Disclaimer: I do not own Kuroko no Basket or the character.
Authors Note: LAST CHAPTER! The ending really sucks. This does not happen in the anime or manga except some events but it is different.
Warning: Major ooc especially Akashi and Kuroko. It is a cruel, merciless Kuroko. Slight AU. Some disturbing scenes. Unbetaed/English error. Words. AkaKuro/KuroAka. One sided KagaKuro.
This is temporarily unbeta'ed
Thank you for follows, favourites and reviews!
Alexis senpai: o.o You are really a sadist eh? xD Do you hate Hyuuga and Kagami that much? Hahaha. But I'm sorry to tell that well… that won't happen. Sorry but thanks for reviewing and suggesting ideas! Thank you for liking this story for so long!
MonkeyDL: :D I wonder will he die? Thanks!
Lil' assassin: You want to live at Watermelon Road! Haha. Well. It would be great if I live there too. I don't need to memorise my long address again. :D And Yep it is Akashi at the end! Mmmm… I wonder~? Haha Thanks!
Erucchin: Haha yep true! I'm still thinking about it! Haha! Psh. Don't need to be sorry at the end! Mine is like worst! Thank you though!
Tenkoku: Haha ! Thank you!
AngelTricks: (: Haha. I wonder what's going to happen. Here you go!
Guest: Haha who knows? Here~
YukiroKanesaka chan: o.o Your name is long and unique! And haha Thank you!
Special Thanks to people who keep reviewing! Seeing the same people after almost each chapter makes me smile. I'm impressed that you did not stop waiting for this fanfic! But of course, to those new reviewers, I'm also very thankful! And not to forget! Those silent reader! Thank you soooo much! Hugs.
Television speech
CHAPTER Nineteen
"Are you going set this house on fire, Tetsuya?" A voice made Kuroko stopped pouring, "Did you do that to make us leave for our safety?"
Kuroko slowly turned around, "Sei kun? What are you talking about?" He pretended to smile.
"You can drop the act, Tetsuya." Akashi said as he looked at Kuroko.
The bluenette kept quiet as the red head walked towards him.
"Tetsuya, tell me why are you doing this?"
"I-I just wanted to burn-" Kuroko looked to the side as he said.
"Don't lie. Please, tell me the truth."
"Why does it even matter to you, Akashi kun?" Kuroko questioned him instead.
"Tetsuya, you are smart. You are smart but why are you so dense? Why do you think I come back here for?"
"I don't know. I seriously don't know. Tell me then, Aka- Sei kun."
"I do not belong to you. This is what I told you when you first captured me. I do not belong to you but I love you. I, as myself, fall in love with you, Kuroko Tetsuya." (I don't know what I'm talking about either._. )
"So, tell me Tetsuya. Why. Why are you doing this to yourself?"
"I rather kill myself than going to be executed. Plus, I don't think I deserve to be justified. I'm making things easier. I'm going to burn myself," Kuroko spread his two hands up and smiled sadly, "Along with this filthy house. It is the best place to end my own life. The place where I took most lives at. The worst place."
"I will not allow that." Akashi said simply as he walked closer to the bluenette and embraced him gently.
Kuroko slowly breaks down and tears rolled down his face.
It was the third time he cried. The first time was when his parents and his sister passed away; the second was when Tanaka passed away.
"I don't know what to do, Akashi kun. After Tanaka had gone, I don't know what else to do. I feel like I'm letting him down. I've make him do things that he hate. He must have hate me." He said as tears continue to fall. (Kuroko called Akashi Akashi kun because of the seriousness. I guess…)
"Tanaka doesn't hate you, Tetsuya. He already told us about you. About your family. He doesn't hate you. He just wants to help you." The captain said as he slowly stroked Kuroko's back.
"Everyone left me. My father. My mother. My sister and now Tanaka. B-But when I was thinking that I was left alone, I-I remembered you, Akashi kun. Y-You are the only one I left. Y-You are the reason I was still alive! I was not supposed to taint you with my filthy, bloodied hand. Therefore, you are like a dream to me. Far. Far far away from my touch. You are too clean. And me. I was always dirtied with blood." Kuroko said, voice slightly trembling. (In case you remembered about the birthday cake, Kuroko bought for Akashi. There is another meaning there. It means Akashi cannot be tainted, not even Kuroko. Therefore not even a drop of other colour was mixed.)
"I won't leave you, Tetsuya. I won't leave you. I left you once, but I will not leave you again. I'm sorry. I'm sorry for leaving you previously." Akashi said, trying to be calm but failed. His voice sounded like he was also on the verge of crying, "Therefore, Tetsuya. Don't leave me alone. I will do anything to help you. I can hire the world's famous lawyer."
Kuroko break the embrace and took a step backwards. Akashi looked at him curiously.
Kuroko shook his head, "It is too late, Akashi kun. It is too late. I am beyond saving." More tears welled up as his vision blurred.
"Don't say that. Come on, Tetsuya-" But before Akashi can finished, a police siren can be heard.
The bluenette looked at Akashi, "Thank you, Sei kun. Good bye."
Akashi saw the genuine, sweet smile from Kuroko and felt something soft on his lips before he saw.
"There is a breaking news! This was sent livestream! The police received a report from a group of student from Seirin basketball claiming that they saw a corpse. The police at first thought it was a prank but still went to the place. Outside the mansion, there was a corpse and a bloodied car. But what worst, was when the police infiltrate the mansion, there was no one. Inside there was a large black bag filled with bloodied, cruel humans! There were a lot, at least 50 of them! And that's not all! When they found a basement. There was prisons, cage, torture items and a room filled with corpses and bloodied furnitures! Excluding the one in the bag, there were at least 100 of corpses in it! There were also around 300 of robots that were made like human standing all around the house, unmoving." A reporter exclaimed in front of the camera as they were outside the 'crime' scene, "Oh wait! Oh the whole house was burning! Ahhh!" The reporter along with the cameramen. Run out of the way as the polices inside rushed out quickly.
