So this is what happens when I listen to the Thousand Foot Krutch album "The End Is Where We Begin" and watch "Captain America: The Winter Soldier" in the same week. The album inspired the basic story (some of the songs worked perfectly as themes for different characters, then they started inspiring stories, and it went from there) and then I saw the movie and this turned into a crossover. I REGRET NOTHING.
Usual disclaimers apply. I'm pretty sure everybody knows by now which characters I made up and which ones are borrowed from canon. Tai is borrowed from author Tatyana Witwicky with permission and character input. There's a glossary of Transformers terms at the end of the prologue, for anyone who isn't familiar with the fandom.
The End Is Where We Begin
Outside Chicago, Illinois, USA
9:25 PM, US Central Time
Riella rounded the corner, ducked under Prowl's arm, and groaned at the sight that greeted her. "Again? This is the third time this week! We've barely had this base for a month, and it's been blown up six times. By our own systems, for Primus's sake."
"I know, I know." Sideswipe sighed and shifted one foot, trying to disentangle scorched fence parts from his wheels. "It's that slagging alarm. It goes off, five seconds, and then everything goes to Pit over here. No idea why it keeps recognizing us as threats."
"If it hadn't just hit you, you'd be first on my suspect list." Prowl half-smirked, but became serious again after a moment of looking at the damage. "Lennox?"
The major glanced up from his quiet discussion with the repair team. "Yeah?"
"Can we have the autocannons detached from the base alarm, please? As soon as possible." Prowl held out a hand to help Sideswipe climb clear of the wreckage. "I know your superiors insisted on the extra security, but it's become more of a hazard than a help. I'll talk to them if they're upset, but please have them shut down for tonight."
"Yeah. Sure." Lennox nodded. "If you can get your team to work on the wreckage, I'll put my boys on that. Set a few on watch, too."
"Thank you." Riella and Prowl exchanged a quick look and a few thoughts over the bond – You handle the team? I'll handle the security – before Riella opened her comm link. ::Base, I need every available Autobot to report to the main parking bay. We need a repair team and someone on patrol.::
::What, now?:: Sunstreaker sounded decidedly grumpy. ::I just got back. Chicago's a big place.::
::Yes, now. Don't worry, it won't take long.:: Riella rolled her optics and started over to the fence. ::Get this done, get a watch team set up, and then everybody can get some rest. We earned it today.::
Tai's voice echoed across the parking bay as she and Jazz hurried toward them. "Heard anything from Dad yet?"
"No, sorry." Riella shifted to organic mode, climbed over a few metal beams, and ducked down to place her shoulder under one and lift it off their equipment bin. Prowl picked it up one-handed and tossed it out of the way. "Nothing since the 'Con attack report this morning. I'd expect to hear from them tomorrow at the earliest." She glanced back at the younger technorganic with a half-smile. "Don't worry. Your father will be fine. Optimus Prime, remember? I've yet to see the Decepticon that could take him down."
"Yeah, I know." Tai sighed and climbed in to help. "Well, let's get this over with."
3:17 AM
Riella barely had time to wake up to Jazz yelling over the comm lines - ::Backup now!:: before the explosion ripped through the base and threw her lighter technorganic form across the room, away from Prowl.
Her head smacked against the wall, leaving a dent, and she skidded to the floor and crashed against a stack of datapads. Another explosion shook the base, shattering the ceiling and sending concrete and steel raining down on her. She saw the beam above her head just in time and dove to the left, steel missing her back by inches. The room was on fire, smoke clouding her optics and catching in her vocalizer. She couldn't see her sparkmate, and the bond wouldn't open no matter how hard she pushed. "Prowl! Prowl!"
Nothing. Not even a flicker.
Coughing, she forced herself to get up and run toward the door, navigating by memory and instinct. The hallway had taken just as much damage, wires sparking and concrete shattered across the floor. Ducking under fallen beams and scrambling over debris, Riella fought to open her comlink. ::Anyone copy? Status report!::
::Riella? Riella, where are you?:: Sideswipe's voice was almost too static-laced to be intelligible. ::Get out of there! It's going to - ::
Another explosion sent Riella stumbling, and before she could catch her balance, her entire sensory system went haywire. Feedback screeched through her audios, sparks and static lines almost blinded her, and every nerve sent jagged signals through her processor, too-much-input-not-enough-output-energy-overload-spark-line-compromised-stasis-lock-imminent. The last thing she heard was her own voice, screaming in pain.
Glossary of Transformers Terms:
Bond/sparkbond – a mental link shared by sparkmates
Optics – eyes
Processor – mind, brain
Spark – Cybertronian heart, could roughly be described as a physical soul
Sparkmate – spouse
Technorganic – a part-organic, part-robotic being.
Vocalizer – throat