Lacy Hunnigan, Zoe Nightshade, Phoebe Burge, Thalia Grace, Bianca di Angelo, Hylla Avila Ramírez-Arellano, Kinzie Cohen, Nyssa Black, Kayla Hein, Miranda Gardner, Juniper Hedge

Staff at Atlantis High: Principal Chiron Brunner, Vice Principal Lupa Brunner, Counselor Paul Blofis, Howard Claymore, Mellie Hedge, Gleeson Hedge, Janitor Bob, Small Bob

Percy's Family: Gabe Ugliano, Sally Jackson, Tyson Jackson, Mrs. O'Leary

Nico's Family: Hades di Angelo, Persephone di Angelo, Thanatos di Angelo, Zerberus

Summary: Percy Jackson is the Prince of Atlantis High – he's new at school and the captain of the football team and king of school, Luke Castellan, had taken him under his wings. Luke is one half of the Golden Couple, together with the cheerleader Thalia Grace. Finally, after all the schools he has been to, he finds a place where he seems to fit. He finds friends and feels at ease.

But nothing is perfect. Thalia is part of a purity club and since she won't put out, Luke is screwing one of the nerds behind her back. The friendly cheerleaders are not all that friendly, at least not all of them. There are the outsiders, who call themselves the Misfits, and wow, their leader is smoking. So while dealing with his own very dark secret, as well as the other secrets this school seems to harbor, Percy also has to deal with his attraction to the rebel Nico.

In a school where being gay translates to being bullied, Percy finds himself in a cover-relationship with the Princess of Atlantis High. Annabeth Chase. Now that Luke and Thalia are close to graduation, there is a lot on pressure on the future Golden Couple. But of course his bad grades give his teachers the amazing idea to make antisocial Nico his tutor, so Percy learns and Nico may make more friends. How is Percy supposed to deal with his attraction to Nico and how is Nico supposed to deal with the things he notices about Percy? Like the bruises he tries to hide from everyone.

The Prince of Atlantis High

Of Teen Love, Friendship and Secrets

Chapter 13: Go On With What Your Heart Tells You, or You Will Lose All

Percy was blushing as he tugged on the sleeve of his red hoodie. When Nico had asked him to go to Comic Con, he had been so excited. When Nico had asked him to join in on the family's group cosplay, the excitement grew infinitely and a certain fondness and happiness spread through him. When he realized that his sneaky boyfriend had actually pulled him into a couple cosplay, he couldn't stop blushing like a little child. So here they were, on their way to Comic Con. Percy's heart was beating a hundred miles an hour, maybe even more. Certainly more.

Granted, the little family outing had grown significantly after Nico had invited Percy along, because Percy didn't stop talking about it, until it became clear that they were not the only ones going to Comic Con. And once that was established, the others were easily convinced to join the family cosplay too. Percy's irresistible puppy-eyes helped a lot there.

He took a look around to survey everyone. Hades was Peter Hale, Nico was Derek Hale and Bianca was Laura Hale. That had been the group everything had started with. Teen Wolf's Hale Pack. And just like in the show, it grew. Pretty fast. Nico, that sneaky bastard, had roped Percy into cosplaying Stiles, so they could be 'the most epic Sterek ever', according to Bianca. Apparently, the di Angelos were too generous to believe, because Tyson was allowed to tag along. It was very easy to turn their most adorable crew-member into the main character Scott McCall – and the little boy looked so adorable with his fake fangs and fluffy sideburns. He kept roaring at everyone, motioning to claw with his fake claws on his nails. It was utterly adorable and Percy couldn't stop gushing over just how adorable it was. That aside, Scott was like the irresponsible little brother of Stiles, so it fit quite well, because Percy was not going to let go of Tyson's hand, not even once.

Thanatos agreed, after putting up a fight, that he would join them too. Originally, he had wanted to cosplay the Black Panther, but apparently something came up that made him turn an odd shade of green at the mention of that cosplay. So he agreed to do Boyd for them.

