A/N I'm so sorry it's taken this long to update. I just wasn't happy with this chapter so re-wrote it several times.
However, I hope you enjoy it and again, so sorry for the long wait!
Karma had defiantly been in Astrid's favour as the week went on; the coursework she did over her Christmas holiday gave her one of her many highest marks to date. She had held a smug expression on her face the whole day, after learning she passed her maths coursework, something she had expressed her hatred over for months led her to gain a high mark.
"I have defiantly got lady karma on my side," Astrid smiled, as she met up with the others in the lunch hall. Ruffnut rolled her eyes jokingly
"Are you going to be like this all day?" she asked, Astrid laughed as she grabbed her coffee from the table,
"Oh, but of course dear Ruffnut."
"Can I just say, I like it when Astrid is like this, it leads to less punching…" Fishleg's pointed out, Hiccup chuckled, gaining a warning look from Astrid across the table.
"Haddock, I would watch yourself." Astrid held a firm glare at the auburn hair guy in front of her with his dazzling green eyes…
Snoutlout gulped and shook his head. After all, when Astrid was in a good mood nothing was going to bring her down, not even seeing Heather strut in pointed shoes across the hall with a collection of girls wanting to be her friend.
Ruffnut sighed, saying goodbye as she went off to her next class.
"I heard Heather failed one of her essays.." Fishleg's muttered.
Astrid raised an eyebrow at him; it was common knowledge that Fishleg's knew a lot about the students at Berk Academy; he knew what grade they currently had, how far they travelled to get to the school, who their parent's were and their IQ. It was creepy, but played in many people's favour. After all, Astrid remembered asking Fishleg's about Hiccup one year, after she found out he was coming to the Academy; and now look where they were now.
"Oh really? And do I need to know how?"
"I over heard it."
"Wait, let me get this straight, Fishlegs, the Fishlegs overheard something and has no backup? Tell me, who are you and what have you done with the real Fishlegs?" Astrid smiled, teasing the poor boy was always fun, after all they had known each other since they were small children. Most of the students at this Academy Astrid had known since their first school. But it was always amazing to her how you could know so many people but not at the same time.
"I backed myself up, I have connections…"
"On your phone." Hiccup joined in, living next door to Fishlegs proved to be entertaining, but always slow, especially knowing if Fishlegs was on the internet at the same time as you.
Fishlegs pouted and held his hands up, he was defeated.
"Fine, but it's true. She failed some form of science."
Both Hiccup and Astrid rolled their eyes, before a brief look to one another, after all it's not a bad thing to look at your other half.
Yo, bitches and bitches.
free shots at Club B tonigth! leave at 9:30 from Ruff's
you all best be coming!
Fishlegs, Hiccup and Astrid looked at the message which had just appeared on their phones. The twins, both of them had sent the text.
"They do know one of them could have sent the text right?" Hiccup questioned.
"And why are we leaving from Ruff's?!" Astrid shouted, that meant that both their rooms would be open and drink would be everywhere and Astrid shook her head over the mess which would no doubt occur during the evening.
"It's only a few drinks, you can let loose for once Astrid."
Ruffnut had been telling Astrid all day that it was only going to be a few drinks in the bar just down the road from the academy, although Astrid knew that if the twins were involved it was going to be more than just drinks, although watching the twins create havoc was something to be impressed over; after all, their eighteenth birthday party involved them setting the shed in the back garden on fire and by doing this, they had created a huge fireworks display for the whole of Berk to be impressed over.
"Fine, but I swear, if there's any antics going on; I'm out." Astrid voiced, still unhappy that she was being forced out, and more than ever having to deal with the mess in the morning was going to be horrible, and sticky, it was always sticky.
"Good, now go and slap some slap on that ugly mug of yours," there was a twinkle in Ruffnut's eyes as she said it and watched Astrid's face bloom in to annoyance,
"You're getting the first round," was all Astrid could mumble towards her friend as she shut her door in Ruffnut's face and started to get ready.
Astrid was right, the mess she was going to be clearing in the morning was defiantly going to be sticky, it had taken only five minutes before Snotlout had clumsily dropped his drink on the floor.
However, she was refusing to let it get to her, after all, it was a night off from everything and when was the last time they all went out as a group?
"Let it go! Let it gooooo!"
Astrid turned to witness both Tuffnut and Snotlout singing 'Frozen'. Now it was known that once drunk there was nothing these two wouldn't sing, and it had seemed they had rifled through Ruffnut's iPod to find said song - something Ruffnut would not admit she liked, but there was enough times Astrid had overheard the blonde sing her heart out to the song.
"You know, I didn't really expect to see these two singing.." Hiccup spoke as he looked at his drink and wondered how on earth it was possible to get to the level of drunk Snotlout and Tuffnut were in.
"Welcome to hell," Astrid beamed a smile at him, still looking at the two boys acting out the song.
Club B was a well known spot for all of Berk's young students; The place itself was located just inside the main square of Berk and was always full of students - there were occasionally the odd fight between students but it was well known for always being able to have a good night.
Or that was always Astrid's case, she hadn't known a night out in Club B she didn't love. There was plenty of photo evidence too which proved how amazing their nights were.
Ruffnut and Astrid led the way in to the club, after all being the only girls in the group it was rude to not take to the front and to make sure they somehow got a free drink out of them - although they would never admit that.
"You know, I can't actually remember the last time we came here?" Astrid shouted as they walked in to the hallway of the club, Ruffnut looked at her opened wide,
"Seriously? Neither can I."
"Vodka?" they both smiled as the boys walked in after them, meeting them just before the main doors.
"You read our minds."
