Chapter 1

"And STILL your WWE Diva's Champion...FERAL!" The announcer yelled as the woman in the ring held up her belt. With a smug smile she put it around her waist, and went and stood on the turnbuckles, as her opponent lay on the floor. She got down again, and mimicking a scene from a Brothers of Destruction match, wrapped her arms around the ring ropes, and flipped out of the ring. Black and purple hair went everywhere as she went up and over, landing her DC trainer covered feet neatly on the floor of the arena. It was easy for a woman, especially one that was 5ft 10 tall. She walked up the ramp, slapping a few fans hands as she did so, ever the crowds favourite. With a smile, she cupped a hand to her mouth, howled like a wolf, and walked backstage.

Once the show was over, however, Feral went to the girls changing rooms. She ripped the belt from her waist and dropped it on the bench next to her bag. It stayed for all of seconds, before falling off and landing on the floor. She scowled at it, the diamond encrusted butterfly in all its pink...well Feral wouldn't say glory. Feral had a dislike for the belt few realised. And it wasn't because she simply didn't do butterflies and pink.

"Hey,'re scowling so much the belt might wither up and turn to dust," said a voice, and Feral, or rather Ceridwen as she was really called, turned to see Paige come in the changing room.

"I kinda wish it would. Coming for a drink tonight?" she asked. Paige shook her head as Ceridwen pulled off her ring trainers.

"Not tonight. Press first thing."

"So?" Ceridwen began to work on her socks.

"Unlike you, Feral, I don't function too well on three hours sleep and ten vodka and lemonades." Ceridwen looked up and snorted in amusement at Paige's assessment of her.

"Suit yourself, Anti Diva." She said, and turned back to pulling off her left sock.

"And Feral...try not to get too drunk, ok?"

"Yes Mum."

"Ceri, I'm serious, last time you got so drunk you were hitting on Dean Ambrose. And you weren't going lightly either."

"If Dean can't handle a little Blackheart Loving, then it's his own fault." Ceridwen said standing. "Jeez, Paige will you quit staring at me like that?" she added, with a roll of her eyes.

"I'm just saying, Ceri, last time, Dean couldn't fight you off. Roman had to pull you away." Paige added.

"Whatever Paige." Ceridwen said. "Just leave me be before I throw my sock at you." Ceridwen turned her back on the other Diva as she fished some wash stuff from her bag. Paige rolled her eyes again and left the changing room before Ceridwen could do as she said.

The shot went down like sweet, cherry flavoured honey. She wiped the same hand across the back of her mouth with a smile, and slammed the glass on the counter, just enough so it made a noise, not enough to break it.

"Another?" laughed the bartender. Ceridwen cracked a smile

"Another." She laughed. "I'mma put Thor himself to shame tonight" she said, before picking up the purple pint in front of her, and draining it down to a quarter full. " And another two turbo diesels."

"Coming up, Champ." The bartender took the shot glass, and went to fix another shot for her. Ceridwen liked this bar. It was quiet, unassuming. And a few signed bits of merch for their monthly raffles, all for a good cause ensured she was free for the whole evening. Bars like this were a haven among the roster, whispered about in hushed tones. No one wanted their quiet spot to be destroyed by the whole roster, or a bunch of fans. Barely had the first pint been poured than the door opened. Ceridwen glanced up at the mirror behind the bar and saw Dean, Seth and Roman come in. Dean spotted her, groaned and promptly went and hid over in a corner. Seth and Roman laughed and went to the bar, ordering themselves. Ceridwen paid for theirs as a sign that she knew they were there, and they went to sit down, Dean throwing concerned glances her way every few minutes. Ceridwen pondered going to join them, but decided against it. As fun as the boys were on a night out, there were things on her mind tonight. That fucking belt, for a start. It wasn't what she wanted by a long mile, and a lot of the Diva's knew it. Although they had no clue about what she really wanted. Ceridwen allowed herself a wry smile as she looked at the glass that was now in front of her. No, she was best left to her own musings tonight.

