A/N: Soooooo its been awhile hasn't it. Im going to try to update this frequently if you guys like it. No promises on anything elseā€¦.So hope you guys like this, it's going to get dark and I will warn people about those chapters and hopefully I tag everything so no one sees something they don't want to

Anyways enjoy!

If you told Adam Copeland two months ago that he would be sitting in the office of Stephanie McMahon-Helmsley one of the head talent scouts for the leading porn company in the country, he would have laughed but the thing about desperate times, they call for desperate measures. He knows he is not a guy by any means, he is tall, blond and charming enough that every women wants to bring him home to their Mom. He wanted to be a personal trainer or a rock star but the job security is shit and he needs to start paying loans sooner rather than later. So here is, in his good dress shirt listening to Stephanie go over his contract.

"Adam? Adam are you listening? You need to be tested every sixty days at minimum, we pay for it and if you do have something then you get that taken care of before you can work again. We aim for our performer's safety and if you do anything to put any one at risk then you are fired. You understand me?" She asked her perfectly manicured red nails clicking on the bark desk.

"Ya of course, I have my results from a test that I had two weeks ago and I'm clean." He said also nervous sounding under the gaze of the very polished looking woman. He slid all of his paper over to her and watched in silence as she flipped through them, her expression never changing.

"Men or women?" She asked simply not looking up from the papers.

"I get a choice?"

"The thing is when you are with a woman, no one gives a shit on how cute you think you are. You make a couple hundred bucks because really you are just a cock on the screen. It's up to you, whatever your preference is we carter to it here.

"Men, I would rather do scenes with men." Adam came out when he was fifteen and really has not looked back since, though he really did not think he had the gay porn look. He was not a meat head and he was not a 100 pound twink.

"If we like you, you will get more money. Show up tomorrow about 9 and we will get you doing your first scene. Get waxed and show up sober. You be good to us and we will be good to you Mr. Copeland." She stood up and smoothed down the front of her very pricey looking dress and stuck her hand out for him to shake it.

"Thank you Ma'am, I promise I'll do you guys proud." Adam said giving her one of his charming grins even though he was internally freaking out. It would be damn embarrassing if he got fired on his first day, fucking for a living sounds harder than it looks.

Adam showed up right at 9 the next morning, skin smooth and eyes bright. He got introduced to a large amount of people milling around and preparing to do the multiple scenes of the day. John one of the other performers, who looked like a classic all-American football player, Randy his boyfriend who was surprisingly a bottom who had a very cocky smirk and Evan who was a tiny little thing who also performed and was also boyfriends with the other two men. Evan was in charge of showing him around the set, he bounced around with a smile on his face.

"We need to get you too Maria in makeup and then you'll be ready to shoot." Evan said grinning up at him. "Shawn is directing you guys today and he is amazing, so you are in good hands."

"Who am I shooting with today?" He asked smiling softly at the cute kid, who really couldn't be much over eighteen. Before Evan could answer he heard a small chuckle behind him. Adam turned and really tried not to blush like a virgin. The chuckle came from probably one of the beautiful people he has evern seen. He was in skin tight black jeans, a wife beater and had bright purple and blue hair piled on the top of his head in a loose bun. His arms were covered in tattoo and he was still smirking.

" I'm Jeff Hardy and you'll be fuckin' me today newbie." Jeff grinned even more when Adam's cheeks turned even redder. Fuck he was in love already. This was going to be a long morning