Elizabeth learns a secret that will change everything. Jason is running from something tragic and their worlds collide. Will they help each other cope or will the walls they have around their hearts separate them and keep them apart.
A/N – I hope you like this new story. It has a lot of angst, twists, and turns. AU/AH
Chapter 1 – The Target
Sonny looked down at the worn letter sitting in front of him. He couldn't even remember how many times he had read it. His obsession with it was bordering on insanity. When he found out that he had a daughter that he never knew, he was astounded. At first, it was almost too incredible to believe. He couldn't process it. But after he got over the initial shock, he came to accept it and then put all of his efforts into locating her. Fingering the letter he had received from Lily's ex. Miguel, he opened it slowly and started to read it again.
Dear Sonny,
I know this will come as a shock but I'm ill and I cannot keep this secret any longer. Lily did not die in the limo bombing. It was staged to make you pay. She was gravely injured, but my father kept her alive long enough for your daughter to be born. That's right Sonny, you have a daughter out there somewhere. Lily was taken off life support shortly after the birth and passed away. Your daughter was given to some nuns in a convent; the same convent that Lily was sent to when she was pregnant with Juan. That is all I really know. My father confessed on his death bed. I truly think he realized I would tell you and wanted to continue to make you suffer because you wouldn't be able to find her. I have written the name of the convent below.
Good luck.
Sonny wiped his hands over his face. He had a daughter and he had been searching for her for almost 6 months with no luck at all. All the nuns would say is that a doctor and his wife adopted her and they had no other information they could give him. The adoption agency in that town was long gone so the trail had grown cold again. He felt like he was being tortured. Lily's father had hated him and was the one who had set the bomb. It was supposed to be him in the limo but tragically, Lily was the one that ended up dead. If Hernando wasn't six feet under already, Sonny would see to it that he suffered.
Carly walked into his office. The last six months with Sonny had been hell. He barely slept and was like a man haunted; she was going nuts with worry. Michael missed his father but she just couldn't seem to be able to get through to the man. The guilt and horror of the situation was eating him alive. She had started to hate Sonny's child. She knew it was irrational. But, her existence was ripping their family apart.
He looked up at her as she sat down across from him. He knew that he hadn't been there for his family. It was like he couldn't get rid of the hurt and anguish he felt long enough to be there for them. It was overpowering him and he didn't know what to do about it.
"I'm sorry." He said before she could even get a word out. "I'm failing you and our son."
For once Carly was speechless. She hadn't expected him to apologize and the tears started to gather in her eyes.
"I don't know what to do; how to stop sinking. I just need closure on this one way or the other."
Carly watched the powerful Sonny Corinthos start to break right in front of her and she got up and sat on his lap and held him as tears flowed down his face. Finding her voice she began to speak. "We'll get through this. Let me be there for you Sonny. I don't want this to destroy you or our family." She said before kissing his forehead. "Please, start taking your medicine again. Can you do that? It will help you focus and you won't feel so down."
Sonny let out a deep breath and wiped his face and opened the drawer to his desk and grabbed his pill bottle. His hand was shaking so Carly took it from him and got one pill out and placed it in his hand. Popping it into his mouth, he grabbed the glass of water that sat on his desk and swallowed it down. Carly started to cry again, finally seeing a light in the tunnel after all the months of pain.
Johnny O'Brien shook the old man's hand that sat before him and slid into the booth. They were at a restaurant on the outskirts of some nameless town that he couldn't even remember. If he didn't find any more information soon, either Sonny would kill him or he would kill himself. He had been on the road for two months and he was done with it already.
"Thank you for meeting with me."
"I was surprised when I dropped some supplies off to the convent and Sister Marisol told me that you had been asking questions. You weren't hard to find after that. You kind of stick out like a sore thumb." He wryly told the Irishman.
"Do you have any information about who the Doctor was that adopted the little girl?"
"I do. Doctor Webber saved my daughter. She was really sick and he and his wife were offering free care at the local clinic. They were only around for month before they left with the baby they called Lizzie."
OB took some notes. "Do you know his first name?"
"I'm sorry but I don't remember. I wasn't around him that much. My wife took our daughter to the appointments while I worked."
"Thank you so much for your help. I'd like to pay you for your time."
The man shook his head. "It's okay. I'm good."
