Chapter 1
The nation of Panem had arisen from the ashes in what was once the North American continent, which war, plagues and natural disasters had devastated. The country was divided in to 13 districts and a capitol, where each district fed the capitol with its specialized good. Production was strictly controlled and the populations in the districts were "provided" with the basic necessities of living food, clothing and shelter, but barely, while the people of the capitol lived in gross excess. The negligence and disregard toward the condition of the district population where starvation, cruelty and generally slave-like conditions fed an undercurrent of anger and hatred towards the capitol to seethe in the districts. Finally, after being treated too long like the conquered provinces of ancient Rome where non-citizens were expected to feed the excess of the rotten city, the people revolted against their oppressors. Unfortunately, like ancient Rome, the superior military might of the capitol was able to suppress 12 of the districts and was at an impasse with the 13th. The capitol made a deal with 13 that they would leave them alone if they stayed hidden and pretended to be destroyed. The remaining districts were then punished for their impudence that they would dare rebel against the capitol.
Thus began the horror of the Hunger Games.
Every year each district would provide a female and a male tribute between the age of 12 and 18 to be thrown into an arena as a reminder of the folly of defying the capitol and their dominance. Much as Minos had required King Aegeus to send 14 of his kingdom's children to their death in the Labyrinth of Minos and sacrificed to the Minotaur. The games served the purpose of entertaining and distracting the capitol citizens preventing them from actually questioning their government. They are fed and stuffed so full of decadent food that they think and move about in a haze unable to see the inhumanity in the games, except for a few.
The games go one for years and a new president takes the helm, although the word president is a facade for dictator and tyrant.
On the 50th year of the games a special treat, the 2nd quarter quell the districts must offer up twice as many tributes. This is the year that the unthinkable happens, a scrappy boy from the poorest part of the poorest district wins. He uses his brains to outlast and outwit the arena and the careers with the help of an intelligent girl from the less poor part of his district. It didn't hurt that secretly with a few of his friends this boy had been poaching outside of the fence to help feed his family.
Haymitch Abernathy of district 12 was from a section called the seam, the poorest part of their district where all men and some women were destined to become coal miners for the "glory of Panem", won by outsmarting the arena. After arriving home he was made an example to all other victors to come. His Ma, brother and girl were all killed in an accident. Consequently he retired to his new extravagant home in the Victor's Village to live a life burdened by guilt thus cutting all contact with his friends to prevent their possible early demise. He lived in constant fear and misery. His body was sold to the highest bidders in the capitol and he had to mentor all forthcoming tributes watching the underfed children of his district die year after year, so he turned to alcohol to dull the pain and try to forget.
In Year 54 of the games Haymitch Abernathy watched from afar as two of his closest friends, and former fellow poachers, James Everdeen and Hunter Hawthorne marry their sweethearts. He did not attend the toastings. Hunter Hawthorne, a tall lanky man married a fellow classmate from the seam, Hazelle, a sturdy but pretty woman who was well liked in their part of the district. It was James Everdeen that surprised everyone, when he married Lilly Stone, the daughter of the town apothecary. Lilly was well known as the prettiest girl in the district with her blonde hair, luminescent skin and blue eyes. However she was from the wealthier side of the district, from the town, but more important she broke her previous engagement to Farl Mellark, the only son of the town Baker.
Three months later Haymitch observed Farl Mellark hastily marry Meredith Miller, a fellow girl from town known for being jealous and a nasty temperment. 7.5 month later they welcomed a son, Bannock.
In year 56 of the games Hunter and Hazelle Hawthorne welcomed their first child, a boy named Gale. And to the disappointment of Meredith she and Farl had another boy, Rye.
