Hehe. A quick story I thought of. Enjoy!

The clock on Mikan Sakura's bed stand struck exactly 7. Right on cue, a knock on her door was heard.

The beautiful brunette turned in her bed and ignored the sound.

The knock came once, twice, three times before it stopped and her door clicked open.

"Still asleep? Seriously, after all these days..." The male, who was already in his uniform, shook his head unbelievably before fixing his smile and striding into her room.

"Milady, it's time to wake up." He called, putting his right hand on his heart and bowing formally.

Mikan shifted again in her bed but insisted on ignoring the boy. Sighing one last time he walked over to her curtained window.

He drew her curtains harshly, letting the warm sunshine into her dark room. Mikan groaned uncomfortably and dragged her comforter over her head to shield her delicate eyes from the harsh light.

"Milady, you'll be late for class." He dragged her covers down, forcing her to crack open her eyes.

"Just...five more minutes?" She whined and curled into a ball, shivering a little from the cold. The male shook his head and dragged her up by the arm.

"You're making it difficult for me, Milady." He forced her to sit up and walked over to her closet and took out her uniform, folding it neatly and putting it beside her on the bed.

"Get changed. I'll be waiting outside." He bowed again before exiting the room, the door clicking behind him.

Mikan yawned and stretched her arms a little and stared at the door, still dreaming. She fell backwards onto her bed and lifted the warm blanket around her again. Mikan sighed in contentment.

She was just about to drift into sleep again when...

"Don't go back to sleep, Milady." Her butler's muffled voice came from behind the door and she groaned.

Damn mind reader.

She groggily sat up again and walked into the bathroom with a zombie trance. She halfheartedly brushed her teeth and washed her face, before putting on her uniform.

She yawned again before opening her door to find her trusty butler patiently waiting for her. The boy looked her over and sighed displeasingly.

"Jeez, look at you. Learn to put on your uniform properly, would you?" He scolded lightly before pushing her back into her room, closing the door behind him. He forced her to sit on the bed and he went onto his knees and undid her disarranged ribbon.

He skillfully tied the string again and made it into a flawless bow, tightening it to make sure it wouldn't come undone. He rearranged her socks and put on her knee-length boots.

Her waist length hair was a complete mess, with random strands sticking here and there. He stood up and took out her hairbrush from the bathroom and asked her to turn around. Mikan obediently turned around, so now she was facing the window.

He slowly ran the brush through her soft brown locks, undoing any knots. He professionally split her hair in the middle with the comb before tying her hair into two perfect pigtails with the ribbons she always wore.

"Done." He announced proudly before walking over to the door and opening it, waiting for Mikan.

"Also, you should really learn how to use keep your alice working even when you're sleeping." He commented.

Mikan nodded, still daydreaming and hummed a reply, clearly not catching his comment.

"Thanks, Koko." She smiled at him before walking out. Koko bowed in return.

It was exactly 7:55 when Koko and Mikan entered the classroom. They arrived at this time everyday, not one second late or early, with five minutes to spare before class started.

"Good morning everyone!" Mikan greeted happily as she skipped into the classroom, Koko following close behind.

"Mornin' Mikan." Her friends greeted back. Some other students were busy sitting there and doing nothing, or maybe talking about the upcoming tests. What a loud classroom.

"Good morning." Koko greeted cheerfully behind her.

"How was the baka this morning?" Hotaru asked in her usual ice cold voice and gave a little glare to Mikan, who pouted cutely.

"Ah, she was a complete mess, as usual." He laughed lightly, earning a glare from his mistress.

"Of course she was." Kitsume laughed as well and high-fived his best friend.

"I was not!" She protested loudly and crossed her arms.

"Yes you were. Your hair was a complete mess and you couldn't even tie your ribbon correctly. Look from my point of view would ya?" He argued back, crossing his arms playfully as well.

Kitsume rolled on the floor laughing at the two.

A jealous pair of crimson eyes stared at them behind the little gang of theirs. Natsume Hyuuga was not liking how close Kokoroyomi was getting to his girlfriend.

He growled lightly at them.

Koko caught his thoughts over the rest and grinned mischievously.

"Koko! I really~ want something sweet to drink." Mikan whined at her butler.

"Ha? It's not healthy drinking sweet things so early in the morning." The butler remarked at his mistress's childish order.

"It's an order!" She pouted at him, waiting for him to move. Koko looked like he wanted to argue, but he kept his mouth shut. He put on his professional smile, bowed and then walked towards the door.

"Yes, Milady."

He was back with a cup of caramel chocolate before you could even say, 'hi.'

"I also want cookies." She whined again. Koko obediently bowed before disappearing and reappearing again, just as quickly as the first time.

"I never understand how he moves so quickly..." Sumire shook her head unbelievably. Koko only laughed and rubbed his head like he always does to comments like that.

"It's a skill he has." Mikan remarked as she happily sipped from the cup.

Natsume growled again, this time everyone heard him. All eyes fell on him.

"Oh~ Natsume's jealous~" Nono and Anna teased as a deadly aura started to surround Natsume.

"Mou Natsu, there's no reason to get jealous of Koko-kun." Mikan grinned and jumped on him, giving him a big hug. Koko nodded along and that just added fuel to Natsume's fire.

"Yeah, Natsu." Koko purposely called him by his nickname, getting him even more annoyed.

"I'm not jealous." He said coldly. Mikan stared at him for a moment before a huge grin broke on her face.

She just had the best. Idea. Ever.

"Ne Natsume, do you want to be my butler for a day?" Mikan asked mischievously, tightening her hold on his neck.

Natsume's eyes widened unbelievably.

"No." He replied simply and flatly.

"Come on, Natsume! It'll be fun!" Mikan begged and unconsciously jumped on his lap, making him wince from the weight.

"Fun for you. Why would I be your butler?" He turned away, clearly not interested.

"Please? Just for a day. Ne, Koko?" He nodded and gave Natsume a wink.

"It'll be great to have a day off." Mikan cheered and grinned at Natsume.

"2 against 1." She announced happily and gave Koko a high-five.

Natsume groaned but thought about it. If he became her butler than that Yomi would stop following her around.

He sighed in defeat and looked away.


How good is Natsume as a butler? Will he really obey Mikan? Find out in the next chapter which I will try to post soon!

R&R Please!