They shook hands and OB left. He knew where the man lived and would make sure he got a gift delivered after he left. He smiled as he turned the car on and headed out of the city, thinking about how good it was going to feel to sleep in his bed. Grabbing his phone, he called the airlines and made a reservation for the first flight so that he could get the hell out of Puerto Rico.
Elizabeth Webber looked over the chart in her hand. She was a nurse at a hospital in Wisconsin for the last three months. Her parents had gotten a grant at Memorial Hospital in Genoa City. Not wanting to be far away from them, she decided to move and get a job there. Sarah lived in California and Steven lived in New York. She was close with her family so the decision was made easily.
"Are you sure you can't have dinner with me tonight?" Stitch asked as he smiled at the nurse he had a crush on for the last two months.
Liz chuckled. Stitch was cute but she tried to keep her work and personal life separate. There were far too many people sleeping with each other and the musical beds had become fodder for the gossip mill. And truth be told, she had a little crush on his friend Dylan who was unfortunately taken. Adam Newman asked her out one time, but after knowing what he was capable of, she quickly turned him down. Besides that, her last relationship ended badly so she was gun shy about dating.
"I'm sorry Stitch. You know my rules."
He painfully knew her rules. She was driving him absolutely crazy with her pouty lips and porcelain skin; and don't even get him started on her sapphire eyes.
"Talk to you later." She said walking away from the nurse's station. She had one hour left on her shift and then she was meeting her father and mother for coffee.
Elizabeth walked into Crimson Lights.
"Hey." Dylan said smiling at her.
"Hi. Can I have a mocha expresso?"
He nodded. "Coming right up."
Dylan liked Elizabeth. She was very nice and he knew his buddy Stitch had a big crush on her. But for whatever reason, Liz wouldn't budge on that subject matter so he had learned early on to stay out of it.
She watched him make it. He was so damn gorgeous and so sweet. Was it bad that she wished his girlfriend, Avery, would leave town and she could hopefully help Dylan pick up the pieces?
"Here you go." He said placing the cup in front of her.
"Thanks." She said leaving some money on the counter. "I'm going to sit out there. I'm waiting for my parents."
"I'll be sure to send them back there." He said smiling.
Liz almost shuddered as she walked to the patio and sat down at a table. The man was so fine. The only thing she'd change about him was his wardrobe. His style choices left him way to covered up. Her thoughts slowly shifted to her parents. They were being rather cryptic and she wasn't sure what was going on.
"Lizzie." Her mother said before leaning over and kissing her forehead.
"Hey mom." She said smiling. "Where's dad?"
"Ordering." She said sitting next to her daughter.
Liz studied her mother. She seemed a little nervous and she was starting to have a bad feeling. Jeff walked up to the table, and put the mugs down he was holding and smiled at his daughter.
"How was work?" He asked curiously. He was beyond proud of her. When she had expressed interest in art school, he didn't skip a beat backing her choice. After all, she was a great artist and had a lot of potential. That was why he was shocked at her last minute choice to go into nursing.
"Fine. But considering you two are acting suspect, why don't you just tell me what's going on."
Her parents looked at each other and then back at her. Her father looked really serious and he took a deep breath before speaking. "Elizabeth, we had never intended to tell you this but…." He paused not knowing how to say it without blurting it out. When the convent had called him to tell him that after all this time, someone had been inquiring about Elizabeth, he was dumbfounded. He didn't want her to find out the truth because her father suddenly showed up.
"Just say it dad." Liz said nervously. He was freaking her out.
"You're adopted."
Liz's mouth dropped open. "What?"
"Your mother and I adopted you while we were in Puerto Rico working at a clinic. Your biological mother died shortly after giving birth to you and her father gave you to the convent to take care of you."
Liz blinked a few times finding it hard to fathom what he had just confessed.
"Did giving birth to me kill her?"
"No, she had been kept alive on life support for most of the pregnancy." Her mother added.
Liz was stunned. "What about my father?"
Jeff felt a stab of pain in his heart. He and Andrea had fallen in love with Elizabeth at first sight. The convent seemed scared to keep her there and quickly had made the adoption arrangements. It seemed weird but they didn't care and frankly they never dwelled on it enough to ask. As far as they were concerned, Elizabeth was a Webber. "We don't know. I didn't get the impression that he knew about you but he's looking for you now."
"We loved you from the moment we saw you." Andrea said with love as tears gathered in her eyes.
"This is a lot to take in." Liz said softly.
Their beepers went off and they looked down at them. "Elizabeth…."
"No—go—I need time to process this."
