He Loves Her More Than Ice Cream part 3
By Lady Bulma

Disclaimer: I do not own any part of Dragon Ball Z.


Dear Bulma,

You are the most beautiful thing that I have ever seen. Your blue hair is more beautiful than the clearest sky. Your eyes are like pools of water. I love you so much.

Your Secret Admirer

Who on Earth sent her this? She had recieved it on her desk this morning. Who ever he was, his words were very sweet. She couldn't tell who it was because it was typed on a computer. She needed to get it out of her mind and get some work done.

Vegeta trained even harder today. He had taken a big risk. He had left Bulma a Secret Admirer letter. He didn't know why he did it. It was more confusing to him than anything else he had ever done. He couldn't figure it out. Of course he would never tell her in person his feelings or tell her it wa him who had left it, but the other side of him was telling him to go to her right now and tell her every thing. His entire mind was being ripped apart. His routines were getting sloppy so he decided to take a break and grab a bite to eat. Much to his surprise Bulma was sitting at the kitchen table when he got there. "What are you doing here? Don't you have work?" She help up the letter. Vegeta gulped.

"I found this on my desk this morning and now I want to know who he is. Here read it. Isn't it sweet? It has totally occupied my mind."

"They are just words."

"Words can have a lot of meaning. Each word can affect a person in a such a way that it can change their lives forever. Words can do more damage then a physical blow or words can heal. These few words have helped me move past Yamcha. I now could care less about him and I want to know who it is who loves me. I have no idea who it is." They stood there quiet for a minute. "I need to get some work done. Then I can daydream when I get back. Have a nice lunch Vegeta."

~I had no idea she could speak like that. Her words held so much meaning. She just keeps making life harder for me!~

Vegeta grabbed all of the sandwich stuff and walked back to the gravity room so he could eat where no one would see him. ~She wants to know. Should I tell her? No. I am not sure how she will react. I don't want to be hurt by this human. I have too much else to worry about. I must surpass Kakorrot. What is the point if I have no one to share everything with? I'll have gotten ride of that baka. This is too confusing!~ He threw down the rest of his food and began training again, Bulma's words haunting his every move.

Bulma stayed up late that night. She had gotten two days worth of work done today so she could have tomorrow off. She was still in shock from what she saw though. Her curiosity had driven her to check the security tapes. She watched as he entered her office and place the letter carefully on the desk. Before he did he sealed it with a kiss. Vegeta loved her. She was in total shock when she saw that. VEGETA?! How could that be? She thought he hated her. All they ever did was fight. All of the sudden she finds out that he LOVES her! It was way to much. When she had gotten in Vegeta was making himself dinner. She had quietly gone upstairs. He looked back at her only once. That look he gave her was warm and welcoming and yet it was also spooky. It frightened her to think that he liked her. It just didn't seem possible. And all the same it seemed like it was the most natural thing in the world. The phone began to ring. "Moushi Moushi Bulma here."

"Bulma, it is me Yamcha. I called to say sorry. I should have never gone against your trust. It was wrong of me. Please forgive me and take me back." Bulma thought back to what Vegeta had said a few days ago in the car. "Be glad you dumped that low class baka. He wasn't worth your time. He was never true to you." His words made her think. True. Yamcha had never been true to her and her alone. She was his girlfriend, but he was not honest with her and who knows how many other girls.

"I am sorry Yamcha, but you aren't worth my time. You were never true to me. I am glad I dumped you ya low class baka."

"Don't tell me you are with that jerk Vegeta!"

"What if I am. Vegeta is true to me. He never lies to me. He is mine an only mine. Goodbye." She hung up the phone and was about to go to get some dinner, when she heard something outside her door. She quietly got up and tiptoed over. Before he could run away Bulma spotted him. "Were you listening in?"

"Why would I waist my time doing that?"

"Because you aren't slick."

"What are you talking about?"

"Do you remember this morning when you went into my office and dropped that letter off? That's right. That letter. You forgot about the security cameras didn't you." Vegeta stood there with his back to her perfectly still. If Bulma could have seen his face she would have seen one red Veggie. "Admit it to me right now. If you don't I will move on and totally forget about you."

"I can't."

"Mmmm. Yamcha wanted me back pretty bad....."

"Don't even think about going back to that baka! You are mine and only mine!"

"I'll take that as an I love you."

"I never said that."

"Yes you did. In a letter." Vegeta's good side was taking complete control of his body. His pride wasn't worth it anymore. He turned around and kissed her on the lips. She wrapped her arms around him and they stood there kisssing until they needed to breath again. "I love you Veggie chan."

"I love you too Woman.." They kissed each other again and made their way to her bedroom.

*The End*

Author's Note: So what did you all think? Was it good or bad? What do I need to work on? Please review! =^_^=