Sharing is Caring.
Title;Mentally ill?
Summary; He was a killer, she was a loner. They met in a mental hospital, but she was only ill, he was just mental. She couldn't cope with him, he adored her. She couldn't handle his piercing stares. He couldn't handle her rejection.
! Pre warning ! - Just a little warning, this one-shot is in fact a dark story. There will be swear words & a sex scene near the end. & violence so please don't read if this will, offend you.
Part 1.
Klaus had problems but not just everyday problems, he was mentally ill or so the courts said so. But really he was just pure evil.
He was a famous man, known all around the world, as the luscious ripper. Half human half demon. He was thrilled seeing himself printed, in every news paper going, on every news channel.
He was starstruck by his new found fame, but all that excitement when out the window, when he was finally caught.
Klaus was caught on purpose, he was always two steps ahead of the police, he lead them to him. Getting sick of cleaning up after his work, seem as his brother Elijah got sick of it too.
His sweet sister Rebecca was sick of his craziness, scared of how truly sick her brother was. She hoped he would have grown out of it, how wrong she was.
So she packed up and left with Elijah while Klaus was out killing, when came back he was furious with them.
Klaus hunted them down and tracked where they were hiding, he wanted to hurt them like they had hurt him. How dare they leave me! I'm there flesh and blood, and they just up and leave, without a single goodbye. I'll teach them a lesson.
At first he would Send them boxes full of his victims blood, to creep them out. They both knew it was from him, but didn't want to let him win, they stood there ground and didn't leave.
Then he would send them pieces of his victims flesh still hanging, from their bones. And that's all it took for Rebecca, she begged at Elijah for them to run away again.
This went on for a vicious two years, every time they ran, he would always find them. Klaus is an excellent hunter, you know.
It wasn't until Rebecca met someone and fell madly in love, that she truly despised Klaus. One night Rebecca came home from work early, and she found Klaus stood outside her house, his hands around her lover's throat.
He slid down to the ground with a loud thud, Rebecca's squeaky voice screaming out she ran over to them. Her warm tears falling onto her lover's dead body, she kept asking why? Why did you do this? She was heart broken.
Not only did she lose her boyfriend, but she also lost her family, all in one night.
She froze in place her body shaking violently, Klaus wouldn't answer her whys. He just stared down at her, with a blank expression.
Rebecca screamed and shouted at him to leave her alone, he didn't. Not until she hung herself in her bed room, a week later.
Elijah swore to Klaus he would kill him if he ever saw him again. But luckily for Elijah he wouldn't have to, he never did see Klaus again.
Klaus was now alone again, and extremely bored. He had thought about getting it over and done with, and topping himself. But it was too late, his work had gotten soppy.
He no longer cared to clean up after his killing spree, then he even got sick of killing people. Sitting down on the lumpy hotel bed, he downed the rest of the beer he had bought.
Banging and thumping came at the door, he smirked smashing the glass bottle, against the wall. "Come on it." he shouted at them.
The police had arrived kicking the door down, they ran over to him jumping on him. They dragged him outside were the press waited for him, and he was camera ready.
He only lasted a month in jail, they had thrown him out. He was way too much trouble for them, too much to handle. So the Courts had no choice, but to send him to a mental hospital, for the rest of him miserable life.
Caroline had watched him on the news, she had admired his good looks, and sexy accent. But he was just a second thought after that. She never thought for one second she would meet him, or that she would be his obsession.
She was waiting inside the reception area, waiting to be evaluated. Life had been a tough battle for her.
She never felt loved or seen love. When she was sixteen, she got into a bad car crash. Her parents were inside the car with her, but it wasn't an accident that they died.
They killed themselves but failed to take Caroline with them, they thought she deserved to die. They planned to kill Caroline but not themselves. They didn't want to kill her by hand, in case they got caught.
No other family members wanted to take her in, she had to bring herself up. Along the way she met a few bad people, they got her into drugs. Soon she was stealing things from corner shops, then one day something popped into her head.
Caroline was meant to be in court that day, but instead Caroline looked down at her wrists, feeling her tears fall down onto it. They burned into her open cuts, blood pouring out.
Staining the floor she slid down to the ground, she curled up into a ball crying herself to sleep. She didn't care wither she lived or died.
When she next opened her eyes she was in a hospital bed, the police were waiting to talk to her. She couldn't run or hide so she let them in, she answered there questions, with her fiery attitude.
After she was all healed up Caroline was standing, in front of the judge. His unhappy frown showed her, she was in deep shit.
"I'm sending you to a mental hospital, for a whole month."
The life was sealed, she didn't even argue, Caroline had no strength left in her to fight.
"Caroline is it?" a brown skinned woman walked over to Caroline, smiling softly at her.
"That's me." Caroline mumbled under her breath, Caroline didn't look up at her, she eyes were glued to the floor.
"I've been asked to show you around, and to show you to you're room." "My names Bonnie by the way." Bonnie said holding her hand out, for Caroline to shake.
Slowly Caroline looked up to Bonnie, Caroline's eyes were blank showing no emotion. She looked at Bonnie's hands then back up at Bonnie, her smile still in place.
Caroline stood up not taking her hand, Bonnie frowned slightly putting her hand down. "I'll lead the way." Bonnie said as she begun walking.
