"You Know What Grinds My Gears?"

Rated T

Disclaimer: I don't own anything associated with Family Guy or any of the characters. Family Guy and the characters are owned by FOX and the creator, Seth McFarlane. Anyway, I was inspired by one of the episodes of Family Guy, and I suggested that I do a fic based on the segment that Peter Griffin did called 'You Know What Grinds My Gears'? Enjoy!

Chapter 218: Peter on Superman

"You know what really grinds my gears? That idiot known as Superman. Sure, he's leaps through buildings and faster than a speeding bullet, but may I ask why he's wearing his damn undies over his blue jumpsuit? Isn't this guy supposed to know that he has to wear his underwear first than wear his jumpsuit next? Whoever dressed him like that needs to have their nuts snapped off with a frickin' wrench. And may I also ask why he's got a fear for big glowing green Jolly Ranchers? I mean, come on. They're hard fruit-flavored candy that you suck on. It's like Batman being scared by Twinkies or The Flash being scared by vanilla ice cream. Superman is such a p***y to be scared by harmless rock candy. And for that? He grinds my gears."

In my opinion:

Batman Superman

Sorry, I don't make the rules.

Anyway, you know what to do, ladies and gentleman. Until next time, peace out my gangstas!