Year 58 of the games brought about some extraordinary events; Haymitch was called in to meet a new gamemaker, Plutarch Havensbee. The meeting was at a small bar in the capitol and as Plutarch spoke, quietly and quickly and Haymitch began to realize that not all capitol citizens were without a conscience. It seemed that within the upper crust of the capitol citizens, education had become the new pastime, learning about their ancestors and reading literature. Books written before the dark days such as Uncle Tom's Cabin and Heart of Darkness, books on history detailing the rise and fall of the Roman Empire were circulated and the authors Thomas Paine, Benjamin Franklin, Thomas Jefferson and Abraham Lincoln were oft quoted amongst these citizens. These citizens began to realize that the path of their nation would eventually lead to ruin, if they did not alter its course. These citizens quietly began to infiltrate the government as well as recruit and question those district citizens they had access too, namely the victors. And plans began to form….
That winter Meredith Mellark received her final disappointment further cementing her bitter nature into a mean and violent one. By giving birth to her third son, Peeta, not the daughter she had desperately hoped for. Meanwhile that spring James and Lilly Everdeen gave birth to their first child, a girl, with the seam coloring of olive skin, dark hair and grey eyes, but with the delicate features of her mother. They named her Katniss, for the life giving tubers that grow in fresh water. Four years later, their second daughter, Primrose, was born as a miniature version of their mother. The Hawthornes also began to expand their brood.
Year 63 of the games, Haymitch found himself more embroiled in the plans to topple the current regime. He silently recruited district 12 miners so naturally first turned to his good friends James and Hunter. Already used to a bit of rebellion, by supplementing the meager mining income by poaching outside the fence to feed their families, James and Hunter immediately joined up desperate for a way to prevent their children from enduring the current hardships. During discussions Haymitch would ask what actions should capital take to prevent a war and what changes could be made when the current regime toppled. The first was ending the hunger games, the second real living wages with some choice of career and finally some sort of district representation in the new government. Haymitch took all the input he gathered and took it back to the Capitol and over the next few years, Plutarch steadily gained information from the districts via the victors as to what would be needed. And their plan began to take shape and move forward…
At year 65 a young man named Finnick O'Dair won the games at the tender age of 14, he was unabashedly handsome and charismatic and he was quickly a capitol favorite. Unfortunately, at age 16 he was indoctrinated into the seedier aspects of being a victor and was a favorite toy of those most debauched at the top. Fortunately he was also intelligent, and used his looks and charisma to gain access to secrets and government officials for the benefit of those working to overthrow the government. It didn't hurt that the people of the capitol perceived those who lived in the districts as primitive and unintelligent making his mission even easier.
Year 69 saw President Snow become more and more paranoid and he ordered more surveillance on the districts. His paranoia hit a peak when he ordered an accidental mining cave in in district 12 because of recorded conversations that he felt could be seditious. Killing people always kept them in line. This action saw Haymitch watch from the sidelines as the oldest children of his two closest friends, accept medals of valor for their dead fathers. He vowed to end this reign of terror as soon as he could to avenge his friends.
Year 71 of the games saw a little ax throwing spitfire named Johanna Mason take the crown. During her nationwide televised coronation party, the head peacekeeper appeared to the side of the President and suddenly the corrupt officials were grabbed restrained by various plants of the rebellion. Plutarch Havensbee walked to the podium next to President Snow and announced the coup. The head peacekeeper, a rebellion plant, arrested the offenders. Allowing Havensbee to announce to the Nation that the dictatorship had been disposed and a new kinder gentler Panem would continue henceforth. He then brought forth all the current living victors explaining to the citizens of Panem that they would work together to elect a new President with term limits. All districts would be represented by one vote and remain on the council to advise the president. The games were over, never to be brought back, and the nation would work toward improving living conditions in the districts.
One week later, the council voted a woman named Paylor as President; she was from district 8, the sister of a deceased tribute and a tireless member of the rebellion. It was her idea to depose of the President with minimal bloodshed. Haymitch smiled to himself, knowing his 21 years of pain watching kids die was over. He also felt as though he could finally again feel safe enough to have friends.