Following the leader Caroline wasn't far behind Bonnie, she showed Caroline around the whole hospital. Bonnie introduced Caroline to all the staff, and most of the patients.
They all seemed friendly but of course the patients, were all mentally crazy. Rest of the day went incredibly slow for Caroline.
It was time for bed and Caroline realised that Bonnie hadn't, shown Caroline where her bed room was. Knocking on the reception door Caroline walked in, Bonnie was sat behind her desk, tucking into a sandwich.
"Oh Caroline, come in come in." Bonnie said putting her sandwich down. Her smile back in its place. God are they told to smile every damn second?!
"Sorry to disturb you, but you never showed me where I will be staying.." Caroline looked around the room, even the reception room looked dull and depressing.
"Oh god I did didn't I, I'm so sorry!" she said standing up, then pulling some papers out. Umming and arring Bonnie looked worried all of a sudden.
"Is something wrong?" Caroline asked.
Bonnie looked up from the papers at her, "I'm afraid that there's only one room left." Bonnie said looking guilty.
"So?" she couldn't quite understand why Bonnie, thought that was a problem. Caroline was only one person, she only needed one room.
Bonnie put her papers down and walked over to Caroline, a small frown came on her lips. "Have you ever heard of the Luscious Ripper?" she asked looking dead serious.
Caroline remembered back to watching him on the news. "Yes." she said honestly.
Bonnie frowned deeply her eyes looking even more guilty, "You know what he's capable right?" she asked. Caroline nodded her head not bothering to answer.
"Well you're room is a few doors away from his, we've tried to keep that room empty. But we're full up lately.." Bonnie said resting her bum on her desk.
"Oh.." was all Caroline said. Shrugging her shoulders, "That's ok I guess." Caroline added.
"Just promise me you'll stay clear of him, promise me Caroline you won't listen to a word he says, he's pure evil! If he bothers you please please come to me." Bonnie said putting her hands on Caroline's shoulders.
"I promise." she lied Caroline's curiosity perking up. Caroline knew how handsome he is, she had heard he used to alluring accent, to catch his victims.
Most of his victims were female, but the other half of his victims were the females boyfriends, or family.
"Good, I shouldn't be telling you this but Klaus will try and fuck you, don't let him Caroline. Because he'll never let you go." Bonnie admitted.
"I promise you Bonnie I will not sleep with him, or even look his way. I'll stay out of his way. No need to worry about me, I can take care of myself." she lied again she couldn't take care of herself.
Bonnie smiled at her then reached for a pair of keys, "Well then we better get you to bed then." Bonnie walked Caroline to her bed room.
Giving Caroline a hug Bonnie mouth good night, not wanting to wake the devil himself.
Caroline smiled at her nodding her head, Bonnie gave Caroline's shoulder a little squeeze, before quietly walking away.
Letting out a deep breath Caroline's eyes trailed, from the spot where Bonnie just was, all the way to Klaus's door.
She was intrigued by him and she hadn't even met him yet, she pondering on the thought. Will I break my promise to Bonnie? Will I try my best to avoid him? I don't think so.
Burning with curiosity Caroline tipped toed over to his door. Trying hard not to make any sudden noises. Pressing her ear to his door, she held her breath.
He must be asleep, I can't hear a single thing. Slowly moving away Caroline turned around to smack into a hard chest. Moaning out loud from the tingling pain she felt, as her bottom hit the floor hard.
Caroline looked up gasping as she saw him standing there. Gazing down at her with a querying look in his eyes.
Without any help Caroline stood up on her feet, frowning at him she pulled her jacket closer, around her body. Hating the chilling feeling she got from his deep stare.
Klaus gave her body a once over, liking what he saw he licked his lips greedily. "Hello love, who might you be?" he asked intrigued to hear her speak, his eyes lingering on her mouth.
Caroline just stood there starring back at him without, any interest in her eyes. Crossing her arms over her chest, Klaus pouted his lips out, Caroline glimpsed at them.
"Why are you giving me the silent treatment? I haven't done anything wrong love." he mocked with a devilish smirk.
"But you have, or have you forgotten all about every single person you've killed?" she raised her eye brow at him, annoyance in her voice was clear to him.
Chuckling wickedly he stepped closer to her, her breath stuck in her throat. She wished she can kept her mouth shut, but she never could.
His eyes flared angrily down at her, he was towering over her small and slim frame. His gaze dominated hers. "You've heard of me, fantastic." he whispered as his hand came up, and stroked her cheek softly. She hardly felt his touch but as soon as his skin touched her, it formed goosebumps.
Swallowing down her fears Caroline looked away, from his taunting gaze. She pushed his hand away from her face, he laughed his eyes dancing with excitement.
"Don't touch me, you're a monster!" she hissed under her breath. Her gaze was else where, which annoyed Klaus he wanted her to look at him.
"I do as I please Love." he stated moving even closer to her.
Her eyes shot up at him, she gulped letting her lip open slightly. His eyes fell on her lips once again, he felt the urge to kiss her.
"Well you can't do as you please with me." she thought he was going to kiss her.
Klaus had been watching her closely. He heard everything Bonnie had said to her. He hopes that she doesn't listen to Bonnie, he was getting more and more intrigued by her.
He was eager to know more about her.
