Chapter 23

Science class was one of Amy's favourite classes...or it used to be. Science was a subject she found interesting, and that would never change. But the class itself was torture. Mr. Pixer had decided that they focused better with learning buddies, and had chosen who would sit with who. This would have been fine if Amy had gotten someone remotely interested in getting a good grade. Depressed Daniel was not, to say the least, interested in anything.

He was called Depressed Daniel because he spoke one syllable words, never looked you in the eye when he spoke, and no one had ever seen him smile. Also because he didn't give a crap about anything. He'd been harassed by the duded countless of times, which Amy felt sympathy for, but when he entered science class with that careless attitude- it just drove her nuts.

The second reason as to why she couldn't stand science class lately was the way Mr. Pixer treated her. Amy was the Hermione of her class, and Mr. Pixer was Snape. And not the hero kind of Snape you feel for at the end, Amy grumbled to herself. Every time she knew the answer to something, Mr. Pixer ignored her. He didn't treat Sinead the same way, who was excelling in his classes. Nor did he treat other students like that. Dumb and smart answers alike, he accepted them. Amy's answers? Well if she ever got to answer, he would frown and nod like she was not quite right. Even though Amy had looked several things up - like the hydrogen bonds between water molecules- and she had been completely right.

Amy was used to teacher's liking her, and she couldn't care less about being the teacher's pet. She was having a hard timing adjusting to the new teacher, to say the least.

"And if you leaf through to page 346, you'll notice how water's surface tension is the reason why flies can stand on water. We're going to do a little test where we're going to try to balance a paper clip on water."

It was simple, fill the little cork with water and balance a paper clip on it. Amy turned to Daniel, who was listening to music, his earphones slightly peeking under that unruly hair he kept covered with a dark hoodie.

"Daniel!" she said a bit too enthusiastically. He couldn't mess up anything this small, and there was no grade. It was just a learning experience. She knew she was trying too hard to make their partnership work, but that was because her first science test of the year was nearing, and she needed her projects to be top notch.

Daniel didn't move. Amy poked his shoulder, she hoped not too hard. He looked up lazily and raised an eyebrow. As if that wasn't enough indication for him to remove his earpods, Amy gestured towards them. He finally pulled them out and looked at her expectantly.

Amy explained what they were supposed to do and gestured towards the rest of the class, who had already started. Daniel shrugged. "So?"

"So," Amy said, trying to smile as cheerfully as she could. "Let's try thing out, yeah? How about you do it this time?"


"Because I built the molecules, proved that ice has a higher density than water, and I did that thing last time with the indicator," she said, her voice slowing down to try to make him understand.

Daniel's face expression didn't change. He just got up to fetch the stuff. Amy straightened up, a little satisfied. She locked eyes with Sinead who was sending her a surprised look.

Daniel couldn't make the paper clip float. Whatever he did, it sunk to the bottom.

"Paper clips don't float," he concluded. Amy resisted the urge to facepalm. That was probably the longest sentence he'd said to her though. "It's supposed to float because of the surface tension."

"Hydrogenbonds," Daniel nodded.

Amy grabbed the paper clip from him exasperatedly since everyone was finished and Mr. Pixer had already continued talking. But she'd been quick with the motion, and the already wet paper clip sunk to the bottom again.

Daniel stared at it with an empty look in his eyes. "It's easier to sink. The world is no place for paper clips who want to sink."

"Paper clips have other uses too, like keeping paper together," Amy blurted out in annoyance as she carefully placed the paper clip on the water. It stayed afloat. She made a face as she turned to Daniel, feeling that her comment felt mocking towards him.

Daniel on the other hand looked at her with wide eyes, like she'd said something revolutionary. He patted her shoulder. "Thank you, Amy."

"If you two have finally completed your oh-so-difficult project, you may sit down. Emotional derailing can be dealt with later," Mr. Pixer said calmly. Students snickered and Amy plopped down with an apologetic smile, the look in her eyes probably murderous.

Ian couldn't help but laugh as he slammed his racket against the tennis ball. Emily whooped from beside him. "We're unbeatable, baby."

Ian grimaced and shook his head. Americans.

Coach Hedge retrieved the ball for them with the biggest grin on his face. It was clear the P.E teacher was proud. Ian wondered why public schools were so pathetically in need of wins. At his old school in London, people didn't bother too much with worrying about winning. They knew they would win.

"You cupcakes have grown so much," Coach Hedge said dramatically. Ian arched an eyebrow. "We have only been practicing for two weeks."

"Two weeks is a lot of time, Ian," Emily told him. "And we're definitely a better team."

That was true; so Ian stayed quiet. He had learned a few things about Emily since they had become tennis partners, and one of them was that she loved to argue. He, on the other hand, did as well. This led to long discussions. Just two days ago they were discussing politics, and the imperfect sociology people loved to praise; democracy. Emily was, Ian had learned, quite intelligent. She had quoted Churchill in that particular discussion, and she was up to date with politics as well.

"This is a cause for celebration!" Coach Hedge announced happily. "The tennis match is in five days, yet you two are sure to be the star players."

"I agree," Emily smiled at Ian. She raised a perfectly plucked eyebrow. "This does call for celebration."

"I've missed classes because of training. I have things to catch up to," Ian said dismissively and reached for his water bottle. Emily sat down and smiled up at him with her familiar optimistic smile. "Don't be such a bore, let's go out and eat."

Ian studied her face for a minute. This was his opportunity to get to ask Emily some questions, figure out her life story, study her outside school. Ian's personal opinion about whether she was a Vesper was muddled; he didn't believe she was...yet he could not look away from the fact that something was definitely off with her. He knew that undercover a Vesper would not attract much attention as Emily had, but he was also aware that Emily was a tad bit too interested in him. Of course, this part could come down to his dashing looks, Ian mused, but he should not humor himself too much.

