DISCLAIMER: Twilight and the characters belong to Stephenie Meyer, everything else is mine.



"I'll be there in a minute!" I yell over my shoulder as I finish stacking the Classic Literature shelves.

I turn around, looking up and right there is god himself.

Well, my god anyway.

Edward Cullen.

I've had a crush on him ever since middle school.

Middle School-before puberty hit and I had bony knees and braces. Lovely.

"Hey, do you sell childrens books here?" the god, Edward, asked.

It took me a moment to realise that he actually spoke,"Oh! Uh, yeah. Over there," I pointed behind me down to the back of the store.

"Thanks," he smiled as he squeezed passed me to get to where I pointed.

I nodded to myself and went to stand behind the counter, when I looked down to the back of the shop he was already comfortably seated on the floor with his long legs crossed.

"So, you're Bella Swan, right?" he asked as he shuffled through the children's books.

"Yeah, you're Edward Cullen, right?" I mimicked him making him laugh softly.

"Yes, thats me," he replied still smiling at me, although he smiled at everyone I couldn't help but be excited that he was smiling. At me.

I moved from behind the counter and walked over to where he was sat.

"Huh, who are you shopping for anyway?" I asked as he picked up a new book about fairies,"Or do you actually like to read children's books?"

Edward laughed at held it up,"What? you don't read children's books? They're so cool! With the Dinosaurs and the fairies and everything."

"Yeah, when I was five and learning how to read," I snorted as I took the book from him and sat down next to him.

"Seriously though, who are you shopping for?" I put the book back on the shelf and took the other one he's holding out to me.

"My little cousin, shes turning three and my aunt and uncle want her to start reading as soon as possible." Edward replied putting the book with princesses on the front into my hand,"This one, please."

"Sure, no problem," I rose from my seat on the floor and walked back behind the counter and scanned the book.

Edward passed me the $10 for the book and I put it in a small back and we swapped, him taking the bag and me taking the money.

"Well, I guess I'll see you in school?" he says walking backwards towards the door.

"Uh, yeah," I said back, my voice all breathy.

Seriously, I'm turning into that girl?


"No way!" Alice practically screamed, in the middle of the cafeteria,"Then what?"

I shoved a hand over her mouth,"Shh! and nothing, he just left."

"He just left?"


Alice looked thoughtfully at me for a moment,"Huh, well that was a waste of time," and the stood up and walked out of the cafeteria.

I spun around in my chair looking after her in bewilderment,"What?" I whispered to myself.

Alice had always been like that, it's like she feeds on gossip and gets all excited about it. Obviously not this time.

I stood from the table, grabbed my bag and chased after, out of the cafeteria.

"How was that a waste of time? I talked to Edward Cullen, finally," I panted as I came to a stop beside her.

"Yes and I'm really happy for you, like, you go girl but," she stops at her locker and turns to me,"I was just expecting something bigger and better to happen, like you would ask him out on a date or he would ask you or

"You'd just jump over that desk and kiss him until he couldn't breath but no, you spoke about children's books," she snorts and turns round to open her locker.

I sigh and lean against the one next to hers.

"Well, I'm happy I actually got to talk to him, that's better than nothing, right?"

"Yes, of course it is but the next time you see him?" I look over at her and she continues,"Do something."


I walk into the small cafe a few blocks away from Written Roses and stand in the line in front of the counter.

When the guy at the counter takes my order and hands me my drink I walk to the small corner of the shop and sit down at one of the tables.

It's not 5 minutes later that I look up and see Edward Cullen sat a few tables away, looking at me.

When I our eyes lock his eyes shoot up to the clock above my head acting like her wasn't just staring at me.

I saw him though.

I know it's not very long but I'm not sure if I'm going to carry on and spend all my time on this, I'm just kind of testing it out and seeing if people like it, so if i get positive feedback I will be continuing with this fic!

I'm sorry if I made any mistakes with the american stuff, I'm british so I had to do a bit of research.

Also Fun Fact: Bella's aunts store is actually named after mine and my friend's (jacefourpeeta go check out her stories!) blog:)