Which fit perfectly, considering that apparently Jason, Reyna, Annabeth, Piper and Rachel had been planning to go to Comic Con for a couple months now and had easily been bribed into joining the group cosplay. Annabeth gave a perfect Erica Reyes, the fangs and claws, short leather skirt and red lipstick doing things to Piper that she did not admit to aloud. Piper was a pretty good Cora Hale, while Reyna gave a very convincing Allison (after having borrowed one of Bianca's bows) and Rachel was the perfect Lydia. She also kept sassing Percy, to 'be in character', as she put it. And thanks to Reyna, they also got Jason to give them a very cute Isaac Lahey.

So they had nearly the whole pack together and when Percy looked around, he felt a content flutter in his heart. He felt like he truly belonged, right here with all those weirdos. It felt pretty damn perfect, really. He observed silently as everyone laughed and joked together.

"Where is Hazel?", noted Percy after a little while, looking around confused.

"Oh. She's helping Leo and Frank with their cosplay. They said they'd follow soon", dismissed Bianca and rolled her eyes. "Really now, the boys need longer to get ready than us."

"Because their cosplays are a little more... time-consuming", argued Jason with a frown.

"...Why is he pouting?", asked Percy confused, turning to Reyna.

"Because he originally wanted to tag along with their cosplays, but... well, the issue of money arose and he will not deny me when I ask him to do something", stated Reyna simply, smirking.

"Next year", huffed Jason, still pouting. "And if I have to save up every last cent for it!"

"I'm not going to dye my hair red for your sake", declined Reyna with a deadpan. "And I'm certainly not wearing a wig. Do you have any idea how much you sweat under those things?!"

"You don't love me", grunted Jason, arms crossed over his chest. "It'd be an awesome couple cosplay. Like, seriously. It's totally not fair of you. And you'd look hot with red hair."

Percy was a little confused as he watched them. He had no idea what kind of cosplay Leo, Frank and Hazel were doing, though he had been disappointed that they hadn't joined them. He was startled out of his thoughts when someone took his free hand. Looking up, he got lost in Nico's red eyes. The contacts really freaked him out at first, but now he found it kind of hot.

"Hey, Sourwolf", teased Percy with a small grin. "What are you doing?"

"Getting in-character and making sure no one hurts or steals my precious human", replied Nico with the cheekiest grin ever. "Right, pack mom? Besides, this is... big. I don't want you to get lost."

"Even holding onto him won't do you any good once he sees the Doctor Who panel even from afar. I'd bet money he'd dash off in a speed that'd make Barry Allen jealous", snorted Annabeth.

"Oh. Your nerd is showing, Chase", snickered Nico teasingly.

"Shut up. It's a very clever crime-show. I watch it for the crime", muttered Annabeth, blushing.

"Yes. I'm totally watching Arrow for all the justice and righteous things too. Not to ogle Felicity Smoak", said Piper with a solemn expression. "Oh my gosh. We are so doing that next year. You're gonna be my hot Smoak and I'll do a genderbend Arrow and it's gonna be epic and-"

"Wow. I wasn't aware that there are so many hidden nerds in our school", muttered Nico amused.

"Talking about nerds, where are Alabaster, Ethan, Lou and Cecil?", asked Percy curiously.

"We'll meet up with them for lunch. You're gonna love their cosplay", snickered Nico.

"Why? Tell me. Now. Be a good Alpha and tell me!", whined Percy playfully.

"You'll see", teased Nico with a wink. "Now come on. Time to go inside."


Inside was amazing. As in, Percy wanted to move in here and never leave again. Why couldn't this be like a city where you can move to? Where this was an everyday thing? The cosplaying, the merchandise, the fangirls and fanboys, all the nerdgasms and panels.