"Sure," he said simply and pushed himself up. "The diner after school?" Americans did love their diners.

"Sounds good to me, I'm starving," Emily laughed. Didn't she have lunch?

Ian nodded at her in goodbye and turned to walk towards his lockers. He did not know what to expect of the hangout later, but he knew he would make sure to recover some info.

A good Lucian never missed an opportunity.

Dan felt hot anger rise in him as he watched Brian Johnson bully the new kid, Will. Will was quiet and reserved, and he didn't involve himself in much, but yet he had become a target for the bully. As it always was with douchebags, they picked on the lenient ones.

If Dan had Madison or Reagan with him, he could have easily stormed up and kicked Brian and his gang's ass. But he didn't have them here. Will stumbled back as Brian jabbed a finger at him. "And for my next trick I'm gonna see if I can kick this Coke can off Willy's head!"

Most students found it incredibly amusing, but there were some who exchanged looks. Brian placed the Coke can on Will who had his hands balled into fists. "Actually, I uh think I'm gonna go-"

"No," Brian glared at him, the lopsided smile still present on his lips. "We gotta have some entertainment at this school!"

He took a couple of steps back and Will swallowed visibly. Under other circumstances this would be stuff Dan loved to watch and participate in. But Will didn't want to do this, it was clear, and that made it incredibly wrong.

I've fought Vespers and Isabel Kabra, Dan thought and puffed his chest out. The kid beside him gave his chest a weird look. Dan cleared his throat and walked forward. "Brian!"

Brian had gotten ready to kick and he now turned his head towards Dan lazily. "What's up Dean-O, where are your twin girlfriends?"

"If they were here, they'd kick your ass. Like last time," Dan said, mustering the most over confident voice he could. "But I'm nicer so I'll let you drop this while you can."

Brian's gang hooted and Brian laughed loudly. People around chuckled, some out of humor, some out of nervousness. "Look at this punk, eh? Thinks he's superman."

Dan tried not to let his cringe visible. He simply raised his eyebrow and jammed his hands in his pockets, Kabra-style. Brian rolled his eyes and turned back to Will. Before anyone could move, he kicked the can off of Will's head, but the heel of his shoe slammed into Will's temple. Will doubled over in pain while Brian's boys hooted.

Dan rushed over to Will, ignoring the owl-gang. "Hey buddy, you okay?"

Will nodded meekly, clutching his head tightly. Brian started walking towards them and Dan was ready now. He straightened his back. He would get in trouble, but it would be worth it. Just a single ju-jitsu move would sprain Brian's wrist, and that would do the trick. Of course, Brian would make him a target and later try to make his life at school miserable, but Dan had the twins this time.

Brian gabbed his shoulder and turned him, raising a fist. "Why don't you-"

"Oii! Meatheads!" an annoyed voice called out. A girl stepped between them and Dan found himself staring at dark brown curls. Brian rolled his eyes. "What do you want, Melanie?"

"Your life must be sad if you're gonna fulfil your needs of entertainment by dominating over others," the girl spoke calmly, and Dan blinked. Melanie, dark hair, calm voice. Melanie from the C-class?

Brian raised his fist again. "I couldn't give a shit that you're a girl, step out of my way."

"Oh by all means, hit me," Melanie told him, and Dan could hear the smile in her voice. He couldn't help but smile himself. Brian caught him smiling and a sneer-like look took over his features. Dan could see him calculate the options here.

As Brian raised his fist, Melanie's hand shot out to block it, squeezing the taller boy's fist in her hand. People murmured and Melanie pushed Brian's arm back. She pocketed her hands. "My job here is done."

"Your job?" Dan wondered, stepping from behind her to look at her face. Melanie sent him a look. "Of the distraction," she said just as the principle and Mr. James hurried towards them.

"Brian, you can come to my office," the principle barked. He locked eyes with Dan for a moment before he pretended to not have noticed Will and Dan. Brian gritted his teeth, and the principle had to grab his arm to drag him. Brian glared daggers in Dan's direction, but Dan wasn't so sure if they were directed towards him or Melanie.

"Thank you guys," Will said, his voice even quieter, laced with defeat. Melanie stepped towards him and touched his swollen temple gently. "Let's go put some ice on that."

"Come Will, I'll take you," Mr. James said and helped the kid down the hall towards the nurses office. Dan moistened his lips and turned to Melanie. "That was cool, what you did."

"And what you did was dumb," Melanie replied simply, walking down the hall where the crowd has now dispersed into a sea of students.

"I was gonna fight back-"

"Exactly. You boys never think with your head, do you? Violence is not the best option."

Dan shrugged, trying to catch up with her. She was a pretty fast walker, he remarked. "It would put him off long enough for Will to escape."

"And then you would be in Will's place, in a fight," Melanie pointed out. "How chivalrous," she said sarcastically.

Dan felt his neck heat up. "Well...uh...good that you were there then."

"The damsel saves the distressed yet again," Melanie announced. She stopped in front of a classroom: informational technology. She smiled in a good-humored way and Dan chuckled. "Yeah."

"Well, chop chop, go to class, what are you doing here. I'm pretty sure you don't have IT," Melanie wrinkled her nose, making her freckles do a little dance.

"Well yeah...I have uh," Dan blanked out. What did he have right now? "English." No, I have maths. MATHS.

"Off to english then."

"Off to english then," Dan said and waved before quickly scattering away. He shook his head. His Amy was showing, geez.

Is there anything special you guys want to see happen in this book?