I don't own Phantom of the Opera. Just my characters and storyline.

This is the last chapter. Thank you to everyone who has liked, followed or made my story a favorite. You all put a smile on my face.

Chapter 25

Erik's POV

So the police have arrived and are taking Arron away to prison.

"Sirs we will see you both at court tomorrow."

"Yes sir." I reply.

They all leave, Raoul and I are going inside.

"Thank you again Raoul."

"Of course, what are friends for?"

Christine runs to me and hugs me.

"Thank you Raoul for saving us."

"You're welcome Christine. I see you both tomorrow at court."

Raoul leaves and I kiss Christine again.

"Are you okay?"

"Yes Erik, I'm fine now." she replies, as she buries her head into my chest.

I kiss her forehead and we both go into the kitchen. We get something to eat and sit down together in the dining room.

Christine's POV

"I'm sorry I put you and the baby in danger." cries Erik, he has tears streaming down his face.

"I love you and I would never do anything to hurt you or the baby."

"I know Erik. It's okay. Look at me please, Erik." I reply, pointing his chin up.

"I love you Erik Destler. And I'm so glad your my husband. You make me very happy and we have a wonderful life together. It's not your fault. He was going to kill you and I because he wanted revenge for his father who was going to kill you if you didn't protect yourself."

"But he almost killed you and our child. I swear if he touches you again I'll kill him." he replies, with the anger building up in his voice.

"Erik please no. I don't want you going to jail. I need you here with me." I cry.

"I'm sorry Christine. Come here."

I hug her and rub her back to comfort her.

"I promise I will only protect myself and you in self defense, okay?"


Erik's POV

We have been to court five days. The reason they needed more days, is because of what happen when I was a child was so long ago, and they needed proof and Madam Giry to clear everything up.

Today is the last day in court. Arron is being put in jail for life. And I'm a free man, because now the law says officially that I killed Arron's father in self defense.

I'm a free man. I no longer have to worry. Christine and I can live in peace.

As soon as we get into the carriage, I hug and kiss my wife.

"Christine we're free."

"Yes Erik we are."

"Little one you are safe now." I say, rubbing Christine's belly, and I kiss her belly.

She laughs.

"I love you."

"I love you too my angel."

Christine's POV

We walk through the door. With Meg, Madam Giry and Raoul and the pain in my back starts getting worse.


"Angel? What's the matter?"

"I think the baby is coming."

"I'm going to get the doctor Madam, Meg and Raoul, please stay here."

"We will." replies Meg.

Erik's POV

I'm pacing back and forth. I hear Christine screaming. I wish I could be with her right now, but Dr. Lemaire told me to wait. That's easy enough for him to say.

I hate hearing Christine scream.

"Erik sit down! You're going to wear yourself out!"

"I'm fine, thank you Annie."

"No you're not, you are worried. I understand why but you should sit down and rest."

"No Annie I can't sit down."


Christine screams and then I hear a baby cry. I smile and Annie hugs me.

"Congratulations Erik."

"Thank you."

I run upstairs. Knock on the door.

"Come in Erik." says Dr. Lemaire.


"Erik, It's a boy." she replies, with a smile.

The doctor gives Christine the baby, our son. I walk over to her look at the baby and then kiss her on the lips.

"Oh Christine, he is perfect."

"Yes he is. He is our perfect little Erik."

"Yes little Erik. I think the name suits him very well."

He is perfect. Our little Erik looks like me just with no deformation, and his eyes are grey.

I kiss him on the forehead.

"Hello Erik. I'm your papa." I coo to him.

Christine's POV

I look over and see Erik holding our son. My heart is full of love, pride and all bunch of emotions. I can't help but cry for joy.

"Angel you did perfect."

"I love you Erik."

"I love you too."

"I'm tired."

"Sleep my angel. I have our little one, don't worry."

"I know I'm just really tired."

"Sleep my love."

Erik's POV

Sitting here watching Christine sleep, her breath is slow, but steady. I kiss her forehead. Looking down in my arms I see our son, little Erik. It suits him, he looks a lot like me, but thank heavens not my deformation. He seems to want to sleep, but everything around him is so new so he wants to see. I sit with him, rock him back and forth and I sing Music of the Night to him, by the end of the song he is fast asleep.

I kiss his forehead.

"Goodnight my little one, I love you."

Christine's POV

I wake up to see Erik asleep in the rocking chair with little Erik. They look so cute.

Erik stirs.

"Hello Angel." he greets with a yawn

"I see you got him to sleep."

"I did. He likes Music of the Night."

Then he turns to little Erik.

"Don't you?" he asks.

I smile and kiss little Erik's forehead.

"I can't believe that I'm a mother."

"I know. It's seems like only yesterday we were getting married. And now we have a baby and a little family of our own." he replies, with a look of pride.

"I'm so proud of him."

"I hear babies tend to do that to people." He replies with a smirk.

"I love you, so much Erik."

"I love you too my Angel."

Arron's POV

I sit in my jail cell thinking. 'I'll let them have their happy ending, for now. But one day I will find a way to escape, Erik. I will get my revenge. And I will destroy everything that matters to you. Your wife, your home and your child. Nothing will be left.'