Nico next to him looked completely exhausted as the two of them collapsed at a table in the Villain Pub. Percy simply had to check that out. There wasn't much on YouTube that he fanboyed about, but the Villain Pub was awesome – and Nico agreed with him on that. Percy also had the ScreenJunkies' Movie Fights! noted down with thick red marker. There was just so much to do, so much he wanted to see. This really could last for at least a week to give him enough time to take it all in. Like, every little thing. Because he wanted to see every little thing.

"Are you... H—How are you not exhausted?", muttered Nico, wiping the sweat off his forehead. "You're been dragging me around from one thing to the next for hours now..."

"And I want more!", exclaimed Percy, eyes sparkling. "I want to see everything! This is so amazing! All those awesome people and the interviews and the stuff."

They had to head back to the hotel three times already to dump the things they had bought. Nico was mildly amused at how flustered Jason was about his own shopping trips. Never would Nico have thought the jock to be such a closeted nerd. Teasing would ensure for the next months.

"Guys! Guys, there you are!", called a beautiful blonde out.

Percy had to blink twice before he recognized Lou with the blonde wig. She wore a blue body-suit with a four on the chest. Behind her came Alabaster, also with fake blonde hair and what looked like a pretty convincing flame dancing around his arm. Next to him was Ethan, parts of his hair dyed gray to fit better, though judging by the enthusiasm that the Torrington siblings radiated, Percy would also believe it if Ethan told him he had grown gray hair because of them. The dead giveaway to what they were cosplaying was however Cecil – who legitimately was wearing a suit that looked like it was made of actual rocks. Very handy craftsmanship there.

"Wow. You guys are awesome as the Fantastic Four", whispered Percy in total awe.

"I know!", exclaimed Alabaster with a shit-eating grin as he sat down next to Percy. "Next year, you two are gonna join us in our Marvel though. I am very disappointed that you didn't this year."

"Not our fault", grunted Nico, one arm around Percy's waist. "If we would have known that there'd find so many willing cosplayers tagging along, we would have planned bigger from the start. We just wanted to do the Hale Pack, because it was just the three of us... By the time we had everyone together, it was too late to put together such elaborate cosplays anyway."

"At least your sister is not as uncool as you are", huffed Lou and stuck his tongue out.

"Have you seen Hazel, Leo and Frank yet?", asked Percy curiously.

"No. But we agreed to meet here and then head out together for a while", replied Lou.

Eagerness fluttered in his chest once more at that. He was really curious what those three were cosplaying at this point. Still, until they'd arrive, he settled to listen to the Fantastic Four's tales of what they had done here so far. And while doing so, he snuggled up to his Nico. Now that he was actually sitting down and not chasing a star or a cosplayer (yes, it was a little embarrassing, but he couldn't help it. When he saw an awesome cosplay or a character he loved dearly, he'd squeal and bolt off to ask for a picture), the adrenaline had a chance to subside, leaving him a bit tired.

"So... where's your mini-me? I already saw the pics of you and Ty", inquired Cecil.

"He stole Jason", grinned Percy amused in reply. "He wanted to go to the Adventure Time panel. I'm not watching that stuff, but it turns out Jason does, so Tyson used his puppy eyes of doom until Jason agreed to take him. I just hope they're back in time so Ty and I won't miss the My Little Pony panel. Because there will be pouting if I miss that. A lot of pouting."

"You're so cute, love", grinned Nico and kissed his cheek.

"Oh. The shipping is strong in this one. Disgustingly strong", teased Alabaster.

"Well, better than you. I mean, are you screwing with the fans' heads?", countered Percy.

"Well, Reed and I have a very open relationship and my brother jumps anything with a pulse anyway, right Johnny?", said Lou with a grin, patting Ethan and Alabaster on the backs.

"Right, Sue", agreed Alabaster, his grin matching that of his sister.

"Guys! Guys, there you are!", called Hazel from afar. "We've been looking everywhere!"

