The Secret Will


Akihito felt beyond tired as he finally arrived at the apartment that night.

What was supposed to have been a simple and quick undercover assignment for his news' agency, had turned into a 12 hour boring stakeout mission that had only finished after he and Mitarai were able to get a series of incriminating shots of a famous politician exiting an upscale love hotel downtown with his mistress.

Akihito was still cursing against the politician when he removed his trainers in the genkan and moved towards the kitchen, turning on the lights in every single room he walked through, even though it was already 3 in the morning and he should have known better.

His mind was consumed with nothing but thoughts of the flavorful ramen he'd prepared earlier that day and that was waiting for him inside the fridge, but even so he managed to be momentarily distracted by a dim light coming from Asami's office room, located right next to the kitchen.

It was only then that Akihito realized he might not be the only person still up in the apartment that night.

Tip toeing his away towards the office's half-open door, the photographer tempted with the idea of knocking first in order to announce his presence, but at the last second decided to just stick his head inside the room and take a peek.

The sight that greeted him ended up making him smile.

Asami Ryuuichi, the powerful and ruthless business man that he was known to be, was currently sitting behind a solid mahogany desk piled up with folders and random sheets of paper deeply asleep.

Akihito wondered for a moment how the older man had managed to doze off in such an uncomfortable position and suspected he was going to wake up with a very sore neck given the awkward angle his head was resting against the chair.

"Asami…" He called out from the doorway, quietly at first.

When the only answer he received was a shallow snoring sound, Akihito figured he'd need to resort to more direct methods if he was indeed planning to successfully wake up the other man.

"Hey, Asami!" He called out loud again, more soundly this time, while he approached the desk.

Although his effort was insufficient to drag Asami's mind out of dreamland, he still ended up managing to draw a reaction from the business man, who even though sleeping, slowly turned his face towards the youngster, as if he had somehow been able to hear him; his lips parting ever so slightly, as if Asami was about to mumble a "Hello".

Akihito stopped only when he was next to Asami, and half sat on the desk in front of the latter taking advantage of the opportunity to look intently at the older man.

He didn't recall when was the last time he'd had the chance to see Asami with such a relaxed expression, and for a moment found it funny how the yakuza always managed to look about 10 years younger when he slept like that, without a care in the world.

It seemed that Asami could somehow sense he was on Akihito's mind at the moment because again his face turned in the photographer's direction, a strand of hair falling over his closed eyes in the process.

It was more of an impulse really what caused Akihito's next move...

Before the young man could stop himself, he felt his arm stretch ahead of him and his hand pull away the unruly strand of hair covering Asami's eyes.

Akihito was about to tuck it behind the other man's ear when he realized he was blushing…Profusely.

He pulled back his hand instantly, relieved that Asami was asleep and unable to see his schoolgirl-like reaction.

The young man hated to admit it, but he was growing increasingly obsessed with the other man as of late, finding the yakuza's mere presence around him, a source of overpowering intoxication, and even though Akihito knew that Asami was well aware at this point that he was very much in love with him, it was not like the guy really needed to know the extent of the hold he had on Akihito.

After all, there was no point in adding to the other man's already god-like ego!

The young man was about to leave the room, fearing that if he'd stick around the place any longer he might fall into the temptation of waking Asami up with a kiss (and wouldn't it be embarrassingly ridiculous for the youngster to try to come up with an excuse for that move!) when he noticed the piece of paper being held in one of Asami's hands.

In truth, it wasn't the paper itself that sparked his interest, but the fact that he spotted the name of Asami's personal lawyer written in very formal lettering in it.

He was also quick to spot Asami's own name written above the other which further enticed his curiosity, and so he quickly bent over, albeit awkwardly, so he could take a better look at the paper without risking having the older man waking up next to him.

One look at the title strategically placed in the right upper corner of the document made the blood freeze in his veins all of a sudden.

"Legal Will?" Akihito read out loud surprised.

Another quick look at the place where Asami's name had been written down, and he was all but left gapping at the piece of paper.

