So, I decided I'd write some drabbles during my free time, so here you are! Enjoy!

(Disclaimer: I do not own the Penguins of Madagascar. I only own the drabble ideas.)

These are purely just for laughs. No birds, mammals, reptiles, amphibians, insects, or humans were hurt in the making of this.

1. Puppy Eyes

"Please, Kowalski? Just this one time?" pleaded Private, clasping his hands together. "I promise to be good and follow all your instructions."

Kowalski sighed, rolling his eyes at the youngster's puppy eyes. "Fine. But just this once."

Private beamed. "Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!" He climbed up the ladder to wait for the scientist.

Kowalski groaned, covering his eyes with a flipper and shaking his head slowly. "Is it just me or are his eyes irresistible?"

Skipper scoffed. "I'm just glad to know I'm not the only one affected."

Private poked his head back down. "Kowalski? Are you coming?"

2. Broccoli

"Eat it! Eat it!" Both Skipper and Rico chanted.

Kowalski looked at the broccoli in distaste. "I'm still at lost as to how I managed to get roped into this."

Private looked up at Kowalski. "Come on, Kowalski."

Narrowing his eyes at the foul vegetable, Kowalski inched his fork towards his mouth and took a bite. Private waited with baited breath for Kowalski's reaction. After the taste of cheese, Kowalski reached the broccoli and…..

Spat it out – right in Private's surprised face –before rushing to the bathroom, holding his beak shut.

Skipper raised a brow. "Well, that was a fail."

3. Tug of War

"Pull, men!"

The penguins strained with the effort. The other team consisted of the lemurs, Marlene, and the chimps. Skipper had been confident of his team's victory, but even the blind could see they were on the brink of losing.

"I'm sliding!" yelled Private, trying to find a foothold on the floe.

Skipper's eyes darted towards him before heaving on the rope. "Rico! Kowalski! We have got to buy Private some time!"

Marlene looked at the struggling penguins excitedly. "Come on, guys! They're almost across!" She yanked on the rope.

The penguins, surprised, slid all the way into the water.

4. School Exercise

"Skipper, I don't grasp the importance of this exercise."

The scientist was currently balancing on a chair with Private on the other end. Rico stepped onto the now-empty paper, bent down to pick the mat, and handed it to Kowalski.

Skipper grinned at him. "It's to strengthen teamwork, Kowalski! I saw a bunch of eighth-graders doing this during their gym class. The message is so clear!"

Kowalski wasn't certain whether he should be offended by the fact that they were doing an exercise for schoolchildren. Unfortunately, Private fell off at that moment. Skipper blew his whistle. "Back to the beginning!"

5. 5 Liters

"Is everything set, Kowalski?"

The lieutenant checked the objects present. "We're ready for our movie marathon, Skipper. Just waiting for Private to come in with the Sprite."

"Can somebody help me here?" Private called down, halfway down the ladder.

The two joined the boy topside. Kowalski took a step backward at the sight. "What is that, Private?"

"It's a bottle of Sprite. Just like you told me to get," replied Private.

Skipper face-flippered. "When I told you to get a bottle of Sprite, Private, I did not want you to get the largest one."

"So, not the five-liter one?"


6. Space Unicorn

"When is it going to stop, Kowalski?" moaned Skipper, unsuccessfully covering his ear holes.

The scientist was sitting in front of him with a pained expression. "I hypothesize it will stop when he eventually gets bored of the tune, sir."

Rico shook his head vehemently. "No!"

Skipper nodded, frowning. "I agree with you wholeheartedly, soldier. I have that silly 'Space Unicorn' song stuck in my head 24/7 right now."

Kowalski whimpered, placing his head between his flippers. "How did he even find that song in the first place?"

Skipper glared at the wall. "From some kid who was watching it."

7. Answers (Humanized)

"Pencils down, class."

Private glared at the quiz in front of him. It was one thing to attend a Christian school but it was another to have every other question talking about the Bible. He hurriedly scribbled down the last answer before handing it in. "Here you go, sir."

The teacher walked back to the front of the class, briefly scanning through the papers. It was a tradition that the teacher picked the funniest answers to read aloud. "We've got a winner, class. 'The metric system is based on the powers of God'."

The class roared as Private turned red.

8. Card Reader

"I found it!" exclaimed Kowalski triumphantly. "My old blueprints!"

It was a 'spring cleaning'/ 'assessment' day for the inventor – a day where he dug up his old blueprints from the 'blueprints' box and improved them. The penguin walked with the 16 GB card in his flipper to his computer. After five minutes of searching, Kowalski was finally faced with a brick wall – his computer had nowhere to plug the chip in.

He frantically searched through his box of electronics, coming up empty-handed. At last, he exited the lab, looking for his friend. "Rico! Do you have a operational card reader?"

9. Testing Failure

"Skipper! It's malfunctioning!" yelled Private from the seat of the plane.

Skipper cursed, clenching his flippers. "You ask Kowalski to make improvements, and he designs something that threatens your life!" He looked up at the spinning plane. "You've got to jump, Private!"

"With all due respect, sir, are you insane?"

"Trust me! I'll catch you!"

"I sure hope so, sir!" With one last uncertain look, Private jumped.

Skipper moved backwards slowly, trying to gauge where Private would land. He placed a webbed foot back. Then another. Until….

His foot met with air.

The two penguins tumbled down into the pond.

10. Beanbag

Private gulped as Skipper tossed him the beanbag. The young penguin was not great at catching. He reached forward and…. caught it. Private looked down in wonder. I love this beanbag.

He threw it perfectly back. Yes, this has to be my favorite object as of now.

Private bent low to catch the bag yet once more. He could not prevent a grin from spreading to the rest of his face. Either I'm having the best day ever, or this beanbag has some magical properties.

Skipper smiled at Private's joy. It would appear that the soldier was enjoying this exercise.

There you have it! The first chapter of drabbles. If you have any requests, feel free to drop it in a review or a PM, and I'll see what I can do about it! [Please Note: I don't do slash, though. Pairings, I'm fine with. Fluff and friendship too.]


2. Broccoli - a spin off from Cheese, Please

3. Tug of War - A version of this actually happened to me. XD

4. School Exercise - My class played a game similar to this during gym class before.

5. 5 Liters - According to my Brazilian/German friend, they actually sell these in Brazil. I'm not sure about America, but let's just pretend, all right? XD

6. Space Unicorn - There's actually a video called this. Just search it up on Youtube. My brother showed it to me.

7. Answers (Humanized) - This happened to my class before. I have nothing against Christianity, in fact, I'm one myself. This is just for laughs.

10. Beanbag - Happened to me in PE. I now officially love that beanbag as well. XD

And, that's all the notes for today. Stay tuned!