Percy looked up from the Fantastic Four, just to have his jaw drop and nearly hit the floor. The sparkle in his eyes brightened even more as he entered full-out fanboy-mode. Hazel looked gorgeous as Ororo Munroe, aka Storm. The white wig not cheap, but so it looked practically natural, the black spandex suit fitting her perfectly and the white contacts looking freakishly creepy and also totally awesome. And that explained why Thanatos had ditched Black Panther, because cosplaying a couple with his sibling, no, not really awesome. What had Percy in such a fanboy-mode however was less Hazel and more Leo. He was a master tinkerer after all, so it shouldn't surprise Percy as much as it did that Leo's Iron Man suit basically looked like the real deal. Right down to the glowing Arc Reactor on his chest. It was absolutely perfect and that he was holding hands with a green Frank only wearing purple pants made it all the more awesome.

"Frank thirsty. Frank drinking, or Frank smash", grunted Frank with a glare.

"I really hope that the talking won't stick that way", noted Hazel worried.

"You guys look adorable!", exclaimed Leo as he waved his arms around.

"And you look freaking awesome!", gasped Percy before his head snapped over to stare at Nico demandingly. "We are so gonna join them next year! I wanna be Captain America! And you could be the Bucky Barnes to my Steve Rogers! I mean... well, it's not really my ship, but you are the perfect Bucky. Seriously. I mean, I'd steal Leo all the time for pairing shoots, but okay..."

"You are not stealing my Tony Stark", growled Frank in his best Hulk-voice. "Science boyfriends over superhusbands any day of the week, man! Go and get your own ship!"

"No way!", yelped Percy and leaned forward. "Superhusbands for the win! Besides, I could put Ty into a tiny Spider-Man outfit and we'd be the superfamily instead! That's way more awesome!"

"Oh my gosh, I love that!", yelped Leo giddily. "We'd just need a Deadpool for Ty too!"

Nico zoomed out on the pairing-war, too dazed by what Percy had just said. Percy was just casually planning what they'd be doing in a year from now. Together, as a couple. Like there was not even a question of whether or not they'd still be dating by then. No, it was completely obvious to Percy that a year from now, Nico and Percy would still be together and happy and going to Comic Con together to cosplay a pairing Nico shipped but Percy disliked, just because Percy loved him that much. How was this guy even for real? He was way too perfect to be true.

"I love you", whispered Nico and kissed Percy softly.

"...I was just in the middle of arguing why Rachel is a better Pepper Potts than Black Widow", grunted Percy and blinked slowly. "But I love you too. Oh. Wait. That's what Jason had been complaining about this morning! He wants to be Hawkeye and he wants Reyna to do Black Widow! Now it makes sense. And wow, Reyna would totally rock as Black Widow!"

"I know", whined Leo with a pout. "I told them that too. Well, next year."

"See? When Reyna does Black Widow, then Rachel could do Pepper", declared Percy with a broad grin. "And oh, how about Annabeth as Thor? I mean, female Thor obviously."

"You think we can convince Piper to do a female Loki then?", asked Leo with sparkling eyes.

"Her mind is a dirty place, so we certainly can", snickered Percy and wiggled his eyebrows.

"Okay, so we'd have Hawkeye, Black Widow, Hulk, Iron Man, Captain America, Winter Soldier, Thor, Pepper", listed Leo, counting off his fingers. "Spider-Man, Storm and the Fantastic Four."

"Thanatos could do Falcon? I mean, with you crafting awesome wings for him", supplied Percy. "Oh, Hades would be a totally awesome Magneto. He'd make a great villain."

"Yes", agreed Leo, nodding wildly. "He really would."

"Mh... What if we don't do the Fantastic Four and we instead get the Avengers line-up a bit stronger?", suggested Lou with a thoughtful frown. "I mean, I totally dig Scarlet Witch's outfit and Alabaster would totally rock the white hair. It'd be freaking amazing."

"If Ally does Quicksilver, I want to be Loki", argued Ethan with a pouty frown.

