Okay, guys, time to settle off with this story! I truly hope you've enjoyed it!

Last chapter

After the defeat of the goddesses and the rebirth of Bia, our friends said their goodbyes to Duke who went back at the Resistance's QG by a portal with the Angelus and some of his comrades. Skyler chose to stay for some reasons.

Once all the Amazon creatures fixed the damages made during the fight, Blu decided that they absolutely had to take back the lost time. So, everybody agreed to made a big Amazon party, like they do occasionally.

It was night time with the sky all dark with thousands of stars shining and the blue and red tribes along with many Amazon creatures were gathered around the Brazil nuts groove, doing the same party as the one in my previous story.

Our friends, Blu, Jewel, Tiago and Alex were at the coconut bar with Blu's Smartphone, talking to Linda, Tulio and Fernando via Twitter.

Linda: "Hello, Blu."

She said by her camera, allowing Blu and his friends to see them.

Blu: "Hi, Linda."

Then, he turned the camera to show his wife and son who also gridded her with their wings.

Linda: "Hello, Jewel. Hello, Tiago."

Jewel: "Hello, Linda."

Tiago: "Hi, Aunt Linda!"

Then, Tulio took the turn.

Tulio: "Wow! Tiago have grown a lot!"

Blu: "I know."

He said with stroking his son's hair while smiling at him before turning the camera to me.

Blu: "Also, here's my new friend who saved Bia, Alex."

This last one shyly greeted them with a wing.

Fernando: "Wow! This is a true snow owl?!"

He asked amazed.

Alex: "Yes, I am."

Tulio took the camera all excited.

Tulio: "Ooooooh! A magnificent speciement!"

Then, he begun making howling noises (like he did in the first movie) making Alex looking with a weird face.

Alex: "What is he doing?"

He whispered to Blu.

He simply chuckled.

Blu: "His habit."

Then, he took the camera back to himself.

Blu: "Anyway, see you later; we've gotta a party on. We'll come to see you soon at Rio!"

Linda, Tulio & Fernando: "BYE!"

Therewith, Blu closed his Smartphone and putted it back into his fanny pack on the bar.

Suddenly, Jewel grabbed him and putted him into a passionate kiss, making Tiago make disgusting noises while Alex was charmed.

They broke the kiss and glazed charmingly at each other.

Jewel: "You're my little hacker."

Blu: "And you're my one and only jewel of the forest."

Suddenly, they saw Bia and Carla arriving toward them.

To their surprise, they were well prepared; feather clean and well crested going well with their tattoos given by the blue phoenix and a flower on both of her head, red for Carla and purple for Bia.

Blu: "Wow1 Girls, you're really beautiful!"

Jewel nodded in agreement.

Carla: "Thanks, Daddy."

Suddenly, Jewel took Bia in her two wings and putted her into a huge hug.

Jewel: "I was sure that we had lost my little girl!"

She said, still thinking about the fight against the elements.

Bia: "I'm okay, Mommy."

She said as her mother let go of her.

Alex: "Awww, so sweet."

He said, enjoying the moment.

?: "Alex!"

Someone was calling him from behind.

He recognized Skyler's voice.

Alex: "Sorry, Skyler; I was-"

Suddenly, he was owned as he saw Skyler arriving toward him with her feathers all clean and shining along with some silver marks on her eyelids and a purple flower on her head. Like if this wasn't enough, she was walking elegantly, moving her hips and tails, making Alex have an owned face and almost falling.

She finally arrived in front of him.

Skyler: "Hello, Al."

He was still looking at her with an owned face.

Skyler looked curiously at him.

Skyler: "Are you okay?"

He finally came back to reality.

Alex: "What?! Huh, YES! Yes, of course! Ehehehehehe."

He shyly laughed while blushing, making Skyler giggling at his reaction.

Suddenly, Mimi arrived in the middle of the group.

Mimi: "Okay, enough with the chat, kids; it's party time!"

Indeed, Roberto was on the stage, ready to make his show-off.

Everybody immediately flew to the dance floor with all they other friends and the couples were getting ready to dance.

Of course, Blu was getting ready to dance with Jewel, Rafael with Eva, Felipe with Arlene, Eduardo with Sienna and Alex with Skyler as all the others were dancing on their own.

Then, Roberto cleared his throat before beginning to sing.

(Just the way you are by Bruno Mars)

Once the song was over, the crowd cheered for Roberto as this last one bowed respectfully under the tweeting of the girls looking coquettishly at him before leaving the stage.

Back in the crowd, all the couple hugged or kissed their partners with joy.

Skyler gave a sweet kiss on Alex's cheek making him blush so hard that it was visible under his white feathers.

Skyler: "*chuckles* you look like a cherry."

Alex chuckled nervously with her.

Meanwhile, Rafael and Eva shared a deep kiss just like Blu and Jewel which lasted for a whole minute.

After they broke the kiss, they looked at each other.

Jewel was lost in Blu's deep brown eyes as Blu was lost into Jewel's deep turquoise eyes.

Jewel: "I love you, Blu."

She said with resting her head on his chest.

Blu: "I love you too."

He said with nuzzling his beak on her head.

Suddenly, the peace was destroyed by a portal opening in the air which caught everybody's attention.

Suddenly, someone jumped out of it to land in front of our friends; Duke!

Blu: "Duke?! What are you doing here?!"

He smiled shyly and scratched the back of his head with his wing.

Duke: "Sorry to disturb your party but...let's say that some creatures escaped my QG."

Suddenly, another portal opened on the ground and weird creatures who strongly looks like Predators from the movie of the same name jumped out, making everybody panicking.

Blu's P.O.V

I was looking at everybody around running for they lives away from those monsters, making my adrenaline growing strong.

Suddenly, I felt a warm touch on my shoulder and turned to be met by Jewel's sweet face with a smile.

I also saw behind her all the others, Tiago, Bia, Carla, Eduardo, Sienna, Roberto, Duke, Alex, Skyler, Rafael, Nico, Pedro, Eva, Felipe and Arlene, all of them with smiles that I knew too well.

I smiled back at them before hinting them to follow me with my head and immediately flying off toward the monsters followed by all my family and friends.

As we were getting closer, the two best friends putted out their fists and bottle cap, the beautiful red bird along with the red leader were getting their red energy ready, the girl with a killing voice were getting ready to sing a little, the eagle's eye took out his hidden blades, the little bird with a great spirit were making her crystals shining, the unstoppable illness turned his wing-blade, the two tribe's leader were getting their blue energy ready, the savio bird summoned his Dovaahki armour, The ultimate warrior took out his two little guns, our three little miracles had their telekinesis, speed and water powers ready for a fight, my beautiful gem of the forest turned her plants power on as I, the chosen one, were getting ready for a little Kung Fu with my Dragon Strength as we were about to touch the monsters, ready for another fight!

The screens fade to black with the FIGHT AGAINST THE ELEMENTS logo.

Okay, guys, here the story ends! I hope you all enjoyed it! However, this story is maybe done, but the saga still have one story left; "Injustice" on which I will work soon. I'll give some details about it in no-long. Also, I would like to take this moment to remind you that the Rio Awards are still waiting for your votes ! Finally, I would like to thank all of my friends who helped during this story; SuperDuke1000, Skyler The Elf Owl (kiss), BluePhoenixLord, DutchBlueMacaw, ShyGuy, RIO2lover100 and Dark Blue-Bird. You guys are awesome! Also, I will make a poll to vote for which fight was your favorite in this one. See ya soon =)