"And who's going to stop me?" he questioned her. She scoffed rolling her eyes "I am."
"Oh really." he sounded amused.
"Yes now if you don't mind I'll let to get some sleep." she tried to move but his hand on her arm stopped her, "What do you think you are doing?" she hissed at him.
"Like I said I do what I want." he said before pulling, her closer to his body. Their chests banging into each other, before she can protest.
Klaus plants a kiss on her lips, it's wet and rough, very eager she could tell. It latests longer than she wanted it to. Dragging her lips away, she raised her hand high in the air, and slapped him hard across the face.
Klaus is taken back by her forwardness, he's never had someone slap him before. At first he's pissed off, and she can tell by his facial expression.
But then his face softens when he looks at her, he steps closer and she takes a step back. She's worried she's pushed him too far, he can see her fear.
"There's no need to fear me love." he said softly.
"Do me a favour and stay the hell away from me!" she then glared at him before running off, into her bed room slamming her door shut behind her. She didn't feel any safer that's when she noticed she had a lock, she was thankful.
Caroline locked her bed room door, then stripped off and put on her pj's that laid on her bed. Then she crawled under the bed sheets, laying her head down she tried to fall asleep.
But he haunted her dreams.
A day has pasted since that night, and Caroline hasn't seen Klaus. And she's glad she hasn't bumped into him, he made her feel an odd feeling. Caroline never felt this feeling before, she couldn't describe what it was.
Caroline was sat with her new 'friend' Kat, who she had met yesterday. They were eating their lunch, which tasted like crap.
Caroline caught herself searching for him, she found him sitting on his own, he smirked over at her. He had been starring at her since she entered the room.
Blushing bright red she pulled her eyes away from him, Caroline started listening to what Kat was saying, she tried not to look over at him, even though she could still feel his gaze.
"Who the hell are you starring at?" Kat whined annoyed at Caroline, for not paying attention to her.
Caroline pulled her gaze away from Klaus's back, and stared at Kat. "No one." Kat rolled her eyes, then looked behind her. Kat smirked back at Caroline, "I see you found Klaus then."
"Who?" Caroline asked pretending he had never heard of him. Caroline didn't want anyone to know she had met, him yet in case it got back to Bonnie.
"He's the devil, but extremely hot right! I'm so jealous of my sister!" Kat pushed her lips out into a pout.
"Why who's you're sister?" Caroline asked her ears pricking up, I wonder who this bitch is.
"Elena." Kat sighed the expression on her face told Caroline, she wasn't every fond of her. "We're twins we look exactly the same, but he chooses to fuck her! I mean what's wrong with me? Am I not good enough for him or something?" Kat whined sounding like spoiled child, not getting there way.
"Maybe he's blind." Caroline peeked a look at him, he was talking to some one. A brunette who looks awfully like Kat.
"Your totally right." Kat agreed with her. Caroline pointed over to Klaus and Elena, "I think that's you're sister with him now."
Kat growled as she looked over at them, "What a bitch! She even knew I liked him first, but she had to go out of her way to make sure she fucked him first." Kat hissed out.
"Why don't you go over there, and show him how different you are. Show him who's the better twin." Caroline smiled.
I'm only trying to help a friend out. She thought to herself, holding back a smirk. Caroline knew what she was doing was wrong, but she didn't care.
"You're right I will, wish me luck." Kat said standing up. "You don't need luck, you've got this." Caroline giggled to herself as she watched Kat storm over to them.
Placing a hand over her mouth Caroline burst out laughing, while Kat got into Elena's face. "How dare you steal him from me!" she screamed.
Elena laughed putting her hands on her hips, "He's mine!" she roared. Kat screamed in her face, "No he's mine you bitch." Kat then slapped her across Elena's face.
Elena held her face where her sister slapped her, she was shocked Kat slapped her. Kat then smiled seductively at Klaus, he winked at her, she giggled.
Kat ran her fingers down and up his chest, Elena screamed loudly as she grabbed a big chunk, of Kat's hair dragging her away from Klaus.
Everyone who was sat in the cafeteria was now watching them, Caroline couldn't help but laugh along with everyone.
Staff came running over to them, before any more damage could be done. The patients were booing them, Kat and Elena were now drugged, and being carried out.
Shit I didn't realise they would have been drugged. Caroline worryingly thought her eyes following them out the door.
Klaus was in front of her in seconds he had a devilish smirk in place, "Well, well look who's here, the girl without no name." he mocked breathing in her ear.
Caroline sighed as she took a step back, her eyes taking all of him in. "I'm no girl, I'm a woman." she huffed turning her gaze away from him.
He stepped closer to not liking that she took one step back, "Oh I know you are." he said as he eyes ran slowly up and down her curvy body. Licking his lips he grinned at her.
"You're disgusting!" she hissed putting a hand on her hip, "Your fucking Elena, and taunting Kat and now you're trying to hit on me." she shook her head in disgust.
He laughed at her leaning his head down, now even closer to her face. His eyes trailed down to her lips, back up to her eyes. Where Caroline was starring back at him.
"I don't need to try Love, I already know you want me." he whispered. His breath hitting her skin, burning into her soul. Caroline couldn't look away, she didn't want to.
She laughed loudly pushing herself backwards, making sure they were a big gap in between them. "I don't want you Klaus," she stopped to laugh mockingly.