"Weird ship, but okay", grinned Leo teasingly. "But... Piper...?"

Percy gasped and nearly fell off his chair. "Piper will be the Wasp! She who has been denied to join the MCU even though she's too awesome to be true! Oh my gosh. She has to. Oh. Oh, Silena said they wanted to come too, but they didn't have the money this year. Maybe next year. She's be the perfect Carol Danvers. And then Beckendorf could do Black Panther."

"...I feel like if we let them continue this conversation, the whole school will be roped into a group cosplay that covers all of Marvel", whispered Hazel with a deadpanned expression.

"Most likely", agreed Nico with a fond expression.


The only thing that had been able to end the debate on Marvel-cosplays had been the beginning of the My Little Pony panel. Which was probably for the best, because Leo and Percy were getting a little too invested in the idea and they were dragging entirely too many people into it too.

By the time the first day was over and they were all back in their hotel, no one had the energy to even talk. They just separated to go to their rooms and sleep until the next day. Nico barely managed to get out of his cosplay and remove the make-up, more or less, before collapsing on his bed face-first. With his face plastered against the pillow, he blindly reached out with his arm to pat the bed for what was missing. Finding what he was looking for, he grunted pleased.

"Come here", mumbled Nico, pulling Percy up against his chest.

"Tired... so... tired...", groaned Percy, burying his face in Nico's neck. "Everything... hurts... Feet... ah... can't fell them... So much... pain... So... tired..."

Nico snorted slightly, arms securely around Percy's waist. "Good?"

"Very", whispered Percy and looked up at Nico with a blinding smile. "Awesome. It's so amazing and wonderful and... awesome. Everything is awesome."

"Thanks for that earworm", grunted Nico with a glare. "I just got it out of my head again."

Percy laughed softly. They had run into some Lego cosplayers who had been singing it outside this afternoon. Smiling at his boyfriend, Percy leaned in to kiss his cheek softly.

"Thank you", whispered Percy honestly. "This is... just so perfect. Not just the con. I mean, the con is overwhelmingly awesome, but... being here, with you and with the others, cosplaying with all of you and joking and... just being so carefree and nerdy without... holding back, you know?"

"I do", replied Nico softly. "I do. It's why we do this, dad and me. Because I used to be a bit of a loner as a child, others thought me weird for liking the things I liked. I mean, nowadays, being a nerd is practically obligatory in some way. With Supernatural, Doctor Who, Sherlock, Star Wars, Star Trek, the Marvel Cinematic Universe, all those DC shows... I don't think there's anyone under fifty who doesn't enjoy at least one or two of those. But back when I was smaller it was 'uncool' and 'weird' and... I felt really lonely. So dad decided to go to Comic Con with me, to show me that I'm not alone, that there are thousands of others who love the same things as I do and are as dedicated to them as I am. That it's not my problem when others don't get how awesome something is, but that it's theirs for missing out on the awesomeness and that I don't have to find a way to fit in with those who don't understand me, but that I have to find someone who understands and shares my passions. That that is how you make friends. It's been our tradition ever since. And... I wanted to share it with you, show you how amazing it can feel to be a part of this community."

"Gods, whenever I think I can't love you any more, you say something adorkable and cheesy like that", groaned Percy with a large grin and leaned in for another kiss. "I love you, Nick."

"Love you too, Perce", grinned Nico and yawned. "But maybe we should go to sleep."

"Yeah, tomorrow will be just as exhausting as today, won't it?", agreed Percy.

"Most likely", confirmed Nico and laughed a bit.


The next day turned out to be even more awesome, because Percy got to see the Doctor Who panel and also the Teen Wolf panel – and Tyler Hoechlin had complimented them on their group cosplay, which had him in total awe for like three hours. According to Annabeth, blissful hours of peace instead of random fanboy babbling. He knew she didn't mean it, she was sprouting a proud blush too after all. Annabeth then proceeded to drag him to a panel he hadn't even been interested in. Once Upon a Time. And then he saw Colin O'Donoghue as Captain Hook and he was suddenly more than interested in watching a marathon of Once Upon a Time with Annabeth to be caught up, because hello, handsome. The two were chatting animatedly when they joined the others again, Annabeth explaining the plot and why it was such a superior show.

