
I was nine when my mother died. After that, I thought things would go back to normal. Well, as normal as life could get without my mother around anymore.

But God, was I wrong.

When my father left, and we were taken in by my best friend's grandfather, we moved to America. Before that, were a normal family. A stay-at-home mom, a working father, and Mikasa and I.

That was until my mother died in a car accident.

After that, slowly, day by day, it seemed like my father started getting more and more withdrawn and angry. Spending more time in the basement, doing God-knows-what down there, starting to look at me different, like a scientist looked at his test subject, and beating me at every given chance. He would do it when I accidentally spilled something, when I got a less-than-perfect score on a test, like I said: Every. Given. Chance.

Then one day, it seemed like he just snapped more.

I was ten, and it was about a year after my mother's death. I was in my room, like most nights, reading about the ocean, which I longed to see. My vision was starting to go blurry as sleep started taking over my senses, but stopped when I saw my door open and close silently. I saw my father walk in and over to my bed. 'He probably thinks I'm sleeping.' I thought silently.

I closed my eyes and pretended to be asleep, since I didn't want to get beat for being up past my bedtime. I could feel his eyes staring at me. Though, what I couldn't feel, was the smirk on his lips as he studied me.

I couldn't see, but he pulled out a cloth and put some liquid on it, I later found out it was chloroform, and brought it to my nose and mouth. My sea-green eyes flew open as soon as my nose caught a whiff of the sickly sweet liquid and I clawed at my father's hand, trying fruitlessly to pry it from the cloth.

Then everything went black.


When I finally came to, I was laying on a bed with my head in someone's lap. My head felt like it was going to split in half, my bones hurt, like someone had stuck pins and needles in them, my back tingled slightly, my lunges burned, and my muscles, oh god my muscles, burned like someone had put me through a 10-hour, nonstop, workout. My gold eyes opened and I saw my older sister Mikasa crying softly above me, while lightly running her fingers through my hair. That was scaring me. Mikasa never cries. "M-Mikasa..?" I said softly. Her head snapped down towards my and she clutched me to her chest. "What... What happened?"

Then she told me about how she found me in the basement, strapped down to a table.

I had red dots on the inside of my right arm, which Mikasa told me were from experiments conducted on me by my father. Experiments. Like I was a fucking lab rat!

I sat up and she wiped the tears from her face. "Did he do anything else?" I ask, surprised by how mature I sound.

"U-Uh, well.." She looked around, obviously hiding something from me.

"Please," I clutched her shirt and looked up at her with pleading eyes. What could have been so bad she wanted to keep it from me? She put on a stoic mask and lifted the back of my shirt, she grabbed something on my back, sending tingles throughout my entire body. I hesitantly turned my head to look at what she was holding, and why it was making my body feel all tingly, when I saw part of what looked like a black wing. I could feel her hand as it trembled slightly, yet I couldn't see it. I gasped.


After that, I had learned not only had he given me fucking wings he had also made my bones lighter, my lungs larger, my heart more efficient, and my physical strength greater before skipping town. Fucking bastard... I think the effects of all of those chemicals in my body makes my eyes change color depending on my mood. Sea green for happy or neutral; gold for angry, sad, or scared; and emerald for flustered or embarrassed.


Mikasa and I tried getting by on our own, but since Mikasa was only fourteen at the time, she couldn't get a proper job, and I was only eleven, so I obviously couldn't do anything. Later, when I was twelve and she was fifteen, we were taken in by my best friend's, Armin Arlert, grandfather, where we lived with them for a few months before all of us moving to America. Armin, his grandfather, Mikasa, and my most-likely-dead father are the only ones who know about my little... problem...


I finally learned how to control these fuckers! I can flap them, and hover above the ground slightly.

I guess this isn't exactly the best thing, right? You know, learning how to control my wings. Wings. God, I'm such a... mutant-freak.


And now, I'm a Sophomore in high school, nearly failing most of my classes, with the dream to go to Kyojin College of performing arts.

AN: This is my first multi-chapter story in the SnK fandom. I know, most of the characters will be pretty OOC, I'm trying to fix that.

After I upload this, I'll start working on my other stories I promised (if you have no idea what I'm talking about, check out my profile).

I'll upload at least one chapter every Friday-Sunday. Depends on how much homework I have.

Well, See you in the next chapter, darlings~!