"Asami's Legal Will? !" He thought, not really knowing what to make of the information, as it dawned on him that according to the signature date, the document had been signed that same afternoon.

"What time is it?" Akihito suddenly heard Asami ask with a sleepy voice, making him straighten his back automatically.

"Huh…3…It's…huh…3 a.m.…I think." The young man said trying to sound casual, yet failing miserably in his endeavor to do so.

Luckily for him, Asami was still too groggy to notice and as the older man covered his mouth with his free hand and yawned his heart out, his other hand shot up and placed the Will paper casually on top of the desk, almost as if he didn't even remember he'd been holding it in the first place.

Akihito had to use all of his willpower to avoid turning his eyes on the sheet of paper again.

"You look tired." Asami said then, his head resting back against the office chair. "Did you just get home?"

There was a sincere note of worry in his voice and for a few seconds Akihito forgot all about the Will. He knew Asami had been concerned as of late that he'd been overworking himself, but it was not like Akihito could ask his boss to stop assigning him overnight jobs, especially because he was turning out to be the best stakeout news' photographer in that news' agency.

"Yeah…I just got here." Akihito confessed, smiling guiltily. "And I'm pretty pooped too. I think I'm just gonna grab something quick to eat and hit the bed. Wanna come too?... You look pretty tired as well."

A flash of realization suddenly crossed Asami's eyes, as he seemed to remember something important. "…Not yet. I still have some documents to go through. You can go ahead."

It wasn't what he said, but how he said it that made Akihito arch an eyebrow at the older man; the memory of the Legal Will document being suddenly trusted to the front of his mind again.

"Are you sure?" Akihito asked, convinced that Asami wouldn't understand the double meaning of his question.

And he was right, since the older man only grinned at him in return. "I won't take long." He said, watching Akihito shrug in return while he walked away from the desk and the room, but not without biding Asami goodnight first.

The young man was about to cross the doorway, when Asami's voice stopped him on his tracks.


Again, that odd tone perceivable in his voice…

This time Akihito couldn't help his heart from skipping a beat. Could it be that there was something going on with Asami?

"What is it?" The young man asked as he turned around to face Asami, trying to mask his fear.

For a moment it seemed as though Asami was getting ready to tell him something, but when the yakuza spoke up again it was only to bid Akihito a goodnight in return, causing the youngster to leave the office room with a strange feeling in his chest.

Akihito was pretty certain he'd already dozed off for a while when he felt the mattress slump down behind him and someone crawl into his bed about an hour after he'd left the office.

When the youngster felt the intruder spooning him from behind; an arm protectively circling his waist, he shivered, all remnants of sleep leaving him in a heartbeat.

"You're cold, Asami! Go sleep on your own bed, will you?" He protested, but the first response he received from the other man was an amused chuckle.

"You'll warm me up soon enough, no worries." Asami replied huskily, nibbling on Akihito's ear.

"I thought you were tired…" The youngster interjected, trying to prevent his body from reacting to the other man's presence, which turned out to be another spectacular failure on his part, particularly when Asami pulled him closer against his chest.

"I'm never tired when it comes to you." Asami teased, brushing his lips against Akihito's shoulder.

"Your dick is poking me by the way."

"That's because I'm poking you with it."

"You're such a bastard!" Akihito replied, burying his face on his pillow as he felt his lower half slowly starting to wake up.

To his annoyance, the yakuza didn't let him hide his face for very long, and before he knew it, Akihito found himself lying on his back with Asami positioning himself above him while keeping the youngster's lips busy with a possessive kiss.

Akihito was just warming up to it when the older man suddenly broke the kiss, staring at him with an unusual look in his eyes.

The photographer felt his heart start racing even before Asami said anything.

"Akihito, I…" Asami started, but for some reason the rest of what he was about to say died in his mouth.

"…W-What is it?"

"…Nevermind." The older man said, just before he bent down for another kiss preventing Akihito from asking anything further.

(To be continued…)