"Nico!", called Percy loudly as he saw his boyfriend. "Next year, Marvel. The year after that, Once Upon a Time. I need you in a Captain Hook outfit. I physically need that."

"Yes!", exclaimed Annabeth victoriously. "So I can be Emma in an actual group!"

"I'll do Ariel", piped Rachel up. "And Tyson would be the most adorable Henry ever."

"He would, wouldn't he?", gasped Annabeth, looking at the brunette boy on Rachel's lap.

"Roar!", replied Tyson with a large grin. "I'm a werewolf! Werewolves are cool. What's Henry?"

"Henry is a real fairy tale hero", replied Annabeth with a grin.

"Ooh. Heroes are cool", gasped Tyson and turned to his brother. "What will you be?"

"I don't know", replied Percy with a frown, not having watched the show yet. "Whoever we ship with Captain Hook, quite obviously. Annabeth, help me out. Give me a ship."

"Well, I'd say Prince Charming, but-", started Annabeth, just to be interrupted.

"Oh no, I am so gonna be Prince Charming!", declared Jason, waving his arms around. "And Reyna will be Snow White! Because she's kick-ass and hot and it fits perfectly."

"Neal Cassidy then?", supplied Annabeth, tilting her head. "He's also Henry's dad."

"And I'll be the Evil Queen to your Emma", grinned Piper, kissing Annabeth's cheek.

"And papá could be Rumpelstiltskin", snickered Nico amused. "Oh. Mamma would be a beautiful Belle. Mh... We would maybe convince her... given enough time. She loves that show."

"Wait. Hold on. In what parallel universe does Nico di Angelo watch a show about Disney princesses and Percy has no clue that it even exists?", asked Annabeth stunned.

"What?", grunted Nico defensively, blushing a bit. "I have two sisters and a mother who love this show more than anything. When all three are ganging up on me, how am I supposed to escape?"

"So you agree then? To be my Captain Hook?", asked Percy with sparkling eyes.

"You're... planning a couple cosplay for in two years?", asked Nico, gulping hard. "Two years?"

"Well, I mean, we're doing Marvel and Doctor Who next year. I don't know, but three elaborate cosplays in one year seem to be a bit too much", said Percy with a frown. "Why?"

"I think he's more hung-up on the fact that you plan on being a couple in two years", supplied Annabeth and rolled her eyes before pausing. "Wait. When did we agree on Doctor Who?"

"Oh", grunted Percy, blinking slowly as he looked up at Nico like a kicked puppy. "Sorry..."

"N—No! No, no, no! It wasn't... not like that!", objected Nico hastily and grasped Percy's hands. "I just... I'm just overwhelmed how much you seem to believe in us, as a couple... I love how sincerely you believe that two years from now, we'll be as much in love as we're now. And... I'd like that. I mean, for us to... do couple cosplays in two years too. I really do."

And Percy's face lit up like a Christmas tree as he practically threw himself at Nico and kissed him hard. "Well then. Because I am totally planning where we're going to attend college together."

"Of course you are", snorted Nico fondly, arms encircling Percy's waist.

"Yeah. Can we go back to the part where we apparently do a Doctor Who cosplay?", butted Annabeth in, elbowing the couple until they parted. "Because I know nothing about that."

"Of course you know nothing, Jon Snow", countered Rachel with her best Ygritte imitation.

"...That could be contemplated for in two years too", mused Percy with sparkling eyes.

"I'll be Daenerys, Piper will do Missandei, yes. Now, back to Doctor Who", grunted Annabeth.