"I don't even want to see you're fugly face ever again." she lied. He knew it and she knew he knew it. They were both drawn to each other.
Klaus stalked over to her putting his hands onto her shoulders, he pushed her back into the wall. His face inches away from hers, he didn't say a word but neither did she.
Caroline opened her mouth to speak but he stopped her, by putting one finger on her lips. She didn't like the tingling feeling she got from his luring touch.
I wonder what his lips feel like, if there as soft as his finger is. God I can't stop starring at damn mouth! But that's how he caught his victims..he drawled them in. I won't, I mustn't let him catch me.
Snapping back to reality Caroline shoved his hands, off her shoulders. He had a mocking look on his face, she had to press her hands against the wall, to stop her from wiping that smug smile from his lips.
Klaus could sense her anger he chuckled as he rested his hands, on the walls closing her in. "No need to get all angry Love." his voice teased her.
Glaring at him Caroline bit her lip and turned her face away. She checked to see if anyone was watching them. Luckily for her no one was, they were too busy watching Elena and Kat being dragged away.
"Don't call me love." she spat out.
"Well maybe if you me you're name, I wouldn't have to call you love, Love." he chuckled again. Her gaze was back on him in an instant.
"And why should I tell you my name?" she asked him. He looked amused again leaning down, he rubbed his face into her neck. Caroline gasped at his sudden touch, her hands reached up, grabbing his collar.
But her hands froze she didn't know wither to push him away, or grab him and kiss me. She was infected already.
"Well if you don't tell me love, I'll find out any way. But I'd much rather you told me, seen as I've been so friendly so far. I'd hate for you to see my bad side." his words ran like fire in her head.
Shoving his chest away Caroline glared at him, "Don't threaten me, you don't scare me." there so goes again lying through her teeth.
Klaus wasn't having none of it, how dare she make a mockery of him. Taking her by surprise he shoved her hard, against the wall.
Pushing his lips down on hers, they kiss was short but definitely not sweet, very rough it nearly hurt her. Caroline was going to slap him until he surprised her again.
He pushed her hair out of the way, and bite down on her neck. Caroline yelped her hands now pushing on his chest, but he wouldn't budge. "You're hurting me." she mumbled.
After he finished biting her he licked the same spot he'd just bitten. "Let that be a lesson sweet heart, don't ever piss me off again." he whispered in her ear. His hands running through her hair.
He grabbed a hold of her hair pulling her head back, just a bit so that they were could meet. Caroline was scared now, what else would he do to her.
"Now I'm only going to tell you this once, so listen up. I will do what ever I want to you, when ever I want. And you can not stop me, understood?" he growled out, but his eyes were soft and sweet.
She stood still looking around the room for help, but no one was looking. She was domed. "Do. You. ?" he asked slowly, speaking to her like a child.
Nodding her head with agreement, she let out a deep breath, when she felt his hand slip away from her hair. She stood up tall against the wall, he stared deeply at her his eyes full of arousal.
She knew she had turned him on, her fear of him turned him on. What a sick, sick man!
He kissed her cheek his kiss felt like a lift time. "Good girl." he mumbled against her skin. Pulling away from her Klaus blew her a kiss before, walking away glancing over his shoulder at her, giving her a wink before he walked out the cafeteria.
Only then did Caroline breath, her tears began to run. I need to find Bonnie, she'll help me I just need to find her first.
Caroline tried to find Bonnie but she had her first lesson, which was called learning to love yourself again. She wanted to be sick luckily for her, Kat was in this class.
There was only two seats left, one next to someone she hadn't met, and one next to Klaus. It wouldn't surprise me if he had made that happen.
Caroline choice to sit next to the random stranger, rather than sit next to Klaus. She peeked over at him, from the corner of her eye. He was scowling at her, his arms folded over his chest, he looked like he wanted to burst into flashes.
Turning her gaze away from him, she looked at her teacher. The lesson went so slow for Caroline, and she could feel his stare on her all the way through the class. It was off putting, it almost made her wish she hadn't tried to kill herself.
Maybe that's why they sent him here, to scare people away. Make them wish they hadn't tried to kill themselves.
When the lesson had finally finished Caroline stalked out the room, she burst into a run when she heard him calling her name.
She arrived at Bonnie's office but to Caroline's luck, Bonnie wasn't there. Sighing to herself, Caroline sat down and waited for her to come.
Two hours had passed and Bonnie still wasn't here, Caroline didn't really want to go searching the hospital, just in case she ran into Klaus. Too afaird to see him again, Caroline was determined to stay well clear of him.
She was going to beg and plead with Bonnie to have Caroline, moved to another room. Even if it meant she slept in a shed outside, anywhere but near Klaus.
Caroline's bum began to go to sleep, so she stood up and started walking around the room. That's when she saw Klaus watching her, from behind the window in the door.
Her heart was pounding so fast she thought it was going to burst. Caroline could see how angry he looked, he looked even more pissed off from before.
Now Caroline was truly scared of him.
There was no point in running over and locking there door, because she knew she wouldn't be fast enough.
So she let him open the door and slam it shut behind me, she didn't say a single thing while he locked the door. Trapping them both inside his spider's web.