"Look, currently, the house was burned down! Fortunately, there were currently no casualties; it seemed that all the people in the house had escaped in time." She said in happiness and relief.
"HEY! WE FOUND SOMEONE HERE!" A voice was heard as the reporter and the camera quickly turned and run towards the source.
The camera was focused on a young teen, with red haired lying on the floor safely away from the house.
"A young boy that looked no more than 18 was found around the bush area! Ah wait. This boy is familiar! OH! He was the one who went missing after Akashi Seiichi, the president of the Akashi co who was found murdered by Goda Takumi a few months ago! He is the son and the heir of Akashi co, Akashi Seijuuro. He is also the ex captain of Kiseki no Sedai, the current captain of Rakuzan High basketball! But why is he here?" The reporter basically almost shouting everything.
"Please keep your volume down, miss. If not, I will have to ask you to leave." A policeman said to the reporter as she embarrassedly rub her head and bow in apology.
"Akashi-!" Midorima said in shock as the group including the whole Seirin group gaped.
After the escape, the Kiseki and the first group of Seirin meet up with the remaining five Serin members. They were explained everything. And of course, they were shock to hear that Kuroko was actually an assassin. This was then, they realised Akashi was not with them. Despite him being the one who commanded them to retreat.
Midorima was going to call Akashi but received a message instead.
"He said, 'I will bring Tetsuya back. Don't worry about me.'." Midorima told the group who prayed for the red head' safety.
They went to one of the nearest house, Kagami's, and went there to discuss on what to do next as they opened the television. Alex, Kagami's mentor was also informed of the situation. And no need to say, she was of course shock at Kuroko Tetsuya but could still keep on a calming face.
After the news was played, the whole group was going to talk about the situation but was interrupted by a phone call. They hoped that it was Akashi but well of course it wasn't since they were 'watching' Akashi lying on the floor. (The news was livestream!)
"WHAT HAPPENED TO SEI CHAN?" a voice was heard.
It was Reo Mibuchi, one of Akashi's teammate. Not only him, various people was heard behind him. Looks like they were all worried about Akashi even after they had their own problems. (In case you forget, Remember they were all forced to leave Akashi by Kuroko's plan?)
Midorima quickly shoved the phone to the nearby person, Kise as he doesn't know how to explain.
"A-Akashicchi will be fine… Probably."
"WHAT DO YOU MEAN BY PROBABLY?" This time Kotaro Hayama shouted.
Kise then pass the phone to Aomine, which… was a bad choice.
"Ah. Akashi was at Tet- Mmmph." Before he finished his sentence, Momoi covered his big mouth with her hand.
"Ahomine! Don't say it out loud."
"Huh? What are you talking about, Satsuki? They will know eventually."
"Ne, what are you talking about?" Hayama asked from the other line, "Just spit out already."
Momoi grabbed the phone and hand it to Murasakibara.
"It is a secret. Ah. But if you buy for me a whole pack of sweets, I can tell you~" the giant said childishly.
"Just pass us the phone." Riko sweatdropped.
Momoi nodded and snatched the phone from Murasakibara and hand it to them.
"Ah. Hello. You should probably wait for Akashi kun to return." Riko said as she snapped the phone close before they can retort and hand it back to Midorima with a triumph smile on her face.
Not only Rakuzan members called them, the other's school also called in concern and they just end it with 'We will tell you soon' or something along the line.
They are not in the position to tell what happened to Kuroko. They were also worried about him. There was so far no news about him at all.
A few months later.
"Ne! Let's go Maji Burger!" Kise suggested to the Kisekis.
"Let's go!" Momoi agreed.
"H-Hmph. I guess I have n-nothing to do so I will follow you guys…" Midorima said softly.
"Well. I am a little hungry anyway." Aomine yawned.
"I want to drink something sweet." Murasakibara said.
"Yes, let's go." A red head who just recovered and came out of the hospital recently nodded his head and said.
As soon as they reached Maji burger entrance, they saw Seirin.
"Ah! Why are you guys here?" Kagami shouted and pointed to them.
"Kagamicchi! What a coincidence!" Kise said cheerfully.
"Ah. You alright already, Akashi?" Kiyoshi asked politely.
"Yes. Thank you for the concern." The red head nod his head slightly.
The group then walked in the Maji Burger and found a few seats.
They had bought their food and had sat there eating happily.
Meanwhile, the television was having the news channel.
"An unknown person had donated whole loads of money to the Mega Charity Centre. The money was delivered to the Charity without any names on it!" The reporter said.
"We really thank you. Thank you to the person who sent us this amount of money." A middle aged man with glasses and beards said with tears on his face, he was the chairman of the Mega Charity Centre.
"I shall go and get another coke." Akashi excused himself as the news continued to talk.
He saw one of the counters with not much people and went up to it. Without looking up, he opened his wallet up as he mumbled, "One medium sized coke."
"Okay. One medium sized coke. Anything else, Sei kun?"
Akashi stopped searching for coins in the wallet as he heard his name.
Sei kun…
The only person who called him that was!
"I'm back." The voice said.
"Welcome back." Akashi said with a happy, yet small smile.
Sorry if their romance went too rush. I ran out of ideas. And yes, it is the end. It was short! OH and before you ask, yep, Kuroko kissed Akashi before he blacked out. And the reason he blacked out was, Kuroko kind of knocked him unconscious. Well, there might be some points that you don't understand. Feel free to ask me! And well…. Major ooc at the end!
Satisfied or not, Thanks for reading.
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