"Oh. Yes. Rachel and I decided that this morning", replied Percy with a shit-eating grin. "She'll be Amy Pond, Hazel is gonna be Martha, Piper would be Clara and you do Rose. I'll give the Eleventh Doctor, Leo does Ten and Nico has to be Captain Jack Harkness out of reasons. Hot reasons. Reyna will do Gwen Cooper and Jason could be Rory, because Rory is awesome. How about Frank does Rhys? He'd pull off that large, lost puppy look quite well, actually."

"...I'm not gonna be allowed to say no, am I?", muttered Annabeth and shook her head.

"Nope", chimed Percy, his grin growing even larger. "And Hades could do Twelve."

"Don't let papà hear you. He'll feel old if you suggest that", whispered Nico amused.

"But it'd be perfect. They're both always so grumpy", whined Percy.

"If I have to participate in this, you will do the Buffy group cosplay I always wanted to do!", declared Annabeth with a glare that did not allow any kind of arguments.

"Okay!", chorused Reyna and Jason, both with quite eager expressions.

"...That was unexpected", grunted Annabeth, eyeing them suspiciously.

"I want to be Drusilla and Jason will be my Spike", smirked Reyna.

"Nico would be a good Angel", offered Percy thoughtful. "And Frank a good Xander. And-"

"Don't suggest papà as Giles. You are going to be in trouble if you keep suggesting him in such old roles. He'll contemplate never bringing you to Comic Con again if you do that", warned Nico.

"He won't. He adores your boyfriend far too much", butted a new voice in.

"Thanatos! Where have you been? I feel like we haven't seen you since yesterday", chided Hazel as she turned around to where the voice had come from. "Oh. Where did you find a sheriff?"

They were all on their way outside to catch some fresh air and regroup with the others. Thanatos had his arms around a boy maybe a year younger than himself, wearing the uniform of Sheriff Stilinski. It did fit their group cosplay, but Hazel didn't approve of abducting other cosplayers.

"That's... well, my... uhm...", stammered Thanatos, uncharacteristically flustered. "My Triton?"

"You could just call me your boyfriend, you idiot", sighed the other and shook his head.

Everyone stared a little surprised, looking between Triton and Percy. It was a perfect fit. Percy cosplaying Stiles and this Triton, who was cosplaying Stiles' father, actually looked an awful lot like Percy. Creepily so, actually. Not that Percy seemed to notice, because he was just too happy to have another cosplayer who completed their group just a little more.

"Hi, I'm Percy Jackson, Nico's boyfriend, which makes us future brothers-in-law", declared Percy.

He had a giant teasing grin on his face as both Nico and Thanatos started to stutter and stammer around, flustered and wide-eyed expressions on their faces. Triton smirked as he took the offered hand to shake it, nodding briefly in greeting to the others gathered around them.

"Triton van der Meer", replied the taller boy, an equally mischievous glint in his eyes. "I'm quite looking forward to being your brother, then. Right, Thany?"

"I—I... I'm not, I mean, I do, I just... I...", stammered Thanatos, still wide-eyed.

Both Percy and Triton burst into laughter, holding onto their stomachs as they watched their boyfriends stumbling over themselves. When they calmed down again, they grinned at each other.

"I like you, kiddo. You're wicked", noted Triton, patting Percy's back.

"Thanks", snickered Percy. "Come on. It's even more fun to embarrass them in front of their dad."

"Oh. That sounds nice!", agreed Triton and followed Percy outside.

"N—No! Don't!", exclaimed Nico, sprinting after him.

"Stop them!", demanded Thanatos, looking lost and panicked.

"Why in the world would we do that?", remarked Reyna and shook her head.

"Yeah. This is way too much fun", laughed Jason.

"Besides, this is sweet, sweet payback, Thanatos", smirked Percy wickedly.

"Am I the only one who things that Triton seriously looks a lot like Percy?", whispered Annabeth as the other four were way ahead of them and out of hearing range. "I mean..."