She gulped as she watched him stalk over to her. "Klaus I.." she paused not knowing what to say to him. "Shh shh hush now..Caroline." he sounded proud that he finally found out her name.
"So you found out my name.." she mumbled. "Yes," he said with a hint of a smile. "How?" she asked. "From Bonnie." he said smirking his famous smirk.
She panicked "What have you done to Bonnie?" she said moving closer to him. He raised his hands up, "Let's just say you won't be seeing her around any more." he looked so proud of himself.
She wanted to be sick, Caroline started to cry as she slid down to the floor. Her body shaking with anger, she was so very angry at him. "Why Klaus why?!" she tried to shout out, but it only came out as a cry.
Kneeling down to her, he wrapped his arms around her body, as if to comfort her. But his arms weren't very comforting right now.
"Get off me!" she hissed pushing his arms away, then standing up. She ran over to the door and unlocked it. But before she could escape, he had his arms around her waist in seconds.
He pulled her up making Caroline kick her legs around, wiggling her body to try and wiggle her way, out of his grip. "Put me down now." she cried but her tears weren't going to save her from him.
"I lied Caroline, I haven't killed Bonnie all I heard was you're name, it seems she's been talking about you, she's worried that I'll infect my evilness into you." he chuckled darkly. Slowly putting her feet to the ground.
But his arms still remained there, he hugged her tight from behind, smelling her hair as he did. "So you're not going to kill her?" she asked. "No I wont, if you promise me you're mine. No one else can touch you, no man can ever talk to you. Only me." he looked and sounded dead serious.
She couldn't believe her ears, then she remembered she only had a month in here. All she had to do was play along, with his mind games, and when her month is up she'll be free from him.
"Fine, I promise." she had just signed her life away to the devil.
Klaus never so happy in his whole life before, Caroline was shocked to see his huge grin nearly touch his eyes. All because I agreed to his terms, wow!
"I'm so glad you said that." he said cheerfully she smiled at him. "How can I not, I want you." Caroline wasn't sure wither she was lying or not, and that scared her.
Caroline couldn't lie about the fact that she found him so attractive, but she shouldn't. She was angry at herself for it, but she was more annoyed that she felt something, something deep inside her heart, that she had never felt before.
He wanted her so badly, he cared for her. And Caroline didn't know how to handle that, someone for the first time cares only about her. But he's pure evil and if her parents were still alive, they wouldn't approve.
Finding it hard to sleep over all the screaming and crying going on, Caroline tossed and turned all night, pressing her pillow around her head didn't help either. Or the fact that Klaus still stalked her dreams.
"So you're the new girl everyone's going crazy about, like literally." a male voice chuckled from behind her.
He was hot but not as hot as Klaus. Caroline smiled at him, "I see you have a good sense of humour." "You have in this.. hell hole." he laughed. Caroline caught herself laughing with him.
That's when she remembered her promise to Klaus, shit! "The names Stefan." he smiled at her holding his hand out. Oh fuck it. Caroline put her hand in his, and he shook it.
"Caroline." "I know everyone's talking about you, especially Klaus." Stefan said. Caroline sighed, "Ah you met him then." Caroline nodded her head, looking around her.
"Has he tried to anything funny? If he has send him my way, I'll sort him out." he joked Caroline wanted to believe him.
"No he's just a bit grumpy." she half laughed out, "Yep that's Klaus, he's grumpy and a huge dick!" he laughed. "But honestly if he causes you any trouble, I've got you're back." he said with a small smile.
"Thanks I may need it." she laughed. "Any I've gotta go, I just thought I'd come over and say hello, so hello." they both laughed. "Hello."
"I'll see you around ok?"
"Yeah sure see you around." Caroline smiled watching Stefan, wave goodbye as he walked out of sight.
Klaus was leaning against a wall his arms over his chest, he didn't look the tiniest bit happy. His stare was pulling her in.
She saw him stand up straight and began walking towards her, she could hear Bonnie shouting her name. "Caroline?...Caroline." Bonnie shouted running over to her.
"There you are I've been looking all over for you." Bonnie said catching her breath back. Klaus gave Caroline an odd look before turning around, and storming off somewhere.
Bonnie took Caroline to her office walking inside, they sat down for like two hours. Bonnie kept saying how sorry she was for telling Klaus, her name.
Begging her again to not talk to him, run away if she saw Klaus. But it was way too wait for that, Caroline was stuck in Klaus's spider web now.
The only hope Caroline had was to trick the magician.
"So I was thinking having a little celebration tomorrow for you're birthday." Bonnie said smiling happily.
"But my birthday is ages away.." Bonnie laughed, "No silly it's tomorrow."
"Oh.." Caroline sounded sad, she had always hated birthdays, she never had anyone to celebrate it with, always a bore.
"You don't sound too happy about the idea, aren't you excited to turn twenty two?" Bonnie asked.
"No why would I?" Caroline laughed rolling her eyes, to the idea of celebrating her birthday for the first time ever, and in a mental hospital.
"..Well we don't have to if you don't want, I just thought it would have been, a nice thought." Bonnie sounded and look sad.
Caroline sighed but smiled at Bonnie, "No it's fine, honestly we can celebrate all you want." she tried to sound excited but she just wasn't.
Bonnie jumped up out of her chair and squealed, she was clearly excited. "I'm so happy you said yes."