The drink had taken full effect over her, she had lost count of how many cocktails and shots Ruffnut and her had managed to pour in to their body; but one thing was for sure, kissing Hiccup was the best idea she had ever thought of whilst drunk.
Kissing Hiccup.
She was kissing Hiccup. In public.
She ignored her thoughts, this would only lead her to getting even more drunk - if that was even possible in her state.
But she was kissing Hiccup. And he was kissing back.
Hiccup had welcomed Astrid's lips to his as he kissed her back, drunk or not Astrid was still an amazing kisser; she knew exactly how to tease him and beg for more, so what if people were watching him kiss her? This was Astrid Hofferson, you were not to back down from a kiss from her ever, and frankly when kissing her was this good there was no way he was about to stop.
"Mmm." Astrid sighed, her smile brighter than normal as she looked back up to Hiccup; he couldn't help but mirror the smile she held as he took her hand in his.
"That good eh?"
"Shut up Haddock, ruining my moment here," Astrid laughed, Hiccup laughed back, maybe a little more than usual, but then again how many drinks had they had this evening?
"This may sound boring and stupid,"
"It defiantly sounds like one of them right now," Astrid chimed in, cutting Hiccup off for a moment, only to gain a raised eyebrow.
"As I was saying; this plan may sound insane, but fancy leaving this party?"
Astrid took a brief moment to look around, Tuffnut and his girlfriend were making out in the corner of the bar, or what Ruffnut had explained was Tuffnut's idea of making out, which involved a lot of tongue and thus proving to Astrid that Tuffnut was disgusting.
The clouds had threatened all day to rain, Astrid remembered in her drunken daze that she took a coat around with her all day expecting rain to follow but nothing happened, but now, as both her Hiccup had left the rain had fallen heavy and had begun to soak through her clothes.
"We may have to sprint back," Hiccup joked, the rain soaking his locks and making them drip over his eyes,
"Well, you can do the running, I'm, what you say helpless," they both looked down to Astrid's feet where she wore black heeled ankle boots. Not exactly running shoes.
"I never did understand the reason girls wear heels," he sighed,
"Mainly for the fact that we can hit guys for making sarcastic comments. And because they were so pretty…" Astrid rolled her eyes as she lightly punched Hiccup's arm.
"Again with the violence?" he smiled,
"So smart arse, what are we going to do?"
"But we've gone over this…"
Astrid hadn't expected one bit that Hiccup's plan of running involved her on his shoulders as he ran towards the building of comfort and warmth, also known as Hiccup's room.
As Hiccup had started running Astrid held on for dear life, and wondering just how strong Hiccup was, after all he was carrying Astrid who by now was filled up with alcohol and desperately needing to use the loo more and more as Hiccup ran.
"I hate to break this little run of yours, but I need the loo."
"Well, thankfully, it's just up those stairs." Hiccup announced as Astrid slumped off Hiccup's back. She looked up to the stairs, Hiccup was on the second floor, and she really needed the loo and her feet were now beginning to hurt.
"What happened to the lift?"
"Tuffnut and Snotlout."
"Ah, I won't even say anymore."
Hiccup had never seen Astrid move so fast up stairs in his life, he had been left carrying her shoes however as she took his keys.
"How the hell did I end up with these?" he asked, as they dangled off his fingers as he saw Astrid come out of his bathroom.
"Well, you know. I can only concentrate on one thing, I can't worry about shoes as well." she laughed.
Since coming back in from the rain Hiccup and Astrid noticed just how wet they really were; Astrid's hair was dripping profoundly quickly with her make up creating a panda look around her eyes. And her jeans had become tight around her thighs.
Hiccup however had the effect of a running tap with his hair, every time he moved it a new spot on his back became soaked, and the t-shirt he wore crinkled and dripping.
"Yo, Haddock, catch."
A warm dry towel fell at Hiccup's face, heaven. Astrid had also dried herself off, removing what was left from her make up and wrapping the towel over her hair to keep it from dripping down her neck.
A few flicks of wet flew towards a warm and cosy Toothless who had taken his place on Hiccup's bed. The shock of the drops hitting his black fur set out an almighty hiss.
"I never understood how you girls do that."
they both laughed, Toothless had frowned, as he turned his back on hiccup and curled up on his pillow.
"Great, now my cat is pissed at me."
Astrid sat on Hiccup's bed; both of them had changed out of their wet clothes and had warmed up with dry clothes on. Hiccup had allowed Astrid to borrow one of this tops, an old one that he had hardly wore, and it had covered Astrid nicely; it was baggy but it however kept her warm, she also wore a pair of his boxers, she had tried his jogging bottoms but she had given up after they just fell down her slim figure.
"You know, you don't look half bad in my clothes, boxers and all." Hiccup laughed, handing her a mug of hot chocolate, Astrid rolled her eyes, hiding a small smile.
"Just shut up and watch this film with me."
"If it's girly.."
"It's defiantly not girly. In fact it's the complete opposite of that," she replied, leaning back in to Hiccup's frame.
He held his breath for a moment, only to breath slowly as he rested his head on to the top of hers. Everything was new territory to him, all be it they were always joking and mocking one another, but being in a relationship was completely new to Hiccup.
He glanced over towards Toothless, who was asleep on top of his chest of drawers, purring lightly in his slumber, tail flicking every now and again. There was something about the peace and quiet that filled his room. The way Astrid had lost interest in the movie and was quietly sleeping; Hiccup had noticed this when she placed her mug on the side and tucked back in to the spot in Hiccup she had just left, tucking her feet and legs under the duvet.
There was defiantly no way he was going to ever explain this to his younger self that he had shared a bed with Astrid Hofferson and lived to tell the tale.