Not even five minutes after deciding this, the door opened again and in came Triple H. Ceridwen eyed the COO over her drink, watching as he came and sat next to her. He didn't look too happy, and Ceridwen figured it would do well for her to buy her boss a drink. After all, she couldn't exactly tell him to fuck off. She slid one of her Turbo Diesels across to him, and he accepted it with a nod, before peering in to the glass.

"What the hell is this?" he asked curiously.

"It's a turbo diesel. You know, snakebite. With a shot of vodka." Ceridwen gave her boss a wicked smile, and raised her glass. "Never had one before?"

"I've drunk a lot of stuff, Ceri. This...unless my memory's getting bad, is a first."

"Just neck it. Think too much, it won't sit." Ceridwen advised.

"Oh, what the hell." Hunter clinked glasses with Ceridwen.

Over in the corner, the three men watched as Ceridwen and Hunter downed the purple-black liquid, before both simultaneously slamming the glass down with one hand and wiping their mouths with the other.

"Well, this just turned in to a babysitting job," said Seth as Hunter ordered two more for both of them, and Ceridwen suggested the shot the group had seen her do earlier.

"We could just leave them here..." began Dean, but Roman cut him off.

"You know damn well we can't." He said. "And besides. Ceri knows you're here. You're her drunk fuck, not that she's managed to pin you down yet."

"Fuck you, Reigns." Dean grumbled, leaning back and sipping his drink. "She's never going to either."

"Not even in the ring?" asked Seth, smirking, before getting a middle finger for his trouble.

And so, the three in the corner watched as the COO and the Diva's champ proceeded to get blind drunk. They got past tipsy, and giggly very quickly, and proceeded to the talking shit mixed with real concerns stage.

"It's just not right, Feral, it's fucking wrong on so many levels." Hunter said as the bartender gave them a fresh drink each. Both were sufficiently plastered by now, not that either were showing it that well. But the three guys in the corner knew the signs all too well when it came to Ceridwen and Hunter.

"What's not fair?" Ceridwen asked, before they knocked back yet another shot.

"I try so fucking hard for him. And I'm not even allowed to wrestle anymore." Hunter took a swig of his drink. "All I want is for him to at least like me, even a little. I do everything for Steph, but he just...just won't acknowledge me."

"After the shit you and DX did to you think he'd even consider it?" Ceridwen asked, before drinking.

"No...heh...I guess not." Hunter replied. "But if not for me, for Steph. It's all I want."

"You're the COO of the fucking WWE, Hunter. There can't be much that you can't sort out, one way or the other."

"Nah...being COO counts for jack shit if you have to dread going round the in-laws for Sunday lunch," he said, shuddering.

"We can't always get what we want, Hunter," Ceridwen said, looking in to her glass.

"You're the Diva's champion. What on earth is there that you can't get that you want right now?" he asked, looking over at her and finding himself surprised by her tone of voice. Ceridwen was blunt, it was true, but there was something almost wistful about the way she'd spoken.

"Speaking frankly?" she asked, and Hunter nodded, and wobbled on the bar stool. "Alright. I want the chance to win the Royal Rumble. I want the chance to headline Wrestlemania. I want to take The Undertaker's streak! And I want to win the WWE Championship!" she said with a flourish, gesturing with the hand her drink was in. It went all over Seth Rollins, who, with Dean and Roman, had decided the pair were sufficiently drunk, and needed to get them back to the hotel. That and the bar was closing. Both looked over at a now soaked Seth Rollins, alcohol running down his face and body in rivulets, before proceeding to burst in to hysterical laughter. The Shield looked at each other, and proceeded to help the hammered pair out of the bar.

With Ceridwen hitting on Dean the entire way, the guys helped the pair in to the lift, Seth and Roman trying not to wet themselves laughing as Ceridwen played with the curls in Deans hair, and not so quietly told him exactly what she wanted to do to him. As they reached the COO's suite, Roman and Seth helped Triple H to his bed, while Dean dealt with Ceridwen's advances. Just as Roman was about to close the door, Dean took a chance, and shoved Ceridwen inside, slamming the door shut.

"What?!" he asked as Seth and Roman looked at him in disbelief. "She was playing with my curls!"

"Oh and like you minded," said Roman as the three began to head off to their own rooms.

"Yes actually. Yes I did." He fired back.