My mother took my hand and my father placed his hand on my back as they led me quickly away from the battle. I stayed completely silent in the hopes that our departure would go unnoticed by both the death eaters and the Order. The Order stood no chance anymore because Harry Potter was dead, in the arms of the oaf Hagrid.
Since the wards protecting Hogwarts had all been destroyed, we only had to cross the bridge before we could apparate. I could hear commotion behind me but I didn't look back, in the same way I didn't look or acknowledge the bodies on the ground as we walked. My mother's hand squeezed tighter around my own as we reached the end of the long bridge.
"We need to apparate home quickly." Father said. I nodded and stepped from their grasp. I spun on the spot to apparate and saw Harry Potter leaping from the arms of Hagrid in the courtyard. I landed in the driveway of Malfoy Manor.
"Did you see that?" I asked my parents who stood beside me. My face obviously showing shock. I tried hard to hide the happiness I felt that he was alive. The Order might stand a chance if Potter was still alive. The Order winning the battle may not mean good things for my family but it would lead to a better existence for most.
"Yes." Replied Father.
"I had to give Potter a chance to win." Mother replied gently. I could see that she expected me to react with rage. I couldn't. He saved my life.
"I'm glad." I admitted deciding not to question how she had helped. My parents both looked at me with equal surprise.
"Let's get our things and leave." Father said and began walking towards the Manor.
Malfoy Manor no longer felt like home. I had seen, done and experienced things there in the last two years that no one should ever deserve to be witness to. I could only hope that no trap laid inside. I followed my parents through the threshold and started up the stairs to my room to get my belongings.
"Draco." Father called me. I went back down the few stairs I had climbed and stood before my parents.
"What is it? I thought I needed to get my things quickly." I asked in confusion. My parents luggage was already by the door.
"Your mother and I have been talking." Father replied.
"That sounds ominous." I retorted, looking at the two of them. They both looked as tired and broken as I was and yet they help it together. More importantly they stayed together.
"Don't be angry Draco." Mother interjected making me wonder what I was going to be angry about.
"We want you to take a de-aging potion." Father said as gently as he could.
"What?" I said in shock. Why on earth would I want to be younger. Youth was no advantage in this world.
"Look Draco, whichever way the war turns out, weather Harry kills the Dark Lord or the other way around, our fate is doomed. Both you and your Father have murdered and I have surely abetted. If we are caught by either side we will be arrested and prosecuted. Weather that means Azkaban or worse, who knows. If we stay together like this we have no chance of being safe, we're so recognisable. I don't think you're ready to be away from us permanently either. If you were a child, we could hide and blend in." Mother said.
"I can look after myself." I sulked. I was seventeen after all. If my age didn't make me a man surely my experiences did.
"We aren't going to force you Draco but this is our best chance." Father assured.
"The Dark Lord will forgive us." I insisted. He would, he liked me too much to kill me for running away. Otherwise he would have killed me long ago.
"He may forgive you Draco but not me or your mother." Father said. I looked at my mother. Her eyes were full of tears and yet she was the strongest person I knew. He would make her suffer until she died, if he wasn't already dead. If perhaps Potter somehow survived, we would all end up in Azkaban. Father may be alright in there, but even a year in there had taken toll on him. Mother wouldn't live for long with dementors near her. She like us had seen too much evil.
"If I do this, you promise we'll be safe?" I asked. I wouldn't allow my mother to suffer for mine and my Fathers mistakes.
"It's our best chance." Mother answered. "We will hide from the magical world and maybe we can do a better job of raising you this time around." She held in her hand the blue bottle of potion. I took it from her.
"Do I drink it all?" I asked. I tried to avoid thinking about what age I might become or if I would even retain my memories. A part of me hoped I wouldn't.
"As much as you can." Mother replied.
I pulled the stopper from the vial and placed it to my lips. Here goes nothing. I drank deeply the thick liquid. It tasted like limes, not a taste I much liked. I drank until the vial was almost empty and I felt my knees give away. Father caught the glass vial from my hands while Mother stopped me from falling hard. I closed my eyes I felt so sick, it was like the potion was churning up my insides and trying to work its way into every vain and every pore. I might have mused that this felt worse than being hit by the sectumsempra curse except I had the mercy of quickly falling unconscious quickly after that.
Eventually the nauseated feeling subsided and I opened my eyes once more. I looked up at my parents towering above me and burst into tears. What was I supposed to do now? My mother reached down and picked me up from the ground, wrapping my clothing around me like a swaddle blanket.
"Shh Draco. Everything is okay." Mother soothed and rested me against her hip. She rubbed circles against my back in an effort to subdue my cries.
"We'd best be going." Father said. He picked up as much luggage as he could carry and levitated the rest in front of himself.
Mother carried me, following behind Father. We left the Manor and walked around it. I felt confused, how could we escape by walking behind the Manor. Maybe they thought that the death eaters or even the ministry wouldn't be smart enough to check behind the Manor once they'd looked for us inside. I realised my cries had subsided for which I was thankful. They had seemed almost out of my control.
Around the back of the house amongst the trees, Father allowed the luggage to fall gently to the floor before flicking his wand. All of a sudden a muggle car appeared. It was large and robust though quite sleek in appearance. A muggle car worth of a Malfoy perhaps. Father opened the boot.
"Which car seat will he need?" Father asked mother as though they hadn't been sure what age I would turn out. I wriggled in mothers grasp wondering how old I had turned out. I was definitely small now.
"Baby car seat without the newborn attachment. I'd say he's nine or ten months old. It's hard to tell exactly." Mother answered. Nine or ten months? I lifted my hand up to my face to see tiny fingers. How invariably creepy. I let my hand fall back down and tried to ignore its size. I looked over to see Father installing the car seat on a back seat in the car. Why weren't we going to apparated away?
Mother wondered around to the boot and laid me down inside it. I wriggled at how uncomfortable it was. She unwrapped and removed the clothes I had been wearing and placed them into a bag in the boot beside me. I shivered in the cool air and began feeling embarrassed that she had me laid in the boot with nothing on. I whimpered quietly as she lifted my legs and fastened a diaper around me. I hadn't really thought any of this through when my parents had suggested the de-aging potion. Not being able to look after myself would take some getting used to. My whimpering turned into sobs as mother began manovering me into a fleece onesie. Once I was fastened in she gently picked me up and held me close. I relaxed a little and mother began using her wand with her spare hand to levitate the luggage from the ground into the boot where I had just laid. Father came over to help and I gave in putting in all my effort to keep up with what they were doing. I was so tired I rested my head against mothers shoulder.
"I'll put Draco in the car seat." Father said. He took me from my mother's arms and sat me in the big squishy seat. I tried hard not the meet my Fathers gaze as he fastened the buckles and tucked a blanket in around me. I felt a little embarrassed not being able to do it for myself.
Father got into the passenger seat and mother into the driver seat. It stunned me a little as she started the engine that she knew how to drive at all. It made more sense though than father being able to drive, the Dark Lord had kept him so close and busy he would never have found the time to learn in private. I still didn't understand why we weren't apparating to our destination. As the car rumbled through the trees and out onto the road I stopped caring. I looked out of the window beside me and watched the clouds go by. Everything would be okay.
Thanks for reading! Please review if you would like me to write another chapter! Rx