"Yeah", agreed Rachel thoughtful. "It's kinda weird. Who cares. Now, back to that Buffy cosplay. I'll be Willow, but I demand an awesome Tara at my side. No sexual harassment though, McLean!"


Somehow the cars seemed way smaller on the way back home than they had on the way to San Diego. Not that Nico really minded. Due to all the stuff standing around in the limo they were driving, Percy was practically sitting on his lap. Nico hummed pleased as he had his arms securely wrapped around his lover. Percy, half asleep, had his head resting on Nico's shoulder.

"You had fun, love?", asked Nico softly, brushing his lips against Percy's hair.

"Uhu", replied Percy eloquently, yawning widely. "I'll be sleeping for like at least two weeks straight when we get home. My everything aches. I've never been that exhausted in my life."

"Then my brother isn't as good of a lover as he always claims to be", teased Bianca wickedly.

"Ew. No. Bad Bia, no", yelped Hazel with a traumatized expression on her face.

"Yes, bad Bia indeed", agreed Hades and also made a face. "You children aren't having sex. Not in my reality or that of your mother, so please, play along with that, yes?"

The others started laughing and Percy couldn't help the happy grin as he snuggled closer to Nico. This, right here, felt pretty perfect. All of it. The friends, the fun, the boyfriend. It was perfect.

~*~ The End ~*~

Author's note: And that's it. It's over. It was a lot of fun to write and I hope you also had a lot of fun reading it. Thank you for reading and even more so for reviewing, because that really fuels an author (or at least me).

Sorry for all the nerdgasms, but then again, it's Comic Con, so... it would have been weird if they didn't fanboy/fangirl all day long, huh?

Fun fact to end this story; All chapter titles are quotes originally written by Rick Riordan (and if I'm not totally mistaken, also all from the PJatO/HoO series).

Last but not least - I know, this is kinda taking longer than usual - seeing as I had an excerpt of this story at the end of "Welcome to Olympus High", I thought it fitting to put an excerpt of my next high school AU here! So, enjoy a little preview (and before you wonder, it will be a Nico/Jason/Percy one)! ;)

Percy had his backpack shouldered, his Letterman jacket tied around his waist. He contemplated skipping English literature – Lady Athena was generally a pain in the ass anyway and he already missed most of it thanks to the student council meeting. The perks of being the local son of Poseidon. As much as those student council meetings were a pain in the ass, at least they meant he could get out of some of his classes due to them taking entirely longer than anticipated.

The decision was taken from him when he was pulled into the janitor's closet without a warning. He would have yelped, but a firm hand clasped over his mouth. The other hand was around his throat, not choking him but tight enough to hold him in place and excite him. Jason was damn lucky that Percy recognized his summer-breeze scent and the way those calloused fingers fit around his throat, because otherwise, Jason would already be face-first on the floor with at least one broken arm. Knowing it was his boyfriend however, Percy played along. He could hear how Jason closed the door loudly and then pressed Percy against the cold steel-door face-first. Sure that Percy wasn't going to scream and now realized it was him, Jason slipped his hand from Percy's mouth down to his crotch, palming Percy's erection slowly yet firmly through the denim.

"What brings this on?", panted Percy, arching into the touch.

"No talking", growled Jason, biting Percy's jugular hard. "Naughty boys don't get to talk."

"Naughty?", echoed Percy ridiculed, arching one eyebrows. "I don't remember-"

The grip on his throat tightened and the hand palming his half-hard member stopped to go around Percy's waist to slap his ass pretty hard. Percy jumped at first. Jason wasn't one for spankings, regardless of just how much Percy begged for them. As much as Jason loved to control Percy, he didn't particularly like hurting Percy. Regardless of how much Percy insisted that a spanking wasn't exactly hurting him and that he very much wanted it. So this? Meant Jason was pissed.

"You know how much I hate it when you side with Castellan", growled Jason irritated.