The next day; Caroline's birthday.
Caroline hadn't see Klaus since she caught him starring at her, again. But he had seen her breaking her promise, already.
But would Klaus keep his promise? Would he kill Bonnie now, she'd talked to Stefan. Caroline was praying he would let her explain, maybe Klaus saw Stefan go over to her and talk to her first.
Well Caroline hoped Klaus had seen that part other wise, it's her word against his.
As Caroline walked to cafeteria where her celebration, was being held. People were wishing her a happy birthday, she would thank them with a smile.
Caroline was too shy to speak to everyone. She was shocked to even spoke to Stefan, she wouldn't normally talk to strange, mental people. But Stefan made her feel safe around him.
She could see herself becoming friends with him, if Klaus let her any way. She didn't want any blood on her hands, because of Klaus's jealously.
They started to clap and sing happy birthday to her, making her blush from embarrassment. Glancing around them room Caroline spotted Klaus, he was stood right at the back.
He turned his frown into a smile when she walked in the room, unable to help herself Caroline found herself smiling, back at him.
His eyes dancing with happiness that he had managed to make her smile.
Caroline sat down next to Kat who was grinning at her, "I'm so glad you agreed to this, no one else has a birthday party here." she whispered in Caroline's ear.
Kat looked genuinely happy. Caroline felt bad for her, no wonder no one leaves this nightmare, it's hell on earth.
"Happy Birthday Caroline." Kat sang along with everyone, Caroline started to laugh and smile, every was looking at Caroline's birthday cake, as it was being wheeled in.
But Caroline was far too busy peeping at Klaus, to care what her cake looked like. It was like eye sex, every glance they shared it made her feel different, it made her feel excitement? She wasn't sure what she was feeling, but it felt good.
After she blew her candles out, the cake was cut up and shared out. Stefan came over to her and Kat, and sat down. He wished her a happy birthday, then did something she wished he hadn't.
He leaned in and kissed her cheek, in front of Klaus. Her eyes went to him instantly, and of course he was watching her.
Klaus was beyond pissed off, he looked like he wanted to kill. Shaking his head at her she could almost, see the smoke coming from his nostrils.
Fear burning inside of her, Caroline was worried sick about Stefan. Every step Klaus took, every kick she felt inside.
"You need to go! Klaus is going to kill you, run Stefan! Run" she shouted at him. Stefan looked at her like she was crazy.
"What are you talking about? Why would Klaus kill me?" he even sounded confused.
Caroline didn't get much chance to tell him, Klaus's fist connected with Stefan's jaw. Stefan stumbled backwards Klaus swung for him again, Klaus was like a mad man.
Klaus wouldn't stop punching or kicking Stefan, it took seven men to pull Klaus off Stefan. Caroline felt so bad and guilty for Stefan.
After Klaus was literally dragged out the room, kicking and screaming. Caroline raced over to Stefan, who was curled up bleeding out badly.
She could see his bruises already breaking out of his skin. "I'm so so sorry Stefan." she cried out, she didn't want to touch him in case Klaus found out.
He seemed to run things around here, no point in pissing him off any more.
"Caroline it's not you're fault he did this." Stefan coughed out blood as he spoke. Oh but it is. Caroline frowned feeling so guilty she wanted to comfort him, but held back.
More staff members came over to Stefan then, helping him stand up. They carried him all the way to the doctor.
"What the hell has gotten into Klaus lately?" Kat asked as she came behind Caroline putting her arms around her.
Me I've gotten into Klaus's head and fucked him up even more.
"I'm sorry he ruined you're birthday Caroline. He's the reason they stopped celebrating anything, any more. He always has to go and ruin everything!" Kat sounded anger and sad at the same time.
But so was Caroline she didn't care that her birthday was ruined, she was anger at Klaus but upset for Stefan. "I'm going to make sure Stefan is ok." Caroline said as she peeled Kat from her.
"Ok see you later then." Kat said as she skipped away.
Caroline made sure she locked her bed room door that night, she had gone to bed early. Too tired from all the drama.
It was now half past eleven nearly the next day, she'd put herself to bed at nine o'clock and, still couldn't get to sleep.
"Caroline." she heard a whisper coming from behind her door. Knowing who it was she sat up, biting her lips. "Go away!" she hissed at him.
She heard a sigh, "Please let me in Caroline, I.. I just want to talk." Klaus sounded so lost, like a nervous boy almost.
Hating herself for standing up and slowly walking over to her door. Caroline unlocked the door, swinging it open she stood there looking angrily at him.
"I don't ever want to see you again." she sounded like she meant it, but she didn't.
Slamming her door shut Caroline forgot to lock it. Without realising Caroline crawled under her bed sheets, and laid down closing her eyes, as she let out a long sigh.
Then her door popped open, in pops Klaus strolling in. "Get out." she said with panic in her voice. Klaus doesn't get out instead he sits down on her bed, his eyes starring at her again.
Caroline couldn't read his facial expression, "Are you going to kill me?" she didn't beat around the bush.
"On you're birthday? Do you really think that low of me?" he was hurt and didn't bother to hide it. Caroline felt guilty for hurting him, he's a killer Caroline! He'll get over it, he needs to.
