I woke up with a jolt. Spin had his paw on me. The blinds were blocking the little light from the rising sun. I had fallen asleep in the booth. I found it strange that I had a blanket over me. Did Spin do that? I didn't see Flare across from me, but I think she may have moved. We had planned for today. I can only hope it works. It should work, right? Both of us need to succeed for either of us to get out. Perhaps we should have made a better plan. No, this is the best plan.
"Are you ready?" Spin asked.
"As I'll ever be," I replied. "Did you put this blanket on me?"
"No, Flare did that," he replied.
"I'll wake her up now too."
Flare had fallen asleep in another booth. She looked calm and actually kinda cute. I would have gotten a slap to the face if I said it. That would be crossing over the line for allies. The word ally didn't seem quite right. Acquaintances isn't right either. She moved a bit and got up.
"Hey Leaf," she said.
"Hey," I responded. I really need to work on that talking part.
"I guess this is it," she laughed.
"You should finish up," Spin said.
"Will do," I replied.
We both grabbed gloves, a hoodie, and our knifes. Spin was watching a reasonable distance away. He still seemed upset about something.
"You know, Leaf," Flare said.
"What?" I asked.
"I want to do something first. It's just in case we fail."
She gave me a quick kiss on the lips. It wasn't enough time for me to respond because she dashed out right after. I did notice that Spin was smiling. Perhaps the adrenaline had gone to her head or was Spin right. I exited right after and checked my cloak. I should save it for when I really need it. It failed me last time I spammed it. It was a bit strange walking all the way to Mallay Co. Suprising how many people chose to stay away. I wouldn't trust anyone in a hoodie this early in the morning. Just don't trust people in hoodies. The exchange was confusing. The kiss was forced, but I don't feel like it was bad. She just got a little excited, right? Not the most romantic exchange. Being flawed and confused made me feel more like a Pokemon.
My journey ended when I was at the side of Mallay Co. This door was mainly used by janitors to throw stuff out. No cameras. The next part was waiting. According to Flare someone is going to toss out new junk from the mail. I turned my cloak on and waited. The feeling of worry crept on me as I waited. Did she lie? A Delphox finally opened the door and I slipped inside. The next step was to disable the camera system. I was stealthed, but I needed to interact with some other things. I snuck into the room with the camera system. Flare said that the guy doesn't get here until late, but of course he is on time today. I removed my stealth and cut the wire to the camera above the door. The man at the screens calmly drank his coffee. Amazing how someone was so oblivious. I came up behind him and realized he was using the primary screen to play chess against the computer. I took the mop from behind him and smacked it on his head. The Umbreon fell to the floor unconscious. I put the mop back and placed him on the ground. I then broke one of the legs of the chair. He will be confused when he gets up. I just hope he doesn't wake up soon.
I unplugged the wires to the cameras and turned off the recording system for good measure. I cloaked again and walked to the elevator. I had to wait again. Grrr, I hated waiting. Is that new? I had patience before, right? When the door finally opened I snuck inside and opened the panel to the top of the elevator. I pulled myself up with my vines and sat on top. More freakin' patience. What's going on with me? I never did these things before. Normally television shows make murder suspenseful and action-packed. This was so boring and tedious. I had to wait until someone went to the fifteenth floor. I could use the top of the elevator to get on the exclusive floor. It was rather dark and I was scared of falling off or getting caught by one of the many machinery. I waited with the little light I had. Could I really escape my past? Why am I doing this? I wasn't doing this for myself. I was doing it for her! The elevator finally went up and I carefully wrapped my vine onto the surrounding environment. I carefully wedged open the door with a metal bar from my bag. I looked around the room. Her boss was doing some form of paper work. He was furiously writing. I snuck up behind him and grabbed my knife. I raised my knife and twirled it around. I felt guilt, but it can't be compared to the guilt I felt with Flare.
This seemed all too easy. I reflected on everything I had done. I was guilty. Guilty of lying, guilty of swindling, guilty of stealing, and now guilty of murder. I stabbed him right in the back. I pulled my knife out of him and concealed it. The blood was unpleasant and revolting. It's dark red color spread around. I looked away and went back to the elevator. I removed the bar and the door shut with a clang. I wish to never see that color ever again. The color of blood. I gracefully sat down and thought. My fear of getting caught was growing. Every small detail is important. If I failed to give evidence everything would be fine. The elevator almost instantly started to move and it went to the third floor. I dropped inside and checked around. I pressed the first floor and cloaked.
The door opened and Pokemon looked my way. I guess an empty elevator is kind of weird. I carefully walked past them while avoiding detection. I needed somewhere to reappear. I went down a nearby alley way and uncloaked. It bothered me that it was that easy. Far too easy. I took off the hood and looked back to the streets. I went back and calmly walked down to Spin's Cafe. I felt very anxious and nervous. What was the difference between the two? Dang it, those are basically the same thing. I opened the door and saw Flare sitting down at a table waiting for me. Even though she had done something bad, she looked cute and innocent. Heh, innocent not so much. She was almost in tears. I tapped her on the shoulder and smiled. She hugged me.
"We're such horrible Pokemon," she mumbled.
"Well let's hope we can change," I replied.
Spin came into the room, but only popped his head around the corner. Sometimes all I wanted to do was give him a good punch. That's violent, don't do that.
"I wanna know something," she said. "How do you feel about me?"
She looked amazing. Her eyes had this sparkle and her fur shined. I was scared of my next actions. Some part of me told me to take a chance.
"You make me feel alive. You are my light in the darkness. So I do love you," I said.
"Thanks, I love you too. We may not have met in the most romantic way, but I do love you."
My heart was racing. Perhaps redemption is possible. Without Garry I was free. Hey return the favor! I kissed her on the lips in return for her earlier kiss. I will admit our tongues may have wandered. I was glad Spin left before that otherwise I might have punched him for being a creep. We left Spin's place holding hand and paw. The afternoon beat down as we walked to her place. We never got caught for our actions. Neither did we pay a price. Life gave us a freebie and we most certainly enjoyed the rest of our life.