"Is it okay if I call you later?" Andrea asked.
Elizabeth sat there looking completely lost. She had no idea who she really was. Her mother was dead and her father was looking for her. Why didn't they tell her she was adopted early on? She felt like she was lied to and although she loved her parents more than anything, withholding the truth was not okay. A million questions were running through her mind. Was he always looking for her? How long had he known? Should she find him? This was all a huge mess.
She stood up and turned right into Dylan.
"Can I get you anything?" He asked with a kind smile.
Elizabeth burst into tears and he was shocked but he grabbed her arms and spoke to her softly. "Elizabeth, what's wrong?"
"Everything." She said before Dylan pulled her into his arms.
He held her as sobs wracked her small body. Avery walked up and looked at him quizzically and he made a face indicating he had no idea.
"I'm so sorry for crying all over you." She said pulling back from him wiping her tears away. She caught a movement and was instantly mortified. "Oh God, I'm so sorry." She said again.
Avery moved towards her. "Please sit down. How can we help you?"
They all sat.
"My parents just dropped a bomb on me that I'm adopted and my father is looking for me."
Avery and Dylan looked at each other and then back at her.
"My mother died after childbirth and my father didn't know that I existed. I just feel like everything I knew has been a lie."
Avery rubbed her arm. "I'm so sorry Elizabeth. If there is anything I can do to help you find your father….."
"I don't know if I should. Maybe he won't like me once we meet. Supposed he's not a nice person?"
Dylan sighed. "You know my story. I went through something similar. Your parents seem really nice, just like mine were. But I don't regret that Nikki looked for me. She has been great and so has Paul."
"I think I just need some time to process it all and then I can decide what I want to do. I love my parents. They have been wonderful to me."
"Even if you find your father, it doesn't mean that you have to give up your relationship with them."
"True." Elizabeth said taking a deep breath. "It would be nice to know about my medical history and where I came from."
"Paul used to be a private investigator. I know he'd help." Dylan said.
"Thanks guys." She said standing up. "I think I'm going to go home and lay down."
Dylan stood up. "If you ever need to talk, we're here for you."
She nodded. "Thank you both."
Avery watched her leave. "That was unexpected."
"It's going to be hard for her at first, but she'll get through it." Dylan said softly.
They went back into the other room and Dylan went back to work.
Jason watched OB walked down the stairs of the plane. He had been surprised but relieved that the guard had finally found some information about Sonny's daughter. The last six months had been hard on them all. Sonny's moods were legendary and Jason's patience for his outbursts was long gone.
"Hey." Jason said shaking his hand.
"I missed you so much." OB said faking a sob.
Jason smirked. "If you try to kiss me….."
OB laughed. "You're pretty but you're not that pretty."
Jason punched him in the arm.
"Ow, damn you've been working out." OB said holding his arm.
"I had to avoid Sonny somehow."
"He's been scary." OB said sliding into the passenger seat of Jason's SUV. Jason had gotten a lot bigger. The change was almost jarring and he had let his hair get a little long. "So what else has been going on?"
"Nothing much. It's been pretty quiet."
He was thankful for that because it would have meant that they would have had to deal with a threat and Sonny. For some reason, the Zaccharas had backed down and Faith had left town.
"Did you ever go out on a date with Sam?"
He rolled his eyes. "No."
The last thing on Jason's mind was hooking up with Sam. He really wasn't into clingy women anyway.
OB chuckled. When he left town, Sam had been doing everything she could to get into Jason's pants.
Jason parked the SUV and they went into the coffee house to meet with Sonny.
Taggert walked into Faith's office and sat down on the couch. "You rang."
Faith smiled. He had been away for two weeks on a mission and she had definitely missed him in her bed and as her enforcer. "I did. I think we've got Sonny right where we want him."
Taggert smirked. He hated Corinthos and anger boy. "What did you find?"
She turned her computer around. "He's about to have a meeting with OB. Apparently, he found some information on his missing daughter. If we can get to her first, then we can use her to secure some of the waterfront properties."
Taggert smiled. "Spinelli deserves a raise."
"Already done."
Anthony chuckled as he listened in to Taggert and Faith's conversation. He would find the missing brat first and then everything Corinthos owned would be his. Johnny leaned against the wall outside the study. There was no way in hell he would let his father hurt some innocent girl. He'd volunteer to find her and then he'd protect her from Anthony.
A/N – Let me know what you think. Thanks for reading!