"Yes." there was a few minutes of pure silence, he had stopped starring at her now. He was looking down at her hands, that were playing with her bracelet. Which was a gift from her ex boyfriend Tyler.
Caroline had forgotten she had it on to be honest, even though she hated Tyler for what he had done to her, got her into. She still liked the bracelet he had stolen, for her.
"I love birthdays." he breathed out as his fingers, glazed over her bracelet.
He looked up at her giving her a blank expression, he was unreadable. It was starting to annoy her, why can't I read him like he reads me?
"I fancy you." Caroline hadn't been looking at him, until he said them three little words. But they weren't little were they, they were huge in Klaus's mind.
They both sat there saying nothing, just starring. It seemed to be there thing, starring.
"Is that so hard to believe?"
"Why?" he breathed, running his tongue against his bottom lip. The sadness creeping back into his eyes.
"Because you're evil, and evil people don't have feelings."
"If I was so evil why haven't I killed Bonnie yet? Why didn't I kill Stefan the second I saw him, watching you. Talking to you huh." he hissed, that evil glint came back into his eyes.
Caroline didn't know what to say to him, so she stayed quite. "Why did I only beat the absolute crap out of him, instead of killing him? If I'm so evil I'm clearly not doing a good enough job." he sounded so annoyed with her, like he was almost begging her to listen.
"So what! So you haven't killed Bonnie or Stefan yet, it doesn't mean you're not going to." she laughed mockingly.
Klaus huffed rolling his eyes, "I've changed."
"No you haven't."
"You've changed me.."
"You'll never change." Caroline started to shout.
Caroline threw her bedding off her, and she walked over to her window. She needed to breath, his words his eyes were all suffocating her. It was very dark now, and the stars shinning brightly.
"There beautiful aren't they." Caroline said as Klaus came and stood behind her. "Not as beautiful as you." she wanted to roll her eyes at his complement, but she held back.
"I've always wanted to go the moon. I wonder what it's like." she pondered.
"I've never really been anywhere.." she mumbled out, as she rested her head on her hands.
"I'll take you." that made her glance at him sideways, she looked annoyed at him. "Where ever you want. Rome, Paris, Tokyo? Or even the moon." he laughed at the moon part.
She laughed at him. "Wow!" laughing more Caroline turned fully around, he was laughing with her, thinking she had come around.
"It must be really nice to snap you're fingers, and get what ever you want." she hissed her hand found her hip, while the other hand snapped her fingers.
His smile dropped instantly, he looked almost upset, annoyed he looked human.
"Your assuming things." he growled darkly narrowing his baby blue eyes, she could read them clear as a day now.
"No you're the one who been assume things, when did you ever ask me if I fancied you? Oh by the way I don't!" lair lair bums on fire.
If Klaus wasn't showing how hurt her words made him, he was now..
"When did you ever ask me if I wanted to be friends, you just assume you can snap you're fingers, and you can have me. Well you're wrong." her voice was getting louder and louder. He was getting her all hot and bothered.
"What are you saying?"
"I'm saying I don't what you in my life, so fuck you're weird promises. Because from now on, I'll be friends with who I want." Caroline sighed proud she finally stood up to him.
She had a weird and odd feeling he wouldn't hurt her, even though he had bitten her before. He hadn't been violent towards her.
"Fine!" his voice was full of vomit. "You're free from me, but don't think for one second I'll let Stefan kiss you again. I'll back off for now, but if I can't have you neither can Stefan." his snarled at her.
She let out a deep breath, nodding her head. "Fine." Caroline spat turning her face away, not daring to look at him.
Minutes went by and it felt like hours to them.
"You know, this has been a fun evening but I think it's time I leave." he didn't want to leave, but he knew she needed some space.
She just needs time alone, she'll come back to me, I just know it. That's what he kept telling himself.
Caroline was back under her bed sheets, when Klaus stopped halfway in her door way, his back facing her. "Happy Birthday Caroline, sweet dreams love." It came out as a low whisper. She hardly heard him speak.
And then he was gone.
A full week had past and she hadn't heard from him, it bothered her too much.
She knew she was domed when she kept looking out for him, every where she went. Stefan had a few sticks in his face from Klaus's claws.
Stefan began to get clingy with her, so she soon put him in his place. They remained friends but just not fuck buddy's, like Stefan had wanted.
Soon Kat and Stefan began dating, it gave Kat the boost she needed, to finally love herself. The staff noticed her change, and offered her the chance to leave the hospital.
And Kat took it and no later after Kat left Stefan left too, eager to be with his girlfriend. They would send Caroline post cards when they went on holiday, letters when they were home, but Caroline still felt alone.
Klaus wasn't answering his door, when ever Caroline knocked. She debated wither to write him a message, asking him why he's ignoring her. But she didn't instead she stopped trying all together.
She hated him for making her feel this way. She wanted to see him, to hear him speak, to know he was ok.
More time went by and it dawned on Caroline, that she only had one more week left here. Will I ever get to see Klaus again? Do I even want?
Of course she did, but Caroline didn't want to admit that she could, possibly have feeling for a serial killer.
Caroline had gotten into a fight with Elena, Caroline was minding her own business when Elena, came charging over claiming that Caroline had changed Klaus, and that he wasn't the same. And how he wouldn't even touch her, let alone even speak to her.
