First, I will apologize to everyone who waited excitedly for the next chapter. I am slightly possibly maybe terrible at updating at a decent rate. This is not the only story that has been waiting for too long to be continued. Secondly, I will apologize to everyone who has assumed that I stole this story from outtogarden. This story was inspired by theirs and I did ask for permission. The first chapter is done the same as theirs, though I wrote it in my own style. Finally, thank you to everyone who reviewed/favorited/followed.

Alfred whimpered as his brother yelled, causing Arthur to wrap his arm around his shoulders. Alfred's brother, Matthew narrowed his eyes and turned to Arthur, standing straighter and unconsciously puffing out his chest in a show of dominance. Arthur growled in response and Matthew went silent, his eyes narrowed in an intense glare. The two Alphas were silent for a moment and their scents grew heavy with competitive hormones, causing passerby to glance over. Alfred sniffed softly and rubbed his nose as it burned slightly and the other two men looked at him and relaxed slightly.

"Well, I hope you're not planning on letting him scot-free if you are pregnant, Alfred."Matthew said, crossing his arms.

"I'm afraid I don't understand what you mean by that. He's coming to live with me, of course."Arthur said, pulling Alfred close.

The only reason the Englishman didn't punch the other Alpha was because they were standing in front of the airport and he didn't feel like causing a scene. Alfred was just glad that there wasn't anybody who had been on the plane around. He didn't feel like having to deal with the disgusted or accusing glares of people who knew what had happened. Or even the elbowed rips and 'accidently' smashed toes of jealous Omegas. The American sighed softly and leaned against Arthur.

"I guess this could've been worse, then. At least you bagged a responsible one..."Matthew huffed and turned to Alfred.

"You make it sound like I did this on purpose..."Alfred muttered.

"Wouldn't that be an interesting thought."Arthur mused, mostly to himself.

Matthew glance at him, then ignored him and continued talking."I'm not explaining this to Mom."

Alfred whined softly and pressed his nose against Arthurs shoulder in search of comfort. Matthew wasn't surprised by his brothers easy affection, though Arthur seemed slightly baffled. While Alfred was in heat, he hadn't minded because he assumed it was his hormones. However, the British Alpha wasn't used to people being so open around him and was struggling not to become uncomfortable. He cleared his throat softly and carefully moved away from Alfred.

"Now that it's all sorted out, my car should be arriving shortly."Arthur said, as a black car stopped in front of them."I'm sorry that you had to come all the way here, but I would like to get home and make the necessary accommodations for my new mate."

Matthew nodded and walked back to his car while Alfred followed Arthur into his. Arthur nodded in greeting to his driver and didn't protest when Alfred sat thigh to thigh with him. The Beta driver suddenly recognized the change in his employers scent but didn't ask any questions when he was told to shut the divider. Alfred smiled a bit and leaned against Arthur, nuzzling his neck. The Alpha pat his head then jumped slightly when a slick tongue left a cool strip along his neck.

"Are you always this forward?"Arthur asked, giving a sharp nip to his Omega's ear as a sort of punishment.

Alfred whined lowly and squirmed a bit."Not really. I'm still hormonal."

Arthur smiled slightly and draped his suit jacket over Alfred's shoulders. Alfred hummed softly and rubbed his cheek against the collar, calming down a bit with an Alpha scent around him. Arthur's scent was slightly salty like he had just been sailing, minty and had something else that Alfred couldn't quite place but made him melt. He wasn't sure if it was because they were mates, but he was sure he'd never met an Alpha who smelt quite so good. He smiled a bit at the thought.

The Omega dozed a bit as they drove, but when they arrived at the house, he woke up. Arthur chuckled when they passed through the gate and drove up a long road. Alfred blinked away the cliche thought that he had entered a fairytale and grinned as they stopped in front of a large mansion. Maybe it was a bit soon, but Alfred could already imagine standing at the door while two little children ran out the door to great Arthur with excited hugs and sticky kisses. Matthew had always accused him of going too fast in his relationships.

The house reminded him of the cotton plantations he'd seen once in the south of the US; all white walls, large windows and columns with a wraparound porch. Small trees lined the driveway and Alfred could see a rose bush surrounded by other flowers peaking from behind the house. When they stepped out of the car, they were surrounded by smell of fresh dirt and summer flowers in full bloom. Alfred vaguely thought that it must've just rained as he turned in a circle to take in the whole size of the property. The place was huge and he couldn't help the giddy feeling that was rising in his chest.

The driver grabbed their bags out of the trunk and took them into the house with a nod from Arthur. The Alpha watched his new mate with a small amused smile, enjoying Alfred's huge grin and wide blue eyes. Alfred turned to him and bounced a little in excitement, making Arthur chuckle. He lead Alfred inside to reveal that the inside of the house was just as beautiful as the outside, though it wasn't full of expensive paintings and vases like Alfred had expected. Still, as he looked at what were obviously family pictures and pale pink walls, he knew his life had completely chained.