Elena left a black bruise on Caroline's eye, Klaus found out and before you know it. Elena was found dead in her bath tub. Her blood splashed everywhere.
He had made it look like suicide, but everyone knew Klaus had done it, for Caroline to protect her.
Soon Caroline last day arrived and Caroline was extremely, sad that she still hadn't seen Klaus. Why do I always push people away? The one person on this whole planet, who cared for me, ran away from me. What's wrong with me?
Caroline felt so upset she didn't want to leave, all her things were packed up and ready. She was just waiting for her last bath, to cleanse away the demons as Bonnie would put it.
"Are you ready sweetheart?" Bonnie asked as she stood in the door way, waiting for her.
Sweetheart that's what he use to call me. But now he doesn't even say a word to me.
"Yeah." Caroline said sighing, she made her way over to Bonnie. They walked to the cleansing room, in silence.
Bonnie gave Caroline a tight squeeze, "I'm going to miss you around here, but I'm also glad to see you go." Bonnie said practically crying her eyes out.
Caroline smiled softly at her as she put her hands on Bonnie's shoulders, "Don't cry Bonnie, I might even end up back in here." Caroline laughed trying to make a joke out of it.
Bonnie didn't laugh, "Don't say that! I don't want to see you in here ever again, you hear me! I've put my number in you're phone, so if you ever need help, or just someone to talk to. I'll always be there."
Caroline could feel herself wanting to cry, "Thanks Bonnie." she hugged her then they said there goodbyes. "I'll come back in about an hour ok." Bonnie said before leaving Caroline, to undress.
Caroline heard the door lock as she climbed into, the warm salty bath. Goosebumps began to form, as the heat sunk into her ice cold skin.
Putting her head back Caroline closed her eyes, feeling totally relaxed. "I'm sorry he ruined you're birthday Caroline." Kat's word echoed in her mind.
"What the hell has gotten into Klaus lately?"
"I have. He wants me, only me."
"Are you going to kill me?" "On you're birthday.."
"Do you really think that low of me?"
"I don't"
Caroline gasped for air and her eyes shot open, her heart was beating very fast. She hadn't realised her hour was up, Bonnie should be here by now, shouldn't she?
Putting her hands on her chest, and taking deep breaths, to calm her speeding heart down.
But it wasn't working, every breath she took she saw him, heard him calling her. It wasn't until she heard a tapping noise, coming from the door.
Her eyes glanced to forwards the door, and there he stood. From what she could see of him, he was plastered in blood. His lips turned up into, a smile.
Caroline couldn't believe how happy she was to see him, she jumped out the bath. Not bothering to dry herself, or even cover her naked body up.
She stalked over to the door her smile in place, his eyes were busy running up and down, her naked body. He was excited before she opened the door.
Klaus is about to say something to her, but she cuts him off with a kiss. And just like their last two kisses, it's rough and ready.
He's taken back by her kiss, and yet again he's cut off speaking, but this time by a hard slap to his face.
"You'll never have me." he looked at her with questioning eyes.
"You'll never get to fuck me, you'll never get to see my face ever again." she honest for the first time in a long time, she honest with herself.
They stare deeply at each other then, he looking for answers, and she's looking for a response from him. But neither get it.
Caroline sighed feeling so disappointed in him, she thought he would fight for her. Make her stay, beg her to be with him. But he didn't he just kept starring at her.
Caroline walked over to the bath, and quickly threw her clothes on, not bothering to dry herself. She just wanted to get out as quickly as she could, get away from him. She was hurting too much, to look at him.
Standing in front of him now she looked at him, differently now. She stroked his cheek wanting to kiss him, but holding back. "Have a nice life Klaus." she said.
Pushing past him as she walked down the hall way, not stopping until he spoke.
"We'll see."
Her back was facing him, he was still starring at her back burning a hole through it. "See about what?" she asked not turning around.
"Wither I get to have you or not." she choice not to say anything back, and Klaus didn't see the huge smile on her face, as she walked away.
"See you soon my love." he shouted over at her, her heart jumped at his words. But I won't.
Caroline wasn't shocked to find dead bodies everywhere, she ran to Bonnie's office hoping to find her alive. And to Caroline's shock Bonnie was still in fact alive.
"Bonnie?" Caroline whispered. Bonnie was curled up into a ball, her body shaking violently, Caroline could hear her crys.
"What happened?" Caroline asked but she already had a clue.
Bonnie looked at her with tears in her eyes, "It was all for you." she mumbled. Huh? Caroline thought.
"He's done all this for you!" Bonnie said much louder this time, "He's killed everyone but me, for you Caroline. Don't you see." Bonnie whipped her tears away.
"He kept me alive for a reason, and I think you know why Caroline. You should have listened to me, I told you what he was like." Bonnie whined shaking her head.
"I'm..I'm sorry." Caroline whispered.
"It's not you're fault, not really. I mean you can't help it if the devil, fancies you. Can you." Bonnie stood up then.
"Come on lets get you checked out of here, the police are on there way."
Hey guys, this was longer than I wanted it to be, this is only part 1 as I'm going to have, to split it into two parts.
In the next part you'll see what happens a few years later, and wither Klaus will see her again, and if he does indeed get to fuck her! So pretty please review & follow & fav this story.
Much love Bambi x